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Latest Demonstrator Jobs in Pakistan 2025
Demonstrator Jobs in Pakistan 2025 Upcoming Latest Mar
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PPSC Jobs 2017 P&S Healthcare Department Online Apply Latest Date
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Recruitment offers are there from PPSC Jobs 2017 P&S Healthcare Department Online Apply Latest Date. Punjab Public Service Commission had given the advertisement number 51/2017 is looking to hire the well disciplined, caliber and adroit applicants are required for the multiple departments such as Primary & Secondary Healthcare Department, Agriculture Department, Planning & Development Department, Specialized Healthcare & Medical Education Department the following posts are vacant to be filled which include (Senior Women Medical Officer/Senior Demonstrator/Incharge R.H.C, Deputy Director of Agriculture Training of Agricultural Training Institutes, Stenographer, Senior Subject Teacher Specialist/ (DD/SS) Farm Management & Farm Economics, Assistant Professor Clinical Genetics and Assistant Director (Technical) are the posts which needs to be filled by the applicants with Ph.D, MBBS, MS.c, Intermediate and BS.c in relevant disciplined is required with relevant expertise are needed to hold such posts. Age limits can be seen from the advertisement image. Male, female and Shemales are eligible to apply. Now, I will let you know about it's further details below.
Punjab Public Service Commission
Gender: | Male, Female, Shemale |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Masters, Graduation, Intermediate, PHD |
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Women Medical & Dental College Abbottabad Jobs 2017 Faculty Required
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Today i am there to make you aware the Abbottabad city job from Women Medical & Dental College Abbottabad Jobs 2017 Faculty Required. One of the most enchanting and well reputed medical institute of Abbottabad named "Women Medical & Dental College Abbottabad provides excellent education to the medical students and is engaged in providing the awesome career opportunities to the applicants of Masters and Graduate level with awesome remuneration packages for both the genders. Now, recently the advertisement is there about the Teaching Posts for which services of eligible, caliber and well disciplined and diligent applicants are required to fill out the following posts which includes (Assistant Professor/Senior Registrar (Biochemistry, Chemical Biology, Haematology, Paediatrics) and Lecturers/Demonstrators( Females only) are required to fill these wonderful and exciting vacancies with qualification criteria of as per PMDC as overall degrees estimated should be MBBS, FCPS/MS/MD and relevant expertise are required to apply for such posts. Attractive salary package will be given to the applicants with a brilliant atmosphere and fringe benefits. So, guys stay tuned with this page and go on applying and never get late to miss any offer. Now, have a look at its applying criteria below.
Women Medical & Dental College
Gender: | Male, Female |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Masters |
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Shaikh Zayed Medical Complex Lahore Jobs 2017 For Professor & Associate Professor
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Here you will revel the superb and exciting career offer from Shaikh Zayed Medical Complex Lahore Jobs 2017 For Professor & Associate Professor. The well known Govt Medical Institute which is lying in Lahore is recently given the advertisement today for the two of the posts to be filled in the Federal Postgraduate Medical Institute Lahore for which the suitable, eligible and well disciplined applicants are required to fill the following posts which includes Professor (Biochemistry), Assistant Professor (Community Medicine, Gynae & Obst, Cardiotherapic Surgery, Radiology), Demonstrator (Anatomy, Haematology, Community Medicine, Forensic Medicine, Physiology, Chemical Pathology, Histopathology) and Medical Technologist) are the posts which requires to be filled on regular basis. The eligibility criteria which is needed for the Sr No,1 includes MBBS, FCPS, DS.c, Ph.D, MS.c, MD/MS, M.Phil and BS.c from the PMDC recognized and M.Phil, Ph.D & DS.c is required as Post Graduate qualification with relevant teaching experience of several years in the Teaching Institute and should possess the Research Publications are needed as well. Attractive salary package will be given to the applicants with best atmosphere to work over there. Now, let’s move on towards its applying criteria below.
Shaikh Zayed Medical Complex
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | MBBS, FCPS, DS.c, Ph.D, MS.c, MD/MS, M.Phil, BS.c |
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AJK Medical College Muzaffarabad Jobs 2017 Faculty Staff Required
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Here in the following you will be having a recent job from AJK Medical College Muzaffarabad Jobs 2017 Faculty Staff Required. One of the well reputed and well known university of Azad Jammu and Kashmir named "AJK Medical College Muzaffarabad" is in search of appointing the diligent, caliber and well disciplined applicants are required to fill out the Faculty Staff Posts which are named as (Professor (Gynae/Obs, Paeds/Anaesthesiology, ENT, Eye & Radiology), Associate Professor (Anatomy, Biochemistry, Pharmacology, Pathology (Hematology), Community Medicine Gynae/Obs, Paeds and Radiology), Assistant Professor (Physiology, Biochemistry, Pharmacology, Pathology, Community Medicine), Assistant Director (Medical Education), Senior Registrar (Medicine, Surgery, Gynae/Obs, Eye, ENT, Paeds, Psychiatry & Dermatology) and Demonstrator (All Health Science Departments (AJK National only) are the given positions which needs to be filled with as per PMDC qualification such as MBBS, FCPS/MS/MD/,M.Phil/Ph.D, Master's with relevant expertise are needed to apply for such posts. Appointment will be made on contract basis which is non-transferable. Attractive remuneration package will be paid to the applicants with suitable atmosphere. Now, I will let you know about it's further details below
Azad Jammu & Kashmir Medical College
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | MBBS, FCPS/MS/MD/,M.Phil/Ph.D, Master's |
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LNH Karachi Jobs Nov 2016 Liaquat National Hospital & Medical College Latest
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Here in the following i am going to enlist the latest career offer from LNH Karachi Jobs Nov 2016 Liaquat National Hospital & Medical College Latest. One of the well reputed and and topmost name bearing Medical College named "Liaquat National Hospital & Medical College Karachi" is looking and is in probe of hiring the well and good, energetic, well disciplined, professional and enthusiastic applicants are required to fill the bundles of the vacancies from different disciplines which includes Associate Professor (Community Medicine, Physiology, Biochemistry, Forensic Medicine), Assistant Professor (Forensic Medicine, Pharmacology, Health Professional Education),Consultants (Paeds Surgery, Urology (Female), Cardiology, Oncology etc) Consultant Dentist are the posts which belongs to different disciplines as mentioned now the career offers are their for Nurses as (Vice Principal, College of Nursing, Faculty College of Nursing), Staff Nurses, Sr, Skills Lab Nurse, Infection and Control Nurses are the whole career offers for Nurses now the administrative staff posts are lying and after wards bundles of the different disciplines and categories posts are vacant to be filled with overall qualification of Masters, MBBS, FRCP, FRCS, Graduation form HEC or PMDC recognized institutes and as per criteria with relevant several years expertise are required to apply for these jobs. Attractive salary with growth offers and fine and fit atmosphere will be provided to the applicants. So, after discussing all these details now let's have a look on its applying criteria below.
Liaquat National Hospital and Medical College
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | MBBS, FCPS, MRCP |
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Directorate General Civil Defence Abbottabad Jobs 2016 NTS Form Download
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Here in the following i am going to enlist the latest job offer from Directorate General Civil Defence Abbottabad Jobs 2016 NTS Form Download. For all the willing and interested applicants its the wonderful opportunity offered from Directorate of Civil Defence, Ministry of Interior which is having the career opportunity in the Civil Defence Training Centre Abbottabad is in search of energetic, dynamic, caliber and capable applicants are required to apply for the posts of Commandant, Instructor, Platoon Commander, Superintendent, Junior Instructor, Computer Operator, Drill Instructor, LDC, B.D Technician, Demonstrator, Chowkidar, Mali and Farash are the posts which needs to be filled by the applicants with overall qualification of Graduation, BA, BS.c.BCS, Matric, Primary with relevant expertise are required to apply for these posts. Age limit should be 18-25 and 32 years is needed for such jobs. Appointment will be done on contract basis and will remain continue till the completion of the project. NTS is authorized to conduct the test for these posts. Attractive salary package will be given to the applicants with brilliant atmosphere is required. So, after having such details now let's have a look on its applying criteria.
Directorate General Civil Defence
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Graduation, BA, BS.c.BCS, Matric, Primary |
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University of Sargodha Jobs Nov 2016 For Professor Associate Professor Online Form
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Today on 12th of November here i am going to advertise a news job from University of Sargodha Jobs Nov 2016 For Professor Associate Professor Online Form. For all those applicants who are fond of Teaching Posts and are looking for such posts in the Sargodha University so currently its now offering the great opportunity for which it wants to appoint the caliber, capable and well disciplined applicants are needed to apply for the ample of the jobs which belongs to different disciplines as Sargodha Medical College, University of Sargodha, Physical Therapy Department, Allied Health Sciences and Medical Nutrition and Dietetics Department is looking to recruit the applicants for the following posts which includes Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, Senior Registrar and Lecturer/Demonstrator/RMO's are required to apply in different disciplines with overall qualification of MBBS, DS.c, DPT/MS.c/BS/Ph.D/FCPS/MS/MD/M.Phil are required to apply with relevant field and working expertise are needed to hold these jobs in meticulous manner. Appointment will be done on adhoc basis and all the Pakistani Nationality holders are welcome to apply. So, after discussing these details let's have a look on its applying criteria below.
University of Sargodha
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | MBBS, DS.c, DPT/MS.c/BS/Ph.D/FCPS/MS/MD/M.Phil |
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Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto Medical College Lyari Jobs 2016 Latest
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For all the natives of Lyari, Karachi a recent job update is there from Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto Medical College Lyari Jobs 2016 Latest. Applications are being invited from the Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto Medical College Lyari, Karachi is currently looking to recruit the well disciplined, energetic, caliber and capable applicants are needed to apply for the ample of the posts which includes Professor (Basic Sciences & Clinical Sciences), Associate Professor (Basic Sciences & Clinical Sciences), Legal Advisor, Demonstrator, Assistant Professor (Basic Sciences & Clinical Sciences) & Senior Registrar (Clinical Sciences) are required to apply for these posts with overall qualification of M.Phil, MBBS, FCPS/MS/MD, LL.B and relevant expertise are required to apply and hold these jobs meticulously and the degrees of the applicants should be recognized by PMDC and the applicants must be having the relevant Research Publications in the well reputed Journals is required. These posts will lead to expiration and they will leads to deputation. So, after having these details now let's have a look on its applying criteria below.
Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto Medical College
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | M.Phil, MBBS, FCPS/MS/MD, LL.B |
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Poonch Medical College Rawlakot Jobs 2016 For Professor Eligibility Criteria
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Here in the following I am going to enlist the latest job offer from Poonch Medical College Rawlakot Jobs 2016 For Professor Eligibility Criteria. The applications are being invited from the Poonch Medical College Rawlakot intends to hire the eligible, adroit, caliber and well disciplined applicants are required to apply for the given posts which includes Professor (Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry), and Demonstrator/Lecturer/M.O/Registrar are the posts which needs to be filled by the applicants at the right and proper time and before the given deadline. As, the vacancies are on contract basis which will not be changed in any seniority and cannot be challenged in any court. So, as the vacancies are there before you now its time to read out and discuss about its vacant situations as for the Sr No,1 the applicants should be having the eligibility criteria as per PMDC/AJK Service Rules requirements but generally Masters, MBBS. FCPS & Masters is required with per field expertise. Attractive remuneration package will be given to the applicants of Rs. 4, 25,000/ and for 2nd post the applicants should be having the 65,000/ will be given to the applicants with brilliant atmosphere to apply. So, let's have a look on its applying criteria below.
Poonch Medical College
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | MBBS/FCPS/MS/MD |
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Air University Fazaia Medical College Jobs 2016 Apply Online Last Date
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Today a brilliant job opportunity is going to be displayed before you from Air University Fazaia Medical College Jobs 2016 Apply Online Last Date. The applications are being invited for to hire the most diligent, adroit, able and caliber individuals in FMC Air University and the vacancies varies for the Air University and For Fazaia Medical College. So, far I let you known about the introduction now let’s move on to have the vacant situation in the Air University is vacant for the post of Director Finance who bears the qualification of CA/ACCA/CMA/MBA & in Finance with several years expertise are required in the similar capacity with ethical and professional skills, management of budgeting and finance and ability to work under pressure to meet the deadlines are also included in its skills whereas the posts which are lying vacant for Fazaia Medical College includes Demonstrator (Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry) as Faculty Post and Lab Technician (Pharmacology) and Museum Curator (Pathology) are included in the category of Staff Posts are needed to apply with MBBS qualification, Graduation and Intermediate with per filed expertise are needed to be filled by the applicants. Age limit for Director should be 55 years whereas for rest of the posts should be 35 years. Appointment will be made on contract basis. Attractive salary package and fringe benefits as provident fund scheme, medical and pension facilities also. So, these all are the complete details now let’s move towards its applying criteria below.
Air University Fazaia Medical College
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | CA/ACCA/CMA/MBA,, MBBS, FS.c, Graduation |
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Khyber Medical University KMU Peshawar Jobs 2016 Online Form Download
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Today at this job page you will be having the latest career opportunity from Khyber Medical University KMU Peshawar Jobs 2016 Online Form Download. The applications are being invited from the Khyber Medical University Peshawar is seeking to appoint the well disciplined, caliber, capable and diligent individuals in number of the different Institutes of this university as KMU-Peshawar, KMU-Institute Of Paramedical Sciences, KMU-Institute Of Dental Sciences & KMU-Institute of Medical Science requires the services of such applicants for the ample of the posts which includes Treasurer, Assistant Director, Consultant (Paramedical Sciences) Demonstrator (Emergency/ICU Technology, Cardiology/Cardiac Fusion Technology, Surgery Technology, Anaesthesia Technology, Radiology Technology & Dental Technology), Teaching Assistant (Emergency/ICU Technology, Dental Technology, Anaesthesia Technology, Cardiology/Cardiac Fusion Technology, Dialysis Technology & Surgical Technology), Professor (Prosthodontics), Assistant Professor (Oral & Maxilloficial Surgery), Assistant Professor (Orthodontics), Associate Professor (Pathology), Associate Professor (Biochemistry) and Demonstrator are required to apply and these vacancies belongs to different institutes which will be discussed in the below section with bullets. eligibility criteria for all of these posts includes Masters and Bachelor,s M.Phil, Ph.D, FRCS, MBBS, FCPS from the well reputed institute is required and can be seen its eligibility details also from the official website. Sound and attractive salary package will be given to the candidates. Now, let's move on to illustrate its applying criteria below.
Khyber Medical University
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Masters, BachelorS, MBBS, FCPS, FRCS, M.phil, Ph.D |
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CMH Lahore Medical College & Institute of Dentistry Jobs Aug/Sep 2016 Current Advertisement
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Here at this leading job page i am going to enlist the fresh job opportunity from CMH Lahore Medical College & Institute of Dentistry Jobs Aug/Sep 2016 Current Advertisement. The applications are being offered and invited form the well known Pakistan Army affiliated medical college and Institute of Dentistry is looking to appoint the eligible, well educated, dynamic, energetic and experienced applicants are needed to serve the institute with their expertise for the following posts which are named as Assistant Professor (Behavioral Sciences), Demonstrator (Behavioral Sciences, Anatomy, Community Medicine, Institute of Dentistry), Casual Medical Officer (Male only) (Accident & Emergency), Library Assistant (Library), Animal Lab Attendant (Animal Research Lab) and Security Guard (Security) are needed to fill these vacancies at the perfect time before last date and get employed. The eligibility criteria which is required against these posts includes MBBS & M.Phil for Sr No 1with teaching expertise , MBBS & BDS for Sr no,2 with house job in the relevant field, for CMO Post the applicants should be MBBS Holder with 1 year relevant expertise are required. For the post of Library Assistant the applicants should be BLIS with 5 years experience in the similar capacity and for the Animal Lab Attendant the applicants should be Intermediate (Pre-Medical) with relevant expertise and for the last post of Security Guard Matric pass and retired Army Soldiers who experience the infantry are required to apply. So, these all are the accurate and full details now let's have a look on its applying criteria below.
CMH Lahore Medical College & Institute of Dentistry
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | MBBS, M.Phil, BDS, BLIS, Intermediate, Matric |
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