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Latest LDC Jobs in Pakistan 2025
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PWD Department Islamabad Jobs 2016 West Zone PTS Test & Sample Paper
(Job Expired)
Today on 21st of September a well and god job offer is there from PWD Department Islamabad Jobs 2016 West Zone PTS Test & Sample Paper. The applications are being invited from the Pakistan Public Works Department (West Zone) is inviting the applicants for the regular posts for which the services of high profiled, minimum education holder and well disciplined applicants are required to apply for the following posts which includes Upper Division Clerk (UDC), Lower Division Clerk (LDC), Junior Draftsman and Accounts Clerk are required to apply for these post with the eligibility criteria overall which is required for these posts includes Matric and Intermediate with shorthand typing expertise and Diploma in Architecture or Draftsman course of 9 months from any well reputed Polytechnic Institute is required. Age limit should be 18 to 25 years and 5 years age relaxation will be given to the applicants. The domicile holders of Balochistan are eligible to apply. Attractive salary package will be given to the applicants with brilliant atmosphere will be given to the applicants. So, after having these details now let’s move on to have all sort of details of its applying further.
Pakistan Public Works Department
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Intermediate, Matric |
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Pak Public Works Department PWD Jobs 21 Sep 2016 Ministry of Housing & Works
(Job Expired)
Here at this page you’ll get Pak Public Works Department PWD Jobs 21 Sep 2016 Ministry of Housing & Works. Jobs for Upper Division Clerk, Lower Division Clerks, Accounts Clerk, Junior Draftsman and Receptionist has been announced by Pakistan Public Works Department (PAK-PWD) Islamabad for South Zone for which it invites applications from the Sindh Urban / Sindh Rural domiciled candidates who are well educated, skilled and hardworking against above mentioned regular positions. Candidates willing to apply are suggested to read eligibility criteria first before apply against any vacant position and if we talk generally about required qualification then for Sr. No. 1 Intermediate pass can apply and for all other positions Matric pass candidates can apply and every candidate should computer literate and have relevant experience and age of candidate should be between 18 to 25 years. So, those candidates who fulfill the criteria are suggested to apply as per the following how to apply procedure by PTS because PWD has authorized this testing organization to conduct recruitment against above mentioned positions.
Pak Public Works Department
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Intermediate, Matric |
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Pakistan Public Works Department Jobs 2016 Pak PWD Form
(Job Expired)
Tap this page and on September 21, 2016 we provide you Pakistan Public Works Department Jobs 2016 Pak PWD Form. Government of Pakistan Ministry of Housing and Works is a reputed Ministry of Pakistan and department working under it named at Pakistan Public Works Department Islamabad has announced regular basis positions for Central Cadre for its offices all over Pakistan for which it invites applications from well educated, skilled and hardworking applicants for the following numerous positions such as (Assistant, Stenotypist, Sub Engineer (Civil), Sub Engineer (E/m), Estimator (Civil), Estimator (E/M), Horticulture Supervisor, Senior Draftsman, UDC, Junior Draftsman, Model Maker and LDC). Department has done allocation of provincial / regional quota in such way that in above positions some positions are on Open Merit basis, Punjab, KPK, Sindh, Balochistan, Northern Area / FATA, AJK, Woman and Minorities quota is also available. Candidates willing to apply should read the eligibility criteria first before apply against any vacant position such as in required qualifications Graduation / Intermediate / Matric and relevant diploma is required and age of candidate should be 18 to 25 years. So, viewers take advantage from this opportunity and apply as soon as possible and get chance to have handsome salary package starting from Rs. 20000 to 40000 PKR or above. So, now in the following we’ll talk about how to apply procedure for the vacant positions as per the rule of PTS.
Pakistan Public Works Department
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Graduation, Intermediate, Matric |
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Military Dental Centre Badin Jobs Sep 2016 LDC Naib Qasid
(Job Expired)
Today at this job page you will get the latest job offer from Military Dental Centre Badin Jobs Sep 2016 LDC Naib Qasid. The applications are being invited from the Pakistan Army’s affiliated Military Dental Centre of Badin is looking to appoint the caliber, adroit, capable and diligent applicants are required to fill the following vacant situations which includes Lower Division Clerk, Naib Qasid and Sanitary Worker are required to apply for these posts. Now, let’s look towards the eligibility criteria of these posts as for Sr No,1 the applicants should be Matriculate from a recognized board and possess the full command on computer skills and 30wpm typing speed if required. Whereas, retired Army Clerk preferably (AMC-Clk ) will be given preference the most. For rest of the two posts the Primary and Literate persons are eligible to apply and for the post of Sanitary Worker post the non-muslim candidates will be preferred the most. Enough salary package will be given to the applicants with comfortable atmosphere and growth offers. Age limit should be 18 to 25 years. Now, let’s have a look on its applying criteria below.
Military Dental Centre
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Matric, Primary, Literate |
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National Council for Homeopathy Jobs 2016 Application Form Download
(Job Expired)
Here at this page you’ll have National Council for Homeopathy Jobs 2016 Application Form Download. A Federal Government medical institute named as National Council for Homeopathy Islamabad invites applications from the suitable candidates for the appointment against the following positions such as (Controller of Examination, Stenotypist, Lower Division Clerk, Driver, Daftary and Chowkidar). All positions are going to recruit on merit basis, except the post of LDC because this post will recruit on Balochitan quota. Candidates willing to apply should compare themselves with the criteria mentioned in the following image and according to the criteria candidates should hold Bachelors degree for Sr. No. 1 and for all other positions Matric pass candidates can apply. If we talk about experience then for all positions fresh candidates can apply but if anyone has experience then it would be an extra advantage. So, viewers take advantage from this opportunity and apply as soon as possible because here you’ll be able to earn salary package as per the policy of Government of Pakistan which means you’ll much handsome salary package. So, now let’s jump towards how to apply procedure given below.
National Council for Homeopathy
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Graduation, Matric, Middle, Primary |
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Bureau of Emigration and Overseas Employment Jobs Sep 2016 NTS Online Form Download
(Job Expired)
Today at this job platform you will have the career offers from Bureau of Emigration and Overseas Employment Jobs Sep 2016 NTS Online Form Download. The applications are being invited from the Bureau of Emigration and Overseas Employment is currently looking and is inviting the experienced but the minimum qualification holders are required to apply for the posts of Lower Division Clerk and Naib Qasid. The eligibility criteria for the post number one includes Matric with typing speed of 30 wpm whereas for the post of Naib Qasid the Primary pass applicants are and those who have been retired from the Armed Forces for them 5% quota is reserved to apply. For the 1st post the applicants will be posted anywhere in Pakistan but for the 2nd post the applicants will be posted in Islamabad. NTS is authorized to conduct the test against these posts. Age limit should be 18 to 25 years for both the posts and the salary package will be given as per post scale. Appointment will be done on temporary basis. So guys, if you are having such requirements so be the first one to apply against these posts and get rid of unemployment. Now, let's move towards its applying criteria below.
Bureau of Emmigration and Overseas Employment
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Matric, Primary |
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Military College Murree Jobs Aug/Sep 2016 For LDC Driver Career Opportunities
(Job Expired)
Here i am going to throw light on the recent and well-fancied organization job from Military College Murree Jobs Aug/Sep 2016 For LDC Driver Career Opportunities. For all those candidates who are lover of Military jobs and always remain in search of such jobs so here a wonderful opportunity is there to be availed and one can get employment of any of this job of their own choice. For such jobs the services of experienced, educated, adroit and well disciplined applicants are required to apply against the following posts which includes LDC, Driver, Chowkidar, Mess Waiter, Room Boy and Sanitary Worker are required to apply against the following posts. So, for the Sr No,1 the eligibility criteria which includes Matric in English with Urdu Typing with Office Management and Computer operating works are included in the list of its eligibility and for the Sr No,2 the applicants should be having the Driving License with Matric education and 5 years car driving expertise are required to apply against this post and for rest of the posts only Primary pass applicants are required to be hired for these posts. The quota is available for the Sindh, Balochistan and KPK for Sr No,1 post and rest of the posts are on merit basis. Age limit should be 30 years. So, these all are the enough details to apply. Now, i will discuss about its applying criteria below.
Mlilitary College
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Matric, Primary |
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Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Resources Jobs 2016 MTS Form Download
(Job Expired)
Here on 21st August, 2016 you’ll have Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Resources Jobs 2016 MTS Form Download Jobs in Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Resources (Policy Wing) are available and it is has authorized MTS Merit Testing Service to collect applications and conduct written / screening test for the recruitment. The MTS invites applications from the suitable candidates for the following positions such as (Stenotypist, Assistant, Accounts Assistant, Draftsman, Lower Division Clerk, Naib Qasid, Farrash and Chowkidar). Above mentioned positions are on contract basis which can be extendable on satisfactory performance of individual. Department has set separate quota for Punjab, Sindh Urban, Merit Basis, Gilbit Baltistan / FATA, KPK and Punjab Women, so eligible candidates under above mentioned quotas can apply for the vacant positions. Candidates need to read the eligibility criteria first and then they should apply for the vacant positions and according to the criteria in required qualification Graduation, Intermediate, Matric and Primary with relevant diplomas is required and those candidates who fulfill these requirements need to apply as per the following how to apply procedure given below.
Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Resources
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Graduation, B.Com, Intermediate, Matric, Primary, Relevant Diploma |
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National History and Literary Heritage Division Jobs 2016 LDC Lower Division Clerk
(Job Expired)
Here on 11th August, we offer you National History and Literary Heritage Division Jobs 2016 LDC Lower Division Clerk. Jobs in National History & Literary Heritage Division Islamabad, Ministry of Information, Broadcasting and National Heritage are available it invites applications from the Punjab and Local residents of Islamabad who are educated, skilled and hardworking against the following positions such as (LDC and Naib Qasid). National History & Literary Heritage Division reserves the right to reduce or enhance the number of posts. Appointment of these positions will be held on contract basis which is further extendable on satisfactory performance of individual. Candidates willing to apply should compare themselves with the eligibilities mentioned in the following image according to which for Sr. No. 1 Matric pass candidates can apply and for Sr. No. 2 Primary pass candidates can apply and age required for both positions should be between 18 to 25 years. So, viewers if you possess above mentioned eligibilities then you are welcome to apply as per the following how to apply procedure given below.
National History and Literary Heritage Division Islamabad
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Matric, Primary |
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Ministry of Industries and Production Jobs 2016 Application Form Download
(Job Expired)
Here on 11th August, we offer you Ministry of Industries and Production Jobs 2016 Application Form Download. Latest Job opportunities are available on different quotas such as on Punjab Quota, Sindh Quota, KPK Quota, Open Merit Quota, Minorities Quota and Women Quota for which it invites applications against the vacant posts such as (Assistant, Stenotypist, UDC, LDC, Naib Qasid and Sweeper). All positions are on Temporary basis which are likely to be continued on satisfactory performance of individual. Only those candidates who fulfill the conditions mentioned in the following image are eligible to apply and according to the criteria for the Assistant’s Post Graduation degree is required, for Stenotypist’s post Intermediate with minimum speed of 80/40 words per minute in shorthand / typing in English respectively, for UDC’s post Intermediate, for LDC’s post Matric degree and for all other positions Primary pass candidates can apply. So, viewers after providing you complete information about requirements now we’ll jump towards how to apply procedure which is compulsory for everyone to apply accordingly.
Ministry of Industries and Production
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Graduation, Intermediate, Matric, Middle, Primary |
Jobs in Pakistan FULL TIME
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Pak Air Force Civilian Jobs 2016 PAF Base Sargodha Islamabad Latest
Here at this page we’ll discuss about Pak Air Force Civilian Jobs 2016 PAF Base Sargodha Islamabad Latest. Applications are invited for following positions which are based at Project Shahbaz (PAF Base Mushaf, Sargodha) and Project Bholari, Air Headquarters Islamabad for which only such candidates who are well educated, experienced, skilled and well disciplined are welcome to apply against (Civil Supervisor, Electrical / HVAC Supervisor, Director Internal Audit, Assistant Internal Auditor, LDC, Driver and Naib Qasid). Selected candidates for Sr. No. a and b would be hired for 04 months and Sr. No. c to g on yearly contract basis. Candidates from all over Pakistan are welcome to apply but there are some requirements regarding to every post which is compulsory to be fulfilled by every candidate such as for Sr. No. 1 and 2 relevant Engineering Diplomas are required, for Sr. No. 3 MBA / M.Com is required, for Sr. No. 4 Graduation is required for Sr. No. 5 Intermediate and for all other posts Middle pass candidates can apply. After final selection salary package is negotiable as per experience and qualification of applicant. So, viewers if you possess all above mentioned requirements then you should apply as per the following how to apply procedure given in the next heading.
Pakistan Air Force
Gender: | Male, Female |
Experience: | 0, 1 years required. |
Education: | N/A |
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Ministry of Information Technology Jobs 2016 PTS Application Form Download
(Job Expired)
Here on 25th July, 2016 we present you Ministry of Information Technology Jobs 2016 PTS Application Form Download. Jobs in Ministry of Information Technology and Telecommunication Islamabad are available and it invites applications from the residents of Punjab, Sindh, Balochistan and KPK for the following positions such as (Stenotypist, Assistant Librarian, LDC and Naib Qasid). Appointment of these positions will be on contract basis and duration of contract is extendable on satisfactory performance. Candidates willing to apply should possess relevant qualifications and experience as per the criteria mentioned in the following image such as for the post of Stenotypist Minimum Intermediate is required with Minimum speed of 80 / 40 words per minute in Short Hand and Typing respectively, for Assistant Librarian Graduation with diploma in BLIS is required, for LDC Matric and for Naib Qasid Primary Pass candidates can apply. So, only eligible candidates meeting criteria should apply as per the following how to apply procedure which is according to the rules of PTS.
Ministry of Information Technology and Telecommunication
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Graduation, Intermediate, Matric, Primary |
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