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ASF Corporal/ASI Salary, Ranks Insignia & Uniform in Pakistan

ASF Corporal/ASI Salary, Ranks Insignia & Uniform in Pakistan

The Airports Security Force (ASF) is a Federal Government operated agency working under the control Secretary to the Government of Pakistan for Aviation. It is responsible for protecting the airports, facilities, and planes whether they are on the ground or in the air. Airport Security Force is very active against any illegal activity within its territory by adopting counter-terrorism measures, preventing crime, and maintaining law and order.

As, ASF Jobs are available to apply for nowadays and almost every young Pakistani seeking a position in ASF Pakistan now those who are waiting for these opportunities because all those aspirants are unable to join any other armed force in Pakistan i.e. Army, Navy, Air Force but here in such force they can serve the nation by joining Airport Security Force by visiting

But before moving towards Airport Security Force let me discuss some of the most common questions asked by the applicants What is the basic Salary of ASF? In the following, we’ll try to explain it in a simple model so that anyone can understand it easily and rush towards Airport Security Force jobs to apply as soon as possible.

ASF Salary in Pakistan 2025

There are two types of working categories operating under ASF Jobs i.e. Uniform Staff & Civilian Staff and both have different pay scales according to which salaries are offered by the authority.

The ASF Civilian Staff has almost the same salary package as compared to other departments working under the Government of Pakistan but if we talk about ASF Uniform Staff then it has different figures which the federal agency offers.

In the following, we’ll discuss different ASF Corporal Salary, ASF Inspector Salary, and ASF Sub Inspector Salary packages in Pakistan.

ASF Corporal Salary in Pakistan

Corporal performs duties as Security Guard at Airports ad he has to perform the duty for at least 6 hours daily. If we talk about its salary then the Airport Security Force Agency offers Rs. 30,167/- salary package and in the following, we’ll provide you complete about its salary including Basic Pay Scale and Allowances.

Monthly Salary Statement for Corporal (BS-07)

Wage Type Amount Wage Type Amount
0001 Basic Pay 16,310 1001 House Rent Allowance 45% 2,384
1210 Convey Allowance 2005 1,932 1300 Medical Allowance 1,500
1527 Hair Cutting Allowance 100 1530 Hill Allowance 200
1547 Ration Allowance 6,000 1567 Washing Allowance 150
1890 25% Special Allowance 838 1997 Risk Allowance (ASF) 3,110
2211 Adhoc Relief All 2016 10% 922 2224 Adhoc Relief All 2017 10% 1,099
2247 Adhoc Relief All 2018 10% 1099 2224 Adhoc Relief All 2019 10% 1099
5236 Adj Night Duty Allowance 1500
3011 GPF Subscription -1010 3501 Benevolent Fund -246


Gross Pay (Rs.):  31,423          Deductions: (Rs.): -1,256        Net Pay: (Rs.): 30,167

ASF ASI Salary in Pakistan

Assistant Sub Inspector (ASI) is a superior rank than Corporal and the Airport Security Force Agency offers higher salaries and benefits as compared to Corporal Jobs in Pakistan.

The duty timings are the same as for Corporal, so ASI also has to perform the duty for a maximum of 6 hours for which the agency offers Net Pay Rs. 32,484 and in the following, we’ll discuss the complete salary procedure including allowance and Basic Pay Scale.

Monthly Salary Statement for ASI (BS-11)

Wage Type Amount Wage Type Amount
0001 Basic Pay 12,570 1001 House Rent Allowance 45% 2,778
1210 Convey Allowance 2005 2,856 1300 Medical Allowance 1,500
1527 Hair Cutting Allowance 100 1530 Hill Allowance 200
1547 Ration Allowance 6,000 1567 Washing Allowance 150
1890 25% Special Allowance 1,029 1997 Risk Allowance (ASF) 2,058
2211 Adhoc Relief All 2016 10% 1,050 2224 Adhoc Relief All 2017 10% 1,257
2247 Adhoc Relief All 2018 10% 1,257 2224 Adhoc Relief All 2019 10% 1,257
5236 Adj Night Duty Allowance 1500
3011 GPF Subscription-Rs. 1,290 -1,0110 3501 Benevolent Fund -288


Gross Pay (Rs.):  34062            Deductions: (Rs.): -1,578        Net Pay: (Rs.): 32,484

ASF Ranks In Pakistan

Pakistan Airport Security Force Pay Scales & Ranks with order
Ranks Pay Scales
DG (Director General) NA
Assistant Director BPS-17
Insp (Inspector) BPS-16
SI (Sub Inspector) BPS-11
ASI (Assistant Sub Inspector) BPS-11
Cpl (Corporal) BPS-7
Sgt (Sergeant) NA

ASF Uniform for Males & Females In Pakistan

ASF (Airports Security Force) uniforms

Above Complete information regarding ASF Salaries is provided as per the instructions provided by Airport Security Force Agency officials. Their duties are taking care of all the airport aviation and many other important things, if you are interested in Civil Aviation, then CAA Jobs are also available to apply.

If you are among those who are wondering about the list of ASF rank names, monograms and uniforms then the agency has provided specific details, as compared to other armed forces like Pak Army Ranks, Pak Navy Ranks, Pak Air Force Ranks, and Police Salary.

ASF has a proper working structure and they operate professionally like all other forces in Pakistan. The ASF uniform is quite similar to Pakistan Rangers uniform. So, for further details keep in touch with us and we’ll update you on further information regarding Airport Security Force.

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  1. Mazhar Hussain says:

    I don’t get the roll number slip

  2. Aamer raza says:

    Asf test date

  3. Romialam says:

    How we are apply tou asf job I am apply tou asf job

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