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Latest PPSC Jobs in Pakistan 2025
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PPSC S&GAD Jobs 2017 For Garage Supervisor Latest Add
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For applicants of Punjab recent opportunity is going to be flipped from PPSC S&GAD Jobs 2017 For Garage Supervisor Latest Add PPSC is well known abbreviation which is fully known as Punjab Public Service Commission is again inviting the Punjab domicile bearing energetic, dynamic, well professional and caliber applicants are required to apply for the different posts which are lying vacant under the Department named “Motors Transport Wing of Services and General Administration Department” intends to recruit the applicants against two posts which are named as (Garage Superintendent and Garage Supervisor) are the posts given in the advertisement No 27/2017. For these posts applicants should be having the overall qualification of SSC from well recognized board with Diploma in Automobile Mechanic (Petrol/Diesel) from TEVTA Punjab or Intermediate holders are welcome to apply with LTV Driving License and 5-7 years experience in Automobile Supervisor is required. Appointment will be made on contract basis for the period of 5 years. Only males are eligible to apply with age limit of 40 years for Sr No, 1 and for 2nd post 35 years is required. Candidates will be posted in Punjab Civil Secretariat. These all were the above details now, let’s throw light on its further details below.
Punjab Public Service Commission
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Matric, Relevant Diploma, Intermediate |
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PPSC Planning Officer Jobs 2017 May Add Apply Online
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Today at this well known job platform you will get PPSC Planning Officer Jobs 2017 May Add Apply Online Applications are being offered from the Punjab Public Service Commission is in probe of energetic, efficient, caliber and well disciplined applicants are required to fill the given vacancies which belongs to different department such as Industry, Commerce & Investment Department (Directorate of Consumer Protection Council), Planning & Development Department, and Specialized Healthcare & Medical Education Department willing to hire the applicants against several posts such as (Assistant, Planning Officer, Professor of Dermatology, Professor of Cardiology, Professor of ENT, Associate Professor Nephrology, Associate Professor Medicine and Associate Professor Pulmonology) are the posts which needs to be filled with overall qualification of Bachelor's, BS.c, MBBS, FCPS, FRCS, MRCP which should be having the PMDC recognition and several year's relevant expertise are needed to apply for such posts. Age limits can be seen from the advertisement image and male, female and shemale are eligible to apply. Now, I will let you know about it's further details below.
Punjab Public Service Commission
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Bachelor's, BS.c, MBBS |
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PPSC Jobs Advertisement No 25/2017 Apply Online Latest
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Get PPSC Jobs Advertisement No 25 / 2017 Apply Online Latest at this page. Today on 02nd May 2017 new advertisement has been published in Daily Jang Newspaper by the PPSC according to which it is looking to recruit Research Officer in Law & Parliamentary Affairs Department and Principal / Assistant Director (Training) / Safety Engineer for Inspectorate of Mines, Punjab, Lahore in the Mines & Minerals Department. Relevant qualified Male, Female & Shemale holding Punjab domicile are welcome to apply for the above mentioned vacant positions and it is for willing candidates that after final selection they can be placed anywhere as per the demand of department. Those candidates who are willing to apply for Research Officer should hold LLB / LLM degree and for other position Bachelors in Mining Engineering is required to apply. For further information about required qualification, experience and age please examine following image posted below. Now let’s jump towards how to apply procedure according to the rules of PPSC.
Punjab Public Service Commission
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | LLB, LLM, Bachelors |
Jobs in Pakistan FULL TIME
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Junior Patrol Officer Jobs 2017 PPSC Lahore Ring Road Police Apply Online
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Get Junior Patrol Officer Jobs 2017 PPSC Lahore Ring Road Police Apply Online from this page. Advertisement No. 24/2017 of PPSC has been announced today according to which new jobs are announced under Lahore Ring Road Authority (Communication & Works Department) and for this purpose applications are invited from the Male & Female candidates holding Punjab Domicile for the following 99 Posts of Junior Patrol Officer (BS-09) in Lahore Ring Road Police on contract basis initially for the period of three years which is likely to be made permanent according to rules & regulations of Lahore Ring Road Authority. There is separate quota is reserved for the candidates in such way that 15 Posts reserved for Women quota and 05 posts reserved for Minorities. Candidates willing to apply are suggested to read the criteria mentioned in the following image such as:
Lahore Ring Road Police
Gender: | Male, Female |
Experience: | 0, 1 years required. |
Education: | N/A |
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PPSC Jobs April 2017 Lahore Multan Rawalpindi Bahawalpur DG Khan
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Here at this page, you’ll get PPSC Jobs April 2017 Lahore Multan Rawalpindi Bahawalpur DG Khan. Jobs in PPSC Punjab Public Service Commission are available and it is looking to recruit under Matric candidates for its Head office at Lahore and other area offices located at Multan, Rawalpindi, Bahawalpur, Faisalabad and DG Khan for which it invites applications from the skilled, hardworking and well-disciplined candidates for the following positions such as (05 Posts of Security Guard). All positions are on a permanent basis and candidates from above-mentioned districts having valid Domicile are welcome to apply, candidates willing to apply should possess relevant qualification and experience as per the criteria mentioned in the following image, for vacant positions middle and primary pass candidates can apply but preference will be given to candidates having Matriculation and retired army officers are also welcome to apply. So, viewers if you are not well educated then there is no need to worry about because PPSC invites under Matric candidates and you have to apply as per the following how to apply procedure.
Punjab Public Service Commission
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Middle, Primary |
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PPSC Assistant Engineer Jobs 2017 in Irrigation Department Apply Online
(Job Expired)
Here on 17th April 2017, we provide you PPSC Assistant Engineer Jobs 2017 in Irrigation Department Apply Online. Jobs in PPSC Punjab Public Service Commission are available and today we’ll discuss about its Advertisement No. 22/2017 in which you’ll have latest job opportunities announced in government departments of Punjab named as Irrigation Department Punjab and Agriculture Department for which it invites applications from the well educated, hardworking and well-disciplined candidates possessing any of the following qualification such as Masters in Statistics, Mathematics or Economics from a recognized university is required for Economic Statistical Investigator and BSc Engineering or BE Civil is required for the posts of Assistant Executive Engineer/Sub Division Officer/Assistant Design Engineer/Assistant Director Flood Monitoring/Assistant Director. Test for the vacant positions will be conducted by PPSC and test will be of MCQs type test of 100 marks of 90 minutes duration and it is compulsory for every candidate to pass the test with a good percentage for to qualify for Interview. So, viewers if you possess above-mentioned qualifications then you are welcome to apply as per the following how to apply procedure.
Punjab Public Service Commission
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Masters, Bachelors, Relevant Engineering Diploma |
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PPSC Advertisement 21 / 2017 Jobs in Chief Minister Office Punjab Lahore
(Job Expired)
Here on 12th April 2017, you’ll get PPSC Advertisement 21 / 2017 Jobs in Chief Minister Office Punjab Lahore. Jobs in PPSC Punjab Public Service Commission are available and today we’ll discuss about numerous jobs announced in different Punjab Government Departments named as (Agriculture Department, Chief Minister’s Office Punjab, Lahore (S&GAD), Information & Culture Department and Special Education Department) for which applications are invited from the well educated, experienced and hardworking Punjab Domiciled Male, Female & Shemale. Candidates from all over Punjab are welcome to apply for the following jobs and recruitment of these jobs will be initially on contract basis for the period of 03 years and duration of the contract is extendable on satisfactory performance of an individual. Candidates willing to apply for these jobs should hold a relevant qualification as per the criteria mentioned in the following image and generally, these positions are for those candidates holding qualification degree from MBA/ICMA/M.Com/Intermediate/Matric with relevant experience and diplomas. For detailed instructions about required qualification and experience please examine following image posted below. Now in the following, we’ll talk about how to apply the procedure for the vacant positions as per the rules of PPSC.
Punjab Public Service Commission
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | MBA, ICMA, B.Sc, Intermediate, Matric |
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PPSC Assistant Jobs 2017 Home Department Online Apply Latest Add
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For the most awaiting job opportunity here I have brought finally from PPSC Assistant Jobs 2017 Home Department Online Apply Latest Add. Punjab Public Service Commission jobs are the most wanted job which remained on the top in search so similarly, once again the commission has announced the vacancies in Anti-Terrorism Court in the Punjab, Home Department and in Mines & Minerals Department is looking to recruit the energetic, educated eligible and adroit applicants are needed to fill out the following posts which are named as (Assistant, Senior Scale Stenographer and Junior Inspector of Mine/Research Instructor/Research Officer) are the vacancies which requires to be filled before due date if one fulfill the demands of said posts so apply before deadline. Male, Female and Shemales who possess the domicile of Punjab are welcome to apply. Appointment will be made on regular basis. Attractive salary package will be given to the applicants with brilliant atmosphere and growth opportunities. Now, let's have a look on it's applying and eligibility criteria below.
Punjab Public Service Commission
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Bachelor's |
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PPSC Jobs 2017 Latest Online Apply & Sample Test Paper
(Job Expired)
For all the Punjab natives a job is there from PPSC Jobs 2017 Latest Online Apply & Sample Test Paper Applications are recently invited of the advertisement number 17/2017 is seeking to appoint the energetic, educated, well disciplined and caliber applicants for two department given named Official Language Committee, Services and General Administration Department and Social Welfare & Bait-ul-Maal Department) the following vacancies are required to be filled such as (Translator and Social Welfare Officers/ Medical Social Officers) are the posts which needs to be filled with overall qualification of Bachelor's, Masters for both posts but for the 2nd posts Masters should be in specific subjects as Sociology/ Social Work/Rural Sociology/Women Studies/Gender Studies/Anthropology from HEC recognized university with 2nd Division is required to apply. First post in on contract basis for the period of 3 year's. Male, Female and Shemales are eligible to apply. Attractive remuneration package will be handed over to the applicants with suitable atmosphere. Now, I will let you know about it's further details below.
Punjab Public Service Commission
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Bachelor's, Masters |
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PPSC Sub Division Officer/Assistant Jobs 2017 Communication & Works Department
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At this page, you'll get PPSC Sub Divisional Officer/Assistant Jobs 2017 Communication & Works Department. One of the most awaiting job opportunity is here from the Punjab Public Service Commission which is seeking to recruit the well disciplined, adroit, caliber and well-experienced applicants in the different departments such as (Communication & Works Department and Law & Parliamentary Affairs Department) are required to fill the following posts which includes (Assistant Engineer/Sub Divisional Officer/Assistant Director/Deputy District Officer, Chief Translator and Translator). Candidates from all over Punjab are welcome to apply but there are some requirements which are compulsory to be fulfilled such as B.Sc Civil Engineering qualification is required for Sr. No. 53, for other positions MPhil, Masters, Graduation pass candidates can apply. The applicants will be posted anywhere within the Punjab. Qualified Male, Female & Shemale are eligible to apply. Attractive salary package will be given to the applicants. So, have a look at its applying criteria below.
Punjab Public Service Commission
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | MPhil, Masters, B.Sc, Graduation |
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PPSC Charge Nurse Jobs 2017 Online Apply Test Syllabus & Old Test Pattern
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Have the current job offer from PPSC Charge Nurse Jobs 2017 Online Apply Test Syllabus & Old Test Pattern. Applications are being offered from Punjab Public Service Commission is seeking and looking to hire the energetic, educated, well disciplines and adroit applicants are required to apply for different departments as in Agriculture Department, Population Welfare Department and Specialized Healthcare & Medical Education Department are the department in which following vacancies are vacant to apply which include (Field Assistant, Assistant Director/Deputy District Population Officer/Tehsil Population Welfare Officer, Charge Nurse) are the posts which belongs to different departments and for all of these posts the overall qualification which is required include Masters, MBA, MPA, B.A/BS.c, Maric, Relevant Diploma with relevant expertise and courses are required to apply for such posts. Male, Female and Shemales are eligible to apply who possess the domicile of Punjab. Age limits are different for each post. Test syllabus include MCQS Paper of 100 marks needs to be solved in 90 minutes which constitutes number of the subjects can be examined from the advertisement image below. Now, I will let you know about its further details below.
Punjab Public Service Commission
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | N/A |
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PPSC Jobs Advertisement No 08/2017 Online Apply Current Openings
(Job Expired)
Here you will be having the latest job offer from PPSC Jobs Advertisement No 08/2017 Online Apply Current Openings. Punjab Public Service Commission is the Govt of Punjab's well known Commission which offers every week number of the posts which belongs to different department but currently the Specialized Healthcare & Medical Education Department is seeking to hire the well disciplined, experienced, educated and dynamic applicants are required to fill these posts which are named as (Senior Registrar Cardiac Surgery, Senior Registrar Anaesthesia, Assistant Professor Community Medicine, Assistant Professor Anaesthesia, Assistant Professor Oncology, Assistant Professor Forensic Medicine, Assistant Professor Nephrology, Assistant Professor Bio Chemistry, Assistant Professor Physiology, Assistant Professor Pharmacology, Assistant Professor Anatomy and Assistant Professor Pathology)are the posts which needs to be filled on regular basis in which the quota is admissible for Women, Disable persons and for Minorities. Overall qualification which is required for these posts includes MBBS, FCPS/MS/FRCS/MRCP, Ph.D, M.Phil, DS.c with Post qualification and relevant teaching expertise are required to hold these posts. All the degrees should be recognized by PMDC will be accepted. Male, Female and Shemales are welcome to apply. Age limits can be viewed from the advertisement image. Now, I will let you know about its further details below.
Punjab Public Service Commission
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | MBBS, FCPS/MS/FRCS/MRCP, Ph.D, M.Phil, DS.c |
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