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How To Join ISI As Officer Agent After Fsc (Male & Female) Pakistan
Tuesday, 4th March, 2025
quote “our lord! Forgive me and my parrents, and (all) the believers on the day when the reckoning will be established – Quran 14:41”

How To Join ISI As Officer Agent After Fsc (Male & Female) Pakistan

How To Join ISI As Officer Agent After Fsc (Male & Female) Pakistan

How To Join ISI As Officer Agent After Fsc (Male & Female) Pakistan: The ISI is the intelligence agency of the Islamic Republic Of Pakistan. They are responsible for the national security of Pakistan and are linked with Pakistan security. In order to How To Join ISI, there are few steps which one can process to join ISI and has both direct and indirect ways.

Its indirect joining requires joining the rest of the armed forces as the Pakistan Army, Navy. Officers like, JCO/ and S/NCO’S have to apply for admission afterward getting permission from Unit Officer Commanding, they appear in the basic test and try to qualify after qualifying for that test they are sent to Inter-Service Intelligence School and they apply to be posted in fields of intelligence units or in higher positions.

Senior ISI officers as Major’s and above are assigned for two to three years and appointed in ISI and mostly the Director- Generals of the ISI never served this organization. Now we are going to discuss the direct method and its steps:

How To Join ISI As Officer Agent After Fsc Inter Services Intelligence Pakistan

How To Join ISI As Officer Agent After Fsc (Inter Services Intelligence Of Pakistan) 2015

ISI Jobs:

For civilians who want to join ISI so the advertisement is handled by the Federal Public Service Commission because the members of ISI are related to the ministry of defense. The FSPC conduct various sort of test to know the amenities of that person whether this person is having the capability to join this field or not. These tests measure some amenities of that individual as creativity, persistence, spirit, IQ level and a person should be able to solve puzzles well.

IQ And Intelligence Test:

This test is basically based on intelligence and the sharpness of one’s mind in order to check the IQ level of that person by giving them some sort of puzzle to solve and tricky questions but especially puzzles are given to solve to measure the intellect.

IQ Tests In General:

IQ tests contain general subject tests which include knowledge, current affairs and analytical abilities, English and some other subjects also. The IQ level must be above the level of 151 and consist of theoretical tests but not only based on this theoretical test other tests are also crucial for determining the amenities of an individual.

After these tests, FSPC shortlists the candidates who are not eligible and sends a list of successful candidates to them and afterward conducts the interview. For those candidates who pass the interview then a fitness test is conducted which includes medical fitness tests and psychological evaluations.

As the individual clears this test then ISI performs a tough background and check the candidate properly before being offered to join ISI.

Recruited individuals are sent to training school before and are employed one year period. Civilian operatives are not allowed to rise above the Major ranks and are allowed to join Joint Intelligence x, Joint Intelligence Bureau, and Joint Counter-Intelligence Bureau department and other departments are headed by armed forces.

So these are the steps through which one has to pass and afterward they have been categorized and assigned to this job of ISI.

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Xaibi Aslam
An experienced professional in Pakistan, specializes in blog articles covering various aspects of job-related topics. These articles include practical insights into joining organizations, understanding salary structures, and navigating hierarchical ranks within companies. By offering comprehensive analyses, the author provides valuable guidance for readers seeking to navigate the unique challenges and opportunities in the Pakistani job market. The articles serve as a valuable resource, demystifying recruitment processes and offering insights into career growth and development.

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  1. manzoor hussain says:

    miss mahnoor Baloch,is there any kinda sufarish for these posts or these posts are completely based on merit……
    actually here is not the complete detail,someone needs more detail for this post……
    how about the personality check,size,body and other requirments………

    1. Mahnoor says:

      These are purely on merit basis no external influence will be used to have ISI posts.

  2. Mian Ramzan says:

    Can you please refer me some newspaper ad or some reference so that i can apply for the post. Any help will be appreciated.

  3. Mian bilal says:

    I WaNt to join isi. If u will give us details by mail so i think it can be helpful for us. Thanks

    1. Mahnoor says:

      Here whole of the details are lying u need to read out the post fully.

  4. Muhammad bazif malik says:

    Dear Sir,

    Kindly tell me how to apply ISI beacuse the apply button is not Here.

    Bazif Malik

    1. Mahnoor says:

      Its an informative posts u need to wait for the vacancies there is no any button just we insert a link to click

  5. Muhammad Usman says:

    sir how to join isi please tell me….?????

    1. Mahnoor says:

      read out the post kindly and u will get each and every point.

  6. Mehran says:

    i want it really plz tell me how can i?

    1. Mahnoor says:

      its an informative post u need to wait for the vacancies and remain in touch wd this page.

  7. ali ansari says:

    sir registration kese ho gi

  8. Usama Bajwa says:

    2 Month say chk kr ra hon kb open ho gi registration plzz tell me

  9. Haroon says:

    I wanna join isi what should I do and how can I apply for jin isi

    1. Mahnoor says:


  10. raouf sajid says:

    1 shakhs jo chalny phirny sy mahroom ho, wo kisi pr boojh b na banna chata ho, educated ho aur apse appeal kry online job ky bary to usy kia mashwara jay ga,,,,,

    1. Faizan says:

      Pata ni,,,,

      1. aalam shiraz says:

        Typing master and tailoring etc

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