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KPK Police Constable Jobs 2016 NTS Test Preparation Result Download Form
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On 08th November, 2016 we provide you KPK Police Constable Jobs 2016 NTS Test Preparation Result Download Form. Police Department Khyber Pakhtunkhwa has announced latest job opportunities for the post of Constable / Lady Constable. For which applications are invited from the children of those KPK Policemen who died during duty, it is special recruitment announcement for to give tribute to such policemen who led their life for the police duty. Now those candidates who are willing to apply should read the eligibility criteria carefully mentioned in the following image or in the very next heading. Candidates have to submit their applications to NTS because Police Department has authorized this testing organization to conduct recruitment test and select the suitable / eligible candidates for the vacant posts and during selection procedure candidates will undergo written test which will be Matric Level from different subjects such as English, Urdu, Islamiat, Pak Studies and General Knowledge, after written test candidates will under Physical Measurement, Running Test and then Interview. After all these procedures only eligible candidates will be appoint as Constable. Now let’s jump towards how to apply procedure for vacant post.
KPK Police
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Matric |
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Islamabad Capital Territory Police Jobs 2016 For BPS-01 to BPS-16 Latest
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Today here on 28th of October on his job page you will revel a kind of job from Islamabad Capital Territory Police Jobs 2016 For BPS-01 to BPS-16 Latest. The applications are being invited from the Islamabad Capital Territory Police is recruiting the eligible, responsible, experience applicants for the one year contract basis which can lead to further extension or can be terminated after the project completion intends to appoint the applicants as Station Director, Production Incharge, Studio Engineer, Producer. Production Assistant, Office Boy, Chowkidar and Sweeper are the posts which needs to be filled right at the due time with overall qualification of Masters, DAE/BS/B-Tech, FS.c, Matric, Middle from the well reputed institutes with relevant expertise are needed to hold these jobs. The vacancies from Sr No,1 to 5 will be filled on purely merit basis whereas the vacancies from Sr No,6 to 8 will be filled in Federal Basis. Attractive monthly salary will be given to the applicants with sound environment to work over there. Age limit should be 46 years for 1st post only but for rest of the all posts should be 35 years. If, you truly meet the said criteria so get set and go to apply and now let's move to have its applying criteria below.
Islamabad Capital Territory Police
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Masters, DAE/BS/B-Tech, FS.c, Matric, Middle |
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PPIC3 Punjab Safe Cities Authority Jobs 2016 NTS Online Registration
(Job Expired)
Here in the following i am going to enlist the latest job offer from PPIC3 Punjab Safe Cities Authority Jobs 2016 NTS Online Registration. For the applicants of Punjab its the wonderful news that the applications are being invited from the Punjab Safe Cities Authority Punjab Police Integrated Command Control & Communication is recently seeking and looking to hire the eligible, adroit, caliber, and well disciplined applicants are required to apply for the post of Police Communication Specialist/ Communication Officer (200 Posts) are vacant to apply for this post. The eligibility criteria which is required for this post includes BCS, BBA-IT, BS, MBA-IT, MCS or 16 years education is required with no expertise are required. Age limit should be 21 to 25 years for males and 21 to 28 years is required for females is required. The applicants should be having the MS Office expertise, typing speed of 30 wpm and should possess the English and Urdu Communication skills (Writing as ass Speaking) is required along with that the applicants who possess the Police Department, IT Projects or Call Centre would be advantageous is required. Quota is reserved for Women, Minorities and persons with special needs are required to apply. Pick and Drop facilities will be given to the applicants. So, after having such details let's move on to have its applying details.
Punjab Safe City Authority
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | BCS, BBA-IT, BS, MBA-IT, MCS |
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Counter Terrorism Department Sindh Police Constable Jobs 2016 NTS Online Form
Today on 11th of October 2016 a goo job offer is being offered from Counter Terrorism Department Sindh Police Constable Jobs 2016 NTS Online Form. The applications are invited from the Counter Terrorism Department Sindh Police is looking to recruit the dynamic, eligible, energetic and minimum qualification holding applicants for the posts of 1000 Police Constables and Lady Police Constables are required to apply for these posts. For all the domicile holders of Sindh its the wonderful opportunity that they come forward and apply for these awesome jobs and both genders are welcome to apply. As, for applying eligibility criteria is must to be filled which is simple as the applicants should be having the Matriculation from the recognized BISE which should be located in Sindh are welcome to apply. Age limit should be 18 to 25 years. The Physical Requirements for male includes Chest Size should be "33 by 34 Inch" and Height should be "5 by 5 Inches". For the Lady Police Constable the height should be "5 Inch only and the ladies have to walk and cover the distance of 800 meters in 14 minutes. Attractive salary package will be given to the applicants. So, after having these details now let's have a look on its applying criteria below.
Counter Terrorism Department Sindh Police
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Matric |
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Police Department Multan Jobs 2016 Govt of Punjab October Add
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For all those applicants its the best job offer from Police Department Multan Jobs 2016 Govt of Punjab October Add. So guys, there is no need to work if you are less educated and are having the headache for unemployment so tap to this job page where all category of posts are posted everyday. Now, the job offer is being offered from Police Department Multan District, Govt of Punjab is seeking to hire the fresh, dynamic, energetic and eligible applicants are required to apply for the post of Mount Squad is needed here. As, the post seems to be very simple similarly the eligibility criteria which is needed for this post includes Matric qualification along with the physical requirements which includes height of "5 Feet 7 Inches" and Chest size should be "33 by 34 1/2"attaining the age limit of 18 to 25 years are eligible to apply and all those candidates who possess domicile as well as the CNIC of Multan are welcome to apply soon for this post. The responsibility of this post includes the horse looking after and take caring along with its riding are the prime duties to be filled with great and in an impeccable manner. The quota is reserved for Retired Army Soldiers 10% who should be having the age limit of 25 years are eligible more than this age limit the applicants are not liable to be hired. Enough salary package will be given to the applicants. So, after having these details now let's have a look on its applying criteria below.
Police Department
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Matric |
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Railway Police Jobs October 2016 Sub Inspector NTS Form Download
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Today on 01st October, 2016 we provide you Railway Police Jobs October 2016 Sub Inspector NTS Form Download. PRP Pakistan Railways Police is looking to recruit 07 Positions of Sub Inspector (SI / Legal) among the Pakistani Nationals Male / Female who are well educated and physically fit. Above mentioned positions are based at Lahore Division, Workshop Division Mughalpura (Lahore), Quetta Division and Karachi Division. Department has allocate these positions in such way that 01 position is on Open Merit, 03 Positions are reserved for Punjab, 01 Position for Sindh Rural, 01 Position for KPK and 01 Position is reserved for Balochistan Quota. Candidates willing to apply should hold relevant qualification and fulfill other eligibilities as per the instructions mentioned in the following image posted below. So, viewers it is golden opportunity for those who are looking for to have Government Job and now it is right chance to cash it because once you are selected then you’ll be able to earn handsome salaries as per the policy of Government of Punjab.
Pakistan Railway Police
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Law Graduate |
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Islamabad Police Jobs 2016 Latest Rapid Response Force RRF
(Job Expired)
Tap to this and today on 22nd September, 2016 have Islamabad Police Jobs 2016 Latest Rapid Response Force RRF. Government of Pakistan has decided to establish Rapid Response Force (RRF) in Islamabad Capital Territory Police for which it invites Ex-Army Officers from the rank of (Colonel / Lt Colonel, Major, Subedar or Equivalent, Naib Subedar or equivalent and Hawaldar or Equivalent) to step forward and apply to join this reputed force of Pakistan. Retirement period of the candidates from Pak Army should not be more than 03 years before joining RRF on Contract basis. All servicemen should be 100% (A Category) Physically Fit / Medical Fit and their service record should be very good and should be completed Army SSG / Commando Courses. Other than all these requirements candidates should possess relevant qualification and experience as per the criteria such as candidates should have any of the following qualifications to apply such as (BA / BSc / FA / FSc / Matric) with 3 to 5 years experience as Police Trainer. If you possess all above mentioned eligibilities then you are at right place to cash the opportunity and once you are selected then you’ll be able to earn handsome salary package starting from Rs. 80,000 to 200,000 PKR per month and other fringe facilities as per policy.
Islamabad Capital Territory Police
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | BA, BSc, FA, FSc, Matric |
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SPSC ASI Jobs 2016 Assistant Sub Inspector Home Department Application Form Download
Here on 21st August, 2016 you’ll have SPSC ASI Jobs 2016 Assistant Sub Inspector Home Department Application Form Download. Latest 935 Posts of Assistant Sub Inspector ASI BPS-09 are available in Home Department Sindh Police for which it has authorized SPSC Sindh Public Service Commission to collect application and conduct screening test and shortlist the suitable candidates for Interview and for this purpose applications are invited from the Sindh Domiciled well educated, physically fit and intelligent Male and Female candidates through prescribed form which can be obtained from SPSC Head Office, Thandi Sarak, Hyderabad & Regional Office of SPSC, 2nd Floor, Sindh Secretariat, Building No. 06, Karachi, Near Govt. Alfalah High School, Minara Road, Sukkur & Commissioner’s Secretariat, Opposite Shaikh Zaid Hospital, Larkana. The vacant positions ASI are allocated in such way that 100 Post for CTD Hyderabad, 100 Posts for CTD Sukkur, 50 Posts for CTD Larkana, 50 Posts for CTD Mirpurkhas, 200 Posts for CTD Karachi, 125 Posts for Karachi Range, 169 Posts for Hyderabad Range, 48 Positions for Larkana Range, 17 Posts for Mirpurkhas Range, 38 Posts for SBA Range and 38 Posts for Sukkur Range. So, viewers take advantage from this opportunity and apply as soon as possible because such opportunities announced sometimes once in a year and those who wanted to apply for these positions need to compare themselves with the eligibilities which can be examined from the following image or through next headings.
Home Department Sindh
Gender: | Male, Female |
Experience: | 0, 1 years required. |
Education: | Intermediate |
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Punjab Safe Cities Authorities PSCA Jobs August 2016 Apply Online
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Here in the following you will have the job offer from Punjab Safe Cities Authorities PSCA Jobs August 2016 Apply Online The applications are invited from the well known department and authority of Punjab names" Punjab Safe Cities Authority is serving day and night for its service on behalf of peoples of Punjab is currently given the advertisement to hire the candidates for the multiple posts on contract basis for which the service of eligible, adroit and caliber applicants are required to apply for the following posts which includes Chief Administration Officer, Chief Law & Procurement Officer and Deputy Chief Human Resource are required to apply against these posts if they meet all the needs of the said posts. Now, i will tell your about the eligibility criteria as for all of these posts the applicants should hold the 16 years as Masters education in the following disciplines which includes Social Sciences/ Engineering Business/ Public Administration, IT, Human Resource or Management Sciences is required with several years expertise are required to hold this job. Age limits are different for each post and attractive salary package will be offered to the applicants.These jobs are on contract basis for the period of 2 years which can be extended on the respective performance of the applicants. So, let's have a look now on its applying criteria below.
Punjab Safe Cities Authority
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Master's |
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Punjab Police Jobs 2016 Constable Driver in Lahore Application Form Download
(Job Expired)
Here in the following you will get the latest job offer from Punjab Police Jobs 2016 Constable Driver in Lahore Application Form Download. The Punjab Police is the active in its work and is serving its service in a well manner for to maintain the peace in the province and its every corner. Recently, the advertisement came in close to eyes from this department is looking to hire the minimum educated, adroit, eligible and well disciplined applicants are required to apply for the post of Constable Driver are required to apply against this post who belongs to Punjab are readily welcome to apply for this post whereas, the preference will be given to the natives of Lahore, Faisalabad, Multan and Rawalpindi Region applicants will be hired and fancied the most who possess the HTV License holders. There are some physical and educational requirements so let's have a look on them. As, the height of the applicants should be minimum "5 by 7", Chest size should be "33 by 34 1/2", only males are applicable to apply. The education should be Matric are eligible to apply with age limit of 21 to 30 years and the male should possess the LTV license along with 2 years experience in the similar capacity. The applicants have to undergo the Physical test in which he has to cover the 1.2 Kilo Meter distance in 7 minutes and after that the skill test as driving test will be taken from the applicants. So, these all are the complete details so stay tuned with this page and be the first one to get employed and now let's have a look on its applying method.
Punjab Police
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Matric |
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Constable Jobs in Karachi Police Sindh 2016 NTS Form Download Test Sample Paper
Here on 13th August, 2016 we provide you Constable Jobs in Karachi Police Sindh 2016 NTS Form Download Test Sample Paper. Karachi Police / Sindh Police has announced to recruit 5500 Posts of Police Constable and Lady Constable for which it invites applications from the physically fit and educated Karachi Division Domiciled candidates to step forward and make yourself part of Karachi Police and put your contribution in cleaning the Karachi from the curse of Terrorism / Street Crime / Target Killing. There are some requirements which are compulsory for everyone to fulfill them such as willing candidates should be Matric or Above qualified and age should be between 18 to 28 years on the closing date of advertisement. There are some other requirements regarding to the vacant posts which can be examined from the following image from the detail given after this paragraph. So, viewers it is the best opportunity for you to cash it because once you selected in this force then you’ll be able to earn almost Rs. 20000 to Rs. 30000 PKR Per Month and there are other fringe benefits are also available as per the policy. So, now all you have to do first compare yourself with eligibilities and then apply as soon as possible as per the following how to apply procedure given below.
Karachi Police
Gender: | Male, Female |
Experience: | 0, 1 years required. |
Education: | N/A |
Jobs in Pakistan FULL TIME
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Sindh Police Shaheed Benazirabad Range Jobs 2016 For Male & Female Constables
For the natives of Sindh a job is being offered from Sindh Police Shaheed Benazirabad Range Jobs 2016 For Male & Female Constables. The applications are invited from the Sindh Police which is inviting the candidates who are lover of Police Department to apply for it and are looking for it to apply right now the service of minimum qualification holder, eligible, adroit and experience applicants are required to apply for the post of Constable BPS-05. The job is vacant in Shaheed Benazirabad, Sanghar and Nowsheroferoz to apply.Both male and females are required to apply. The qualification which is required includes Matric from BISE Sindh is required whereas the preference will be given to the applicants who possess the relevant higher qualification are eligible to apply. Age limit should be 18 to 28 years and there will be no age relaxation will be given to the applicants. The male should possess the chest size of 33 by 34.5 1/2 and height should be "5 by 5" whereas for the females the height should be 5 feet only and along with that the females should be healthy and fit. After these all details the physical test includes distance of 1 mile should be covered by the male in 7 minutes and the females have to cover the 800 meter distance in the time period of 14 minutes. The applicants applying from the respective district must produce the respective domicile and PRC of the respective will be eligible to be hired. Now, let's have a look on its applying criteria below.
Sindh Police
Gender: | Male, Female |
Experience: | 0, 1 years required. |
Education: | Matric |
New vacancies for Police jobs 2025 and Police openings jobs in 2026 are listed online with new Police jobs posted daily. Previous Police jobs 2024 can also be applied for online. Make money from home or the office by choosing the right Police job for your qualification and experience. By applying to today's jobs at Police Punjab, Sindh, KPK, Balochistan, Gilgit Baltistan, AJK, you join a growing team.