Monday, 31st March, 2025
quote Whoever does not show mercy to our young or honor our elderly is not one of us. (Sahih Bukhari, Book 73, Hadith 24)
1st Roza
04:58 AM
06:13 PM

How To Join Pakistan Air Force After B.SC, B.COM & B.A Graduation 2025

How To Join Pakistan Air Force After B.SC, B.COM & B.A Graduation 2025

For our honourable viewers, we have provided at this page How To Join Pakistan Air Force After B.SC, B.COM & B.A Graduation 2025. PAF is known to be the top-ranked defence force in world due to its war against terrorism and it has cleaned Pakistan from the curse of Terrorism. Most of the users desire to be part of this force and for those here at this page, we’ll discuss those jobs for which you can apply after Graduation and you can easily become an officer in Pakistan Air Force.

You can join PAF as Commissioned Officer /Non-Commissioned Officer, GD Pilot / Pilot or as Civilian. So, read the following instructions carefully and apply freely for the latest jobs in the Air Force. It is the best organization and number of people join this organization/department every year.

The basic purpose of joining this force is this that once we get job in PAF then we got maximum chances to serve the nation and also there are numerous other benefits such as you’ll get handsome salaries/accommodation/ discount in Travelling tickets of Railways / PIA and much more. So, take advantage of the following information and apply confidently for the jobs in PAF and make your future successful.

Current Jobs in Pakistan Air Force:

How to Join PAF

How To Join Pakistan Air Force After B.SC, B.COM & B.A Graduation 2025

These courses include:

  • Admin and special duties
  • Accounts
  • Logistics
  • Information technology
  • Meteorology

Now we are going to discuss the posts for which one can apply these posts include:

  • Aero Technician
  • Aero Support
  • PF and DI
  • Sportsman
  • Musician
  • Educator Instructor
  • Religious Teacher

Selection Procedure:

  • First of all, a test is conducted from an intermediate level of physics and English subject.
  • After the test, an interview is conducted from the students.
  • And the third process after interview is medical test for students.
  • After that preliminary medical test proceeds to ISSB Karachi and they conduct an Aptitude test.
  • In last final selection is based on PAF headquarters on merit.

Ineligibility Criteria:

Nationality: Nationality must be Pakistani and gender should be male for this post.

Age Limit: Age limit should be 18 to 30 years for graduate students.

Marital Status: For graduated students married or unmarried status is preferred.

Qualification Percentage: Candidate must have a percentage of 50% or more than 50 % for graduate students.

  • A candidate whose registration is found in more than one place is not eligible to apply.
  • A person who is dismissed from any government job is unable to apply.
  • A candidate who is found to be involved in any criminal case in unable to apply.
  • Those candidate who try to make any change in their certificates are not allowed.
  • And those candidates who appeared in the airmen examination more than three times are not eligible to apply.
  • So this is the complete data for applying in Pakistan Air Force.

For Online Registration & Guideline: Click Here

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Xaibi Aslam
An experienced professional in Pakistan, specializes in blog articles covering various aspects of job-related topics. These articles include practical insights into joining organizations, understanding salary structures, and navigating hierarchical ranks within companies. By offering comprehensive analyses, the author provides valuable guidance for readers seeking to navigate the unique challenges and opportunities in the Pakistani job market. The articles serve as a valuable resource, demystifying recruitment processes and offering insights into career growth and development.

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  1. Nabeela Mustafa says:

    join PAF after bsc comp science plz guide me

  2. sabila abbas says:

    Join PAF after plz guid me

  3. ZamiN Ali says:

    Bsc kin subjects k saath

  4. Kiran Nasir says:

    Join pAf after plz guide me

  5. shabana says:

    Assalam o alikum sir i am qualified with 2nd divisio .i want to join air force.if you have any vacance plz get me one chance.

  6. Qambar ali says:

    I live in churbandar pasni I passed b.a in second plz give me job in paf

  7. zarqa pervaiz says:

    i have done my honors in business administration and i want to apply in PAF for admin and special duties.. kindly guide me how to apply for it ? and my age is 25 so am i eligible to apply ?

  8. IrUm Bashir says:

    % Kitni honi chiye sir ?

  9. Adnan Ahmad says:


  10. Mir Murtaza Memon says:

    How to apply

    1. Aqeel Ahamed says:

      My wish is i join paf please guide me

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