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Latest Full Time Jobs in Pakistan 2025
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Jobs in Pakistan FULL TIME
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ZTBL Islamabad Jobs May 2016 For Senior Vice President Apply Online
Here at this page i am there with you in connection through this page with a job offer from ZTBL Islamabad Jobs May 2016 For Senior Vice President Apply Online. The Zarai Traqiati Bank ltd is having the dense network of its branches which is working throughout our country with honest and its dealing and managing a larger network meticulously and is the Public Sector bank which is quite popular intends to hire the eligible, advanced, well educated and diligent applicants for the vacant situation of Senior Vice President (Islamic Banking) is required over there to fill this vacancy with their skills and relevant proficiency as required per demand of this bank should be fulfilled and afterwards the applicants will be eligible to apply for this post and will be appointed a d an honest and talented employee for this bank. So, guys it the high time and the opportunity is best from each and every corner to be availed with respect to time. Don't let such opportunity to be missed and apply as soon as possible you can. Applicants who knows the work and are well versed in the relevant field work will be given best remuneration package., So, after having Now next step is to discuss the applying criteria, educational and expertise below.
Zarai Taraqiati bank Limited
Gender: | Male, Female |
Experience: | 0, 1 years required. |
Education: | N/A |
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University of Lahore Gujrat Campus Jobs 2016 Application Form
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Today at this job page w recent job is being offered from University of Lahore Gujrat Campus Jobs 2016 Application Form The leading University of Lahore, Gujrat Campus is looking to hire the eligible, suitable, talented and brilliant applicants for the various job vacancies in Teaching line are vacant to apply in the following disciplines such as Civil Engineering & Technology, Computer Science & IT, Diet & Nutrition Sciences, English Language & Literature, Management Science, Physical Therapy, Pharmacy and Law are the disciplines which requires for the following vacant situations to apply such as Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor & Lecturers are required in this university of Gujrat Campus are invited to surf their skills with their required education and expertise in the relevant field is required to apply with respect to time are required to fill these vacancies. So, have a look and apply for these brilliant vacant situations and build you future through your own skills and amenities if you posses to hold these jobs. So, after having these basic details now its time to move towards its applying criteria and educational as well as experience requirements.
University of Lahore
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Ph.D, Master's |
Jobs in Pakistan FULL TIME
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CAA Pakistan Jobs May 2016 Apply Online Latest Advertisement
Here at this job page i am in nexus with you to showcase a job from CAA Pakistan Jobs May 2016 Apply Online Latest Advertisement. The Civil Aviation Authority is the Govt and Federal Govt authority which s recently looking to appoint the highly educated, very experienced, hardworking and well disciplined candidates for the following position such as Joint Director Project Management, Deputy Director Civil, Deputy Director Electrical / Mechanical, Deputy Director Finance, Assistant Director Civil, Assistant Director Electrical / Mechanical, Civil Supervisor, Civil Draftsman, Electrical / Mechanical Supervisor and Accountant are required to apply for these all vacancies. The job is on contract basis for two years which can leads to further extension on the satisfactory performance of the applicants. huge expertise are required with relevant field skills in order to apply for these jobs. Attractive salary packages will be handed over to the applicants for these wonderful jobs. So, after having such beautiful description regarding these awesome opportunities one must be able to ameliorate while applying after reading. Now, let's have a look on its applying criteria plus its educational and experience requirements.
Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority
Gender: | Male, Female |
Experience: | 0, 1 years required. |
Education: | N/A |
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SNGPL Jobs May 2016 For Risk Management Officer Apply Online Last Date
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Today at this job platform recent job is on the way to apply form SNGPL Jobs May 2016 For Risk Management Officer Apply Online Last Date. The Sui Northern Gas Pipeline Limited is the leading gas utility company which is looking and locating all the functions of distribution and transmission of gas in Punjab, KPK, Azad Kashmir and federal capital is recently looking to hire the excellent, brilliant and adroit applicants for the single vacant situation of Risk Management Officer is required at the Lahore head Office to apply for to fill this vacant situation. For to be considered as the eligible applicant the candidates must be having the skills of planning, enterprise risk to deal with the managerial position, corporate governance and must be having the interpersonal skills with analytical skills and along with all these skills the applicant should possess the strong and excellent communication skills are required to apply for this single post. Attractive salary package will be given with fringe benefits to the applicants. So guys, its the wonderful opportunity to be availed so guys don't get late and be the first one to get employed over there and make you future best as soon as possible. Now, let's head towards its applying criteria and its educational and experience requirements too below.
Sui Northern Gas Pipeline Limited
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | CA/ACMA |
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Punjab Integrated Reproductive Maternal Newborn Child Health Program Jobs 2016 Latest
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Here a good news is being offered for the natives of Punjab from Punjab Integrated Reproductive Maternal Newborn Child Health Program Jobs 2016 Latest. The excellent job offer and a good news for the natives of Punjab who possess the domicile of Punjab are invited to apply for this program named " Integrated Reproductive Maternal Newborn Child Health & Nutrition Program" is looking and intends to invites for sake of this program hire the mot educated, well experienced and adroit applicants for the single vacant situation of Monitoring Officer is required over there to serve and locate this program in an impeccable manner. The program is funded by the UNFPA for financial assistance. So, its the high time for those who are in probe of govt sector job and wishes to be the part of Govt sector must have a look and apply for these vacancy and apply as soon as possible. But its is mandatory to know that only the domicile holders of Punjab are eligible and liable to throw the applications for this post. It is duly informed to the applicants that the post is on temporary basis for six month which can be extended either on availability of funds and on the basis of satisfactory performance of the applicants. The applicants will be given attractive salary package of 1, 35, 000 per month and travel allowance of Rs.40,000 will be given per month on the basis of monitoring expertise to the applicants. After having all the basic details let's tap towards its educational and experience requirements and applying process ahead.
Integrated Reproductive Maternal Newborn Child Health & Nutrition Program
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | MBBS, MPH |
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Public Sector Organization Quetta Jobs May 2016 For Junior Clerk Latest Add
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Today at this job platform i am going to enlist the fresh job of today from Public Sector Organization Quetta Jobs May 2016 For Junior Clerk Latest Add. The Public Sector Organization is the Govt sector is recently felt the need to appoint the well educated, brilliant, talented and most equipped applicants are required to apply for the following vacant situations which includes Junior Clerk, Tubewell Operator, Generator Operator, Electrician, Paish Imam, Lab Attendant, Naib Qasid, Chowkidar, Cook, & Helper / Sanitary Worker are required to fill the following vacant situations with their skills and relevant expertise are required to fill these vacancies. The appointment will be done on one year contract basis for the above said posts. So, for those applicants who are willing to apply for the said post they must fulfill the demands of these jobs and apply before last date. Its the high time for all those applicants who are seeking and looking for the Govt sector jobs are welcome to apply for these wonderful opportunities. Now, after having such details let's tap towards its applying criteria and its educational and experience requirements in order to come to know regarding the further complete details.
Public Sector Organization
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Matric, Middle |
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USAID Jobs 2016 in PEACE People Empowerment and Consulting Enterprise
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Here at this page we provide you USAID Jobs 2016 in PEACE People Empowerment and Consulting Enterprise. Jobs in USAID Pakistan are available and it is looking to recruit following staff for one of its project named as PEACE (People Empowerment and Consulting Enterprise) in Tehsil Katlang and Takht Bhai in district Mardan Khyber Pakhtunkhwa for which it invites applications from highly educated, very experienced, hardworking and well disciplined candidates for the following positions such as (Assistant Project Coordinator, Assistants, Data Entry Assistant and Trainers). Appointment will be on contract basis and it will be extendable on satisfactory performance. Candidates willing to apply should possess qualification and experience as per the criteria mentioned in the following image such as for all positions Masters / Bachelors degree is required and at least 2 to 5 years experience is required for all positions. So, if you possess above mentioned qualities then you are welcome to apply as per the following how to apply procedure given below.
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | MA, BA, Relevant Diploma |
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Ministry of Religious Affairs Islamabad / Rawalpindi Jobs May 2016 Latest Add
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Today at this job platform the recent job opportunity is being offered from Ministry of Religious Affairs Islamabad / Rawalpindi Jobs May 2016 Latest Add. The Ministry of Religious Affairs Islamabad and Rawalpindi is inviting the eligible,adroit and keen interested applicants to apply for the following vacant situations which includes DPA / DCO , Data Processing Unit, Data Entry Operator, Lower Division Clerk and Naib Qasid are the vacant situations which needs to be filled by the eligible and suitable applicants. These vacancies are actually vacant for the Pilgrimage of this year 2016 on daily wages basis and both males and females are eligible to apply for this post for the duration of 135 days. So, its the wonderful opportunity for all the males and females who are looking for such vacant positions and want to earn their livelihood in a perfect manner must apply for these post immediately. These daily wages job which pays enough salary and the salaries are in hundreds to earn each day is sufficient for these posts. So, after having such details let's have a look on its applying criteria and its educational and experience requirements to apply below.
Ministry of Religious Affairs
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Bachelor's,, B.A, Matric, Primary |
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Cadet College Larkana Jobs May 2016 For Lecturers IT Assistant Employment Offers
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Today i am there like every day in connection with you with a recent job opportunity from Cadet College Larkana Jobs May 2016 For Lecturers IT Assistant Employment Offers. So guys, specially the offer is vacant for the males of the Sindh who possess the domicile of Sindh are adroit, caliber, and talented individuals are invited to apply for the following vacant situations which includes Lecturers, IT Assistant, Dispenser, Lowe Division Clerk, Peon / Naib Qasid & Mali are the vacant higher and lower positions which are vacant for the males only to come forward and apply if they possess the requisite educational and experience which we will discuss in the upcoming heading below. So, be ready for these vacant position and try to fill these vacancies with respect to time and apply in order to get employed in this brilliant college where you will find the conducive environment and growth opportunities will be also offered. So, have a look towards its whole details and tap towards these brilliant opportunities in order to get rid of unemployment. Now, let's head towards its applying criteria plus educational and experience requirements.
Cadet College
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | M.A/MS.c, Bachelor's , Intermediate |
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NDMA Jobs May 2016 National Disaster Management Authority Application Form
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Here at this page you’ll have NDMA Jobs May 2016 National Disaster Management Authority Application Form. Jobs in NDMA National Disaster Management Authority, Ministry of Climate Change are available and it is looking for highly educated, very experienced, hardworking and well disciplined candidates for the following position such as Director Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR). Appointment of this position will be on contract basis and duration is extendable on satisfactory performance and it is based at NDMA’s Headquarters, Islamabad. Both Retired Armed Forces / Civil Services Personnel are eligible to apply but they have fulfill the criteria carefully which is mentioned at the official site of NDMA but generally required qualification is Masters / MPhil and relevant diploma with maximum experience in the relevant age with maximum 55 years age for Retired Armed Forces / Civil Services Personnel and for others Minimum 32 years Maximum 45 years age is required. So, if you wanted to know more about requirements then please visit following link given below. Now in the following we’ll discuss about how to apply procedure for the vacant positions.
National Disaster Management Authority
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | MS, MPhil, MSc |
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Pakistan Manpower Institute Jobs 2016 NTS Application Form Download Online
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Here at this page you’ll have Pakistan Manpower Institute Jobs 2016 NTS Application Form Download Online. Jobs in PMI Pakistan Manpower Institute, Islamabad are available as it is working under Ministry of Federal Education and Professional Training, Government of Pakistan and it invites applications from suitable candidates having Pakistani Nationality for appointment against the following positions such as (Assistant / Cashier, Stenotypist, Dispatch Rider, Naib Qasid and Sanitary Worker). Appointment of these positions will be held on regular basis and institute will recruit these positions on Punjab, GB / FATA, Sindh, Punjab and Local Quota basis. Candidates from above mentioned provinces can apply but there are some requirements which are compulsory for every candidate to fulfill it such as for the post of Assistant / Cashier Graduation / with computer diploma is required. For the post of Stenotypist Intermediate qualification with shorthand and computer diploma is required and for all other positions Primary pass candidates can apply. So, viewers if you possess all above mentioned qualities then you are welcome to apply as per the following how to apply procedure given below.
Pakistan Manpower Institute
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Graduation, Intermediate, Primary |
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District Health Department Faisalabad Jobs May 2016 For Medical Officer Latest Add
(Job Expired)
So guys, i am there with a recent job opportunity of Govt sector from District Health Department Faisalabad Jobs May 2016 For Medical Officer Latest Add. The Govt of Punjab has reached the idea and a thought to hire the individuals whoa re eligible, adroit and brilliant applicants for the post of Medical Officer and Women Medical Officer in Basic Healthcare Centre and in Rural Healthcare Centres for to provide facilities to the peoples and save their lives from deteriorate maladies are required to apply and fill this vacancy with their skills and education as described. The job is on adhoc basis to apply and the applicants will be selected on merit basis. according to the policy of Govt of Punjab. So, in order to apply for this job be prepared from all perspectives and the job is vacant only for the domicile holders of Punjab to apply and those who are natives of Faisalabad. So guys, both males and females who are willing to apply for this post first must go through its details and than jump to apply because its the wonderful opportunity to be availed with respect to time and apply as soon as possible. Now, let's have a look on its applying criteria and its further requirements.
District Health Department
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | MBBS |
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