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Govt. of Pakistan Ministry of Defence Candidates List 2014

Category: Education

Here you can check Govt. of Pakistan Ministry of Defence Candidates List 2014 for Staff grade and Assistant Director (BS-17) which is announced today. Please see the link below for Govt. of Pakistan Ministry of Defence Candidates List 2014. Jobs are vacant for the position of Sub Inspector and Assistant Director in Ministry of Defence.

The Government of Pakistan required highly educated, very experienced, self motivated and determined individuals for the above mentioned positions.

Last date for the submissions of Application forms was 12th February, 2014. Test for these jobs are going to conduct by NTS, and every candidate has to pass this test to qualify for further process. List of Eligible candidates for Staff Grade and Assistant Director (BS-17) who will appear for NTS is posted below at our website, you can get complete list of all the candidates who will appear in the NTS test.

Test will be conduct on 2nd March, 2014. For more Information and Updates about Jobs please visit our website Jobs

Staff Grade Candidates List 2nd March 2014

Assistant Director (BS-17) Candidates List 9th March 2014

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  1. usman says:

    Can any one tell me about the result of assistant director ministry of defence .?

  2. ghullam murtazq says:

    please announce the result of staaf mod minstry of deffence

  3. zarshad khan says:

    i am M.A student i need a job in pakistan govermants

  4. ruby malik says:

    sir i want to take a sample for BPS-17 For ministry of defence

  5. Mohammad Arish says:

    any suitable job

  6. Ramla zubair says:

    Plz sir give me laptop

  7. umair says:

    please upload previous paper of NTS ministery of defence

    1. FIZA says:

      nts is going to take the test of ministry of defence for the first time so there is no sample paper by nts for ministry of defence

      1. abid says:

        i just gave test of nts…ministry of defence

      2. agha says:


      3. agha says:

        sorry fiza

  8. Tanveer Abbasi says:

    Please anyone who have send me pattern of MoD sub inspect.

  9. abid taj says:

    Need a job

  10. Zafar Yar Khan says:

    Well job

    1. H.Tanveer Iqbal says:

      there is 1st time that the NTS included subjective part in the test who conduct on 2nd march for ministory of deffence.

      1. asif hussain says:

        any body tell me. when vl b the list of succeessful candidates are display.

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