How to Join Pakistan Air Force after Matric, Inter F.A, F.SC, ICS & ICOM 2025
For Desirous Pakistani Nationals, we provide here How to Join Pakistan Air Force after Matric, Inter F.A, F.SC, ICS & ICOM 2025. If you are willing to join PAF and if you don’t know the proper method about how to join Pakistan Air Force, then you do not need to worry because to resolve this problem we have developed this page where you’ll have information about all categories where you can apply in this defence force.
It is one of the leading defence force of Pakistan like Army and Navy. Pakistan Army is serving the Nation by serving at border and Navy is serving through seaside and Air Force is serving in Air by of latest air jets. PAF is making latest progress in its fields by creating new technologies at Pakistan Aeronautical Complex and its result is this that PAF has in its squad now JF-17 Thunder air jet and Drone Burraq.
The department is having strong policies and strategies to defend the country and to run these policies it requires a huge staff for which it offers the career opportunities to the students every year in different fields and desired students apply in their respective fields for the sake of a job. The criteria for applying in these fields is available online and online registration is also done in order to apply instantly and without any error, form is received to respective center.
Current Jobs in Pakistan Air Force:
Join Pakistan Air Force After Matric 10th Class Arts / Science 2025
Join PAF After Matric:
There are various fields for which one can join after matric and these fields are mentioned below.
As an Airman: Those candidates who have passed their matriculation with a percentage of 60 in elective science are eligible for certain posts which I am going to mention below. These fields are for joining as an airman.
- Religious Teacher
- Aero – Technician (AT)
- Aero – Support (AS)
- Provost
- Ground Combat (GC)
- Mechanical Transport Driver
- Sportsman
- Musician
As a Civilian: As a civilian one can join PAF after matric and middle pass and for joining certain posts are vacant and a number of the students apply for this sector. These posts are listed below:
These all are the posts which are vacant and applicable for matric pass students and middle pass students.
- Stenographer
- Foreman
- Laboratory Foreman
- Assistant Foreman
- Sports Coach
- Assistant
- Religious Teacher
- Steno Typist
- Civilian Store Keeper
- Research Assistant
- Library Assistant
- Overseer (B and R)
- Nursing sister
- Charge Hand
- Caterer
- Lab man
- General Machine Operator
- Upper clerk
- Librarian
- Draughtsman
- Lab Assistant
- Physical Training Instructor
- Anti- Malaria Supervisor
- Male Nurse
- Assistant Store Keeper
- Lower Division Clerk
- Khadim-e- Masjid
- Store Man
- Lab Attendant
- Ferro Printer
- Tracer
- Cinema Operator
- Medical Assistant
- Fire Fighters
- STM Technicians
- Skilled Tradesman
- Receptionist
Marital Status: For matric students, candidates must be single/unmarried.
Nationality: Candidate must be a citizen of Pakistani.
Age Limit: For matric candidates, age limit should be 16- 20 years for PC Courses.
Join PAF After F.A, F.SC, ICS, And ICOM:
If one wants to join PAF after these degrees which are mentioned above must apply for Permanent Commission (PC Courses) after with 60 % to 65 %. But one must be intermediate passed.
- Permanent Courses:
- General Duty Pilot
- Aeronautical Engineer
- Air Defence
- Admin and Special Duties
Selection Procedure:
- English and Physics subject test is conducted from level
- Interview and preliminary medical examination testis conducted by PAF centers.
- Tests by ISSB and a medical test is followed by Board of Masroor PAF Karachi is followed by Flying Aptitude Test.
- Finally, the candidate is selected by the headquarters of PAF on merit.
Ineligibility Criteria:
- A candidate who is rejected twice by ISSB and GHQ is not eligible to apply.
- Twice screened out by ISSB/GHQ Selection Board.
- The medically unfit candidate is not eligible to apply.
- If convicted by law and order by any type of offense.
- If there is fake certification is found in candidates documents are not allowed to apply.
- If any information is not provided correct while filling form are rejected also.
For Online Registration & Guideline: Click Here
So this is the whole detail about joining of PAF after above-mentioned degrees. One can register online, fill the form and then pass through its rules and regulations and can get a job on the basis of his/her amenities.
I want to join paf because it is my dream from my childhood I want to become a pilot please give me admission in air force please ☺
sir mery matric me number 619 thy or english me 61 thy sir me apply kr sakta p a F ME
i want to join PAF . Please tell me how to register myself there?
Sir I am in fully metric pass in science subject
Plzz mail me this email
I join as a pilot in paf
i wants to join paf and wants to do somthing special in paf my qualification matriculation.
now i’m student of ICs First Year…
Can anyone tell me about hieght and other physical requirements?Thank-you!
Sir mery matric mn 777 marks hn science mn , mn paf as a air man join karna chahta hon,
i want to join pak air force .i have technical and matric in scince qualifications .so what i can do for enter in pak air man?
I want to join for male nurse because iam studing in
general nursing student of second year i have 2year
experiance in hosp
Sir I want to join pakaf .my marks 760 .sir how to join pak air force plz tell me sir .