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Latest WAPDA Jobs in Pakistan 2025
WAPDA Jobs in Pakistan 2025 Upcoming Latest Mar
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WAPDA Lahore Jobs 2016 NTS Application Form Download
Here in the following the job is being offered from WAPDA Lahore Jobs 2016 NTS Application Form Download. The Water and Power Development Authority in Lahore is currently looking to hire the eligible, adroit, high profiled and diligent applicants for the operations posts which includes Junior Engineer (Civil),Junior Geologist and Junior Siesmologist/ Geophysicist are the current vacancies which needs to be filled by the eligible applicants. Appointment of the following posts will be done on contract basis. The applicants who are going to apply for Sr No,1 should possess the qualification of BS.c in Civil for the recognized university and should be well versed in computer knowledge and operating system whereas the qualification for Sr No,2 and 3 should be MS.c in the relevant disciplines with 2nd Division and relevant knowledge of computer operating is requires as same as above. The quota is their for Punjab, KPK, Balochistan, FATA, AJK , Balochistan and on Open merit the seats are available plus the women, minorities are eligible to apply. Age limit should be 21 to 33 years. So, if you want to apply for these jobs so must have a look and apply as soon as possible. Now, let's have a look on its applying criteria below.
Water & Power Development Authority
Gender: | Male, Female |
Experience: | 0, 1 years required. |
Education: | N/A |
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WAPDA Jobs 2016 For Director (Legal) NTS Online Form
Today at this job page on 24th of July 2016 you will have the job from WAPDA Jobs 2016 For Director (Legal) NTS Online Form The Water and Power Development Authority is looking to recruit the most diligent, caliber, capable and intelligent applicants are required to apply for the single post of Director (Legal) is vacant to apply for this post. The applicants will be appointed on contract basis. The recruitment will be done on the Policy of Federal Govt. The NTS is authorized to conduct the test. The eligibility criteria for this post includes Law Graduate with 15 years practice and Diploma in Labour Law will be considered as an additional qualification. Beside this qualification the applicants should be well versed in service matters, labour, acquisition, resettlement, contract matters and international arbitration will be given preference. Age limit should be 45 years. The selection will be done on merit basis. Open merit quota is there to apply. So, let's have a look on its applying criteria below.
Water & Power Development Authority
Gender: | Male, Female |
Experience: | 0, 1 years required. |
Education: | Graduation |
Jobs in Pakistan FULL TIME
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WAPDA Employees Cooperative Housing Society ISB / RWD Jobs 2016 Walk In Interview
For the natives of Islamabad and Rawalpindi a good job offer is there from WAPDA Employees Cooperative Housing Society Islamabad/Rawalpindi Jobs 2016 Walk In Interview. The Water and Power Development Authority Employees Cooperative Housing Society in Islamabad and Rawalpindi seeking for eligible, adroit, experienced and minimum education holding applicants are required for the posts of Security Guard and Driver. These posts are vacant over there and the eligibility criteria for the post of Security guard includes Retired from Army Lance Naik should be medically fit and healthy, bears the good conduct and is having its own personal weapon will be liable to apply for this post whereas, for the Driver the applicants should be having the LTV Driving License and should be having the 5 years driving experience will be able to be hired over there. Age of the applicants should be 40 years for the post of Driver. So guys, for those applicants who meet the whole criteria fully needs to apply against these posts immediately and get employed. These vacancies are extremely awesome for the minimum education holders. So, avail these posts and this golden opportunity where you will be given wonderful environment and good staff member and growth offers too. So, don't get late an apply. Now, let's move towards its applying criteria below.
WAPDA Employees Cooperative Housing Society
Gender: | Male, Female |
Experience: | 0, 1 years required. |
Education: | N/A |
Jobs in Pakistan FULL TIME
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GENCO Holding Company GHCL Jobs 2016 Application Form Download Online
Here in the following the job is being offered from GENCO Holding Company GHCL Jobs 2016 Application Form Download Online. Genco Holding Company is responsible for the management and operation of the company. The Genco company is looking to recruit the well disciplined, caliber and adroit applicants are required to be appointed for the post of Chief Executive Officer is required. The CEO has to direct the board of Governors and directly work with the Board of Governors is required with the relevant expertise and many responsibilities are required with the leadership and team building expertise and excellent communication skills are required with interpersonal expertise are required to apply. The applicants should be having the Bachelor's and Masters qualification in Engineering, Business and Management from a recognized university and the fellow member of ICAP, ICMAP with minimum 15 years expertise and out of which 5 years experience in the Public and Private Power Generation Company is required to apply. The applicants will be appointed for the period of three years which can leads to further extension on the satisfactory performance of the applicants. Age limit should be 60 years. Market based salary package will be given to the applicants. So, let's have a look on its applying criteria below.
Genco Holding Company Limited
Gender: | Male, Female |
Experience: | 0, 1 years required. |
Education: | N/A |
Jobs in Pakistan FULL TIME
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CPPA Islamabad Jobs 2016 For System & Network Administrator Eligibility Criteria
Here an awesome and brilliant career opportunity is announced from CPPA Islamabad Jobs 2016 For System & Network Administrator Eligibility Criteria. The applications are invited from the Central Power Purchasing Agency which is working under the company ordinance of 1948 and is related to the electric power development and procurement and its distribution to the DISCO'S is looking to recruit the individuals for self-oriented and professionals are required to fill the vacant situation of System and Network Administration in Islamabad the capital of our homeland and dearest country. So, the educational criteria for this post includes BS/BE in Computer Science and Engineering from the HEC recognized university along with 6 years of experience in tackling the 500 and over nodes running on Microsoft Windows Server, LINUX expertise SAN, LAN,DXX, DSL and Microsoft Exchange Server expertise are includes with management of switches routers and firewalls are the areas in which the candidates having the full proficiency will be eligible to be hold for the employment. Appointment of the above post will be done on contractual basis and the post carry market based attractive salary package with challenging and best working environment will be given to the employees. So, don't waster your time be the first on to jump and get employed. Let's move towards its vacancy in bullet form and applying methodology.
Central Power Purchasing Agency Guarantee Limited
Gender: | Male, Female |
Experience: | 0, 1 years required. |
Education: | N/A |
Jobs in Pakistan FULL TIME
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WAPDA Jobs 2016 Pakistan For Data Entry Operator NTS Application Form Download Online
Fore the govt job seekers here is good news is there from WAPDA Jobs 2016 Pakistan For Data Entry Operator NTS Application Form Download Online. The Water & Power development Authority is the well known and reputed sector of electricity with the wide network throughout the country and is currently given an advertisement of the fresh job opportunities which includes Data Entry Operator, Stenographer Grade-02 and Junior Clerk are required over there is this authority to come and fill these vacancies through their skills and relevant expertise. The appointment of the above posts will be doe on contract basis. For all of these posts the qualification which is required includes for Sr No,1 BCS, BS.c,, B.A with 2nd Division in Maths/ Physics/ Economics with speed of 16000 per depression key and typing speed of 45 wpm. For the second post the applicants same qualification is required but the applicants must possess the sound knowledge of MS Office and computer works with short hand typing and for the last vacant the Matric qualification is required with typing speed and proficiency in current PC Operating System is required to hold these jobs meticulously. Age limit should be 18-30 years and the age relaxation will be admissible to the specific cases. the quota is reserved for minorities, women, and regional / provincial quota is there to apply fro these positions. So, after having these all details now, its time to move towards its applying criteria below.
Water & Power Development Authority
Gender: | Male, Female |
Experience: | 0, 1 years required. |
Education: | N/A |
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Wapda Jobs NTS Test Pattern & Sample Paper 2018-19
The basic purpose of developing this page is to provide you Wapda Jobs NTS Test Pattern & Sample Paper 2018-19. There are numerous WAPDA jobs announced almost every month by NTS for which this testing organization has to conduct recruitment test but most of us don't know the Test Pattern due to which they face difficulty at the time of test and to resolve this problem we have developed this page where you'll have separate sample papers for all electricity companies of WAPDA such as LESCO, MEPCO, FESCO, HESCO, QESCO, GEPCO and PESCO. Most of us desire to have job in any of the above mentioned electric supply company and every time these companies announces the latest jobs through NTS for which it is compulsory for every candidate pass the NTS to further qualify for Interview and for such candidates we have developed this page where exact sample papers are available as per NTS which help you to prepare yourself for the test by staying at your home and this is completely free because there is no fee for this facility. All you have to do just visit our site on daily basis and if there is any latest job announced by WAPDA then all you have to do just visit following links and prepare yourself for the Test and fulfill your dream of joining WAPDA.
Water and Power Development Authority
Gender: | Male, Female |
Experience: | 0, 1 years required. |
Education: | N/A |
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WAPDA Deputy Director Security Jobs 2016 NTS Online Application Form
Here at this page a brilliant job opportunity is there from WAPDA Deputy Director Security Jobs 2016 NTS Online Application Form The well known Govt sector of Power WAPDA which is running and managing the system of electricity in Pakistan is currently looking to appoint the individuals for the various positions the services of Deputy Director Legal, Deputy Director Security, Assistant Director (Legal), Assistant Director (Admn), Fire Fighting Officer, Assistant Director (Public Relations / Public Relation Officer), Assistant Director (PA/SA) / Computer, Assistant Private Secretary and Security Officer are required to apply for this post. The appointment of the following posts will be made on contract basis and the regional quota is available for Sindh, Punjab, AJK and KPK and on open merit the jobs are required available to apply. All the applicants will be selected on purely merit basis according to the Federal Govt policy. Handsome salary package will be offered to the applicants along with the pleasant working environment and growth offers. So, have a look and jump to apply. So, tap toward its applying criteria and educational and experience procedure also.
Water & Power Development Authority
Gender: | Male, Female |
Experience: | 0, 1 years required. |
Education: | N/A |
Jobs in Pakistan FULL TIME
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WAPDA Jobs 2016 For Lecturer NTS Application Form Download Online
Here at this page a wonderful job opportunity is being offered from WAPDA Jobs 2016 For Lecturer NTS Application Form Download Online. The Water & Power Development Authority is hiring the self-dynamic, energetic, adroit and well educated applicants in Education Directorate for the several posts which includes Lecturer (Maths, Physics, Urdu, Biology, Chemistry, Political Sciences, Maths, Botany, Islamiyat), Trained Graduate Teacher (Urdu), Trained Graduate Teacher (English), Trained Graduate Teacher (Science, Maths, Physics), Trained Graduate Teacher (Science, Physics, Maths), Trained Graduate Teacher (Science, Maths, Chemistry, Biology), Oriental Language Teacher, Trained Graduate Teacher (Home Economics), Computer Teacher and Senior Physical Training Instructor are the current vacancies which needs to be fulfilled by the eligible applicants. The quota is reserved for the Sindh, Punjab, KPK, FATA, Balochistan and AJK and on Open Merit. Attractive salary package will be given to the applicants for applying for these jobs. So, all those applicants who are willing to apply tap to this page and have a look on these jobs. No,w let's have a look on its applying criteria and educational and experience requirements below.
Water & Power Development Authority
Gender: | Male, Female |
Experience: | 0, 1 years required. |
Education: | N/A |
Jobs in Pakistan FULL TIME
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WAPDA Jobs 2016 Application Form Download for ASA, Pump Operator & Helper
Here on 21st June, 2016 we’ll provide you WAPDA Jobs 2016 Application Form Download for ASA, Pump Operator & Helper. Jobs in WAPDA are available and it is looking to recruit following positions at Chief Engineer (Hydel) North, WAPDA, Warsak on Punjab Quota, Open Merit and Employees Son Quota for which it invites applications from educated, skilled and hardworking candidates for the following positions such as (ASA, Pump Operator and Helper). Appointment of these positions will be held on contract basis initially for one year which is further extendable on satisfactory performance. Candidates from all over Pakistan are welcome to apply but they have to compare themselves with the eligibilities mentioned in the following image posted below and according to the criteria for all positions at least Matriculation degree is required to apply. So, only suitable candidates should apply as per the following how to apply procedure given below.
Gender: | Male, Female |
Experience: | 0, 1 years required. |
Education: | Matric |
Jobs in Pakistan FULL TIME
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LESCO Security Guard Jobs 2016 NTS Online Test & Roll Number Slip Download
Here in the following the job opportunity is being offered from LESCO Security Guard Jobs 2016 NTS Online Test & Roll Number Slip Download is recently given an advertisement of a job opportunity from Lahore Electric Power Supply Company is the Electric Supply Company which is currently looking to recruit the high profiled, eligible, adroit, brilliant and experienced individuals are required to apply for the following positions which includes Security Sergeant and Security Guard are required to fill these positions with the minimum qualification and expertise of the following field work. The candidates will be appointed formerly on one year on contract basis but can leads to further extension upon the satisfactory performance of the applicants. The qualification which is required overall for these posts includes Matric for both the posts but for Sr No,1 the Ex-Hawaldar, Naik retired from Armed forces are required to apply whoa re having the 8 years experience in Armed Forces are required to apply with Medical Category A whereas for the second post Ex-Sepoy / Lance Naik are required to apply as same as expertise above mentioned are required to apply as soon as possible. Age limit should be 40 years and the 5 years age relaxation will be admissible to the applicants for interview. So, these all are the complete details of the jobs so let's have a look no its applying criteria below.
Lahore Electric Supply Company
Gender: | Male, Female |
Experience: | 0, 1 years required. |
Education: | Matric |
Jobs in Pakistan FULL TIME
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HESCO Jobs 2016 Hyderabad Electric Supply Company Current Vacancies
Here in the following the job offer is being offered from HESCO Jobs 2016 Hyderabad Electric Supply Company Current Vacancies. The Hyderabad Electric Supply Company is the leading Electric Supply Company which is engaged in transmission of power and look after all the electrical works is recently looking to recruit the eligible, adroit, caliber and diligent individuals for the senior positions which includes Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer, Chief Auditor For Internal Auditor, Legal Advisor and IT Consultant are required to apply for all of these posts who possess the relevant qualification and expertise and are eligible to hold the responsibilities in an impeccable manner are required to apply. The appointment of the applicants will be done on 1 to 3 years contract basis to apply and can lead to fur there extension upon the satisfactory performance of the applicants. So, all those applicants who fulfill the needs of these job fully are required to apply for these posts before due date. Now, let's have a look on its applying criteria and educational and experience criteria.
Hyderabad Electric Supply Company
Gender: | Male, Female |
Experience: | 0, 1 years required. |
Education: | N/A |
New vacancies for WAPDA jobs 2025 and WAPDA openings jobs in 2026 are listed online with new WAPDA jobs posted daily. Previous WAPDA jobs 2024 can also be applied for online. Make money from home or the office by choosing the right WAPDA job for your qualification and experience. By applying to today's jobs at WAPDA Punjab, Sindh, KPK, Balochistan, Gilgit Baltistan, AJK, you join a growing team.