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How To Join Pak Army after Graduation for Females in 2023
Tuesday, 4th March, 2025
quote لَآ اِلٰهَ اِلَّا اللهُ وَحْدَهٗ لَا شَرِيْكَ لَهٗ لَهُ الْمُلْكُ وَ لَهُ الْحَمْدُ يُحْىٖ وَ يُمِيْتُ وَ هُوَحَیٌّ لَّا يَمُوْتُ اَبَدًا اَبَدًاؕ ذُو الْجَلَالِ وَالْاِكْرَامِؕ بِيَدِهِ الْخَيْرُؕ وَهُوَ عَلٰى كُلِّ شیْ ٍٔ قَدِیْرٌؕ (4 Kalimah Tawheed)

How To Join Pak Army after Graduation for Females

How To Join Pak Army after Graduation for Females

Here we are going to share with you the complete information about How To Join Pak Army After Graduation for Females 2024. For girls joining the Pak army is one of the best fields to do duty after fresh graduation/bachelor and that will help them to groom very effective and disciplined way in Pak army, but the basic reason why they are unable to perform their services for Pakistan Army is that they don’t know the proper way that how they can join Pak Army.

Girls, you do not need to worry about this because here we are going to discuss with you the proper procedure in different steps, in which each and every piece of information about jobs for fresh graduates in the Pak army is discussed in detail. We make it very easy for you to make it understand how fresh female graduates can join the Pak Army and which are the different fields in which you can apply.

So read all the instructions given below and fulfill your dreams of being a part of the Pakistan Army. If you are not well educated like Graduation/Masters but have completed your intermediate level education then take a look at how to join army after fsc pre medical for females from our site named www.JobsAlert.pk. There are many different courses through which females can join the Pak Army after graduation, from all here we have discussed one of the Lady Cadet Courses through which females can join the Pak Army after Graduation. Read very carefully the information given below and make your dream come true by joining the Pak Army.

Join Pak Army as Captain Through Lady Cadet Course (LCC):

Those female candidates who are passionate and willing to join Pak Army can join Pak Army as Captain through Lady Cadet Course (LCC). There are many other cadet courses in Pak Army for females but here we are going to discuss one of them. There are other cadet courses in the medical field as well but here we are going to discuss the engineering field in which females can apply to join Pak Army.

Those females who have the ability to join Pak Army and those who have the ability to stand equally within the men armed forces to serve the nation can join Pak Army as Captain through Lady Cadet Course (LCC). The complete information is given below so read it carefully and follow these steps to join Pak Army.

Eligibility Conditions:

Here in the following steps, we are going to discuss the eligibility conditions, in which required criteria female candidates are eligible to apply for the Pakistan Army and how they can perform their duties, and how they can serve the nation by joining Pakistan Army. Each and every point is discussed in detail so that you can easily understand the whole criteria for joining the Pak Army. So, all the female candidates read it carefully about joining the Pakistan Army.

Category of Selection:

In the above, we have discussed the main lady cadet course through which women can join Pak Army, but there are different classifications under the Lady Cadet Course (LCC) and all the classifications are discussed below, there are six different categories in which females can apply to join Pak Army after graduation. All the categories which going discussed below are after graduation.

1: Corps of Engineers (Engrs):

One of the categories for females candidates is that females can join Pak Army. Females can apply in the Corps of Engineers (Engrs) category this category is based on the engineering field and complete information about required qualifications is given below.

  • BE – Civil Engineering
  • BE – Architectural Engineering
  • BE – Town Planning Engineering

The complete information about qualifications required for the Corps of Engineers (Engrs) is mentioned above.

2: Corps of Signals (Sigs):

Know are going to discuss the second category which comes under the lady cadet course which is the Corps of Signals (Sigs) and complete information about the required qualification is given below.

  • BE – Telecommunication Engineering

The required qualification for Corps of Signals (Sigs) is BE. Telecommunication Engineering and this category of selection are based on telecommunication engineering.

3: Army Services Corps (ASC):

In the third category, we are going to discuss the Army Services Corps (ASC) in which females can also apply to join Pak Army after graduation. And information about the required qualification is given below.

  • MSc in Petroleum Engineering.

All those females candidates who are willing to join Pak Army in Army Services Corps (ASC) Category must have the qualification MSc in Petroleum Engineering, after having such qualifications female candidates are eligible to apply for the Pak Army.

4: Corps of Ordinance (Ord):

Female candidates can also apply for this category which is the Corps of Ordinance (Ord), and the required qualification for this category is given below that you can understand easily.

  • BE / BSc – Textile Engineering

All those female candidates who are willing to apply for the Pak Army in the Corps of Ordinance (Ord) category must have qualification BE / BSc – Textile in Engineering, after having such qualifications female candidates are eligible.

5: Corps of Electrical & Mechanical Engineers (EME):

Here is another category for female candidates in which females can apply to join Pak Army after graduation, and this category is the Corps of Electrical & Mechanical Engineers (EME), and required qualification for this category is given below.

  • BE – Electrical / Electronics
  • BE – Mechatronics / Avionics
  • BE – Computer Engineering

All those female candidates who have such qualifications which is mentioned above can apply for the Pak Army in the Corps of Electrical & Mechanical Engineers (EME) category.

6: Information & Computer Technology Officers (ICTO):

Here is the last category in Lady Cadet Course which is Information & Computer Technology Officers (ICTO) in this category females can also apply for Pak Army and the required qualification for this category is given below.

Pak Army Jobs for Females 2024 After Graduation

How To Join Pak Army after Graduation for Females & Girls

  • BE Computer Engineering
  • B.E / BCS in Computer Software / Computer System and Geo-Informatics.
  • MCS / Master in Computer Engineering
  • Master in Software Engineering
  • MS (IS). Geographical Information System (GIS) & Remote Sensing

In the above, we have mentioned the complete information about the required qualification for every category which comes under Lady Cadet Course and you can examine every category separately and qualification criteria for every category are also mentioned separately. So all those female candidates who have such qualifications and they desire to join Pak Army must apply to join Pak Army.

Common Features:

Some of the common features rather than of all above mention qualifications are given below, that if some of the candidates have these common features so they are also eligible to apply for the Pak Army. So, common features are given below follow these common features and apply to join Pak Army.

  • Min CGPA 2.5 out of 4 or Min 62.5% Marks in annual system.
  • M.Phil / MS / MSc will be given preference.
  • No 3rd Division or Grade D and only one 2nd Division / Grade C throughout the academic career.
  • Candidates only graduated from HEC / PEC recognized universities or foreign universities recognized by HEC.
  • Candidates who acquired qualifications as private candidates are not eligible.

Required Age:

In the following, we are going to discuss with you that in which required age of female candidates are eligible to apply for the Pak Army.

  • 28 Years – Relaxable up to 35 Years in case of better qualification/experience on the recommendation of the GHQ Selection Boars.

Marital Status:

Under this heading, we going to discuss the marital status of a female candidate, in which status a female candidate is eligible to apply for the Pak Army after graduation for females.

  • Female                 Unmarried

Well, female candidates are only eligible to apply for the Pak Army only when their marital status is unmarried, that unmarried female candidates are eligible to apply for the Pak army after graduation.


  • The candidate must be a Citizen of Pakistan.
  • Such a candidate is also eligible if he has a domicile of Azad Kashmir / Gilgit Baltistan.
  • If any of the candidates have dual nationality, so he has to surrender nationalities other than Pakistani.

Minimum Height:

  • Female Candidates                         5’. 2” (157.5 cm)
  • As per the Body Mass Index.
  • 3.5 Maximum (Near / Far Vision)

Ineligibility Conditions:

In the above, we discussed the eligibility conditions. So, now here we are going to discuss all the points related to ineligibility conditions. That in which circumstances female candidate is not eligible to apply for the Pak Army or how a candidate can be eliminated from the selection procedure. So, read the ineligibility conditions mentioned below.

  • A candidate with a specific higher qualifications is eligible even if she is twice rejected by ISSB for Graduate Course or equivalent Naval / PAF Courses.
  • A candidate with specific qualification, who is rejected once by ISSB for Graduate Course or equivalent Naval / PAF Courses and once rejected for specific higher qualification entry, will not be eligible for third chance.
  • Permanently declared UNFIT by Appeal Medical Board.
  • Declared medically unfit due to Hepatitis B & C (Appeal Medical Board cannot be requested).
  • Declared medically by any Armed Forces Hospital except those cleared by Appeal Medical Board.
  • Withdrawn from any Academy / Training Institution of Armed Forces on any ground.
  • Withdrawn from any bonded Armed Forces college/institution on disciplinary grounds.
  • Dismissed / removed / debarred from Govt. Service including Armed Forces.
  • Convicted in a Court of Law for an offence involving moral turpitude.

Registration Procedure:

Registration Procedure to join Pak Army is given below, there is not any other way of registration rather than of given below and after registration candidate will get the roll no slip and candidate will bring roll no slip at the time of the test.

  • Candidate can register himself online using the internet, and after registration, the complete schedule of the test will be sent on the candidate’s email account.
  • The other way of registration is that candidate can appear physically in AS&RCs selection center along with all relevant documents and prospectus fee.

Selection Procedure:

The Complete Information about the selection procedure in detail is given below in different steps, that you can understand it easily.

  1. Written/Intelligence Tests:
    Professional Written / Intelligence tests based on multiple-choice questions will be conducted at AS&RCs.
  2. Preliminary Medical Tests:
    Candidates will undergo an initial medical test at AS&RCs.
  3. Physical Tests:
    Female candidates to qualify 1.6 KM run in 14 Minutes.
  4. ISSB Tests:
    Short-listed candidates will receive intimation for ISSB tests through the website as well as call letters.
  5. Further Selection:
    Detailed Medical examination of candidates after passing the ISSB test will be held at nearby CMHs. Candidates who have passed their ISSB test and medical examination will be called for interview by GHQ Selection Board at Quetta, Karachi, Multan, Lahore, Rawalpindi, and Peshawar. Final Selection will be made at GHQ on the basis of the candidates overall performance.
Training Period:

After the selection procedure, selected candidates will appear for training period whose detail is given below.

  • 6 months of training at PMA.
Documents Required:

Complete information about the documents required at AS&RCs is given below, in which complete information about the required documents is given that which document is necessary to provide at AS&RCs.

  • Original certificates / detailed Marks Sheets along with two attested photocopies of each educational certificate/degree/ diploma.
  • Candidates serving in Govt. Institutions / Departments will render No Objection Certificate of the concerned Establishment.
  • Attested photocopy of domicile.
  • Photocopy of Computerized National Identity Card.
  • 6 x coloured photos duly attested (front and back).
  • A crossed postal order of Rs. 100.00 in favour of Director General Personnel Administration (DGPA), GHQ Rawalpindi.

Job Agreement After Selection:

After the complete selection procedure, finally selected candidates will sign an agreement to serve the Pakistan Army for a minimum time period of 7 years. The applicability of the agreement will commence on successful completion of basic military training at PMA Kakul.

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Xaibi Aslam
An experienced professional in Pakistan, specializes in blog articles covering various aspects of job-related topics. These articles include practical insights into joining organizations, understanding salary structures, and navigating hierarchical ranks within companies. By offering comprehensive analyses, the author provides valuable guidance for readers seeking to navigate the unique challenges and opportunities in the Pakistani job market. The articles serve as a valuable resource, demystifying recruitment processes and offering insights into career growth and development.

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  1. Nazakat says:

    Sir, my daughter is a student of BSEE (5th Semester). Can she join Pak Army as Lady Offr her current CGPA is 3.4.

  2. Iqra says:

    Main ny ics kia h . Main army join krna chahti hn plzzz tell me can i join army after ics?

    1. Mahnoor says:

      W/aSLAM U CANT COX HERE Graduation is mentioned.

      1. uzmaillyas says:

        A.o.a i’m doing masters in information technology in last semester .currently CGPA is 3.2 can I Apply for pak army plz reply me

        1. Mahnoor says:

          W/Asalam, Uzma yes u can but this post is about the overall information but u need to wait for opportunities.

          1. uzmaillyas says:

            thanks for reply accentually I did Ics and then B.A and elective subject was computer subjects same as that BSc computer sci and now doing MIT I want to know that is enough to join Pak army or not.

            1. Mahnoor says:

              its my great pleasure that u pleased uzma actually in this matter i once again suggest u the same that for Army each and every degree matters how that it depends on the course and branches and type of the post so i suggest u that keep in touch with this page for Army jobs. Hope so u will get my point.

          2. uzmaillyas says:

            aoa thanks alot k ap ne reply kia acctually maine ics kia he us k bad B.A us men bhi computer prah he jo bsc k std ko prhaya jata he or ab main mit kr rai hn to mjy janna he k ye enough he army k liy k ni plz reply zarur karye ga

            1. Mahnoor says:

              W/Salam, its my pleasure Apka swal phr bhi wphi hai uzma meien apko kafi detail mein btaya ke army ke liye degress kbhi to intermediate bhi enough hoti hain kbhi matric kbhi kiya to i think app wait kren apney touch ki vacancies ke liye.

              1. uzmaillyas says:

                ok thanku so mush reply krny k liy

                1. Mahnoor says:

                  Ur welcome ever.

  3. Awais says:

    A.o..a I am doing fsc pre medical 2nd year CAn. I join pak army or she I can join.plzzz replay it fast

    1. Mahnoor says:

      hERE QUALIFICATION ARE MORE THAN FS.c u need to read out the post.

  4. samrachaudary says:

    Islam o alaikum sir many FA psychology kr rhi ho mujy army join krni ha plzzzzzzz mujy btae ma kya kro Mary abo army tha lakin WO saheed ho gy mujy garort bi ha plZzzzzzz help me

    1. Mahnoor says:

      if ap sari requirements ko pura krti hai to phr apply kren.

  5. natasha fiaz says:

    dear admin:
    I am doing my bs in computer science and completed my 2 semesters (1 year) can i apply now if yes then how?? if no then when??
    please reply me soon and also tell me how much percentage is required if i can apply now
    or if after completing my bs
    i am passionate please do reply me and mention my name when you reply that i can understand esaliy.
    I’ll be thankfull.

  6. maya says:

    Aoa. I m faiza.I have done F.sc ,Now I want to join pak army.So plz can you tell me.how whould i pak army on F.sc base.reply must.

  7. saba batool says:

    females can apply for 139 pma??

  8. Duazahra says:

    Fsc medical k sth commission apply kr sqty hyn captain k liay

  9. ramsha says:

    plz plz reply me

    1. Mahnoor says:

      What u wanna ask?

      1. ramsha says:

        If i can do m.a english then i can join pak army plzplz plz reply me

  10. shama says:

    I am doing bsc computer science mary liay kon si field hai army main

    1. Mahnoor says:

      Its upto the field as jobs will come u have to be in touch wd this page for such details because its upto the post and this post is as general information.

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