Top Jobs in Pakistan Career Plan & Highest Packages 2025
After completing qualification/degree 1st question occurs in mind is about having a job in a top-ranked company offering good salary package and here at this page, we are going to provide you Best Jobs in Pakistan Career Plan and Highest Packages. In the following, you’ll have different working sectors in which you can have a good job with good salary package. Always when every you think about to apply for any job or you wanted to choose a working field in which you wanted to make your scope, then you have to make two graphs in your mind, one is about your interest and other is earning/income.
Always choose such field or working area in which you are interested most like most of us are good presenters they can do marketing well and some of us have a grip on computer applications or some us are interested in business or engineering field etc. There are numerous fields in which you can apply for to make your future success and here on this page, we’ll help you with career development. In the following, you’ll have different categories which you can choose according to your interest in the base of qualification.
Top Jobs in Pakistan Career Plan & Highest Packages 2025
1. Software Engineering:
Software Engineering is one the most popular field in Pakistan that in this field you can earn almost 20,000 to 30,000 PKR start salary and it is enough for such student who has just completed its study. Software Engineering is the most rapidly growing field because most of our companies, organizations or software houses recruit Software Engineer to manage their daily affairs. In the following, you’ll have names of some companies who paid good salary package to software engineers.
- TelcoNet
- Softech Worldwide
- Ascertia Pvt Ltd.
There are many institutions which announce admission for software engineering but GIKI, NUST, UET, and FAST are the top-ranked universities which are very famous for the degree of Software engineering.
2. Marketing:
Marketing is another profession which you can adopt for to make your future success. Nowadays marketing sector is growing rapidly in Pakistan and there is a number of opportunities ads found in Newspaper by top companies of Pakistan. If anyone has no working experience and he is interested in marketing then its start salary will Rs. 15,000/- – 20, 000/- and with the passage of time and on performance base you can earn almost Rs. 1 Lac per month. There are numerous marketing companies in Pakistan but if you choose any bank for this profession then it would much beneficial for you.
- Standard Chartered
- Faisal Bank
- QMobile
- Packages
- Mobilink
These are some of the top banks and companies which offer good salaries packages and other facilities to their employees.
3. Finance & Accounting:
Finance and Accounts field is a very reasonable profession and student who has just completed its graduate degree in accounts can join any firm, company or bank and can earn almost Rs. 15, 000/- – 20,000/- starting salary package and on the base of experience and qualification its salary can be increased to Rs. 50,000 / per month. Mostly fresh graduates move towards banks because the bank is the right place to have good experience in Finance and Accounting field. In the following, you’ll have names of some top-ranked banks of Pakistan.
- Standard Chartered Bank
- Bank Alfalah
- Muslim Commercial Bank
- Coke
- Pepsi
- Dalda
There are many institutes which provide degrees in Finance & Accounting but some popular institutions are LUMS, IBA, UCP and ICMA Pakistan. If you wanted to be something in your future and you have interested in Finance and Accounts field then has admission in these universities.
4. Telecom Engineering:
Telecom sector is another boost picking sector in Pakistan because it is a huge demand every living standard in Pakistan and there are numerous opportunities in Telecom sector, which can help you to earn a good salary. The start salary which can earn Telecom Engineer is almost Rs. 20,000 – 30,000/- PKR. There are many popular telecommunication companies in Pakistan which at the top in offering good salaries and other facilities such as.
- Mobilink
- Ufone
- Warid
- Telenor
- Zong
There are many institutions which are popular in awarding degrees for Telecom Engineering but here names of some popular universities whose degree has worth for job such as (NUST, UET, NED, and FAST).
5. HR Management:
In the previous years there is not too much importance given to this profession in Pakistan but as Pakistan is entering into modern era and almost every major company in Pakistan has established its HR Department which deals all daily affairs of its employees and it is the most important department of any top-ranked company nowadays because it has to manage every issue of the company. The fresh graduate’s salary starts from Rs. 20,000 to 30,000/- PKR and within few years it can increase up to Rs. 1 Lac on performance and qualification base. There are some top ranked organizations/companies which offer good salaries to their employees.
- Bahria Town
- Pakistan Steel
- Packages
- Haleeb
There are many institutions which are HEC approved and offer admission for HR Management but most of all some top institutions are (IBA, NUST, LSE, LUMS, Quaid-e-Azam University & UCP).