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How to Report Cyberbullying in Pakistan?

How to Report Cyberbullying in Pakistan?

Cyberbullying is considered the intentional use of computers to harass, threaten, humiliate, or injure people. Although regulations differ by nation, cyberbullying may quickly escalate into crimes. Getting in touch with police enforcement may be necessary to put an end to the conduct. Many teenagers have been startled to learn that their acts are illegal and that they would have to face severe penalties against it.

Suggestions for Reporting Cyberbullying

You can now take the next step in safeguarding your child and preventing such attacks on other children by comprehending the entire situation.

  • Take the initiative to stop cyberbullying.
  • Don’t wait to see whether the cyberbullying goes away. Take quick action to remedy the problem. Your youngster must understand that you can and will assist them.
  • Inform the school about cyberbullying.
  • If your kid has been the victim of cyberbullying, the unpleasant consequences are likely to have impacted their school experience.
  • Talk to your youngster about the steps.
  • It is critical to share your knowledge of the laws and processes with your child or teen. It helps in encouraging open communication while determining the correct course of treatment. Victims lose control as a result of cyberbullying. However, by involving your child in the problem-solving process, you can help them reclaim power.

Reporting Cyberbullying in Pakistan

Here’s what we found out among all the information we could find on the internet. There are now six viable methods for reporting cyberbullying.

1. Submit a complaint to the FIA.

Before submitting complaints, the first step is to write down your application in English or Urdu depends on your ease. Send your whole story to the FIA National Response Center for Cyber Crimes, along with any supporting proof.

2. Report from the lodge via IC3

IC3 accepts the online internet complaint against crime from the complainant or a third party.

3. The Citizens-Police Liaison Committee

The CPLC has established a women’s complaint cell to address women’s harassment concerns around the country. You can place your complaint on these numbers: 021-35662222 and 021-35682222.

4. Madadgaar National Helpline

From psychiatric therapy to legal aid, this is the group people turn to for assistance. It’s highly cost-effective and offers low prices to those who are less wealthy!

Cyberbullying report or cases in Pakistan

How to repost of file a case Cyberbullying in Pakistan

Threats of bodily violence should be reported to the authorities as soon as possible. If there haven’t been any threats like this, consider the following:

Listen carefully when your child is speaking

Cyberbullying victims are vulnerable; therefore, how you respond will undoubtedly play a significant role. What do you mean by this? The first step is to listen to your child without passing judgment simply. Ask gentle inquiries like

  • How long have you been subjected to cyberbullying?
  • Who are the people involved, and what are their names?
  • What kind of bullying did you face?
  • Are you in need of a hug?

The last bullet is mainly insignificant. But a hug from a loved one to make the anguish go away. Keep any evidence of cyberbullying, including preserved text conversations, social media posts, and website entries. This will come in handy if documentation is needed in the future.

Encourage your youngster to be honest with you

Always build friendly behaviour with your child and tell them any restrictive conduct. They won’t have anything to report, but children and teenagers frequently lash out, complicating issues. Assure them that when their cyberbully is faced, the truth will emerge.

Reassure them that avoiding being upfront about their behavior will leave them in even worse shape. If there is proof of their conduct, make a note of it.

If your child has reacted, take measures

If your kid has reacted with cyberbullying of their own, you must educate them on how such behavior always fails spectacularly. The claim that “the other child began it” is untrue.

Your youngster must take responsibility for their actions and cannot blame them on others. They should expect the same standard to be used to any cyberbullying they engage in if they seek justice against any crime.

Block and notify service providers about cyberbullying

Assist your child in taking precautions online to avoid being contacted by cyberbullies. Cyberbullies should be reported to the site or service provider where the cyberbullying took place.

Cyberbullying occurrences should be dealt with as soon as possible by responsible sites. Assess what kind of support your child could require once you’ve grasped the magnitude of the situation and how they feel.

If you look into cyberbullying platforms in Pakistan then Facebook, Whatsapp, Instagram, Tiktok and Twitter are the main streamlines with huge internet users.

Final Thoughts

Cyberbullying is an issue that is difficult to solve in cultures that have progressed enough to have the capability to communicate with other people online. Cyberbullying may harm anybody, but it is especially prevalent among today’s youngsters. If we can stop this horrible conduct when kids are young, they are less likely to continue down that road.

Unfortunately, this will not be a simple process. This will need schools, especially parents, to become aware of the issue and address it. Eliminating cyberbullying will require a collaborative effort and will not be accomplished overnight.

The most frequently asked question is “how to file a case cyber bullying? or How to Report a Cybercrime in Pakistan?“, it is because our people are unaware of filling things, FIA (Federal Investigation Agency) is our premier agency in Pakistan where we can register a complaint against criminals.

The only way to case a file on Cyber Crime Wing with complete shreds of evidence (pictures, screenshots, videos and others) against that person. Every legal action will be taken by Government authorities after proper investigation.

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