Shakargarh city is located in the northeast of Narowal district province Punjab, Pakistan and Jobs in Shakargarh 2024-2025 are available above. The total area of this city is 1,272 kilometers square and 491 square miles. It’s the headquarter of Shakargarh Tehsil and is located on the west bank of Ravi River. The area code of this city is 0542. The city is the gateway of Mughals who entered Gurdaspur for going Dehli and on the other side it was also considered as the gateway to Kashmir and is considered as a rest point for travelers and visitors. On July 1991 it acquired the status of a district. The city is still rich and is having fertile land and is agricultural land. The jobs in this city are advertised in newspapers and on internet websites for unemployed individuals in approximately all sectors. A number of the educational institutes are present in this city and all the basic necessities of human welfare are available in this city.