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Latest Warden Jobs in Pakistan 2025
Warden Jobs in Pakistan 2025 Upcoming Latest Mar
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SBBWU Peshawar Jobs Oct 2017 Download Online Application Form Latest
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Here in the following you will get SBBWU Peshawar Jobs Oct 2017 Download Online Application Form Latest. Applications are on the way to you from one of the well reputed university which is lying in Peshawar is named as "Shaheed Benazir Bhutto Women University Peshawar is seeking to hire the well experienced, caliber and adroit applicants are required to apply for the following posts on contract basis following posts needs to be filled which are named as (Medical Officer (Women0, Resident Warden, Assistant Research Investigator, Nurse, Loom Operator, Driver, Carpenter, Welder, Conductor, Naib Qasid and Helper) are the posts which needs to be filled by the applicants as soon as possible. For all of these posts overall qualification which is required include MBBS BS.c, Masters, Graduation and Intermediate is required from HEC recognized university is required along with per field expertise are needed to apply for such posts. Attractive remuneration package will be given to the applicants with growth opportunities and brilliant atmosphere will be provided to the applicants. Now, I will let you know about it's further details below.
Shaheed Benazir Bhutto Women University
Gender: | Male, Female |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Masters, Graduation, Intermediate, Matric |
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The University of Faisalabad Jobs 2017 NTS Application Form Download
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Employment Offers are being offered from The University of Faisalabad Jobs 2017 NTS Application Form Download. One of the well reputed and famous university University of Faisalabad is in probe of good experience, highly good profile bearing, eligible and adroit applicants are required to apply for the Teaching & Non-Teaching Posts which are named as (Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, Lecturer, Director QEC, Chief Librarian, Manager IT, Manager Finance, Deputy Registrar, Deputy Director QEC, Deputy Controller of Examination, Deputy Director Sports, Librarian, Software Developer, Accountant, Social Media Executive, Assistant Controller Examination, Content Writer, Graphic Designer, Office Assistant and Hostel Warden (Female) are the current positions which needs to be filled by the applicants as soon as possible. Attractive pay package will be given to the applicants. NTS is authorized to conduct the test against these posts. Now, I will let you know about its rest of the details below.
The University of Faisalabad
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Ph.D, M.Phil/MS, CA/MBA,, ACCA, MS.c,, M.A, MCS/BS, MBA |
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Punjab Prison Jail Department Jobs 2017 Latest Test / Interview Dates
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Get Punjab Prison Jail Department Jobs 2017 for 616 Warder Latest Test / Interview Dates. Job Opportunities for the Rawalpindi Region residents belongs from different districts such as Attock, Jhelum, Gujrat, Mandi Bahauddin and Chakwal who are well educated and Physically Fit against the following positions such as (Warder). Department has set 20% Quota for Retired / Working Employee’s Children of Jail Department and 5% quota for Minorities. Appointment of above mentioned positions will be held on purely contract basis and duration of contract is extendable on satisfactory performance of individuals. Candidates willing to apply should hold relevant qualification and experience as per the demand of vacant positions and generally Matric pass candidates can apply with 170 cm height and 78 cm chest measurement for the vacant positions. So, viewers it is golden opportunity for those who are just Matric pass but wanted to be part of any Government Department and now in the following we’ll discuss about how to apply procedure which is according to the rules of NTS because to prove the transparency in recruitment Jail Department has authorized this testing organization to collect applications and conduct recruitment test.
Punjab Prison Jail Department
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Matric |
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Health Department Sahiwal Jobs 2016 For Jr Technician Vaccinators NTS Form
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It is related to Health Department Sahiwal Jobs 2016 For Jr Technician Vaccinators NTS Form where you'll have latest jobs in Sahiwal District and eligible candidates are welcome to apply to for the Health Department Jobs. For all those applicants who belong to Sahiwal and are looking for the jobs in Health Department of Sahiwal are required to apply and fill the number of the posts for which services of eligible caliber, capable and well disciplined applicants are required to apply on contract basis who possess the domicile of Punjab and who are natives of Sahiwal are required to apply to fill the following vacant situations which includes Hostel Warden, Computer Operator, Data Entry Operator, Junior Clerk, Junior Technician Pathology, Jr Technician ECG Technician, Junior Technician Dialysis, Junior Technician Dental, Junior Technician LHV, Junior Technician Dispenser, Junior Technician Dresser, Junior Technician CDC, Junior Technician Microscopist, Junior Technician Vaccinators, Midwife, Store Keeper and Audio Visual Operator are the complete posts which needs to be fill who possess the overall qualification of BCS/ICS, Intermediate, Matric, Relevant Diploma along with relevant expertise are required to apply for these posts. Age limit are different as mostly 18-25 , 21-28, 21-25 & 18-35 years with 5 years age relaxation will be given to the males and 8 years to the females. So, now have a tour on its applying criteria below.
Health Department
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | BCS/ICS, Intermediate, Matric, Relevant Diploma |
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Agricultural Engineering & Water Management Sindh Jobs 2016 Nov Add
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For all the Sindh domicile holders here a good job offer is there from Agricultural Engineering & Water Management Sindh Jobs 2016 Nov Add. For all those unemployed applicants of Sindh here a wonderful job offer is infront of you today from Directorate of Agricultural Engineering & Water Management Sindh, Hyderabad is seeking and is in probe of well disciplined, energetic, dynamic and suitable Sindh domicile holders are required to fill the following vacancies of scale BPS-14 to BPS-01 which are entitled as Hostel Warden, Data Processing Assistant, Computer Operator, Draftsman, Tractor Driver/Operator, Road Man, Road Mate, Watch & Ward Attendant and Sanitary Worker/Sweeper are the posts which requires to be filled at the due date and time with overall qualification of Graduation, Intermediate, Literate, Relevant Diploma with each field working expertise are required to apply for these jobs. Maximum age limit should be 28 and minimum 18 years should be attained by the applicants. So guys, don't miss this chance as like a golden chance that one can apply and fill these posts as soon as possible to get rid of unemployment. So, now head towards its applying criteria below.
Agricultural Engineering & Water Management
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Graduation, Intermediate, Literate, Relevant Diploma |
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Women Development Department Lahore Jobs 2016 For Stenographer BPS-14
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For the lovers of Govt job here a job offer is being offered from Women Development Department Punjab Jobs 2016 Latest Career Offers. The Women Development Department of Punjab is inviting the well educated, experienced, well disciplined applicants are required to apply for the following posts which includes Stenographer, Warden, Computer Operator and Junior Clerk are the posts which are basically needed for the Working Women Hostels of Punjab. The eligibility criteria which is required for these posts includes Intermediate for Sr 1,2 & 4 along with English and Urdu Shorthand typing expertise, computer literacy full on command in the MS Office is needed to apply whereas for the post of Sr No,2 the applicants should be having the B.A from a well reputed university is required. Age limit should be 18 to 25 years for Sr 1,2 & 4 & for the Sr No, 3 the applicants should bears the age limit of 21 to 28 years with 5 years age relaxation for males and 8 years will be admissible to the females also. The quota is reserved for Females 15%, Disable persons 3% and 5% for Minorities. So, after having these details now let's have a look on its applying criteria below.
Women Development Department
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | B.A, Intermediate |
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UMT Lahore Jobs 2016 University of Management & Technology Apply Online
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Today you will be having the latest job opportunity from UMT Lahore Jobs 2016 University of Management & Technology Apply Online. The well known educational institute which is named as University of Management and Technology is the HEC recognized, W4 Category higher ranked university and offers 150 and plus degree program in diverse areas is recently inviting the candidates who are professional, self oriented and well disciplined applicants are needed to apply for the ample of the vacant posts which includes Chief Library Officer, Warden, Manager Administration, Manager Social Media and Digital Marketing, Assistant Registrar, Senior Software Engineer are the posts which needs to be filled by the applicant with 16 years education from the HEC recognized institutes along with several years expertise and responsibilities should be fulfilled by the applicants. Attractive salary package will be given to the candidates with really peaceful and conducive atmosphere to work over there. So guys, don’t get late and be the first one to apply for these posts and get rid of unemployment if you are looking for such jobs. Now, let’s head towards its applying criteria below.
University of Management and Technology
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Masters, BSCS |
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NTU National Textile University Faisalabad Jobs 2016 For Non-Faculty Staff Online Form
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Here in the following you will have the fresh job offer of today from NTU National Textile University Faisalabad Jobs 2016 For Non-Faculty Staff Online Form. The applications are invited from the well reputed and well disciplined Textile University named" National Textile University Faisalabad" is currently seeking and is looking to appoint the well educated, experience, well disciplined applicants are required to apply for the following posts which includes Deputy Director (ORIC), Deputy Director Industrial Liaision, Deputy Director (P& D) Contract Basis, Deputy Registrar, Internal Auditor, Personal Secretary to Rector, Legal Advisor/Consultant, Medical Officer (Male), Medical Officer (Female), Lab Engineer, Manager MIS, System & Security Administrator, Senior System Analyst/DBA, Senior Software Engineer, Network Administrator, Deputy Warden Hostel (Female), Supervisor (Security), Junior Clerk, Naib Qasid and Driver are the vacancies which needs to be filled at this moment before last date with relevant and overall qualification of Ph.D, M.Phil/MS, MBBS,Master's, Bachelor's, Matric, Middle with relevant subjects and relevant each designation experience is needed to be employed here for to perform all the duties in an impeccable manner. The Provincial and Federal quota will be observed as per Govt rules. Now, lets have a look on its applying criteria below.
National Textile University
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Ph.D, M.Phil/MS,MBBS, Master's, Bachelor's, Matric, Middle |
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Heavy Industries Taxila Jobs 2016 HITEC Latest Current Vacancies
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Today i am once again as daily there with all of you along with a job offer from Heavy Industries Taxila Jobs 2016 HITEC Latest Current Vacancies. The Heavy Industries Taxila Education City has given the advertisement of the career opportunities which is looking to hire the dynamic, competent, self-oriented and diligent applicants for the following vacancies which includes Principal (School and College for Girls) Females, Assistant Director Administration, Assistant director hostels and Assistant Warden (Female) are required to apply for these jobs. As, i have discussed the vacancies now let's move towards its educational and expertise needs which includes MA/MS.c for Sr no,1 with 20 years teaching and 5-7 years experience are required as a Principal in a recognized institute and the candidates who possess the well how know regarding the modern methodologies of teaching and demonstration are required to apply. For the second number post the retired Army Officer (Major/Colonel) with the administrative handling expertise are welcome to apply and for the Sr No,3 the applicants should possess theMA/MS.c education with 5 to 8 years hostel management and handling expertise are required to hold these jobs whereas for the last post the applicants of B.A/BS.c but the preference will be given on preference with 3-5 years expertise. The age limit should be 50 to 60 years for Sr No,1 and 35 to 45 years for Sr No,2, Attractive salary package will be handed over the candidates with perfect working environment. So, if you want to apply must rush soon before the time up and avail these offers. So, after discussing these all details let's rush towards its applying criteria below.
Heavy Industries Taxila Education City
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | M.A/MS.c, B.A/BS.c, Matric |
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KPK Police Department Jobs 2016 For Constables NTS Application Form Download Online
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Today a fresh job opportunity is there for the natives of KPK from KPK Police Department Jobs 2016 For Constables NTS Application Form Download Online. The KPK's Police Department is willing and wishing to hire the eligible, adroit, brilliant ad well discipline applicants against the post of Police Constables and Traffic Warden Constables are required to apply for these post and the NTS is authorized to conduct the physical and written test for these two posts. The both male and females are liable to apply for these jobs. The applicants who are having the domicile of KPK are liable to apply. The quota is reserved for the 10% Women, 3% for Minorities and 10% for the in service employees and 2% will be given to the employees children whose parent have expired during the duty and rest of the8% quota is reserved for Police employees will be given. In the Peshawar district the recruitment will be done only for the post of Traffic Warden Police this year. So, after discussing these all details now let';s turn towards the eligibility criteria and towards its applying criteria below.
KPK Police Department
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Matric |
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Education Department Gilgit Baltistan Jobs May 2016 For Non-Teaching Staff
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Today at this job platform i am in nexus with all the job seekers to view the vacancies from Education Department Gilgit Baltistan Jobs May 2016 For Non-Teaching Staff. The Education Department of Gilgit Baltistan is looking for the adroit and minimum education holders individuals for the number of vacant situations in different regions of Gilgit in which number of the vacancies are similar and very few are different to be filled by the eligible and suitable applicants. The districts in which the vacant situations are vacant includes Gilgit, Ghizar, Hunza & Nagar district namely requires the service of non-teaching staff such as Upper Division Clerk, Laboratory Assistant, Library Assistant, Lower Division Clerk, Assistant Warden, Lab Assistant, Trade Instructor Junior, Lab Incharge IT, IT Lab Assistant & Draftsman are the vacant places which needs to be filled b the individuals. Very minimum qualification is required for these post but the applicants should be well versed in their field work will be eligible to hold these jobs. So, for those who are looking and are in search of since many times for such job residing in Gilgit Baltistan are cordially invited to apply. So, let's have a look on its further heading below in order to aware our viewers and job seekers from through details.
Education Department
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | F.A/FS.c, DAE, ICS |
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Social Welfare & Bait-ul-Maal Punjab Jobs 2015 Lahore & Faisalabad
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Here at this page we provide you Social Welfare & Bait-ul-Maal Punjab Jobs 2015 Lahore & Faisalabad. Jobs in Social Welfare and Bait-ul-Maal Department Punjab are available and currently it is looking for highly educated, very experienced, hardworking and well disciplined candidates for the following positions such as (Office Assistant, Assistant / Accountant and Warden (Male & Female)). Appointments of above mentioned positions will be held on contract basis as per the recruitment policy of Government of Punjab and duration of contract will be one year which is not extendable. Candidates willing to apply are suggested to compare themselves with the eligibilities mentioned in the image posted below and according to the criteria candidates having Graduation degree are eligible to apply. So, take advantage from this opportunity and apply according to the how to apply procedure given below.
Social Welfare & Bait-ul-Maal Punjab
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Graduation |
New vacancies for Warden jobs 2025 and Warden openings jobs in 2026 are listed online with new Warden jobs posted daily. Previous Warden jobs 2024 can also be applied for online. Make money from home or the office by choosing the right Warden job for your qualification and experience. By applying to today's jobs at Warden Punjab, Sindh, KPK, Balochistan, Gilgit Baltistan, AJK, you join a growing team.