Monday, 31st March, 2025
quote The beauty of Islam is that it’s never too late to ask ALLAH for forgiveness but we also have to remember you never know when you’ll die.
1st Roza
04:58 AM
06:13 PM

Check IESCO Electricity Bill Online Download Duplicate Copy Print

Check IESCO Electricity Bill Online Download Duplicate Copy Print

Today, I am going to discuss one of the wonderful news about the billing system of IESCO. IESCO is fully abbreviated as “Islamabad Electric Supply Company” which is supplying electricity to Islamabad city and its areas from Attock to Jhelum and from the River Indus to River Neelum in Kashmir. The IESCO was formed in 1998.

IESCO BillIESCO is having 78 Grid Stations and serves 2.8 million consumers directly. So, this was the short and informative introduction about IESCO but one the other hand the main issue which needs to be discussed is that now you can easily view the IESCO Electricity Bill Online and can download its copy and after that one can print the bill and pay it before the date goes to an end.

In order to view the online bill and download its copy is very easy like we explain for LESCO because your smart page “” is providing this service and now you can avail this facility within the blink of an eye without wastage of time. So, keep in touch with this page always and invite your close friends and family. Now, I will let you know about its further details in the below heading.

How to Get IESCO Duplicate Bill:

  1. First of all, you need to open the browser and open IESCO Site
  2. The new tab will open and command you to enter the 14 digits reference number without any space and submit it.
  3. After clicking submit button the copy of the bill will be displayed.
  4. So, in this way, you can download and print it out easily and can pay it from different sources.

So, this is all about the IESCO Electricity duplicate bill copy and it’s downloading details. For to get such offer stay in connection with page.

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Waqas (Staff Member)
An expert in Pakistani job dynamics, delivers concise and practical insights through blog articles. Covering topics like joining organizations, salary structures, and hierarchical ranks, the author's expertise offers a valuable guide for navigating the intricacies of the local job market. With a focus on addressing unique challenges and opportunities in Pakistan, the articles serve as a practical resource for individuals seeking advice on recruitment processes, career growth, and other aspects of professional life in the country.

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  1. Anonymous says:


  2. Waheed says:

    How much my bill

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