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Latest Registrar Jobs in Pakistan 2025
Registrar Jobs in Pakistan 2025 Upcoming Latest Mar
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Khyber Teaching Hospital Peshawar Jobs 2016 Current Vacancies
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Here at this job page you will be having the job offer from Khyber Teaching Hospital Peshawar Jobs 2016 Current Vacancies. The Khyber Teaching Hospital (MTI )Peshawar is in probe of eligible, adroit, self-disciplined and adroit applicants are required who possess the FATA/KPK for the Sr No,1 and 2 and except for Sr No,3 the applicants are required to apply for the following posts which includes Assistant Professor (Forensic Medicine KMC), Senior Registrar (Medical "A" Unit "ENT" B Unit), and Manager Quality Assurance are required to apply against these posts. The qualification which is required for the Sr No,1 and 2 includes MBBS, FCPS, M.Phil which should be recognized by the PMDC and relevant working expertise in the relevant field is required. For the last post the applicants should possess the Master's degree in Total Quality Management with 5 years relevant experience in the management and strong interpersonal and communication skills is required. Age limit should be 27 to 45 for the Sr No,1 and for Sr No,2 25 to 45 years. The applicants will be offered wonderful and attractive salary package and the cool and fine working environment will be given to the applicants. So, let's have a look on its applying criteria.
Khyber Teaching Hospital MTI Peshawar
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | MBBS, Master's |
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Children Hospital Multan Jobs July 2016 Latest Test and Interview Date
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As, like everyday once again with the beginning of a day from a job offer by Children Hospital Multan Jobs July 2016 Latest Test and Interview Date. The applications are invited from the Children Hospital Multan, Institute of Child Health is appointing the most diligent, well educated and those applicants who are having the expertise in the relevant field are required to apply against the following vacancies which includes Associate Professor (Paeds, Neonatology), Associate Professor (Paeds,Medicine), Assistant Professor ( Paed Cardiology, Plastic Surgery, Orthopaedic Surgery, Neurosurgery & Urology), Assistant Professor (Radiology), Assistant Professor (Microbiology), Assistant Professor (Histopathology), Senior Registrar (Paed.Medicine), Senior Registrar Paed Cardiology, Plastic Surgery, Orthopaedic Surgery, Neurosurgery & Urology), Senior Registrar (Anaesthetist/ O.T), Computer Programmer, System Analyst, Librarian, Social Welfare Officer, Physiotherapist, Assistant Occupational Therapist, Store Superintendent/Store Officer and Assistant Manager Orthopaedic Workshop are required to apply with the overall qualification which includes MBBS/FSCS/MD/FCPS, Master's,BS.c, Relevant Diploma is required with the relevant expertise in each field is required to be liable to be posted there. The medical degrees should be recognized by the PMDC. The applicants age limits are different for each post and similar one. Appointment will be done on adhoc basis to apply. The domicile holders of Punjab are welcome to apply. So, after discussing such details one must apply if they meet the said criteria. So, let's have a look on its applying criteria below.
Children Hospital, Institute of Child Health
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | MBBS/FSCS/MD/FCPS, Master's,BS.c, Relevant Diploma |
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LGH Hospital Jobs July 2016 Application Form Download
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Today on 15th July, 2016 we’ll talk about LGH Hospital Jobs July 2016 Application Form Download Jobs in General Hospital Lahore are available and it is looking to recruit following position at Punjab Institute of Neuro Sciences, Lahore and for this purpose it invites applications from Punjab Domiciled candidates who are well educated, hardworking and well disciplined against the following position such as (Senior Registrar for Neurosurgery, Neurology, Anesthesia, Radiology). Recruitment will be made according to Government of the Punjab, Recruitment Policy on Adhoc basis which is extendable on satisfactory performance. Candidates willing to apply should possess relevant qualification and experience as per the criteria mentioned in the following image posted below and according to the criteria candidates should have MBBS or equivalent medical Qualifications recognized / registered by the PM&DC. PM&DC level III Qualification in respective subject or general FCPS / MS / MD OR Other equivalent level III qualification in the specialty approved by SRC and recognized / registered by the PM&DC. So, only suitable candidates meeting criteria should apply as per the following how to apply procedure given below which is according to the rules of General Hospital Lahore.
General Hospital Lahore
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | MBBS |
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Peoples University of Health Sciences for Women Shaheed Benazirabad Jobs 2016 Latest Add
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Here at this job page you will get the recent job offer from Peoples University of Health Sciences for Women Shaheed Benazirabad Jobs 2016 Latest Add. This well known educational institute is looking and inviting the caliber, adroit, diligent and well educated individuals are required to apply for the Faculty positions in Clinical Sciences and Basic Sciences Department for the following positions which includes Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor and Senior Registrar are required to apply in both of these department. But there is the difference in the disciplines of these posts which includes of the Clinical Sciences as Anaesthesiology, General Surgery, Cardiology, Plastic Surgery, Pulmonology, Dermatology, ENT Specialist, Gynae & Obstt, Medicine, Paediatrics, Radiology, Urology and many more disciplines are lying for the Clinical Sciences and Basic Sciences to apply. The qualification for these posts will be as per HEC criteria with expertise. The posts are on regular basis to apply. The candidates who meet the said criteria must apply for these awesome jobs to get employed. Attractive salary package will be admissible to the applicants with best working environment. So, let's have a look now on its applying criteria below.
Peoples University of Medical & Health Sciences For Women
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | FCPS, M.Phil, Ph.D, Master's |
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Balochistan Institute of Nephrology-Urology Quetta Jobs 2016 Faculty Required Latest
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Here at this leading job page you will have the recent job opportunity from Balochistan Institute of Nephrology-Urology Quetta Jobs 2016 Faculty Required Latest. This well known Balochistan Institute of Nephrology Quetta is the Government of Balochistan's renowned institue which is serving the patients who are suffering from the real problems and the transplantation of the kidney will be done over there is recently throw and advertisement for the faculty posts over there requires the service of high profiled, eligible, well-disciplined applicants are required to fill the following vacant situations which includes Professor (Nephrology, Urology, Radiology, Pathology, Anaesthesiology), Associate Professor (Nephrology, Urology, Radiology, Pathology, Anaesthesiology), Assistant Professor (Nephrology, Urology, Radiology, Pathology, (Post Histo-Pathology, Post-Microbiology, Post Clinical Pathology, Anaesthesiology), Senior Registrar (Nephrology, Urology, Radiology, Pathology, Anaesthesiology), Specialists (Nutritionist, Gynecologist, General Surgeon, Cardiologist) are the current vacant situations which needs to be filled by the applicants on contract basis.The candidates from all over Pakistan also from the AJK are required to apply. Attractive salary package will be given to the candidates with conducive environment will be provided to the applicants. So, let's have a look now on its applying criteria below.
Balochistan Institute of Nephrology
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | MBBS/FCPS/MD, MS, Master's |
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Services Hospital Lahore Jobs 2016 Services Institute of Medical Sciences
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Here at this page we’ll discuss about Services Hospital Lahore Jobs 2016 Services Institute of Medical Sciences. Jobs in Services Institute of Medical Sciences / Services Hospital Lahore are available and it invites applications from the Punjab domiciled candidates for the following positions such as (Associate Professors, Assistant Professors and Senior Registrars). Authority reserves the right to cancel, increase or decrease the number of posts at any level. Appointment of above mentioned positions will be held on purely adhoc basis for a period of 01 year (extendable subject to good performance) or till the availability of regular incumbent / selectee of Punjab Public Service Commission (PPSC) which is earlier. Both Male / Female having domicile of Province of the Punjab can apply. Candidates willing to apply should possess qualification and experience as per the eligibility criteria mentioned in the following image posted below and according to the criteria for all positions MBBS is required. So, only suitable candidates meeting criteria should apply as per the following how to apply procedure given below.
Services Institute of Medical Sciences / Services Hospital
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | MBBS, Post Graduation |
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Dow University of Health Sciences Karachi Jobs 2016 Current Vacancies
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Here in the following the job opportunities are being offered from Dow University of Health Sciences Karachi Jobs 2016 Current Vacancies. The leading and topmost university of Karachi in terms of Health Sciences named "Dow university of Health Science" is currently looking to appoint the individuals for the various programs and in various disciplines of this university for the Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff in the following programs such as Bone Marrow Transplant Program, Clinical Sciences, Basic Dentistry / Dow College of Pharmacy, Institute of Biological, Biochemical & Pharmaceutical Sciences and in ORIC the vacancies are vacant which includes Professor (Pathology / Consultant Clinical Hematologist / Bone Marrow Transplant Physician), Associate Professor (Pathology /Paediatrics), Consultant Clinical Hematologist / Bone Marrow Transplant Physician, Assistant Professor (Pathology /Paediatrics), Consultant Clinical Hematologist / Bone Marrow Transplant Physician, Senior Registrar / Attending Physician/ Attendant Paediatrician, Liasion Doctor, Clinical Pharmacist, Registrar Nurse, Medical Technologist, Scientific Officer, Regulatory Officer, Research Associate, Manager Project and Communication Officer are required to apply and for rest of the all posts are of Teaching Staff are similar. The overall qualification which is required to apply for these posts includes Ph.D, Post Ph.D, MBBS, FCPS, M.Phil, MS/MD/FCPS, BDS, D.Pharmacy, BSCn, MS.c,B.E, B.A BS are the educational qualification and all the degrees of the applicants should be recognized by HEC and registered by PMDC is mandatory along with several years expertise in each field is required to hold these jobs. Age Limits are different as 40, 45, 30 and 35 years is required to apply. So, after having these details let's have a look on its applying criteria.
Dow University of Health Sciences Karachi
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Ph.D, Post Ph.D, MBBS, FCPS, M.Phil, MS/MD/FCPS, BDS, D.Pharmacy, BSCn, MS.c,B.E, B.A BS |
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Wazirabad Institute of Cardiology Jobs 2016 Test & Interview Schedule
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Today on 11th of June 2016 a fresh job opportunity is being offered from Wazirabad Institute of Cardiology Jobs 2016 Test & Interview Schedule. The Wazirabad Institute of Cardiology intends to hire the caliber, well educated, experienced and adroit individuals against the various vacant situations which includes Associate Professor of Cardiology, Assistant Professor of Cardiology, Senior Registrar of Cardiology, Consultants Pathologist and Bio Chemist are required over there in this cardiology institute. The jobs are on contract basis to apply and the period of contract will be for 3 years and an leads to further extension. contract will be post specific and is non-transferable. The contract will be terminated due to unsatisfactory performance and due to absence of the applicants. The applicants will be given per month salary package and basic allowance also. So, all those applicants who bears the domicile of Punjab are eligible to apply for these jobs. All those applicants who possess the amenities of these jobs and are required to apply for these post they must fulfill all the requirements so they must apply for these posts. So, let's have a look on its applying criteria and its educational and experience requirements.
Wazirabad Instiute of Cardiology
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | MBBS, MCPS, FRCS, MD,MS.c, M.Phil, Ph.D, Relevant Diploma |
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University of Turbat Jobs 2016 Application Form Download Online
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Here in the following a recent job news is announced from the educational institute by University of Turbat Jobs 2016 Application Form Download Online. The University of Turbat is looking to hire the diligent, adroit, eligible and suitable applicants for the statutory and administrative positions to apply for them in the District (Kech & Makran) the service of such applicants are required to hold and fill the following positions which includes Registrar, Additional Controller of Examination, Assistant Controller of Examination,Account Assistant Officer, Librarian, Hostel Warden, Security Officer, Transport Officer and Accountant is required to hold these jobs in a impeccable manner. The jobs are on contract as well as on regular basis mentioned infront of each post. As the university posts are good post and they carry excellent salary package also with conducive environment for working will be provided to the applicants. So, those applicants whoa re willing to apply for these wonderful senior positions they must go through the details of these jobs and than tap to apply. Single vacancies are vacant of each post. So, its the high time for to apply against these positions don't wait and apply for these posts as soon as possible. Now, let's have a look on its education, experience and applying criteria below.
University of Turbat
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | MBA, MPA, MS.c, M.A, M.L.S,, B.E, Relevant Diploma |
Jobs in Pakistan FULL TIME
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BPSC Health Department Jobs June 2016 Online Application Form
Today i am there in connection with presentation of a job opportunity from BPSC Health Department Jobs June 2016 Online Application Form . The Balochistan Public Service Commission is recently in probe of diligent, brilliant, caliber ab adroit applicants to hire them in the different Govt department which includes Health Department, Prosecution & Anti Narcotics Department and in Mines and Minerals Departments the number of the vacancies are vacant to apply for them and fill them. So, the situations which are vacant in Health Department includes Senior Registrars (Post Graduate Medical Institute) (Medicine, Surgery, Gynaecology, ENT, Cardiology, Radiology, Neurosurgery and in many more fields), Assistant Professor (Pharmacology), Medical Officers, Lady Medical Officer, Dental Surgeon, Pharmacist/Drug Analyst are the Health Department vacancies whereas for Procurement and Anti Narcotics Department Deputy Prosecutor General post is vacant and for Mines and Minerals Department Assistant Director (Geologist) post is there to apply. Both male and female who possess the domicile of Balochistan are eligible to apply for these posts. Married female can apply on the domicile of their husband. The zonal allocation of the such vacancies will be made according to the Govt Policy. The applicants have to go through the MCQS Test and after qualifying this test the applicants will be invited for via voice test. So, after having these details let's tap towards its further requirements.
Balochistan Public Service Commission
Gender: | Male, Female |
Experience: | 0, 1 years required. |
Education: | N/A |
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Mayo Hospital Lahore Jobs 2016 For Senior Registrar Ophthalmology
(Job Expired)
Here in the following the job opportunity is being offered from Mayo Hospital Lahore Jobs 2016 For Senior Registrar Ophthalmology. The Mayo Hospital Lahore is in search of reliable, well qualified and experience applicants against the post to apply which includes Senior Registrar Ophthalmology. The applicants will be hired on adhoc basis. This is the Govt hospital of Lahore which is the leading hospital is inviting the applicants to come and fulfill this vacancy where they will given excellent salary package and pretty atmosphere with collaboration to the staff. The degrees of applicants should be recognized by Pakistan Medical and Dental Council will be preferred. Candidates willing to apply should possess relevant qualification and experience according to the criteria mentioned in the image posted below and only suitable candidates should apply only and will be employed for this post. So, after having these details let's tap towards its applying criteria and all other headings below.
Mayo Hospital
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | MBBS,MS/FCPS/FRCS |
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Liaquat National Hospital & Medical College Karachi Jobs 2016 Career Offers
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Here at this page you will have today a recent job from Karachi Liaquat National Hospital & Medical College Karachi Jobs 2016 Career Offers. The Liaquat National Hospital is the most well known and advanced tertiary hospital which comprises of 750 beds is recently looking to hire the brilliant adroit, well educated and eligible individuals for the Teaching Faculty, Administrative / Paramedical/Technical Staff and Career Offers for Nurses are there to apply against the following positions such as Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, Consultants, Consultants Dentist, for Nurses the vacant situations includes Vice Principal, College of Nursing, Faculty College of Nursing, Female Staff Nurse & Infection Control Nurse are the nursing area vacancies and for the Administrative / Paramedical/Technical Staff the vacancies includes Manager Supply Chain, Assistant Manager Supply Chain, Manager Biomedical Engineering, Senior Biomedical Engineer, Assistant Manager Quality Assurance, Quality Assurance Officer for Clinical & Administrative Department, Oracle EBS Programmer and huge number of situations are required for these posts with relevant qualification and expertise in the relevant field s required to apply. So, those applicants who fulfill the needs of these job fully are welcome to apply for these posts. So, now let's have a look on its applying criteria plus educational and experience requirements.
Liaquat National Hospital & Medical College
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | MBBS, MPEH, BDS/MS/M.Phil, MCPS, FCPS, MBA, BS.c.N |
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