Police Ranks in Pakistan 2025 Badges & Salary / Pay Scale

Every job seeker wants to know about Police Ranks in Pakistan and the salary packages because before joining the police force everyone wants to see the rank on which he/she going to sit.
The law enforcement sectors in Pakistan are making ceaseless efforts and struggling against terrorism and one of the most renowned, famous sector police has a high reputation all around Pakistan working on a provincial and federal level.
In Pakistan, every city has its own police working for the safety of citizens. This department works to create safety save the city from unwanted crimes and control the deteriorating situations that are going on throughout our country.
Their duty is quite onerous but they are performing and are working like a Trojan to break the legs of crimes and to get rid of the evil of society and cities which are prevailing day by day very quickly and they are controlling these situations and trying to bring the light of peace. Mainly the police department comprises the following departments namely.
Police Ranks in Pakistan
What is Pakistan Police:
Pakistan Rangers, Frontier Corps, Traffic Police, Highway Patrolling Police, Crime Investigation Department, Elite Police, District Police, and special branch. These all departments have their own sort of tasks.
We can say that like all other law-imposing departments. The Police Department also plays a vital role in crime investigation, anti-drug squad, the safety of public properties, law enforcement, maintenance of traffic rules and regulations, and many more.
In order to join the Police department, the education level must be matric level for a constable post if one wants to be an officer of a higher level one must be a bachelor.
The procedure of joining begins with a physical test afterward clear result of the physical test will push the person for a written test and the last interview is conducted.
Let’s tap into the ranks and badges of Police Officers of Pakistan.
Senior Police Ranks in Pakistan:
Inspector General of Police | IGP PPO (Provisional Police Officer) | BS 22/21 |
Additional Inspector General | Addl. IG/CCPO | BS 21 |
Deputy Inspector General/Regional Police Officer/ City Police Officer | DIG/RPO/CPO | BS 20 |
Senior Superintendent of Police/ Assistant Inspector General | SSP/AIG | BS 19 |
Superintendent Of Police | SP | BS 18 |
Additional Superintendent of Police/ Deputy Superintendent of Police | ASP/ DSP | BS 17 |
Junior Police Ranks in Pakistan:
Station House Officer/Police Inspector | SHO | BS 16 |
Sub Inspector | SI | BS 14 |
Assistant Sub Inspector | ASI | BS 09 |
Head Constable | HC | BS 07 |
Constable | – | BS 05 |
Pakistan Police Badges:
These badges are found to be worn by the different grades of Police Officers of Pakistan who have high grades. Here I am going to show it below.
So this is all over about the Pakistani Police Officers and their complete information about their ranks, grades, education status, and badges. If one wants to join this field one can easily join this field.
Police Uniforms in Pakistan:
Every Province has their own designed uniform for its armed forces, here you can see Police Uniforms in Pakistan.
Pakistan Police Salaries / Pay Scale:
In 2023, the salaries of the police in all provinces increased. The increase included 100 percent of basic pay and Rs. 10,000 – Rs. 12,800 of monthly allowance.
Salary / Pay Scale Offered by Police in Pakistan | |
Rank | Basic Pay (PKR) |
Constable Salary | 38,000 – 43,610 |
Head Constable Salary | 45,000 – 50,000 |
Assistant Sub-Inspector Salary | 55,000 – 60,000 |
Sub-Inspector Salary | 65,000 – 70,000 |
Inspector Salary | 75,000 – 80,000 |
Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP) Salary | 85,000 – 90,000 |
Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP) Salary | 95,000 – 100,000 |
Superintendent of Police (SP) Salary | 105,000 – 110,000 |
Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) Salary | 115,000 – 120,000 |
Deputy Inspector General of Police (DIG) Salary | 125,000 – 130,000 |
Additional Inspector General of Police (AIG) Salary | 135,000 – 140,000 |
Inspector General of Police (IG) Salary | 145,000 – 150,000 |
In every province of Pakistan (Punjab, Sindh, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Balochistan, the Islamabad Capital Territory, Azad Jammu & Kashmir, and Gilgit–Baltistan) salary & uniforms of police personnel may vary according to their provisional rules.
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Hadees of the Day
مَنْ كَانَ يُؤْمِنُ بِاللَّهِ وَالْيَوْمِ الْآخِرِ فَلْيُكْرِمْ ضَيْفَهُ
جو اللہ اور آخرت کے دن پر ایمان رکھتا ہے، وہ اپنے مہمان کی عزت کرے۔
(Jo Allah aur aakhirat ke din par iman rakhta hai, woh apne mehmaan ki izzat kare.)Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day, let him honor his guest.
My education in FSC I want to ASI joint this job
U cant apply because asi require graduation
An sub inspector can reach up to which post maximam ? Plz answer if anyone knows
An si could easily reach on iG post.if they capable to do hard work including css exam
Hi,I m usman can i join punjab police head constable.my qualification is matric
No,u could only apply for constable
I want to join sindh police the rank pf ASI how can I apply for this job
Hello do I eligible for ASI after Fsc?
Sir I want to know kn about asi vacancy how can i apply
hi i want to know how can i apply in job frome your link?
Pakistan police is so strong ..
Hello do I eligilbe for ASI after ICS
Please please tell me one thing about the facilities and allowances of ASP and SP in police is in these two designations the car will be given if it is then which car I hear the parado.
I hear that constable rank increas 5 to 7
Is that true…..?
No, Rank cant be increase they are fix. But this government, as you know…. No body knows what will they do. For now its not changed.
The above article where it says pakistan police is doing well to decrease crime is a complete LIE. Pakistan Police is the most corrupt in the world and totally physically unfit, underfunded, poorly educated and poorly trained to do their job properly. Pakistani Cops are most corrupt so most of their time they spend the time mostly commiting crimes themselves. Pakistani Police actually sucks.
yes Inam u r right, yet the whole department is not corrupt.. ..although most of them are soo but it doesn’t mean that we blame the name of the department for some corrupt masses…..