Mianwali district is located in the Northwest of Punjab province, Pakistan and Jobs in Mianwali 2024-2025 are provided as per the demand of Mianwali district’s residents. The district is divided into three tehsils and 56 Union Councils. The inhabitants of Mianwali district speak many different dialects of Punjabi language as Siraiki, Pushto, Shahpuri, Thalochi, Majhi language and Urdu is well known and is spoken everywhere. Mianwali district covers an area of 5,840 kilometers square. As Mianwali city is the capital of Mianwali district so it’s considered as the economic and commercial hub of the city. The climate of this city is hot in summer and has a dry windy cold season in winters. The educational institutes are set up in this city from primary to postgraduate level. The population of this district is split into four main groups namely Niazi, Awan, Jat and Baloch and Talokar tribe. The city has an FM Radio station, sports ground, and many amazing visiting places. The jobs regarding this city are published in the newspaper and on internet websites daily where one can apply in different sectors.