Wednesday, 19th March, 2025
quote The beauty of Islam is that it’s never too late to ask ALLAH for forgiveness but we also have to remember you never know when you’ll die.

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19th Roza
04:49 AM
06:28 PM

Check MEPCO Bill Online and Download Duplicate & Calculator

Check MEPCO Bill Online and Download Duplicate by following few easy steps given below at In the following, you'll get a detailed guide to check the MEPCO bill online as per the instructions of Islamabad Electric Supply Company.

But before that let me give you a glimpse of MEPCO because everyone should now What is MEPCO? and then we'll discuss What is MEPCO Bill?.

MEPCO Duplicate Bill Check Online and Download

Please Enter Your 14 Digit Reference Number...

MEPCO Stands for Multan Electric Power Company, it is working under the observation of WAPDA. Its Head Office is located at 4 Street 40, G-7/4 Islamabad, ICT.

MEPCO was incorporated on 25th April 1998 and it got the certification of business on 1st June 1998. To give the best services to its customer, MEPCO is divided into 5 Circles, 19 Divisions and 107 Subdivisions in the administrative districts of Rawalpindi, Chakwal, Attock, Jhelum, and Federal Capital Islamabad.

Where to Get Reference Number

These numbers (Reference No. and Consumer ID) are printed on the top of your bill, see below image:

MEPCO Bill Reference Number

Format of reference number is XX XXXXX XXXXXXXX, which include 14 digits and one alphabet. Same as customer ID have 7 digits and it only includes number into it.

MEPCO Structure

The MEPCO Circle is headed by the Superintending Engineers (SEs), MEPCO Divisions are operated by the Executive Engineers (XENs) and Subdivisions are managed by Sub-Divisional Officers (SDOs). MEPCO has 108 Grid Stations having a total capacity of 5,224 MVA and distributes the power through 951 Feeders including AJK and the following you'll have the list of all MEPCO Circles and Division.

Circles and Divisions

Islamabad Circle

Islamabad Division 1
Islamabad Division 2
Barakahu Division

Jhelum Circle

Jhelum Division 1
Jhelum Division 2
Gujar Khan Division

Attock Circle

Taxila Division
Pindigheb Division
Attock Division

Chakwal Circle

Chakwal Division
Talagang Division
Dhudial Division
Pind Dadan Khan Division

Rawalpindi Circle

Rawat Division
City Division
Cantt Division (Rawalpindi)
Satellite Town Division
Tariqabad Division

Understanding MEPCO Bill

As, discussed above that here we'll share MEPCO Electricity Bill Online Check detailed procedure but before let's discuss about What is MEPCO Bill and what type of Surcharges are charged in MEPCO Bill and etc. MEPCO distributes the electricity to the residents of Islamabad, Chakwal, Jhelum, Rawalpindi, Attock Divisions and against this facility it charges an amount on the basis of electricity usage in the form of MEPCO Bill which is delivered by the Bill Distributers or it can be obtained online at the official site of MEPCO i.e. MEPCO Bill contains every detail such as Meter Reading Date, Bill Issue Date, Due Date, Electricity Units Consumed, Electricity Charges, Taxes etc.

Connection Date:

At the top of MEPCO Bill you'll have Connection Date that is the exact date on which the customer got the MEPCO connection.

Reference Number:

At MEPCO Bill Reference Number is provided that is your Meter Point Reference Number (MPRN) it contains 11 digit number assigned to your electricity connection and meter.


In MEPCO Bill different Dates are provided such as Meter Reading Date, Bill Issue Date and Due Date is given.


MEPCO charges FPA (Fuel Price Adjustment) from every customer and detail is FPA is also given in the MEPCO Bill.

FC Surcharge:

FC Surcharge stands for Financing Cost Surcharge that is applied by the MEPCO at a rate of 43 paisa per unit and detail of FC Surcharge is also mentioned in the MEPCO Bill.

TR Surcharge:

TR Surcharge stands for Tariff Rationalisation Surcharge, levied at an average rate of Rs. 1.02 per unit and detail about TR Surcharge is mention in the MEPCO Bill.

Bill Month:

In MEPCO bill there is Bill Month is provided to aware the customer that the issued bill is for which month and year.

Tips to Reduce the MEPCO Electricity Bill:

  1. Many people ask about How to reduce Electricity Bill in Pakistan and for such individuals we are going to discuss few tips to reduce the electricity bill and these tips are practically proved to save you electric bill.
  2. Use Energy saving products at your home to reduce you electricity bill and here are some energy saving products which are easily available in market such as (LED TV, LED Lights etc).
  3. Air Conditioners use in the summer season is common in Pakistan which causes increase in electricity bill but you can reduce your electric bill up to 60% by replacing your window type and simple split AC with the latest Inverter AC.
  4. Make your habit to turn off all standby appliances (Computer, Laptop, Printer, TV, Ovens, Chargers) by removing their plugs.
  5. Use of natural light during day will help you to reduce you electricity bill and for this you have design and construct your home in such way that the natural light can easily pass through it.
  6. In Pakistan load shedding is a very serious issue that disturb a lot and to get rid of this problem we use UPS that consumes huge amount of electricity which causes increase in electricity bill. We suggest you to use Solar Panels solve the problem of load shedding.
  7. Increase in bill occur in Summer season because we use fans, air coolers, AC to keep our self cool but if there is natural ventilation in the house this will help you to lower the temperature of your house.
  8. Avoid clothes dryer / spinner in summer season and let that washed dry in sunlight.

How to get MEPCO Bill

Every month we receive our Electricity Bill at home for which MEPCO has huge staff of Bill Distributors to distribute bill door to door. But in case you no bill received at home then you can obtained your bill online by following different steps given below.

  • Put 14 Digit Reference Number without spaces and click in the box provided at this page.
  • After providing Reference Number press the Submit Button.
  • The system will automatically generate your current electricity bill.
  • Also, you can visit the official website of Islamabad Electric Supply Company for to get an electricity bill duplicate copy.

How to Pay MEPCO Bill

There are two ways by which you can easily pay your MEPCO Bill in Pakistan such as Off-Line & Online. In the following you'll have detailed procedure about how to pay MEPCO Electricity Bill.

Off-Line Bill Payment:
  • You may visit nearest bank in your area where you can easily pay your MEPCO Bill.
  • You can also pay your electricity bill by visiting Jazz Cash, EasyPaisa, UPaisa Shop located in your area.
Online-Bill Payment:
  • Every bank has provided the facility to pay electricity bill online by visiting their official website.
  • You can pay bill online by downloading Online Bank Application in which your account exist OR by downloading Jazz Cash, Easypaisa, UPaisa Application.
  • Download application from Google Playstore.
  • Create your account by giving the required information and pay your bill easily.

MEPCO Bill Calculator

We have provided you MEPCO Bill Calculator in which we provided an estimated bill according to your consumed units. In the following Per/Unit rate is provided from 1 Unit to 700 Units. There are different taxes that are also included while calculating your electricity bill but the basic purpose of providing Bill Calculator is to give you an estimated amount according to your consumed electricity units.

Slab # Units Price per Unit
1. Up to 50 Units 4.00
2. 1 - 100 Units 10.87
3. 101 - 200 Units 14.00
4. 201 - 300 Units 15.58
5. 301 - 700 16.85
6. Above 700 Units 18.95
This table represents MEPCO's "Applicable Variable Charges W.E F. 01-01-2019". If you have questions regarding mepco bill calculation, please let us know.
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