Swabi district is located in the province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan and Jobs in Swabi 2024-2025 are available for the educated / skilled/experienced individuals male & female of Swabi districts. It’s the fourth largest and well-known district of Pakistan. The total area of this district is 1,543 square kilometers and 596 square miles. The district is located in between the two rivers namely Kabul and Indus River. Pushto is the major language whereas Punjabi and Hindko language is also spoken by few people and Urdu being a national language is spoken and understood as well. The inhabitants of this district are named as “SWABIWALS”. Swabi is the home for several rivers, tourism, sports, games, and number of the educational institutes and hospital are available in this city. Many notable personalities belong to this district. The district has a well planned transport system which connects many cities. Different tribes are living in this district mainly YOSUFZAI, AWAN, HASSANKHAIL, HUSAINKAHIL, DILZAK and many other tribes are living in this district. The cash crop of this district is tobacco beside tobacco wheat, sugarcane, maize are grown there and in fruits, citrus fruit production is well known but the most common are watermelon, peaches and apricots are mostly grown in this district.