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Latest Accounts Jobs Jobs in Pakistan 2025
Accounts Jobs Jobs in Pakistan 2025 Upcoming Latest Mar
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Livestock & Fisheries Department Sindh Jobs 2017 Latest May Add
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Get the recent career opportunity from Livestock & Fisheries Department Sindh Jobs 2017 Latest May Add. Applications are being invited from the Livestock & Fisheries Department Govt of Sindh for the World Bank Assisted Program named "Accelerated Action Plan (AAP) for Reduction of Stunting and Malnutrition in Sindh (Fisheries Sector), Fisheries Wing is recently looking to hire the eligible, caliber and well disciplined applicants are required to apply to fill the following posts which belongs to Project Management Unit (PMU At Karachi) and Backyard Fish Hatcheries (Purely Field Jobs) include the following posts to be filled such as (Procurement Specialist, Environment Specialist, Monitoring & Evaluation Specialist, Financial Manager/ Accounts Officer, Data Entry Operator, Accountant, Senior Clerk, Typing Clerk (Female), Driver, Sweeper and Naib Qasid) are the PMU posts whereas next posts are entitled as (Biologist/Assistant Director (Fisheries), Assistant Engineer (Civil), Fisheries Development Assistant (FDA) (Male), Sub Engineer (Civil), Junior Clerk (Male), Labour/Fisherman, Chowkidar/Watchman) are the complete posts which needs to be filled with overall qualification of MBA, MS.c, MS, Masters, Graduation, BBA, M.Phil, B.E, Diploma, BS and Middle qualification is required from the well recognized institute along with relevant expertise are required to apply. Appointment will be done on contract basis and will be regularized after completion of probation period for two years and services can be terminated at any time during probation period on serving of one moth notice. So, now have a look on its applying criteria below.
Livestock & Fisheries Department
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | MBA, MS.c, MS, BBA, M.Phil, Masters, B.E, Graduation, Relevant Diploma, Middle |
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Director Health Services FATA Jobs 2017 Online Form Download Latest
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Applications are currently announced from this platform by Director Health Services FATA Jobs 2017 Online Form Download Latest. For the applicants of KPK/FATA its good news from Director of Health Services is hiring the well disciplined, caliber and adroit applicants are required under PSDP Development Scheme upto 30-06-2018 for Project titled as “Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI), FATA, single post for MNCH Program and single post for Type C-Hospitals Mashti Mela Orakzai Agency & Type-D Hospitals, South Waziristan Agency will hire the applicants on contract basis for to fill the following posts which are named as (Deputy Director Monitoring & Evaluation, Assistant Director M& E, EPI Coordinator/Epidemiologist, Provincial Superintendent Vaccination, District Superintendent Vaccination, Vaccinator, Deputy Director (Surveillance), Assistant Director (Surveillance), Deputy Director (Training), Administrative Officer, Assistant Administrative Officer, Data Manager, Transport Superintendent etc) and much more posts can be seen from the advertisement image. Domicile holders of FATA will be given preference. Overall qualification which is required against such posts include MBBS/MPH, MS.c, Bachelor’s, Relevant Diploma,, BDS, Graduation, Intermediate, B.A/ is required from well reputed institutes and relevant expertise are needed to hold these posts hastily. Appointment will be made on contract basis for the period of one year which will be extended further on account of satisfactory performance of the applicants. Females are encouraged to apply for such posts. Now, I will let you know about it’s applying criteria below.
Director Health Services
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | MBBS/MPH, MS.c, Bachelor’s, Relevant Diploma,, BDS, Graduation, Intermediate, B.A/ |
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Public Sector Organization Punjab Jobs 2017 Career Opportunities
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Good news is going to be flipped from Public Sector Organization Punjab Jobs 2017 Career Opportunities is seeking to recruit the Punjab domiciled, caliber and energetic applicants are required to fill out the following posts for Project name "Cluster Development Initiative"which is inviting the applicants to fill out such posts such as (Cluster Facilitator, Accounts Officer and Driver) are the posts which requires to be filled on contract basis for the period of 3 years on fixed pay basis. This public sector is supporting the Small Industries in Punjab. Overall qualification which is required for these posts include Graduation for 1st and 2nd post and for Driver applicants should be Middle with one year driving expertise and should possess the driving license as well and for rest of the posts applicants also possess the relevant expertise to hold these posts. Age limit should be 35 year’s for all above posts. Now, let’s have a look on it’s further details below.
Public Sector Organization
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Graduation, Middle |
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Women University AJK Jobs 2017 Application Form Download Online
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For the residents of Azad Kashmir, we provide here Women University AJK Jobs 2017 Application Form Download Online Applications are invited from the AJK domiciled candidates for the following positions announced by Women University Azad Jammu Kashmir Bagh and the vacant positions includes (Assistant Controller/Secrecy Officer, Private Secretary with Exam Controller Officer, Estate Officer, Senior Scale Stenographer, Librarian, Senior Librarian, Junior Clerk, Store Keeper, Electronics Technician and Lab Assistant). All positions are on the open merit system and there is no special quota is available. Candidates willing to apply for these positions should hold a qualification as per the criteria such as from Masters to Intermediate and relevant skills and experience as per the demand of vacant positions. For detailed eligibility criteria please examine following image. It is the finest opportunity for those who are looking to have a job in the Government sector and here for all positions Women University shall offer handsome salaries with fringe benefits. Now, in the following, we’ll discuss how to apply the procedure for the vacant positions and how to apply procedure is according to the rules of NTS because recruitment test will be conducted by NTS.
Women University AJK
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Masters, Graduation, B.Com, BBA, BSc, Intermediate, Matric |
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Barlan Petroleum Limited Jobs 2017 For Area Sales Executive Latest
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Applications are recently offered from Barlan Petroleum Limited Jobs 2017 For Area Sales Executive Latest. For all those applicants who are seeking for the jobs in Barlan Petroleum Limited is offering the wonderful job opportunities in different cities of Pakistan for which services of eligible, caliber and well-disciplined applicants are required to apply for the following posts which are named as (Tertiary Sales Manager, Area Sales Executive, Accounts & Admin Officer, Receptionist (Male& Female), Office Boy, Loader Driver, Security Guard) are the posts which needs to be filled by the applicants as soon as possible before due date. An overall qualification which is required for these posts includes Master's, B.A, MS, Matric with relevant expertise are required to apply for such posts. Applicants who possess the relevant expertise and skills will be hired against these posts. In following cities vacancies are vacant such as Sukkur, Multan, Bahawalpur, Karachi, Hyderabad, Okara, DG Khan, Gujranwala, Faisalabad, Peshawar, Sargodha, Rawalpindi, Peshawar and much more. So, details have been discussed now have a look at its further details below.
Barlan Petroleum Limited
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Master's, B.A, MS, Matric |
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PGSHF Sialkot Jobs 2017 Punjab Govt Servants Housing Foundation
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Tap to this page and have PGSHF Sialkot Jobs 2017 Punjab Govt Servants Housing Foundation. The Punjab Government Servants Housing Scheme Sialkot invites applications from the suitable candidates for the following positions such as (Steno/Computer Operator, Clerk (Accounts), Clerk, Driver, Chowkidar, Maali and Frash). Appointment of these positions will be held on the pure contract basis and duration of the contract is extendable on satisfactory performance of an individual. Candidates willing to apply should hold relevant qualification and experience as per the criteria mentioned in the following image such as for Sr. No. 1 Graduation degree with Shorthand diploma is required for Sr. No. 2 Intermediate pass candidates having Computer diplomas and relevant experience are eligible to apply and for all other positions, Matric or below qualified candidates can apply. After final selection, the selected candidates shall offer pay package along with usual allowances which can be examined from the following image. So, only suitable candidates meeting criteria should apply as per the following how to apply procedure given below after this paragraph.
Punjab Govt Servants Housing Foundation Scheme Sialkot
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Graduation, Intermediate, Matric, Middle, Primary |
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Public Procurement Regulatory Authority Jobs 2017 PPRA Application Form Download
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Get Public Procurement Regulatory Authority Jobs 2017 PPRA Application Form Download at this page of our site. Public Procurement Regulatory Authority abbreviated for PPRA working under Cabinet Division Government of Pakistan. It announces jobs for the Punjab, Sindh, KPK and Balochistan domiciled candidates almost once in a year and latest Public Procurement Authority Jobs 2017 are announced today on Punjab, Sindh and KPK provincial quota for which applications are invited from the eligible candidates holding qualification from Masters to Bachelors for the following positions such as (Director General (HR), Director General (Finance), Director General (Legal), Director General (Monitoring & Evaluation), Director General (IT & Research), Director (HR), Director (Training), Director (Finance/Accounts), Director (Legal), Director (Monitoring & Evaluation), Director (IT), Director (Research), Deputy Director (SCM), Deputy Director (Training), Deputy Director (Finance / Accounts), Deputy Director (Legal), Deputy Director (Monitoring & Evaluation), Deputy Director (IT), Deputy Director (Research), Assistant Director (Training) and Librarian). All these positions are on regular basis and based in different cities of Pakistan as per the demand of organization. Now for eligible candidates, we’ll talk about how to apply procedure as per the rules of NTS.
Public Procurement Regulatory Authority
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | MA, MSc, LLB, BE, BSc |
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Traffic Engineering & Transport Planning Agency (TEPA) Jobs in Lahore 2017 NTS Form
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Get LDA Traffic Engineering & Transport Planning Agency (TEPA) Jobs in Lahore 2017 NTS Form at this page. TEPA is an important wing of LDA Lahore Development Authority which is responsible for the Traffic and Transport Planning and Development. TEPA jobs announced almost once in a year and today on 28th March 2017 Latest TEPA Jobs 2017 are announced according to which it invites applications from the suitable candidates Male/Female/Shemale having relevant qualification and experience for the following positions such as (Assistant Director (General Cadre), Data Entry Operator, Sub Engineer (Electrical & Mechanical), Assistant Draftsman, Accounts Clerk, Junior Clerk, Driver, and Peon). 15% of vacancies are reserved for women, 3% quota is reserved for disabled and 5% of vacancies are reserved for minorities. Initially, the appointment will be made on contract basis for a period of 3 years extendable subject to the satisfactory performance with the approval of the Competent Authority. Candidates willing to apply should hold qualification and experience as per the criteria mentioned in the following image such as:
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Masters, BA, B.Com, LLB, Intermediate, D.Com, I.Com, DCS, DAE, Matric, Middle |

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Join Pak Navy as Civilian 2017 Jobs for Doctors Eligibility Criteria
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This page is about Pakistan Navy Latest Jobs such as Join Pak Navy as Civilian 2017 Jobs for Doctors Eligibility Criteria. Jobs in Pakistan Navy are available and it is looking to recruit the following staff to serve in Pakistan Navy as General Duty Medical Officer (GDMO) anywhere as per service requirement of Pakistan Navy for which it invites applications from the well educated, experienced, hardworking and well-disciplined candidates for the following positions of (Doctors). Appointment of the above mentioned position will be done on the pure contract basis and duration of the contract will be 02 years which is extendable on satisfactory performance. Candidates willing to apply should possess relevant qualification as per the criteria mentioned in the following.
Pakistan Navy
Gender: | Male, Female |
Experience: | 0, 1 years required. |
Education: | N/A |

Jobs in Pakistan FULL TIME
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Islamabad Wildlife Management Board Jobs 2017 Advertisement Latest
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At this page, you'll have Islamabad Wildlife Management Board Jobs 2017 OTS Application Form Advertisement Latest. Applications are being offered from Islamabad Wildlife Management Board is currently inviting the eligible, most talented, educated and experienced applicants are required to apply for the various jobs over there which include (Manager Operations Margallah Hills National Park, Park Education Officer, Social Mobilizer, Accounts Officer, Admin Officer, Assistant, Wildlife Watcher, Wildlife Guard and Peon) are required to apply for the following posts. The appointment of these posts will be done on contract/ temporary basis for the period of one year. After posts information, the next step is about the eligibility criteria should be the Master's degree in the different disciplines as Natural Sciences/ Zoology, Sociology, Environment, Bachelor's, Matric and middle qualification is required with minimum several years' expertise are required too to hold these jobs. The quota is available on merit basis and the regional quota is also there for KPK, Punjab, Sindh, Balochistan provinces. So, these all are the complete details about these jobs so after having these details now let's have a look at its applying criteria below.
Islamabad Wildlife Management Board
Gender: | Male, Female |
Experience: | 0, 1 years required. |
Education: | N/A |
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Abb Takk News TV Channel Jobs 2017 Reporters, Anchors and Cameraman
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Here is good news for the Pakistani Nationals that Abb Takk News TV Channel Jobs 2017 Reporters, Anchors and Cameraman are available. Abb Takk News TV Channel is one those news channels which are working brilliantly to update us by the latest national and internationals affairs 24 hours a day and to make its services much better it is looking to hire freshers and experienced professionals for which it has announced job opportunities and it is golden opportunity for all those who wanted to be part of any TV Channel and here on 04th March 2017 AbbTakk news channel has announced various jobs in different fields like HR, Accounts, Bureau, On Air Promotion, Out Put Desk, In Put Desk, Fashion Department, Marketing and etc. Candidates from all over Pakistan having can apply and there is the only condition is this that only Graduates can apply for these jobs and there is no experience is required. So, all those candidates who are passionate to be a part of media should step forward and apply confidently in the relevant field in which you have interest. In the following, we’ll discuss some of the vacant positions and then you’ll have complete how to apply procedure.
Abb Takk News Channel
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Graduation |
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Planning & Development Department MEC Sindh Jobs 2017 NTS Online Form
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Tap to this page and have Planning & Development Department MEC Sindh Jobs 2017 NTS Online Form. Today on 23rd February 2017 latest job opportunities are announced in Planning and Development Department Sindh Government and it is looking to recruit following staff for Monitoring and Evaluation Cell. Applications are invited from the well educated and disciplined Sindh Domiciled individuals for the following positions such as (Accounts Assistant, Stenotypist, Data Processing Assistant and Key Punch Operator). Appointment of these positions will be on contract basis which can be permanent on satisfactory performance of an individual.
Monitoring and Evaluation Cell Planning & Development Department
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Graduation, Intermediate |
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