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Latest Sub Engineer Jobs in Pakistan 2025
Sub Engineer Jobs in Pakistan 2025 Upcoming Latest Mar
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Gwadar Industrial Estate Development Authority Jobs 2017 Career Opportunities
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Get Gwadar Industrial Estate Development Authority Jobs 2017 Career Opportunities from this page. Applications are invited for the following posts in Gwadar Industrial Estate Development Authority from the well educated, disciplined, hardworking and well disciplined candidates for the vacancies such as (Assistant Computer Operator, Caretaker, Site Supervisor, Driver, Peon, Helper and Chowkidar). All these positions are based at Gwadar and after final selection the selected candidates have to perform their duties here. Candidates from areas nearby to Gwadar are eligible to apply, basically these positions are for the Balochistan domiciled candidates and those individuals wanted to apply for these positions are suggested to compare themselves with the criteria mentioned in the following image according to which for Sr. No. 1 Intermediate in Computer Science is required to apply for Sr. No. 2 & 3 Bachelors pass can apply and for all other positions Middle pass can apply. Age for all positions should be between 18 to 30 years and age relaxation is available as per Government Rules. Now for eligible candidates we’ll talk about how to apply procedure for all positions.
Gwadar Industrial Estates Development
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Graduation, Intermediate, Middle |
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Livestock & Fisheries Department Sindh Jobs 2017 Latest May Add
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Get the recent career opportunity from Livestock & Fisheries Department Sindh Jobs 2017 Latest May Add. Applications are being invited from the Livestock & Fisheries Department Govt of Sindh for the World Bank Assisted Program named "Accelerated Action Plan (AAP) for Reduction of Stunting and Malnutrition in Sindh (Fisheries Sector), Fisheries Wing is recently looking to hire the eligible, caliber and well disciplined applicants are required to apply to fill the following posts which belongs to Project Management Unit (PMU At Karachi) and Backyard Fish Hatcheries (Purely Field Jobs) include the following posts to be filled such as (Procurement Specialist, Environment Specialist, Monitoring & Evaluation Specialist, Financial Manager/ Accounts Officer, Data Entry Operator, Accountant, Senior Clerk, Typing Clerk (Female), Driver, Sweeper and Naib Qasid) are the PMU posts whereas next posts are entitled as (Biologist/Assistant Director (Fisheries), Assistant Engineer (Civil), Fisheries Development Assistant (FDA) (Male), Sub Engineer (Civil), Junior Clerk (Male), Labour/Fisherman, Chowkidar/Watchman) are the complete posts which needs to be filled with overall qualification of MBA, MS.c, MS, Masters, Graduation, BBA, M.Phil, B.E, Diploma, BS and Middle qualification is required from the well recognized institute along with relevant expertise are required to apply. Appointment will be done on contract basis and will be regularized after completion of probation period for two years and services can be terminated at any time during probation period on serving of one moth notice. So, now have a look on its applying criteria below.
Livestock & Fisheries Department
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | MBA, MS.c, MS, BBA, M.Phil, Masters, B.E, Graduation, Relevant Diploma, Middle |
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Director Health Services FATA Jobs 2017 Online Form Download Latest
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Applications are currently announced from this platform by Director Health Services FATA Jobs 2017 Online Form Download Latest. For the applicants of KPK/FATA its good news from Director of Health Services is hiring the well disciplined, caliber and adroit applicants are required under PSDP Development Scheme upto 30-06-2018 for Project titled as “Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI), FATA, single post for MNCH Program and single post for Type C-Hospitals Mashti Mela Orakzai Agency & Type-D Hospitals, South Waziristan Agency will hire the applicants on contract basis for to fill the following posts which are named as (Deputy Director Monitoring & Evaluation, Assistant Director M& E, EPI Coordinator/Epidemiologist, Provincial Superintendent Vaccination, District Superintendent Vaccination, Vaccinator, Deputy Director (Surveillance), Assistant Director (Surveillance), Deputy Director (Training), Administrative Officer, Assistant Administrative Officer, Data Manager, Transport Superintendent etc) and much more posts can be seen from the advertisement image. Domicile holders of FATA will be given preference. Overall qualification which is required against such posts include MBBS/MPH, MS.c, Bachelor’s, Relevant Diploma,, BDS, Graduation, Intermediate, B.A/ is required from well reputed institutes and relevant expertise are needed to hold these posts hastily. Appointment will be made on contract basis for the period of one year which will be extended further on account of satisfactory performance of the applicants. Females are encouraged to apply for such posts. Now, I will let you know about it’s applying criteria below.
Director Health Services
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | MBBS/MPH, MS.c, Bachelor’s, Relevant Diploma,, BDS, Graduation, Intermediate, B.A/ |
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PPSC Assistant Engineer Jobs 2017 in Irrigation Department Apply Online
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Here on 17th April 2017, we provide you PPSC Assistant Engineer Jobs 2017 in Irrigation Department Apply Online. Jobs in PPSC Punjab Public Service Commission are available and today we’ll discuss about its Advertisement No. 22/2017 in which you’ll have latest job opportunities announced in government departments of Punjab named as Irrigation Department Punjab and Agriculture Department for which it invites applications from the well educated, hardworking and well-disciplined candidates possessing any of the following qualification such as Masters in Statistics, Mathematics or Economics from a recognized university is required for Economic Statistical Investigator and BSc Engineering or BE Civil is required for the posts of Assistant Executive Engineer/Sub Division Officer/Assistant Design Engineer/Assistant Director Flood Monitoring/Assistant Director. Test for the vacant positions will be conducted by PPSC and test will be of MCQs type test of 100 marks of 90 minutes duration and it is compulsory for every candidate to pass the test with a good percentage for to qualify for Interview. So, viewers if you possess above-mentioned qualifications then you are welcome to apply as per the following how to apply procedure.
Punjab Public Service Commission
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Masters, Bachelors, Relevant Engineering Diploma |
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Traffic Engineering & Transport Planning Agency (TEPA) Jobs in Lahore 2017 NTS Form
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Get LDA Traffic Engineering & Transport Planning Agency (TEPA) Jobs in Lahore 2017 NTS Form at this page. TEPA is an important wing of LDA Lahore Development Authority which is responsible for the Traffic and Transport Planning and Development. TEPA jobs announced almost once in a year and today on 28th March 2017 Latest TEPA Jobs 2017 are announced according to which it invites applications from the suitable candidates Male/Female/Shemale having relevant qualification and experience for the following positions such as (Assistant Director (General Cadre), Data Entry Operator, Sub Engineer (Electrical & Mechanical), Assistant Draftsman, Accounts Clerk, Junior Clerk, Driver, and Peon). 15% of vacancies are reserved for women, 3% quota is reserved for disabled and 5% of vacancies are reserved for minorities. Initially, the appointment will be made on contract basis for a period of 3 years extendable subject to the satisfactory performance with the approval of the Competent Authority. Candidates willing to apply should hold qualification and experience as per the criteria mentioned in the following image such as:
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Masters, BA, B.Com, LLB, Intermediate, D.Com, I.Com, DCS, DAE, Matric, Middle |
Jobs in Pakistan FULL TIME
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NIH Islamabad Jobs 2017 Government of Pakistan Form Download
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Tap to this page for NIH Islamabad Jobs 2017 Government of Pakistan Form Download NIH abbreviated as National Institute of Health Islamabad invites applications from the Punjab, Sindh, KPK and Balochistan domiciled candidates who are well educated and experienced for the following positions such as (SSO (Chemical Engineering), Sr. Librarian, Senior Scientific Officer (Microbiology), Senior Scientific Officer (Clinical), Senior Scientific Officer (Pathology), Senior Scientific Officer (Immunology), Senior Scientific Officer (Parasitology), Statistical Officer, Manager Animal Farm, SO (Microbiology), Assistant Engineer (Civil, LDC, Assistant Store Keeper, Sub Engineer (Boiler), UDC, Store Keeper and etc). The vacant positions are on regular and contract basis and duration of the contract is extendable on satisfactory performance of the individual. Candidates willing to apply are suggested to read the criteria carefully mentioned in the following image according to which positions are for Masters / Bachelors / Intermediate / Matric pass candidates with relevant experience as per the demand of vacant positions. Now, let’s jump towards how to apply the procedure of the vacant positions given as per the rules of OTS.
National Institute of Health Islamabad
Gender: | Male, Female |
Experience: | 0, 1 years required. |
Education: | N/A |
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Primary & Secondary Healthcare Department Punjab Jobs 2017 March Add
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Here a recent job is knocking the doors of individuals from Primary & Secondary Healthcare Department Punjab Jobs 2017 March Add. Applications are invited from Primary & Secondary Healthcare Department is seeking to appoint the well qualified, hard working and experienced individuals for Project Management Unit for meant "Establishment of Monitoring & Implementation Unit (MIU) For Revamping of Emergencies of DHQ/THQ Hospitals of Punjab" the following posts are vacant to apply such as (Director Quality Assurance and Clinical Audit, Senior Project Manager (Medical Governance and Clinical Audit), Project Manager (Medical Governance and Clinical Audit), Project Manager (Quality Assurance), Project Manager (Pathology), Project Manager (Radiology), Senior Project Manager (Horticulture), Senior Project Manager Planning, Project Officer Planning, Project Manager Operations, Project Officer Operations, Project Manager (Civil), Project Officer (Human Resource), Quantity Surveyor, Sub Engineer, Assistant Accounts Officer, Project Officer (Portfolio), Project Manager Procurement, Procurement Officer and Research Associate) are the positions which needs to be filled with overall qualification of MBBS/FCPS/MCPS/ M.Phil, MS.c, BS.c, BSCS/MS, MBA, DAE, BBA/BS.c from well recognized university is required to apply for such posts. Attractive salary package will be given to the applicants with brilliant atmosphere.Now, after having such details let's throw light on it's further details.
Primary and Secondary Healthcare Department
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | MBBS/FCPS/MCPS/ M.Phil, MS.c, BS.c, BSCS/MS, MBA, DAE, BBA/BS.c |
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PIA Housing Society Lahore Jobs 2017 Staff Required Career Offers
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Get PIA Housing Society Lahore Jobs 2017 Staff Required Career Offers. Applications are being offered from the Pakistan International Airline Cooperative Housing Society Lahore intends to appoint the well disciplined, caliber and adroit applicants are required to apply for the following posts which include (Admin Officer and Sub Engineer Electrical) are required to apply for such posts. For first post the applicants should be having the BA whereas preference will be given to MA holders and should be well how know regarding the Cooperative Laws is required and for Sub Engineer Electrical the applicants should be having the 3 years Diploma from Technical Board with wiring expertise inside electrical lines expertise are needed to apply for such posts with 10 years experience is required in Machinery. Attractive salary package will be given to the applicants which will be decided at the time of interview. So, get employed if you meet the said criteria so apply as soon as possible. Now, let's head towards its applying criteria below.
PIA Cooperative Housing Society
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | BA, MA, DAE |
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Primary & Secondary Healthcare Department Punjab Jobs 2017 Online Form
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Here you will get the current job offer from Primary & Secondary Healthcare Department Punjab Jobs 2017 Online Form. Applications are being offered from the Primary & Secondary Healthcare Department Punjab is seeking to hire the energetic, caliber, adroit and well disciplined applicants are required for the Project Management Unit of Primary & Secondary Healthcare Department on contract basis for the following posts which include (Chief Financial Officer, Senior Project Manager (Healthcare Quality Assurance), Project Manager (Implementation & Coordination), Project Manager (Outsourcing), Project Manager (Operations), Project Manager (Audit & Accounts), Project Manager (Human Resource), Quality Assurance Officer, Project Officer (Civil), Project Officer (Architecture), Project Officer (Electrical), Network Support Officer, Admin Officer, Logistic Officer, 3D Expert & Visualizer, Communication Strategist, Data Analyst/Case Study Writer, Web Developer/Android App Developer, Senior Software Engineer, Accountant, Sub Engineer (Civil), Sub Engineer (Electrical), Deputy HR Officer, Assistant Procurement Officer, Assistant Admin Officer/Caretaker, Assistant Planning Officer, Assistant Network Support Officer and Computer Operators) are the given posts which needs to be filled by the applicants. Quota is reserved for females 15%, 3% for Disable applicants and 5% for Minorities. Now, I will discuss about its eligibility conditions and applying criteria below.
Primary & Secondary Healthcare Department
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | CA/ACA/MBA, MBBS/MPH, BBA, BS.c, BSCS,, B.E, MS.c, MBA, BS, Relevant Diploma |
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P&S Healthcare Department Punjab Jobs 2017 Walk In Interview Date
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Applications are invited from P&S Healthcare Department Punjab Jobs 2017 Walk In Interview Date. For all the candidates of Punjab here good and golden job opportunity has announced from the Primary & Secondary Healthcare Department a Govt body is searching the eligible, caliber, dynamic and professional applicants to be employed in this department and become fit for the following posts such as (Civil Engineer, Architect, Sub Engineer (Civil), Sub Engineer (Electrical), Draftsman and Quantity Surveyor) are the given posts for which the candidate are freshly invited to come for walk in interview against these posts. Being a Govt department of Punjab attractive salaries will be paid to the individuals after employment with fringe benefits and growth offers on account of the good conduct. Now, let's discuss rest of the details below heading wise.
Primary & Secondary Healthcare Department
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | BS.c, DAE |
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NUMS Rawalpindi Jobs 2017 National University of Medical Science Online Form
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Today at this leading job page i am going to throw light on a recent job offer from NUMS Rawalpindi Jobs 2017 National University of Medical Science Online Form. Applications are being invited from the National University of Modern Science Rawalpindi is inviting the adroit, well experienced, caliber and capable applicants are required to apply for the following positions which includes (Research Assistant to Professor (Behavioral & Social Sciences), Director IT, Deputy Director (Resource Development), Deputy Director IT, Assistant Director B&R, Assistant Director (Registration/Admission), Assistant Director (Quality Assurance/Enhancement), Assistant Director (Electronic Media & Printing including Networking and Public Relation), Assistant Director MIS (Software Development), Audit Officer, Manager MIS (IT), Secretarial Staff for Vice Chancellor Secretariat, Assistant Manager (IT), Assistant Manager (Software Development), Assistant Manager (Web Development), Assistant Manager (Database Development), Assistant Manager (Registration/Admission) etc) and much more positions are lying vacant on contract basis for a period of 3 years which will be renewable further. All the degrees should be HEC recognized will be accepted only. Attractive salary package will be given to the applicants with brilliant atmosphere to work. Now, i will throw light on its further requirements as below.
National University of Medical Sciences
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Masters, M.Phil, Ph.D, B.E, MS, CA, BA/BS.c/, FA/FS.c |
Jobs in Pakistan FULL TIME
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KPPSC Jobs 2017 For Veterinary Officers (Health) Apply Online
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Here in the following i am going to enlist the current job openings from KPPSC Jobs 2017 For Veterinary Officers (Health) Apply Online Applications are invited form the suitable, caliber, eligible, candidates to serve here in KPK Public Service Commission intends to hire the applicants in different departments as Agriculture, Livestock & Cooperative Department, Communication & Works Department, Elementary and Secondary Education Department, Environment, Forest & Wildlife Department, Home & TA's Department, Industries & Commerce Department, Irrigation Department, Law, Parliamentary Affair & Human Rights Department, Mines and Minerals Department, Police Department and Public Health Engineering Department is hiring the applicants for number of the posts which includes (Veterinary Officer (Health) (Quota for Women, Disable & Minorities, Junior Scale Stenographer, Planning Officer, Deputy Forest Ranger, Stenotypist, Research Officer, Community Development Officer, Computer Operator, Range Officer Wildlife, Junior Analyst etc) and much more posts are vacant which needs to be filled by the applicants as soon as possible. Both male and female are eligible to apply. Now, i will tell you something about the further details below.
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Public Service Commission
Gender: | Male, Female |
Experience: | 0, 1 years required. |
Education: | N/A |
New vacancies for Sub Engineer jobs 2025 and Sub Engineer openings jobs in 2026 are listed online with new Sub Engineer jobs posted daily. Previous Sub Engineer jobs 2024 can also be applied for online. Make money from home or the office by choosing the right Sub Engineer job for your qualification and experience. By applying to today's jobs at Sub Engineer Punjab, Sindh, KPK, Balochistan, Gilgit Baltistan, AJK, you join a growing team.