Monday, 3rd March, 2025
quote وَبِالْوَالِدَيْنِ إِحْسَانًا --- Treat with kindness your parents (Al-Baqara - 2:83)

EDCON Asia Scholarship Program 2014 for 2000 Students

Category: Education

Edcon Asia Offers Scholarship Program in which it gives scholarships to 2000 intelligent students of schools and college. Edcon Asia is seeking for educated, very intelligent and well disciplined students for its scholarship program. Edcon Asia is an international organization whose motive is to make progress for education. Now Edcon Asia has announced to give scholarships to 2000 students of Pakistan and Azad Kashmir, these scholarships are on completely merit base and after completion of studies of these 2000 students will give chances to have job in Europe. Students of different classes from school such as (6th, 7th, 8th and 9th) and from college students of (Pre-Eng, Pre-Med, ICS, and DPA) will be eligible to apply for the scholarship program. Interested candidates should submit their application forms in the office of National Testing Service (NTS) on the following address given below, before last date 31st March, 2014. NTS will conduct test for the scholarship program and every candidates have to pass this test for further procedure. Test will held on 20th April 2014. For more Information and Updates about jobs please visit our website

Click Here For Result

Last date to Apply: 31st March, 2014.
Test Date: 20th April, 2014.
Address: NTS-Pakistan 96, Street No.04, Sector H-8/1, Islamabad.
To Download Application Form: Click Here

EDCON Asia Scholarship Program 2014 for 2000 Students

EDCON Asia Scholarship Program 2014 for 2000 Students

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  1. Ammar Mukhtar says:

    a.a sir i m student of 2nd year i have passed 1st year…….m i elligible for this schollarship ????

  2. Roshini says:

    sir I am doing graduation B.A
    can I submit this form?

  3. Ahmad says:

    sir mia ne fsc clear ki he is sal kia mia apply kar sakta ho edcon asia scholarship k liye?

    1. Dr. Junaid says:

      Yes , if you have passed your intermediate in the above mentioned subjects, you are eligible to appear in this test.

  4. hamza says:

    i want to apply in ADCON Asia scholorship and i will bt i want to know that whose country will provide after success in this scholorship i want to study abroad . i dont want to study in pakistan so please tell me that this scholorship is of other countries or pakistan

  5. safiullah says:

    dear and respacted sir assalam o alaikum ,
    i m the student of 9th class, and my causion is in 6th class . we both want to attempt for this scholarship.. sir i m from balochistan .
    sir plz help me for sample papers , from where i can get sample papers????and
    sir i want to ask about that , the NTS test will be about general knowledge or balochistan board coarse??? sir, plz elaborate????

  6. Kashif Hussain says:

    I’m a student of 2nd year. How this scholarship helps me?

  7. safdar ali says:

    i read in ninth class .kia ma is schoarship ka liay apply kar sakta ho

  8. waqas says:

    sir i have passed my 6th class examination and i want to admait in 7th through this scholarship, so i want to know tht i have tto attach only my form.b or both form.b nd my 6th class d.m.c so tht i do so………..answer plzzzzzzz

  9. Said Afzal Khan says:

    what kind of test for 6th class will be taken.

  10. Aqib says:

    Aqib here class 9th student from the educators, i m interested in these schlorships and i l submit my form inshallah before 31st march, but on 20th april my 1st practicle will b held in school so i want to know about test timings! Hope i l get ur answer as soon as possible.

    1. Sarwan Mangi says:

      asalam alaikum…
      i want to know that the test will be from 7th class if appearing to get addmission in 8th class.
      waiting for ur kind reply.

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