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Latest Full Time Jobs in Pakistan 2025
Full Time Jobs in Pakistan 2025 Upcoming Latest Mar
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SMBB Trauma Centre Civil Hospital Karachi Jobs 2016 Employment Opportunities
Here at this job page i am in nexus with you all job seekers with a recent job opportunity from SMBB Trauma Centre Civil Hospital Karachi Jobs 2016 Employment Opportunities. This wee known Trauma Centre which is establish from the name of a leading Leader Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto. The situations are vacant in Civil Hospital Karachi for the following vacant situations which includes Manager Planning & Procurement, Operation Theatre Manager, Procurement Assistant, Operation Theatre Assistant, Anaesthesia Assistant, Radiology Assistant, CSSD Technician, Phlebotomist, CT Scan Technician, Angiography Technologist, Surgical Technologist, Critical Care Technologist, Radiology Technologist and Assistant Administrator (For Emergency Room, Critical care, Burns, Ophthalmology, Neuro Surgery, Maxillofacial Thoracic /Vascular & Cardiac Surgery) are required in this hospital to apply and hold these job in such well known Govt sector centre. The job is for one year contract basis to apply. For all these jobs special education is required in medical fields and those applicants who re interested in these field so they are cordially invited to apply for these wonderful job opportunities. So, now let's have a look on its educational and expertise criteria plus along with that its applying process below.
Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhuttoo Trauma Centre Civil Hospital Karachi
Gender: | Male, Female |
Experience: | 0, 1 years required. |
Education: | N/A |
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University of Gujrat Hafiz Hayat Campus Jobs 2016 Application Form Download Online
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Today at this job platform afresh job opportunity is being offered from University of Gujrat Hafiz Hayat Campus Jobs 2016 Application Form Download Online. The well known and leading university named university of Gujrat is in probe of eligible, adroit and brilliant applicants for its Hafiz Hayat Campus the service of eligible and talented applicants are required to hold these job opportunities with their talented and hard work. Both males and females are eligible to apply for these posts which includes Staff Nurse, Assistant Transport Officer, Workshop Supervisor, Carpenter, Laboratory Assistant, Plumber, Lab Technicians, Senior Security Supervisor, Deputy Warden, Electrician,Vehicle Mechanic, Generator Operator / Technicians, Nursing Assistant, Supervisor (Horticulture Department), Lecturer Room Assistant. A/C Technician, Mason, Assistant Security Supervisor, Studio Assistants, Security Guards, Cook, Bus Driver, Tubewell Operator, Junior Plumber, Junior Carpenter, Head Mali, Driver, Cook/Helper, Tractor Driver, Room Attendant, Model Maker and few other vacancies are there to apply with the relevant education and experience in the relevant field is required to apply for these posts. The job is on contract basis to apply. Those individuals who can take up this job seriously and meticulously and handle all the multiple requirements will be eligible to apply for this job and such sort of employees will be given preference which can handle all the tasks and responsibilities simultaneously. Now, let's move towards it further details below.
University of Gujrat Hafiz Hayat Campus
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Graduattion, BS.c, Matric, intermediate, Middle, Literate |
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PHA Jobs 2016 Bahawalpur NTS Application Form Download Sample Paper
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Here on 26th May, 2016 we provide you PHA Jobs 2016 Bahawalpur NTS Application Form Download Sample Paper. Jobs in PHA Parks and Horticulture Authority are available and it is looking to recruit following positions for Bahawalpur district for which it invites applications from the Punjab Domiciled candidates for the following positions such as (Computer Operator, Draftsman, Assistant Field Supervisor Horticulture, Marketing Supervisor and Electrician). Appointment of these positions will be on contract basis as per the Contract Appointment Policy 2004 of Government of Punjab and duration of contract will be three years which is further extendable on satisfactory performance. Candidates willing to apply should possess qualification / diplomas and experience as per the criteria mentioned in the following image and according to it For Sr. No. 1 BCS, for Sr. No. 2 Matriculation, for Sr. No. 3 Intermediate, for Sr. No. 4 Matriculation and for Sr. No. 5 Middle pass candidates are eligible. If you wanted to know detailed information about requirements then you have to examine following given below. Now in the following you’ll have how to apply procedure as per the rules of NTS.
Parks and Horticulture Authority Bahawalpur
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | BCS, Intermediate, Matric, Middle |
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TEVTA Jobs 2016 May / June Advertisement Jauharabad Govt College of Technology
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For the residents of Jauharabad district we provide here TEVTA Jobs 2016 May / June Advertisement Jauharabad Govt College of Technology. Jobs in TEVTA Technical Education & Vocational Training Authority of Punjab (PTEVTA) are available and this time this technical educational institute is looking to recruit faculty staff for one of its institute working brilliantly in Jauharabad named as Government College of Technology (Boys) Jauharabad and for this purpose PTEVTA invites the dynamic and motivated candidates to apply against the following positions such as (Principal, Vice Principal, Chief Instructor, Sr. Instructor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, Instructor, Lecturer, Lab Technician, Librarian, Officer Student Affairs, Accounts Officer, Store Keeper, Officer Clerk, Driver, Store Attendant and Naib Qasid).
Technical Education and Vocational Training Authority of Punjab
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Masters, Bachelors, Intermediate, Matric, Middle |
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Ammunition Depot Kashmore Jobs May 2016 Test & Interview Date
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Today at this job page a fresh and exciting career opportunity is there from Ammunition Depot Kashmore Jobs May 2016 Test & Interview Date. This well known department named Ammunition Depot which belong to Defence Department of Pakistan named Pakistan Army requires the services of eligible, adroit, brilliant and well educated applicants are required for the following vacant situations which includes Civil Technician Communication Operator, Lower Division Clerk, fireman, Naib Qasid and USM are required over there in this well known Govt and federal govt department to come and apply for these vacancies if you possess the amenities as same as required must come forward to apply for these wonderful jobs as soon as possible. The quota is available for Punjab, Northern Areas, FATA and the locality of Kashmore are eligible to apply for the said posts. These are the basis details of these vacancies now e will discuss regarding its educational and experience requirements and its applying criteria in order to give complete details regarding these vacancies. So, for those applicants its the best opportunity who are looking for such jobs in the same department are eligible to apply for these vacant situations. So, let's have a look on its further details.
Ammunition Department
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Matric, Middle, Primary |
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District & Session Court Kasur Jobs 2016 For Stenographer Online Application Form
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Here at this page a fresh job of today is being offered from District & Session Court Kasur Jobs 2016 For Stenographer Online Application Form. The job is on the way and is knocking the doors of individuals for a recent and fresh job opportunity in District & Session Court of Kasur in inviting the eligible, adroit, and brilliant applicants to apply for the single post of Stenographer over there. The total 8 vacant positions are there to apply. The quota is available for Women is of 15% and the merit basis 7 post are there to apply for this single vacant situation. So guys, who are going to apply for this post must possess the requisite education plus the required expertise according to the post will be liable to appointed for this post. For those applicants who are seeking and are in probe of such govt jobs they must have a look for this job by reading all the details and than tap to apply. The natives of Kasur are liable to submit their application for this post and the recruitment will be done on the Govt of Punjab Policy 2004 and according to the Policy of Civil & Session Court Establishment rules 2005 plus in light of Court of Lahore. So, let's have a look on its upcoming further headings.
District & Session Court
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | B.A |
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NUML Multan Jobs 2016 for Office Assistant Latest Advertisement
Here at this page you’ll have NUML Multan Jobs 2016 for Office Assistant Latest Advertisement. Jobs in NUML National University of Modern Languages Multan Campus are available and it is looking to recruit Admin Staff for which it invites applications from the highly educated, very experienced, hardworking and well disciplined candidates for the following vacant position such as Office Assistant. NUML reserves the right to short list the candidates and to reject any / all applications without assigning any reason. Appointment of vacant position will be on contract basis and duration of contract is extendable on satisfactory performance of individual. Candidates willing to apply should possess Graduation with typing speed of 30 words per minute preferably with experience in a Government or Semi Government Organization with Minimum 06 months Computer Diploma from recognized institution and age of candidate should be maximum 30 years. So, now only eligible candidates should apply as per the following how to apply procedure given below.
National University of Modern Languages Islamabad, Multan Campus
Gender: | Male, Female |
Experience: | 0, 1 years required. |
Education: | Graduation |
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S&GAD Punjab Jobs 2016 Services and General Administration Department Latest
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Here at this page you’ll have S&GAD Punjab Jobs 2016 Services and General Administration Department Latest. Jobs in Jobs in S&GAD Services and Genaral Administration Department Implementation and Coordination Wing Special Monitoring Unit Lahore are available and it is looking to recruit under Matric / Matric pass candidates who are highly motivated and result oriented individuals domiciled in Punjab for the vacant post of Driver. Candidates from all over Punjab are welcome to apply either they are civilian or retired army officer both are eligible to apply but they have to fulfill the requirements which are mentioned in the following image posted below and these requirements are not so hard that they are difficult to fulfill. All you have to do just read the following instructions carefully regarding to required qualification, skills and age. Once you selected against the vacant post then you’ll be able to earn handsome salary package and other fringe benefits as per the policy of department. So, viewers if you are not well educated and wanted to have Government job then it is the best place to apply and to make your future successful.
Services and General Administration Department
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Matric, Middle |
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Director of Science & Technology KPK Jobs May 2016 For Driver BPS-06
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Here at this job page an exciting job opportunity is being offered from Director of Science & Technology KPK Jobs May 2016 For Driver BPS-06. This Govt sector named director of Science & technology of KPK intends to hire the eligible and adroit applicants are required for the post of Driver BPS-06. Its the wonderful opportunity for the less educated individuals to apply for this post and one who is keen interested in this field is required to hold this job. Those applicants who possess the domicile of KPK are invited to apply for this post if they are having the driving expertise in a beautiful manner so they must come ahead to apply for this wonderful post which needs the minimum education and minimum expertise according to the respective vacancy. The Govt job seeking applicants who belong to KPK and are in search of such Govt sector jobs must apply for this simple post. The job is vacant in development side of this department to apply. So, as i have flip all the details from top to bottom accurately read them enjoy them and if you thing and consider yourself a dynamic individual so don't let go this chance and come to get employed over there. Now, let's move below for more details.
Director of Science & Technology
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Literate |
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Agriculture Department Mianwali Jobs May 2016 For Fieldman Baildar Latest Add
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Here at this page of jobs where you get daily wonderful jobs the recent job is being offered from Agriculture Department Mianwali Jobs May 2016 For Fieldman Baildar Latest Add. The Agriculture Department of Mianwali is looking to hire the minimum education but should be well versed in their field work are invited to apply to fill the vacant situations such as Fieldman, Baildar and Chowkidar are invited to apply for the above posts. The recruitment will be done on the recruitment policy of Govt of Punjab 2004 and the applicants will be appointed under such rules and regulation. So, its the wonderful opportunity on behalf of those applicants who belong to Mianwali and possess the domicile of Punjab are eligible to apply for these posts. So guys, as soon as possible avail these wonderful opportunities who are minimum education holders and get employed to earn the livelihood in a well manner and lead a satisfactory life ahead. The quota is available for Disable persons 3%, Minorities 5%, 20% for In service and retired employees children and 15% for women is reserved to apply. So, let's move towards its applying criteria n its further heading step by step.
Agriculture Department
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Primary |
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Humanitarian Organization Jobs 2016 In Kurram Bajaur & Mohmand Agency Latest
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Today a fresh job opportunity is knocking the doors of individuals from Humanitarian Organization Jobs 2016 In Kurram Bajaur & Mohmand Agency Latest. The Humanitarian Organization is the well known organization which helps the needy people and aid them in the times of difficulties and provide them basis necessities and shelter is seeking for the service of eligible, dynamic, self-motivated and energetic individuals for the various vacant situations under a project named " Third Party Monitoring" which is going on in some agencies which includes Kurram Agency, Mohmand Agency and Bajaur Agency in different projects the various vacant situations are there to apply. Vacant situations in Project Management Team includes Program Manager, M & E Head & Finance Officers are this project vacancies wheres for the rest of the two projects namely Project Area Office and Response Cell includes Project Coordinator, Database Assistant, Staff Assistant, Nutrition APC, Livelihood APC, GFD APC, Field Monitor and Assistant Field Monitor are required to serve over there. So guys, if you are keen interested to apply for these vacant situations must go through their details and have a look and apply as soon as possible by fulfilling the demands of these posts accurately. Let's have a look on its applying criteria and further headings.
Humanitarian Organization
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Master's, Bachelor's, MBA |
Jobs in Pakistan FULL TIME
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LWMC Lahore Waste Management Company Jobs 2016 Apply Online Latest
Here at this page i am going to throw light on a fresh job opportunity from LWMC Lahore Waste Management Company Jobs 2016 Apply Online Latest. As we all are familiar that Lahore Waste Management Company is held responsible for to modernize and enhance the systems of Solid Waste Management and is recently looking for the service of eligible, adroit, talented and brilliant applicants to apply for this post of Chief Financial Officer. The applicants who are looking to apply for this job will get the competitive salary package and conducive environment is provided with growth opportunities. There are number of the responsibilities which needs to be filled includes protection of funds, authorization of expenses including distribution of funds in all payments of bills, maintenance of accounts, preparation of financial operation, preparation budget of LWMC and making the arrangements of annual independent financial audit are the prime responsibilities of this job with few others. So, its the wonderful opportunity on behalf of those applicants who fulfill the demands of this job accurately they must come forward and apply. So, after having details of this job now let's tap towards its educational and expertise requirements with applying criteria.
Lahore Waste Management Company
Gender: | Male, Female |
Experience: | 0, 1 years required. |
Education: | N/A |
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