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FIA Ranks and Salary in Pakistan 2025 | JobsAlert.pk
Monday, 3rd March, 2025
quote The world is but a provision, and the best provision of the world is a righteous woman. (Sahih Muslim, Book 8, Hadith 3469)

FIA Ranks and Salary in Pakistan 2025

FIA Ranks and Salary in Pakistan 2025

FIA ranks and salaries for their officers in Pakistan are listed here below, details may be a little bit different because every year they increase federal government employee pay in annual budgets.

The Federal Investigation Agency, commonly known as FIA is a federally operated agency working in Pakistan for Border Control, Criminal Investigation, Counter-Intelligence and Security Agency working under the supervision of the Interior Secretary of Pakistan. It is responsible for protecting the country against terrorism, espionage, federal crimes, smuggling, cybercrimes, and other specific crimes.

The Federal Investigation Agency was formed on 13th January 1975 almost 47 years back under the Ministry of Interior. Its Headquarters is located in Islamabad but it has various branches and field offices located in all major cities of Pakistan. The FIA also operates internationally with the cooperation and coordination of Interpol.

As recruitment fia gov pk Jobs are available to apply for Pakistani Nationals male & females who are waiting immensely for the FIA Jobs all year because these jobs are announced once a year.

It is the best opportunity for those wanted to be part of any force in Pakistan such as the Pak Army, Navy, and Air Force but here they can serve the nation by joining the Federal Investigation Agency by visiting i.e. www.fia.gov.pk.

Just for general knowledge, every year they open seats in different wings, after that, they publish fia roll number slips and then later they announce the result of the written test and in the end officials call you for an interview.

But before moving toward Federal Investigation Agency let’s discuss some commonly asked questions by the Pakistani Nationals i.e. what is the Salary of FIA? So, stick to this page to get the answer to your question.

FIA Officer’s Salaries in Pakistan 2025

If we take a look at the working categories operating under FIA Jobs then we find there is Uniform Staff & Civilian Staff working under the agency and both these categories have different pay scales according to which the agency offers salaries.

The FIA Civilian Staff has almost the same salary package as compared to other departments working under the Government of Pakistan but if we talk about FIA Uniform Staff then it has a different amount which is offered by the federal investigation agency. In the following, we’ll discuss different FIA Constable Salary, FIA Inspector Salary, and FIA Sub Inspector (SI) Salary packages in Pakistan.

FIA Constable Salary in Pakistan

Constable performs duties as Security Guard at FIA offices and has to perform the duty for at least 6 hours daily. If we talk about its salary then the Federal Investigation Agency offers a handsome salary package as compared to other federal government departments like Police, ANF, and ASF.

Initially, FIA offers Rs. 32,000/- salary package and in the following, we have provided you with complete details about its basic salary including Basic Pay Scale and Allowances.

                                             Accountant General Pakistan Revenues (AGPR), Islamabad

Monthly Salary Statement for Constable (BS-05)

Wage Type


Wage Type


0001 Basic Pay 10,760.00 0004 Special Pay 15.00
1210 Convey Allowance 2005 1,932.00 1300 Medical Allowance 1,500.00
1521 Fixed TA/DA 8,800.00 1532 Home Rent 7,625.00
1547 Ration Allowance 188.00 1567 Washing Allowance 150.00
1820 Utility Allowance 2690.00 2211 Adhoc Relief All 2016 10% 859.00
2224 Adhoc Relief All 2017 10% 1,076.00 2242 Adhoc Relief All 2018 10% 1076.00
2262 Monthly Investigation All 6,456.00 2264 Adock Relief All 2019 10% 1,076.00
2274 FIA Allowance 20% 2,152.00 2276 Anti-Org. Crime Allow 50% 5,380.00
3005 GPF Subscription -890.00 3501 Benevolent Fund -246.00
3609 Income Tax -78.00

Gross Pay (Rs.):  51,735.00          Deductions: (Rs.): -1,241.00        Net Pay: (Rs.): 50,521.00

FIA Ranks in Pakistan 2025

Salary, Benefits, Perks and Privileges other Pay Scales will be prescribed by Federal Government every year.

  1. Director General BPS-22
  2. Director BPS-20
  3. Deputy Director BPS-18
  4. Private Secretary BPS-17
  5. Assistant Director BPS-17
  6. Inspector BPS-16
  7. APS BPS-16
  8. Superintendent BPS-16
  9. Assistant BPS-15
  10. Stenotypist BPS-14
  11. SI BPS-14
  12. UDC BPS-11
  13. LDC BPS-09
  14. ASI BPS-09
  15. Head Constable BPS-07
  16. Driver BPS-07
  17. Constable BPS-05
  18. FC/Gunman BPS-05
  19. Daftari BPS-03
  20. Naib Qasid BPS-02
  21. Mali BPS-02
  22. Chowkidar BPS-01

Note: There are more different designations in functioning UNITs of FIA.

Above we discussed complete detail regarding FIA Salary 2025 is provided as per the official pay slip issued by Federal Investigation Agency. If you are among those looking for FIA Ranks and uniforms then the agency has not provided specific details about uniforms and ranks as compared to other armed forces like Army, Navy, Air Force, Police, and ASF.

FIA Officials Uniforms

The FIA uniform is quite similar to the Pakistan Navy uniform. But there is a bit change such as Shirt Color is a light grey for Male staff and Sky Blue for Female staff. So, for further details keep in touch with us and we’ll update you on further information regarding Federal Investigation Agency.

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  1. Hammad Rashid Abbasi says:

    FIA job

  2. ABDULLAH says:

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  3. Mathloob ur rahman says:

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  4. Moladad khaN says:

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  5. Muhammad Zubair says:

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