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Latest LDC Jobs in Pakistan 2025
LDC Jobs in Pakistan 2025 Upcoming Latest Mar
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Directorate General Civil Defence Abbottabad Jobs 2016 NTS Form Download
(Job Expired)
Here in the following i am going to enlist the latest job offer from Directorate General Civil Defence Abbottabad Jobs 2016 NTS Form Download. For all the willing and interested applicants its the wonderful opportunity offered from Directorate of Civil Defence, Ministry of Interior which is having the career opportunity in the Civil Defence Training Centre Abbottabad is in search of energetic, dynamic, caliber and capable applicants are required to apply for the posts of Commandant, Instructor, Platoon Commander, Superintendent, Junior Instructor, Computer Operator, Drill Instructor, LDC, B.D Technician, Demonstrator, Chowkidar, Mali and Farash are the posts which needs to be filled by the applicants with overall qualification of Graduation, BA, BS.c.BCS, Matric, Primary with relevant expertise are required to apply for these posts. Age limit should be 18-25 and 32 years is needed for such jobs. Appointment will be done on contract basis and will remain continue till the completion of the project. NTS is authorized to conduct the test for these posts. Attractive salary package will be given to the applicants with brilliant atmosphere is required. So, after having such details now let's have a look on its applying criteria.
Directorate General Civil Defence
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Graduation, BA, BS.c.BCS, Matric, Primary |
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Pakistan Army Engineer Center Record Wing Risalpur Jobs 2016 UDC and LDC
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Here we’ll provide you Pakistan Army Engineer Center Record Wing Risalpur Jobs 2016 UDC and LDC. Civilians and Retired Army Officers from Punjab and Sindh Province have a look here because latest jobs are available in Pak Army where applications are invited from Engineer Center Record Wing Risalpur from the well educated and skilled individuals for the following positions such as (Upper Division Clerk UDC and Lower Division Clerk LDC). Appointment of these positions will be held on permanent basis and those who are willing to apply should read the criteria carefully mentioned in the following image posted below where according to the criteria for Sr. No. 1 Intermediate qualification is required with information about Computer Hardware and Software is required but preference will be given to those who have grip on computer typing. For Sr. No. 3 Matric pass candidates able to produce 30 words per minute and having computer knowledge are eligible to apply. So, only suitable candidates meeting criteria should apply as per the following how to apply procedure given below.
Engineer Center Record Wing Risalpur
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Intermediate, Matric |
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Lahore Ring Road Authority Jobs Nov 2016 Test & Interview Schedule
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Today at this job page you will be having the current job opportunity from Lahore Ring Road Authority Jobs Nov 2016 Test & Interview Schedule. Applications are recently invited from the Private sector as Lahore Ring Authority is hiring the skillful, diligent, well disciplined and energetic applicants are required to be employed on daily wages for the following vacancies which includes Toll Operator, Area Supervisor, Shift Commander, Accountant Clerk, Administration Incharge, Cook, Masalchi, Helper, Sanitary Worker, UDC, LDC, Computer Operator, Naib Qasid, Driver, Fuel Oil Incharge, Vehicle Mechanic, Auto Electrician and Electrician are required to apply for such posts and for all of these posts the applicants should be having the overall qualification of Matric, ICS, Intermediate, ICS, Relevant Diploma along with relevant working expertise are required to apply for such posts. Enough daily wages will be given to the applicants. So, its the wonderful job opportunity for all those applicants to apply for such posts and one needs to fulfill the demands of the said job and one can apply for these jobs as soon as possible. Now, let's head towards its applying criteria below.
Lahore Ring Road Authority
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Matric, ICS, Intermediate, ICS, Relevant Diploma |
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NAB Multan Jobs Oct 2016 NTS Test & Sample Paper
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Here at this job page you will be given the awareness about the latest job offer from NAB Multan Jobs Oct 2016 NTS Test & Sample Paper. The applications are being invited from the National Accountability Bureau Multan is recently given the advertisement of the latest job opportunity for the multiple posts which are named as Stenotypist, Data Entry Operator and Lower Division Clerk are the posts which needs to be filled by the applicants. The eligibility criteria which is required for these posts includes Intermediate for Sr No,1 with Grade "C" from a recognized university and shorthand typing speed of 80/40 wpm, for 2nd post the applicants should bear the Bachelor's qualification Economics / Statistics / Mathematics / Physics from HEC recognized institution with minimum speed of 10,000 key depression per hour and for the 3rd post the Matric pass applicants are required with 30 wpm speed. Computer Operation expertise holding applicants will be preferred the most. Age should be between 18 to 30 years. So, only suitable candidates should apply as per the following how to apply procedure given below.
National Accountability Bureau
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Bachelor's, Intermediate, Matric |
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NAB Karachi Jobs 2016 National Accountability Bureau NTS Online Form
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Here on 18th of October 2016 I am going to display a fresh job opportunity from NAB Karachi Jobs 2016 National Accountability Bureau NTS Online Form. The National Accountability Bureau is inviting the domicile holders of Sindh (Rural/Urban) highly educated, very experienced, hardworking and well disciplined candidates for the following positions such as Assistant, Stenotypist, Lowe Division Clerk and Naib Qasid are the posts which needs to be filled at the respective time. As, the vacancies are lying before you to choose and apply now i will discuss its eligibility criteria as for 1st post the applicants should be Bachelor's degree within 2nd Class from a HEC recognized university along with Computer Certificate and relevant expertise are welcome to be hired, for 2nd post the applicants should be Intermediate with Computer Certificate and short hand typing expertise are required, for 3rd post Matric pass individuals are required with 30wpm typing speed and for the last post middle pass applicants are required. For all these posts computer operation experience will be preferred the most except for Naib Qasid. Age limit should be 18 to 30 years. Govt service employees should apply through proper channel. So, now let's head towards its applying criteria below.
National Accountability Bureau
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Bachelor's, Intermediate, Matric, Middle |
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Federal Insurance Ombudsman Secretariat Jobs 2016 Karachi Lahore Add
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Here at this job page you will be having the current job offer from Federal Insurance Ombudsman Secretariat Jobs 2016 Karachi Lahore Add. Guys, its time not to sleep in a deep slumber but awake and rush to apply for this wonderful job vacancies which are being offered from the Federal Insurance Ombudsman Secretariat is inviting the well disciplined, caliber, adroit and educated plus experienced applicants are needed to apply for the post of Stenographer and Lower Division Clerk are the posts which are vacant and requires the services of eligible and adroit applicants to apply for these posts. As, the vacancies are before you now the eligibility criteria which is required for these posts includes Graduation degree or above than it with minimum 100/50 in wpm short hand typing speed is required and should be having the fluency in Computer with 5 years experience is required to apply whereas preference will be given to the Retired Govt Servants and the eligibility requirements for the second post includes the same education as Graduation with 2nd Division with full command on computer and office work 5 years experience is needed to apply. Posts are located in Karachi, Islamabad and Lahore. Now, i have kept all the details before you but its time to have a look on its applying method below.
Federal Insurance Ombudsman Secretariat
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Graduation |
Jobs in Pakistan FULL TIME
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Ministry of Foreign Affairs Jobs 2016 October OTS Form Download
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Tap to this page and get Ministry of Foreign Affairs Jobs 2016 October OTS Form Download. Applications are invited from suitable candidates for recruitment in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Government of Pakistan Islamabad and applications are invited on AJK, Balochistan, KPK, Punjab, Sindh, GB FATA and Open Merit Domiciled candidates for the following positions such as (Cypher Assistant, Assistant, Stenotypist, Security Assistant, Upper Division Clerk, Security Inspector, Telephone Operator, Lower Division Clerk and Security Clerk). The Ministry reserves the right to increase / decrease the number of posts at any stage, subject to their availability. Candidates willing to apply against the vacant positions should read the eligibility criteria mentioned in detail in the following image posted below and generally for Sr. No. 1 to 4 Graduation degree is required, for Sr. No. 5 to 7 Intermediate degree is required and for all other Matriculation degree is required and relevant diploma / experience is required as per the demand of vacant positions. Now let’s jump towards how to apply procedure which will be according to the rules of OTS.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Gender: | Male, Female |
Experience: | 0, 1 years required. |
Education: | N/A |
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National Accountability Bureau NAB Sukkur Jobs 2016 NTS Online Form
(Job Expired)
Here in the following I am going to discuss about the current job openings from National Accountability Bureau NAB Sukkur Jobs 2016 NTS Online Form. The well known Govt department NAB National Accountability Bureau is currently inviting the suitable, educated and experienced applicants are needed to fill out the given vacancies which are entitled as Data Control Assistant, Stenotypist and Lower Division Clerk are the vacancies which needs to be filled by the applicants. The eligibility criteria for to avail these jobs includes as for Sr No,1 Bachelor’s degree is required with Grade “C”in Computer Science and IT from the HEC recognized institutes or should be having the 2nd Class Bachelor’s degree in Maths/Statistics Physics/Economics is needed from the recognized institute along with Diploma in Computer is required to apply for this post but the applicants must be well how know about the computer will be given preference. For the second post the applicants should be Intermediate pass applicants with short hand typing speed of 40/80 wpm and computer operation will be given preference and for the last post the Matric pass applicants are required with speed of 30 wpm speed are the complete requirements of the post. Age limit should be 18 to 30 years for all posts. Appointment will be made on temporary basis and all the candidates from Sindh are required to apply and these temporary posts are likely to be continued in NAB Sukkur further. Attractive salary package will be given to the applicants. So, after having these details now I will let you know about the further applying details below.
National Accountability Bureau
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Bachelor's, Intermediate, Matriculation |
Jobs in Pakistan FULL TIME
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SZABMU PIMS Islamabad Jobs 2016 For Stenotypist OTS Online Form Download
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Today I am going to flip a recent job opportunity of today before you from SZABMU PIMS Islamabad Jobs 2016 For Stenotypist OTS Online Form Download. This well known university and Institute is once again flipped bundles of job opportunities to be filled for the BPS-05 to BPS-15 on contract/regular & temporary basis and also for the Cardiac Centre few vacancies are vacant and are looking for such well disciplined, eligible, adroit, caliber and well educated plus experienced applicants to fill the following vacant situations which includes Stenotypist, Statistical Assistant, Sub Engineer (Electrical) Sanitary Inspector Data Entry Operator, Computer Operator, Sub Engineer (Civil), Projectionist, Receptionist Officer, Telephone Operator, Cashier, LDC, Auto Electrician, Motor Mechanic, Store Keeper General/ Store Keeper (CH), Telephone Mechanic, Telephone Technician, Welder, Generator Operator, Power Technician, Power Electrician and many more posts are lying to be filled with overall qualification of Graduation, B.A/BS.c/, Matric, Relevant Diploma, F.A/FS.c/ICS along with the relevant expertise are required to fill these wonderful posts. Age limit should be 25 years for all the posts and 5 years general age relaxation will be admissible to the applicants. Provincial quota is reserved to apply. So, these all are the complete details now let’s move towards its applying criteria below.
Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences, SZABMU
Gender: | Male, Female |
Experience: | 0, 1 years required. |
Education: | N/A |
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Council for Works & Housing Research Jobs 2016 NTS Test & Sample Paper
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Today at this leading job page I am going to present a recent job opportunity from Council for Works & Housing Research Jobs 2016 NTS Test & Sample Paper. The applications are being offered from the Council for Works & Housing Research Karachi which is working under the Ministry of Science and Technology is seeking to recruit the diligent, adroit, advanced and dynamic individuals are required to apply for the following vacancies which includes Store Keeper, Stenotypist, Research Assistant, Upper Division Clerk, Lower Division Clerk, Fitter, Painter, Lab Assistant, Driver, Photo Attendant, Mehter, Laboratory Attendant, Un-Skilled Worker, Lab Bearer & Chowkidar are required to fill these vacant situations with the overall qualification of Graduation, Intermediate, Matric, Primary and Middle qualification with relevant expertise in the relevant field in similar capacity is needed to fulfill the demands of the said posts. Domicile holders of Sindh, Punjab, Gilgit Baltistan, Local and on merit basis the applicants are required to apply. Age limit should be 20 to 28 years and 18 to 25 to apply and age relaxation will be granted as per Govt rules. Sound salary package will be given as per scale of the job. Now, let’s have a look on its applying criteria.
Council for Works and Housing Research
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Graduation, Intermediate, Matric, Primary, Middle |
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Pak Army RV & FC Centre Sargodha Jobs 2016 Current Vacancies Add
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Today at this leading and awesome page of jobs i am going to share a job opportunity from Pak Army RV & FC Centre Sargodha Jobs 2016 Current Vacancies Add. The one of the most wanted department and Military Force of Pakistan named Pakistan Army's RV & FC Centre in Sargidha is in probe of such high profiled, experienced and well educated plus minimum education holders are needed to apply for the ample of the posts which includes Lower Division Clerk, Upper Division Clerk, Storeman (Civil), Driver (Civil), Chowkidar and Naib Qasid are required to hold these jobs in an impeccable manner. if we have a glance towards the eligibility criteria so for Sr No,1 the applicants should be FA/FS.c with typing expertise without committing any single mistake efficiency is required and the candidates should possess the Computer Training Course from National Technical Board (NTB), for Sr No,2 the Matric pass applicants are welcome to apply with same experience as for Sr No,1 and for the Sr No,3 Matric education is required with 2 years relevant expertise in Inventory and Book keeping and for the last posts Middle and Primary pass applicants are required whereas for the post of Driver the Valid driving license is mandatory with driving experience of 3 years. Age limit should be 18 to 25 for fresh candidates whereas for Retired Army Officer age should be 18 to 40 years. These all are the complete details now let's move on to have its applying criteria below.
Pak Army RV & FC Centre
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | FA/FS.c, Matric, Middle, Primary |
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PCST Islamabad Jobs 2016 NTS Online Form & Sample Paper Download
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Today at this leading job platform i am going to enlist the recent job offer from PCST Islamabad Jobs 2016 NTS Online Form & Sample Paper Download. The Pakistan Council for Science and Technology Islamabad is working under the Ministry of Science and Technology is looking to recruit the eligible, adroit, educated and experienced applicants are needed to fill the following vacant situations which includes Accounts Assistant, Junior Computer Operator, Data Entry Operator and Lower Division Clerk are required to apply for these posts. Overall qualification which is required for these posts includes Bachelor's, Intermediate, Matric and out of them Bachelors degree is required in Computer Science, IT, Commerce is required along with certificates in maths/Physics/Statics with one years Diploma is required to hold these jobs along with MS Office expertise and related field work expertise are required to hold these posts. The domicile holders of KPK, Punjab, Sindh and Balochistan are required to apply. Age limit should be 18 to 25 years and 20 to 28 years. NTS is authorized to conduct the test against these posts. Sound and enough remuneration package will be given to the applicants with pleasant working atmosphere. Now, let's have a look on its applying criteria below.
Pakistan Council for Science & Technology
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Bachelor's, Intermediate, Matric |
New vacancies for LDC jobs 2025 and LDC openings jobs in 2026 are listed online with new LDC jobs posted daily. Previous LDC jobs 2024 can also be applied for online. Make money from home or the office by choosing the right LDC job for your qualification and experience. By applying to today's jobs at LDC Punjab, Sindh, KPK, Balochistan, Gilgit Baltistan, AJK, you join a growing team.