How To Become an Air Hostess in Pakistan PIA / Air Blue / Shaheen Air Line
Tap to this page for detailed information about How To Become an Air Hostess in Pakistan PIA / Air Blue / Shaheen Air Line. “Basically the air hostess is the Attendant hired by the airlines to take care of passengers to ensures the safety and comfort of the passengers”.
This topic is about the young energetic females who are wanted to be successful in future and we’ll provide them the proper path in which we’ll discuss How To Become an Air Hostess after 12th / Intermediate. In all over the world air hostess is one of the biggest high profession for the young girls who make the dream of young girls come true. The job of an air hostess is not an easy job, it’s a very tough job as well as a very interesting job for those girls who have an interest in traveling and feel comfortable in traveling. Working as air hostess you can get chances to meet with celebrities with those peoples for whom you have a dream to meet.
How To Become an Air Hostess after 12th / Intermediate
The Promotion Criteria for Air Hostess Job are:
- Promoted as senior flight attendant
- Then as head attendant
- Further, moves to Ground duties e.g. Training, check of air hostess
- Moved to administration level
Eligibility Criteria to Become an Air Hostess:
- Should be at least Intermediate Pass.
- Fair complexion.
- Good Health / Physically fit.
- Should be in between age group of 18 to 25 years.
- Should have a minimum height of 154.5 centimeters.
- Have normal weight.
- Should be unmarried.
- The normal eyesight of 6/6 in both eyes.
Here are some important skills that must be in an Air Hostess Personality:
- Should have Pleasing personality
- Must have a Positive attitude.
- Pleasant Voice.
- Common sense is very important.
- She should be Friendly.
- She should have a grip on Language proficiency.
- Must have Good Communication skills.
- Must have Team Spirit.
- Should be Ready to work for long hours
For Detailed Eligibility Criteria: Click Here
Selection Criteria:
After the screening process, the airline calls the applicant and an examination criterion starts. In this, there will be a written test attempt by the applicant. After passing that written test the applicant promoted towards the face to face interview this is the last stage of its selection.
If the applicant passes all the three stages of selection she will be selected after the discussion of the selection party and she will be promoted towards the training section. There will be a training section of 2 to 3 months or maybe it will be of 1 year in which the selected candidate gets all the training about her job descriptions. In that training, she gets the practice how to take care of the passengers, who to handle the situation of emergency as well as she gets all the training about handling all type of situations.
Salary Criteria:
All the airlines have different criteria for salary packages. As the average of all the airlines is round about Rs. 20,000/ to 35,000/ it may vary company to company of airlines. As the grade of air hostess promoted her salary also get higher.
As some international airlines have the salary package for senior attendant round about Rs. 50, 000 and many other international airlines have the salary package of about Rs. 100,000 to 200,000.
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جس کے ساتھ اللہ بھلائی کا ارادہ رکھتا ہے، اسے دین کی سمجھ عطا کرتا ہے۔
(Jis ke sath Allah bhalai ka irada rakhta hai, use deen ki samajh ata karta hai.)When Allah wishes good for someone, He bestows upon him the understanding of the religion.
Aoa,my age is 35.could I become an airhostess?I am married also.
i want to become airhostess.
I want to do this job
Yeah, I’m interested rules and terms about it, I’m doing masters, so could you please tell me how to apply for air hostess job, I also have fair complexion 🙈 everything which you wanna can inform me through this gmail
I want to do this job..
I need this job but i don’t clear Fsc
Send me your Cv
Yes join air hostes
I need this job
I need this job
I’m interested in this job plz anyone tell me how can i do apply for this job