Monday, 3rd March, 2025
quote سُبْحَان اللهِ وَ الْحَمْدُ لِلّهِ وَ لآ اِلهَ اِلّا اللّهُ وَ اللّهُ اَكْبَرُ وَ لآ حَوْلَ وَلاَ قُوَّة ِ الَّا بِاللّهِ الْعَلِىّ الْعَظِيْم (3 Kalimah Tamjeed)

State Bank of Pakistan Merit Scholarship Scheme 2024 Application Form

Category: Scholarships
Address: State Bank of Pakistan. I.I. Chundrigar Road Karachi Pakistan
Organization: State Bank of Pakistan
Announced Date: Oct 07, 2024

This page is about SBP State Bank of Pakistan Merit Scholarships 2024 Application Form. Applications are being invited from the State Bank of Pakistan is a well-known bank that aid in financial assistance and looks after the financial system of the country is currently providing the applicants a Merit Scholarship Scheme 2021-2024 to the serving/retired and deceased employees (Up to OG-02 Level) children who are studying in Intermediate, Graduation and Post Graduation are required to come forward and avail this scholarship as soon as possible without having any difficulty. So, in the below headings, I will let you know about its further details.

SBP is abbreviated as State Bank of Pakistan regulates all the credit and financial system of the country on larger scale and is the Govt and Federal Govt recognized bank always offers the enchanting marvelous jobs and  scholarship offers to the applicants of Masters to Matric level. Above SBP Merit Scholarship is discussed but PEEF PhD Scholarship is announced today which can be examined from our website.

SBP Merit Scholarship 2024 For Employee/Retired & Deceased Persons

Eligibility Criteria:

For Intermediate Courses: 

Candidates having previous qualifications Matric / O-Levels are eligible to apply.

For Graduation Courses: 

Candidates completed Intermediate / A-Levels are welcome to apply.

For Post Graduate Courses: 

Candidates should possess the Graduation degree to apply.

Educational Institution:

Candidates will be having the Graduation and Post Graduation qualification who have been admitted in HEC recognized institutes and in Degree Awarding Institutes are required to apply.

Eligibility Conditions:

  • Candidates who have obtained minimum 60% or “B grade in Intermediate and Graduation standard are eligible to apply.
  • In the case of grades mentioned in CGPA/GPA have to provide the marks equivalence certificate.
  • Candidates who have done “A & O Levels” under Cambridge International System are liable to apply.
  • Those who have got admission in HEC recognized institute during the 2018 year are eligible to apply.
  • The students who possess the receipt of a scholarship from any other institute are no liable to apply.

How to Apply for SBP Merit Scholarship Scheme:

  1. Interested applicants of ex-employees/ retired and spouse of deceased employees whose children meet the said criteria are required to download the applicants form from the given link or it can be obtained from General Services Department SBP BSC Head Office Karachi.
  2. The last date for applying is November 04, 2024.
  3. Those candidates who fully meet the said criteria will be eligible for a scholarship.
State Bank of Pakistan Merit Scholarship Scheme 2024

State Bank of Pakistan Merit Scholarship SchemeLast Date For Apply: November 04, 2024.

Download Form
(98 Times Downloaded)

Click Here For Scholarship Advertisement Image

Address: Director HR Department, State Bank of Pakistan I.I Chandigarh Road Karachi-74200.

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  1. Gulnaz says:

    Respected sir/ma’am
    Sir I am doing Bscn and am related a poor family my father can not bear my study expenses and other I really need this scholarship so please kindly give me this scholarship.
    Thank you.

  2. Arzoo Nisar says:

    Asslamo Alikum sir
    My name Arzoo Nisar from Sangla hill.I really need this schoroship because my father is no more and my mother can’t afford my education expenses so kindly help me about any schoroship.
    Thank You

  3. Syeda Naqvi says:

    Respected sir
    I am doing and I need for scholarship because I belong to middle family and my parents can’t beat my study expence .Please kindly help me Sir

  4. Ayesha Dawood says:

    Sir may is may apply Karna chati hon because I need this scholarship mery father state bank sy hi retired han

  5. Kainat says:

    Sir I need this scholarship badly bsz my father is a labor and they have no fixed job I want to continue my study plz sir

  6. Nasir says:

    Dear sir how we can apply

  7. Ayesha says:

    Asslamo Alikum sir
    I really need this schoroship because my father is no more nd my mother can’t afford my education expenses so kindly help me about any schoroship
    Thank You

  8. Sohail ahmed says:

    Is this available for only Bank employer children’s?

  9. Mahnoor says:

    Respected Sir,
    i’m doing Ics and i need for scholarship because i belong to middle family and My parents can’t bear my study expenses .Please Kindly help me Sir .
    Thank you

  10. Awais mughal says:

    Sir ham kis tarha apply kary jab ky abu ky pas koi jobs bhi nhi ha

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