Rawalpindi city is located in the POTOHAR region of Punjab province, Pakistan and Latest Jobs in Rawalpindi 2024-2025 are given which means all those jobs announced especially for the residents of Rawalpindi will be available here. The city is ranked on 3rd number highest rank in the country and is the fourth largest city of Pakistan. The total area of city is approximately 108.8 square kilometers and 42.0 square miles. The military headquarters of Pakistan Army Forces are located in this populous city. The city established in meticulous manner in late 50’s after the establishment of the capital ISLAMABAD. The languages which are spoken in this city includes PUNJABI, MAJHI, POTOHARI, SHAHPURI and Urdu and English are well understood and spoken also. The city has a record history in assassination of various personalities which includes LIAQUAT ALI KHAN, ZULFIQAR ALI BHUTTO and BENAZIR BHUTTO. The climate of this city has long hot summers and short winters. The city has ample of educational institutes, visiting places, shopping malls and many more other facilities are there. The city’s economy is based on industries and mills. Mostly private sectors are successful in providing career opportunities to individuals.