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Latest Vice Principal Jobs in Pakistan 2025
Vice Principal Jobs in Pakistan 2025 Upcoming Latest Mar
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Pakistan Urdu School Bahrain Jobs 2017 Online Apply Latest August Openings
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For the lovers of Institutional jobs get the offer from Pakistan Urdu School Bahrain Jobs 2017 Online Apply Latest August Openings. For all those applicants who are seeking the jobs in Pakistan Urdu School Bahrain so it is currently inviting the educated, high profiled, hard working and caliber individuals for this school the Faculty Posts are needed to apply for the following positions which care named as (Principal, Vice Principals and Teachers) are the posts which needs to be filled by the applicants with overall qualification of Masters degree in English/Physics/Biology/Chemistry/Mathematics/Pak Studies/Computer Science with B.ed/M.ed with minimum several year's expertise are needed to apply for such posts. Applicants will be given negotiable salary packages with fringe benefits as Semi-Furnished Accommodation, Air Ticket form Bahrain to place of origin & back during summer vacation once every two years and other benefits will be given as per Bahrian Labour Law. Fluency in spoken and written English is required. Now, let's throw light on its further details below.
Pakistan Urdu School
Gender: | Male, Female |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Masters |
Jobs in Pakistan FULL TIME
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Fazaia PAF Inter College Karachi Jobs 2017 For Male & Female Latest
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Here in the following you will be having the latest job offer from Fazaia PAF Inter College Karachi Jobs 2017 For Male & Female Latest. Applications are being offered from Fazaia PAF Inter College Karachi is seeking to appoint the well disciplined, caliber and hard working applicants are required to fill the Faculty and Non-Faculty Staff posts which are named as (Vice Principal, Headmistress/Headmaster (Secondary Section, College/Secondary Level and Primary Level) (English, Physics, Math's, Urdu), Admin Officer, PA To Principal, Canteen Contractor) are the current posts which needs to be filled with overall qualification of M.A/ MS.c, M.ed/B.ed, B.A/BS.c, FS.c and relevant several year's expertise are needed to apply for such posts. As, most of the applicants wishes to be the part of this institute so don't forget to visit this page because you will get the latest career opportunity of such college and rest of the departments. Attractive salary package with fringe benefits will be given to the applicants.Now, I will let you know about it's further details below.
Fazaia (PAF) Inter College
Gender: | Male, Female |
Experience: | 0, 1 years required. |
Education: | N/A |
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Mehran University Higher Secondary School Jamshoro Jobs 2017 Online Form
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Today at this well reputed job platform you will have career offer from Mehran University Higher Secondary School Jamshoro Jobs 2017 Online Form. One of the well reputed and the most famous university of Engineering & Technology named "Mehran University of Engineering & Technology" is currently intends to hire the applicants for its Higher Secondary School the services of caliber, diligent and adroit candidates is needed to fill the following vacancies namely (Principal/Vice Principal & Subject Teacher (Physics, Maths, Chemistry, Biology & Computer Science)) are the posts which needs to be filled with overall qualification of Master's degree in Social/Natural and Applied with B.ed preferably from HEC recognized university with 15 years teaching expertise is required and out of which 3-5 administrative position expertise are needed serving as Vice Principal/Principal in national or international organization are the requirements for 1st post whereas for 2nd post the applicants should be having the Master's degree in relevant field with teaching expertise will be given preference. 11st post will be on contact basis for the period of three year's and will be likely to be continued further. Age limit for 1st post should be 42 to 57 year's and for 2nd post the applicants should bear the age limit of 22 to 35 year's. So guys it’s the wonderful opportunity to avail because the time once gone never come back. So read all the requirements of these jobs carefully and than tap to apply before due date. So now its time to let’s have a look on its applying method.
Mehran University Higher Secondary School
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Master's, B.ed |
Jobs in Pakistan FULL TIME
A Quick View of Job Jobs 2017 Online Apply February Advertisement Latest
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Get Jobs 2017 Online Apply February Advertisement Latest. Applications are being offered from the Federal Public Service Commission intends to appoint the well disciplined, dynamic, high profiled and experienced individuals are needed to fill the ample of the posts which belongs to different Ministries such as (Permanent Academy of Educational Planning & Management, Ministry of Federal Education & Professional Training, Ministry of Textile & Industry, Permanent Federal Govt Educational Institutions, Ministry of Defence, National Assembly Secretariat, Federal Govt Schools, Federal Directorate of Education, Islamabad Capital Administration and Development Division, Ministry of Railways etc) and much more are the Ministries in which posts are lying vacant to be filled which can be seen from the below image or few will be discussed in the below headings. Attractive salary package will be given to the applicants. Male and Female both are eligible to apply. Domicile holders of Sindh, Balochistan, KPK & Punjab are eligible to apply with minorities and a Non-Muslim quota is admissible to apply. Now, I will make you aware about its rest of the details below.
Federal Public Service Commission
Gender: | Male, Female |
Experience: | 0, 1 years required. |
Education: | N/A |
Jobs in Pakistan FULL TIME
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FPSC Jobs Advertisement No 12/2016 Apply Online Latest
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Today a wonderful job opportunity is knocking the doors of individuals from FPSC Jobs Advertisement No 12/2016 Apply Online Latest Applications are being offered from the most awaiting Department/Commission that is Federal Public Service Commission which is in probe of eligible, caliber and capable applicants are required to fill the number of the posts and these posts belongs to different department and Ministries which are named as Planning, Development Reform/Economist Group, Defence Production/Institute of Optronics, Information Broadcasting & National Heritage, Overseas Pakistanis & HRD /National Industrial Relations Commission, Federal Public Service Commission, Cabinet Secretariat (Aviation Division) Airports Security Force Capital Administration and Development Division/F.G Colleges, Federal Directorate of Education, Defence/F.G Colleges Directorate of F.G Educational Institutions (Cantt/Garrison), Petroleum and Natural Resources/Geological Survey of Pakistan, Finance Division/Pakistan Mint,Lahore, Railways/Mechanical Engineering Department of Pakistan Railways (Railway Board), Federal Government Organization and much more departments are lying in which multiple vacancies are there which will be discussed below and the overall qualification which is required for all of these jobs includes Master's/BCS/BS.c, Bachelor's, MBBS, Ph.D, M.Phil, LL.B from well reputed university is required and the Engineering and Medical degrees should be registered by PMDC & PEC is required. Male and females both are eligible to apply. Lets throw light on its applying criteria below.
Federal Public Service Commission
Gender: | Male, Female |
Experience: | 0, 1 years required. |
Education: | N/A |
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TEVTA Jobs 2016 Latest Govt. College of Technology Kot Addu Punjab
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Here is good news for the residents of Layyah / Muzaffargarh district because TEVTA Jobs 2016 Latest Govt. College of Technology Kot Addu Punjab. Jobs in TEVTA Technical Education & Vocational Training Authority of Punjab (PTEVTA) are available and it is looking to recruit dynamic and motivated candidates to apply for the following posts at Govt. College of Technology (Boys) Kot Addu such as (Principal, Vice Principal, Chief Instructor, Senior Instructor, Instructor, Lecturer, Librarian, Director Physical Education, Officer Student Affairs, Accounts Officer, Lab Technician, Office Clerk, Store Keeper, Hostel Clerk, Driver, Store Attendant and Naib Qasid). Recruitment shall be held on contract basis and duration of contract is extendable on satisfactory performance of individual. Candidates having Layyah / Muzaffargarh domicile are welcome to apply but they have to compare themselves with the eligibilities mentioned in the following posted below and according to the criteria candidates should possess qualification from Masters to Middle because all positions belongs to this educational criteria and also have relevant experience. So, only suitable candidates meeting criteria should apply as per the following how to apply procedure given below as per rules of TEVTA.
Technical Education & Vocational Training Authority of Punjab
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Masters, Bachelors, Intermediate, Matric, Middle |
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LNH Karachi Jobs Nov 2016 Liaquat National Hospital & Medical College Latest
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Here in the following i am going to enlist the latest career offer from LNH Karachi Jobs Nov 2016 Liaquat National Hospital & Medical College Latest. One of the well reputed and and topmost name bearing Medical College named "Liaquat National Hospital & Medical College Karachi" is looking and is in probe of hiring the well and good, energetic, well disciplined, professional and enthusiastic applicants are required to fill the bundles of the vacancies from different disciplines which includes Associate Professor (Community Medicine, Physiology, Biochemistry, Forensic Medicine), Assistant Professor (Forensic Medicine, Pharmacology, Health Professional Education),Consultants (Paeds Surgery, Urology (Female), Cardiology, Oncology etc) Consultant Dentist are the posts which belongs to different disciplines as mentioned now the career offers are their for Nurses as (Vice Principal, College of Nursing, Faculty College of Nursing), Staff Nurses, Sr, Skills Lab Nurse, Infection and Control Nurses are the whole career offers for Nurses now the administrative staff posts are lying and after wards bundles of the different disciplines and categories posts are vacant to be filled with overall qualification of Masters, MBBS, FRCP, FRCS, Graduation form HEC or PMDC recognized institutes and as per criteria with relevant several years expertise are required to apply for these jobs. Attractive salary with growth offers and fine and fit atmosphere will be provided to the applicants. So, after discussing all these details now let's have a look on its applying criteria below.
Liaquat National Hospital and Medical College
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | MBBS, FCPS, MRCP |
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FPSC Staff Nurse Jobs Advertisement No 10/2016 Apply Online
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A good job opportunity is being offered from FPSC Staff Nurse Jobs Advertisement No 10/2016 Apply Online For all those candidates it’s the fabulous news the job offer is being offered from the Federal Public Service Commission as it invites always the candidates who are dynamic, eligible, diligent and well educated plus experienced are needed to be hired in the different ministries under different jobs which I am going to discuss as the names of the ministries in which vacancies are vacant to apply are named as Finance Division, Federal Govt Educational Institute Directorate (Cantts/Garrisons), Ministry of Defence, Ministry of Communications, Ministry of Hosing & Works, Islamabad Model College for Boys, Federal Directorate of Education, Permanent Law & Prosecution Department, Gilgit Baltistan, Ministry of Kashmir Affairs and Gilgit Baltistan, Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Resources, Federal Public Service Commission, Ministry of Planning Development & Reforms and Federal Govt Polyclinic Administration & Development Division are the ministries and departments, division in which the bundle of vacancies are lying to be filed which I will discuss below and overall eligibility criteria which is required includes Masters, MS.c, M.Phil, Ph.D, Bachelor's, Relevant Diploma from the HEC recognized instate along with relevant expertise are required to apply for these jobs. Attractive remuneration packages will be offered with good atmosphere to work. Now, let’s move on to have its applying criteria and vacant situations details below.
Federal Public Service Commission
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Masters, MS.c, M.Phil, Ph.D, Bachelor's, Relevant Diploma |
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OPF Jobs July/August 2016 PTS Online Application Form
(Job Expired)
Here at this job page you will have the wonderful job offer from OPF Jobs July/August 2016 PTS Online Application Form The Overseas Pakistani Foundation of Pakistan is looking to recruit the most eligible, adroit, well disciplined and most caliber and able candidates to hire them for the various vacancies in different institutes of OPF in Islamabad, Rawalpindi and Shiekhupura which includes OPF Girls College Islamabad, OPF Boys College,OPF Public Schools, OPF Girls Higher Secondary School Rawalpindi and OPF Girls Higher Secondary School Sheikhupura. So, here mashup of vacancies i am going to through which includes Vice Principal, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, Coordinator, Accounts Officer, Senior Lecturer, Lecturer, Librarian, Accountant/Bursur, Hostel Warden, Physical Education Instructor, Admin Assistant,Computer Operator, Junior Clerk, Nurse, Driver, Security Guard, Mali, Sanitary Worker, Aya, Plumber and Masalchi are the vacancies of the Islamabad's Girls School whereas for rest of the vacancies let's have a look below but before it the candidates must possess the overall qualification which includes MA/MS.c, BA. BS.c. B.ed, M.ed,Master's, Graduation, Intermediate, Matric, Relevant Diploma,Middle, Primary. The higher degrees must be recognized by the HEC recognized institutes and the candidates should possess the sound knowledge regarding each field will be preferred. Attractive salary package will be given to the candidates with collaborative working atmosphere. Let's throw light on its vacancies and applying criteria further.
Overseas Pakistani Foundation
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | MA/MS.c, B.A, BS.c,B.ed, M.ed, Master's, Graduation, Intermediate, Matric, Relevant Diploma,Middle, Primary |
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TEVTA Jobs 22 June 2016 Jhelum Govt College of Technology Pind Dadan Khan
For the residents of Jhelum district we provide here TEVTA Jobs 22 June 2016 Jhelum Govt College of Technology Pind Dadan Khan. Jobs in TEVTA Technical Education & Vocational Training Authority of Punjab (PTEVTA) are available and this time this technical educational institute is looking to recruit faculty staff for one of its institute named as Govt. College of Technology, Pindi Dadan Khan (District Jhelum) and for this purpose PTEVTA invites the dynamic and motivated candidates to apply against the following positions such as (Principal, Vice Principal, Chief Instructor, Senior Instructor, Instructor, Lecturer, Officer Student Affairs, Librarian, Account Officer, Lab Technician, Office Clerk, Head Clerk, Store Keeper, Driver, Store Attendant and Naib Qasid). These positions will be recruit on contract basis and duration of contract is extendable on satisfactory performance. Candidates willing to apply against these posts should possess relevant qualification and experience as per the criteria mentioned in the following image and generally for all positions candidates should possess Masters / Graduation / Intermediate / Matric with relevant experience and diplomas as per need of vacant positions. So, only suitable candidates should apply on prescribed form as per the following how to apply procedure given below.
Gender: | Male, Female |
Experience: | 0, 1 years required. |
Education: | N/A |
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City School Jobs June 2016 For Principal Vice Principal Latest Add
(Job Expired)
Here in the following i am going to enlist a private institution job opportunity from City School Jobs June 2016 For Principal Vice Principal Latest Add. The City School is going to launch a news project named "The Smart College" in Sindh which comprises of 22 campuses is in probe of excellent, caliber and capable applicants are required for this new set up college to apply for the following vacant situations such as Principal, Vice Principal, Lecturer / Subject Specialist and Staff positions includes Admin Officer, Business Development Officer, Account Officer, Admission Officer, Librarian, Receptionist, Lab Attendant, Marketing Officers, Electrician, Peon, Office Boy, Sweeper and Security guard are required for this new College. The institute is having the leading nae in the private sector schools and is now offering the applicants a job platform to come and apply for these vacancies. The attractive salary package will be offered with the growth opportunities. So, all those applicants who are looking for the private sector opportunities so they must have a look on these opportunities and apply as soon as possible. Now, let's have a look on its applying criteria and educational and experience requirements.
The City School
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | M.Phil, Master's, FS.c, I.Com, ICS, FA,, BS.c,, MBA |
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Liaquat National Hospital & Medical College Karachi Jobs 2016 Career Offers
(Job Expired)
Here at this page you will have today a recent job from Karachi Liaquat National Hospital & Medical College Karachi Jobs 2016 Career Offers. The Liaquat National Hospital is the most well known and advanced tertiary hospital which comprises of 750 beds is recently looking to hire the brilliant adroit, well educated and eligible individuals for the Teaching Faculty, Administrative / Paramedical/Technical Staff and Career Offers for Nurses are there to apply against the following positions such as Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, Consultants, Consultants Dentist, for Nurses the vacant situations includes Vice Principal, College of Nursing, Faculty College of Nursing, Female Staff Nurse & Infection Control Nurse are the nursing area vacancies and for the Administrative / Paramedical/Technical Staff the vacancies includes Manager Supply Chain, Assistant Manager Supply Chain, Manager Biomedical Engineering, Senior Biomedical Engineer, Assistant Manager Quality Assurance, Quality Assurance Officer for Clinical & Administrative Department, Oracle EBS Programmer and huge number of situations are required for these posts with relevant qualification and expertise in the relevant field s required to apply. So, those applicants who fulfill the needs of these job fully are welcome to apply for these posts. So, now let's have a look on its applying criteria plus educational and experience requirements.
Liaquat National Hospital & Medical College
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | MBBS, MPEH, BDS/MS/M.Phil, MCPS, FCPS, MBA, BS.c.N |
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