How to Apply Online for PAF Air Force |
On the demand of our viewers, we are going to discuss here How to Apply Online for PAF Air Force through official site and from the above title you will get the real meaning and objective of this content which is going to highlight the joining of PAF and how one can apply online by following the simple steps.
Before, getting in depth of its application firstly I would like to introduce you to PAF.
Introduction to Pakistan Air Force:
PAF’s abbreviation is Pakistan Air Force which is the famous Armed Force of our dear homeland. In Urdu Language, it is named as (Pak Fizaia). This force births on 14th August 1947 along with the creation of our country. This branch of Armed Force is aerial warfare which performs aerial defence, provide air support to the Pakistan Navy & Pakistan Army, participates in many combat operations and provide aerial support to the Inter-Service Operations which go on in the country and also remains engaged in providing air transport and logistics capability as well. So, these are the main details about PAF.
It ’s also having its official site at In which you will get all the latest news, an update regarding it and recruitment and selection details as well are posted on the site in order to be viewed online. Currently, approximately 65,000/ employees are working in which 3000/ pilots are there and the force is operating 883 aircraft. Headquarter of this force lies in Islamabad.
Additionally, I will increase your knowledge by telling that this Air Force Day is celebrated on 7th of September. Hopefully, you come to know all about the simple abbreviation PAF which possess the huge story behind its short name. So, keep it in your mind and now I will tap into the main objective of the content which is about applying online.
Join PAF 2025 Online Registration
How to Apply Online in PAF:
Pakistan Air Force has given equal opportunity to both genders and it’s the matter of immense pleasure for girls and boys because joining this force and serving the dearest country is the biggest proud for self as well as for the country. But for to join and get employed here the applicants needs to follow some steps and can apply online easily while sitting at any corner with internet facility one can get all the details within a blink of an eye. So, let’s throw light on its further details below.
Step No. 01:
For Online Registration the applicants need to apply online by visiting the official site of PAF as
Step No. 02:
In the step, no two the individuals have to provide all the details and fill the registration form by giving the full biodata about themselves accurately because once the information is put it will not be changed or rectified.
Step No. 03:
In this step one computer code will be displayed before you and that pin code should be memorized by the candidate in order to view the file status for further information while login.
So, these are the simple steps through which one can apply online and keep in touch with the official site in order to view the Test Date and further selection procedures. Be the first one to join PAF and serve your motherland with heart and soul and feel proud.
It is my passion to join PAF
It’s my passion to join paf as gd pilot
. My dream lcan apply pak army insallah
mera name ummay kalsoom ha
plzz help me for GD pilot
I like job of the PAF
Mera name humaira h I want to join gd pilot plz help
I want to join as gd pilot?? What can I do?
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