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Latest Officer Jobs in Pakistan 2025
Officer Jobs in Pakistan 2025 Upcoming Latest Mar
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Humanitarian Organization Jobs 2016 In Kurram Bajaur & Mohmand Agency Latest
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Today a fresh job opportunity is knocking the doors of individuals from Humanitarian Organization Jobs 2016 In Kurram Bajaur & Mohmand Agency Latest. The Humanitarian Organization is the well known organization which helps the needy people and aid them in the times of difficulties and provide them basis necessities and shelter is seeking for the service of eligible, dynamic, self-motivated and energetic individuals for the various vacant situations under a project named " Third Party Monitoring" which is going on in some agencies which includes Kurram Agency, Mohmand Agency and Bajaur Agency in different projects the various vacant situations are there to apply. Vacant situations in Project Management Team includes Program Manager, M & E Head & Finance Officers are this project vacancies wheres for the rest of the two projects namely Project Area Office and Response Cell includes Project Coordinator, Database Assistant, Staff Assistant, Nutrition APC, Livelihood APC, GFD APC, Field Monitor and Assistant Field Monitor are required to serve over there. So guys, if you are keen interested to apply for these vacant situations must go through their details and have a look and apply as soon as possible by fulfilling the demands of these posts accurately. Let's have a look on its applying criteria and further headings.
Humanitarian Organization
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Master's, Bachelor's, MBA |
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SNGPL Jobs May 2016 For Risk Management Officer Apply Online Last Date
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Today at this job platform recent job is on the way to apply form SNGPL Jobs May 2016 For Risk Management Officer Apply Online Last Date. The Sui Northern Gas Pipeline Limited is the leading gas utility company which is looking and locating all the functions of distribution and transmission of gas in Punjab, KPK, Azad Kashmir and federal capital is recently looking to hire the excellent, brilliant and adroit applicants for the single vacant situation of Risk Management Officer is required at the Lahore head Office to apply for to fill this vacant situation. For to be considered as the eligible applicant the candidates must be having the skills of planning, enterprise risk to deal with the managerial position, corporate governance and must be having the interpersonal skills with analytical skills and along with all these skills the applicant should possess the strong and excellent communication skills are required to apply for this single post. Attractive salary package will be given with fringe benefits to the applicants. So guys, its the wonderful opportunity to be availed so guys don't get late and be the first one to get employed over there and make you future best as soon as possible. Now, let's head towards its applying criteria and its educational and experience requirements too below.
Sui Northern Gas Pipeline Limited
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | CA/ACMA |
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Punjab Integrated Reproductive Maternal Newborn Child Health Program Jobs 2016 Latest
(Job Expired)
Here a good news is being offered for the natives of Punjab from Punjab Integrated Reproductive Maternal Newborn Child Health Program Jobs 2016 Latest. The excellent job offer and a good news for the natives of Punjab who possess the domicile of Punjab are invited to apply for this program named " Integrated Reproductive Maternal Newborn Child Health & Nutrition Program" is looking and intends to invites for sake of this program hire the mot educated, well experienced and adroit applicants for the single vacant situation of Monitoring Officer is required over there to serve and locate this program in an impeccable manner. The program is funded by the UNFPA for financial assistance. So, its the high time for those who are in probe of govt sector job and wishes to be the part of Govt sector must have a look and apply for these vacancy and apply as soon as possible. But its is mandatory to know that only the domicile holders of Punjab are eligible and liable to throw the applications for this post. It is duly informed to the applicants that the post is on temporary basis for six month which can be extended either on availability of funds and on the basis of satisfactory performance of the applicants. The applicants will be given attractive salary package of 1, 35, 000 per month and travel allowance of Rs.40,000 will be given per month on the basis of monitoring expertise to the applicants. After having all the basic details let's tap towards its educational and experience requirements and applying process ahead.
Integrated Reproductive Maternal Newborn Child Health & Nutrition Program
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | MBBS, MPH |
Jobs in Pakistan FULL TIME
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PARC Pakistan Agriculture Research Council Jobs May 2016 Application Form
Here at this job page i am going to enlist the recent job opportunity from PARC Pakistan Agriculture Research Council Jobs May 2016 Application Form The Pakistan Agriculture Research Council of Pakistan is the Govt and well known department which is looking for the services of eminent, dynamic, energetic and brilliant applicants are required for the Senior Scientist posts for senior level positions in Southern Agriculture Research Centre (Karachi), Director General (Balochistan), Quetta requires the service of such applicants to apply for the following vacant situations which includes Chief Scientific Officer / Director General SARC Karachi and Chief Scientific Officer / Director General , BARDC, Quetta are the vacant situations on temporary year to year basis which will continue upto indefinite period. Canddiates must be well versed in Planning, management, national agriculture system,strategic vision and interpersonal skills are very effective point and skills which the applicants must be had within itself in order to be considered as the fit employee for this post.The attractive salary package will be given to the applicants with bundles of allowances and fringe benefits. So, those applicants who are willing to apply must have a look and apply. Now, let's tap towards its applying criteria and further details.
Pakistan Agriculture Research Council
Gender: | Male, Female |
Experience: | 0, 1 years required. |
Education: | N/A |
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Construction of Swat Expressway Peshawar Jobs May 2016 Employment Opportunities
(Job Expired)
Today at this job platform i am there with a fresh job opportunity from Construction of Swat Expressway Peshawar Jobs May 2016 Employment Opportunities. The Swat Expressway is the Highway which is under construction is the 81-km log highway is extremely in probe of expert, eligible and brilliant and sharp minded applicants for the following vacant situations such as PPP Expert, Legal Expert, Procurement Specialist, Admin Officer, Accountant, Office Assistant, Computer Operator, Junior Clerk, Gridawar, Driver and Naib Qasid are the vacant situations which needs to be filled by the eligible and suitable applicants who are extremely full of ocean of knowledge and are keen interested in such fields to apply. The appointment will be made for the period of six months only and the fixed salary package which are extremely attractive packagers of salary will be handed over to the applicants. So guys, if you love such vacancies and remain in search of similar vacancies don't waste each second of your time and tap to this job page where you find all the stuff in meticulous manner and can easily apply form it also. So, after having discussion on such details let's move towards its educational and experience requirements plus applying process also.
Construction of Swat Expressway
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Master's, MBA, B.A/BS.c/BCS, Matric, Middle |
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Pakistan Red Crescent Karachi Jobs May 2016 For Finance & Admin Officer
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Here at this page i am going to advertise today's fresh job opportunity from Pakistan Red Crescent Karachi Jobs May 2016 For Finance & Admin Officer. The Pakistan Red Crescent German Red Cross Program which is working in the Sindh currently is working and seeking for the eligible, dynamic and energetic applicants fro the single vacant situations which includes Finance & Admin Officer. The job is on contract basis to apply. Its the govt sector and currently looking to fill this vacant situation and has advertised the aid that applicants can apply who possess the following guts and skills namely having the Pakistan Red Crescent Movement, good command in written as well as spoken English, Computer Skills including Finance Software proficiency and such applicants remain ready to meet any sudden challenge or tackle any sort of situation in an impeccable manner will be liable to be appointed in this Govt sector. So guys, those who are seekers of govt jobs and belong to Sindh are invited this time from this wonderful sector and avail this opportunity and get employed through your skills. Now, let's have a look on its applying criteria and before its its educational and expertise requirements too.
Pakistan Red Crescent
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | MBA, |
Jobs in Pakistan FULL TIME
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BPSC Agriculture & Cooperative Department Jobs May 2016 Application Form
Today at this well known job page recently a job offer is being offered from BPSC Agriculture & Cooperative Department Jobs May 2016 Online Application Form The Balochistan Public Service Commission is looking for the eligible, adroit and excellent individuals and intends to appoint them in different departments such as Agriculture & Cooperative Department (Balochistan Agriculture College, Quetta) and Excise & Taxation Department. The vacancies which are vacant in in Agriculture & Cooperative Department includes Assistant Professor (Entomology), Registrar, Controller of Examination, Lecturers, Sports Officer, Physical Training Instructor, Store Officer, Assistant Accounts Officer are the vacant positions in this department whereas only one post is vacant in Excise & Taxation Department which is of Excise & Taxation Officer. So, guys, who belong to Balochistan province and are seeking for such opportunities must come ahead and apply. Married females can also apply on the domicile of their husband but they should not be working in any Govt Department. Selection will be done purely on merit basis. For appearing in this Commission Test the applicants have to pass the written test and after wards the viva voice test will be conducted in shape of MCQS which contains the G.Knowledge, Current Affairs, Islamic Studies and Pakistan Studies. Now, after having these details let's move towards the educational requirements of the vacancies and its applying criteria.
Balochistan Public Service Commission
Gender: | Male, Female |
Experience: | 0, 1 years required. |
Education: | N/A |
Jobs in Pakistan FULL TIME
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Punjab Energy Department Jobs May 2016 For Program Manager Eligibility Criteria
Today i am going to enlist the recent job from Punjab Energy Department Jobs May 2016 For Program Manager Eligibility Criteria. The Punjab Energy Department is looking to recruit the high profiled, brilliant and diligent applicants for the Project named " Punjab Energy Efficiency & Conservation Program" which is totally based on contract basis for period of one years and can leads top extension further on satisfactory performance of the applicants. So, following are the vacancies which needs to be filled such as Program Manager, Assistant Program Manager, Assistant Manager HR/Admin, Assistant Law Officer, Finance Manager, Office Superintendent, Computer Operator, Driver, Daak Runner, Naib Qasid, Chowkidar and Sweeper are required to apply with qualification of MBA/ICMA, Master's in Social Sciences, Bachelor's and Middle qualification holders with expertise of each field work and shorthand typing, computer skills, driver should possess the driving skills and each field experiences are required to hold these jobs meticulously. So, guys, you are welcome with the core of heart to come and apply for these golden opportunities in order to surf you skills and get rid of unemployment and set your future. Now, let's tap towards its applying criteria.
Punjab Energy Department
Gender: | Male, Female |
Experience: | 0, 1 years required. |
Education: | N/A |
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Public Welfare Organization Lodhran Jobs May 2016 Latest Apply Online
(Job Expired)
Here in the following we are going to enlist the job offer from Public Welfare Organization Lodhran Jobs May 2016 Latest Apply Online. The Public Welfare Organization which was established in 1999 and is registered in 2000 is looking to recruit the well educated, brilliant and well disciplined applicants and requires the services of such applicants for their project named " Improving the Lives of Children in Cotton Growing District Lodhran" for the multiple and bundles of vacant situations namely Project Manager, Senior Child Protection Officer, Senior Education Officer, Training Officer, Meal Officer, Finance Officer, Field Coordinator, Meal Assistant (Female), IT Assistant, Database Assistant, Administration Officer, HR Assistant, Admin Assistant, Social Organizer (Male & Female), Driver, Watchman, Office Assistant and Office Cleaner are the vacancies which needs to be filled with qualification of Master's , Graduation,, CA/ACMA/ACCA and for the lower posts Middle and literate persons are required. the applicants must possess the relevant field expertise in each field working formerly in any NGO or in nay well reputed department will be preferred fit for these post. So, after discussing its details now let's have a look below on its applying criteria.
Public Welfare Organization
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Master's , Graduation,, CA/ACMA/ACCA, Middle |
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City District Health Department Lahore Jobs 2016 For Physician Latest Add
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Today I am going to enlist a recent job offer from City District Health Department Lahore Jobs 2016 For Physician Latest Add. The Health Department City District of Lahore Hospitals are looking for the services of eligible, adroit and professional applicants are required for the following vacant situations which includes Physician (Medicine), (General), Anaesthetist, Pathologist, Surgeon, Eye Specialist/Ophthalmologist, Orthopaedic Surgeon, Pediatrician, Radiologist, Gynaecologist, Medical Officer/Casualty Medical Officer, Women Medical Officer, Charge Nurse, Stenographer, Computer Operator, Data Entry Operator and maple of higher and lower posts are available to be filled. So, beside vacancies the qualification which is required for this job includes MBBS, MCPS, MD, MS, FCPS, BS.c, ICS, FS.c, D.COM, Matric and Primary along with relevant filed expertise in per field are required to work in a meticulous manner. The job is on adhoc and contract basis for one year which cannot be transferred. So, apply as soon as possible. Now, let’s have a look on its applying criteria.
City District Health Department
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | MBBS, MCPS, MD, MS, FCPS, BS.c, ICS, FS.c, D.COM, Matric, Primary |
Jobs in Pakistan FULL TIME
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PITC Wapda Jobs 2016 Advertisement Latest Apply Online Free
Here in the following we are going to enlist the job offer from PITC Wapda Jobs 2016 Advertisement Latest Apply Online Free. The Power Information Technology of Pakistan which is associated with DISCO &NTDC and is found involved in Software Development and implementation works felt the needs of some talented, brilliant and eligible applicants for the vacant situations of Chief Technical Officer & Project Management Officers are required to hold such vacancies. The eligibility criteria for both these jobs includes Ph.D & Master's in Computer Science and Software Development preferable the degree holders from Foreign institute will be preferred. The degree of applicant should be recognized from HEC. The applicants have to deal with the number of the skills related to the Computer Skills, Data Processing, Information System design and many more responsibilities have to take over by the such candidates. The job is on contract basis for two years which can be extended further on the satisfactory performance of the applicants. So guys, be ready if you possess the said amenities so they have to apply soon. Now, let's have a look towards its applying criteria.
Power Information Technology Company
Gender: | Male, Female |
Experience: | 0, 1 years required. |
Education: | N/A |
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PEF Jobs April 2016 NTS Application Form Download Online
(Job Expired)
Here in the following we are going to share an exciting job offer from PEF Jobs April 2016 NTS Application Form Download Online. The Punjab Education Foundation is an autonomous Govt of Punjab's owned department is looking to recruit the talented, well equipped and self motivated candidates for the vacant situations of Officers and Executive Assistant are the vacant positions which needs to be filled on contractual basis. The qualification criteria for the Sr No.01 includes Master's and Bachelor's degree in Sciences, Business Management and Social Sciences and Graduation qualification is required for Sr No.02 from HEC recognized institute. On the contrary, the fresh candidates are required to apply who possess the excellent communication skills and are having the computer literacy with short hand typing skills too are required for these vacancies. Attractive salary package will be offered to the candidates with age limit of 30 years. So, eligible candidates who meet the said criteria are invited from the core of their heart to come forward and apply. Now, after having these details thoroughly let's tap towards its applying criteria.
Punjab Education Foundation
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Master's, Gradution |
New vacancies for Officer jobs 2025 and Officer openings jobs in 2026 are listed online with new Officer jobs posted daily. Previous Officer jobs 2024 can also be applied for online. Make money from home or the office by choosing the right Officer job for your qualification and experience. By applying to today's jobs at Officer Punjab, Sindh, KPK, Balochistan, Gilgit Baltistan, AJK, you join a growing team.