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Latest Store Keeper Jobs in Pakistan 2025
Store Keeper Jobs in Pakistan 2025 Upcoming Latest Mar
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Directorate of Special Education Punjab Lahore Jobs 2018 Latest Advertisement
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Tap this page for Directorate of Special Education Punjab Lahore Jobs 2018 Latest Advertisement Apply Online Application Form Jobs in Special Education Department 2018 are available and due to this, it is seeking for highly educated, experienced, skilled, intelligent and well-disciplined candidates for the following positions such as (Drawing Master, Physical Education Teacher, Vocational Teacher, Junior Clerk, Store Keeper, Blind Cane Worker, Sales Man). Appointment of above-mentioned positions will be done on a pure contract basis as per the policy of Government of Punjab and it is extendable on satisfactory performance. Applicants willing to apply should possess qualification and experience according to the criteria mentioned in the image posted below.
Directorate of Special Education Punjab
Gender: | Male, Female |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Intermediate, Matric |
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Daanish School DG Khan Jobs 2018 For Academic & Non-Academic Staff
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Tap this page for Punjab Daanish School DG Khan Jobs 2018 For Academic & Non-Academic Staff. One of the well-reputed name in the list of the famous institute of Punjab named Daanish School and Centre of Excellence Authority is looking forward to selecting the high profiled, well educated, experienced, responsible applicants for Center of Excellence Govt. (Boys) High School No. 1 DG Khan for the following Non-Teaching Staff posts which includes (Head Clerk, Assistant Physical Training Instructor, Dispenser, Lab Assistant (Physics, Chemistry & Bio), IT Lab Assistant, Junior Clerk (General), Junior Clerk (Accounts), Library Attendant, Electrician, Mali, Naib Qasid, Sweepers/Janitors) are the complete posts which needs to be filled with complete and overall qualification of FSc/ICS/Matric/Middle along with relevant field expertise are required to apply for these jobs. Attractive salary package is ready for the applicants so hurry up and don't get latest to apply. After all these details let.s take a tour on its applying criteria below.
Punjab Daanish School and Centres of Excellence Authority
Gender: | Male, Female |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Intermediate, Matric, Middle |
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District Health Authority Multan Jobs 2018 Application Form Download –
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Apply for District Health Authority Multan Jobs 2018 Application Form Download - For all the natives of Multan it is the wonderful opportunity announced from Health Department Multan which is seeking to hire the well disciplined, caliber and adroit applicants are required to apply for the following posts which include (School Health and Nutrition Supervisor, Charge Nurse, Chief Technician EPI, Computer Operator, Stenographer, Junior Technician (Radiology Technology/ECG Technician), Junior Technician /CDC Supervisor (Healthcare Out Reach Technology, Junior Technician/Vaccinator, Junior Technician (MCH Technology/Lady Health Visitor), Inspector Vaccination, Junior Technician (Surgical Technology/Operation Theater Assistant), Medical Technician (Pharmacy Technology) and etc) are the posts which needs to be filled by the applicants as soon as possible. The appointment will be made on a contract basis. The overall qualification which is required for such posts Masters/Intermediate/Matric with relevant diplomas and relevant expertise are required to apply for such posts. Age limits are different for each post which can be seen from the advertisement image. Attractive salary package will be given to the applicants with a brilliant working atmosphere. Now, I will let you know about its further details in the upcoming headings.
District Health Authority Multan
Gender: | Male, Female |
Experience: | 5, 6 years required. |
Education: | Intermediate, Matric, Masters |
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Nutrition Support Program Health Department Sindh Jobs 2018 Advertisement Latest
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On January 06, 2018 get the latest job offer from Nutrition Support Program Health Department Sindh Jobs 2018 Advertisement Latest. Get the recent recruitment offer from Health Department Sindh which invites applications for Nutrition Support Programme (NSP) and for this it intends to appoint the caliber, hard working and well-disciplined applicants to apply for ample of posts which are named as (District Nutrition Officer (Kashmore), IT Assistant/Computer Operators, Driver, Peon, Sanitary Worker) are the posts which need to be filled by the applicants with overall qualification of MBBS/Masters/Bachelors/Middle/Primary with per field expertise are needed to hold such posts. Now, I will let you know about its remaining details further.
Health Department
Gender: | Male, Female |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Masters, Graduation, Matric, Middle |
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TEVTA Jobs in Faisalabad 2017 Advertisement Latest Career Opportunities
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For the residents of Faisalabad district, we provide here TEVTA Jobs in Faisalabad 2017 Advertisement Latest Career Opportunities. Jobs in TEVTA Technical Education & Vocational Training Authority of Punjab (PTEVTA) are available and this time this technical educational institute chain is looking to recruit faculty staff for one of its Institute for which it invites the dynamic and motivated candidates to apply for the following positions which are available in different institutes such as (Govt. Vocational Training Institute for Women Samanabad Faisalabad and Govt. Vocational Training Institute for Women Chak No. 469 GB Samanabad Faisalabad) and complete list of vacant positions is given below after this paragraph. Candidates having Faisalabad domicile are welcome to apply but they have to read the eligibility criteria first because applications of ineligible candidates will be out of selection procedure. Candidates having a qualification from Bachelors to Matriculation are eligible to apply, now let’s jump towards the list of vacant positions and how to apply procedure which is given below.
Technician Education & Vocational Training Authority of Punjab
Gender: | Male, Female |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Graduation, Intermediate, Matric |
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Begum Akhtar Rukhsana Memorial Trust Hospital Karachi Jobs 2017 Latest
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On 10th of October I will put a recent job offer before you from Begum Akhtar Rukhsana Memorial Trust Hospital Karachi Jobs 2017 Latest. Applications are being offered from Begum Akhtar Rukhsana Memorial Trust Hospital Bahria Town Karachi has given the advertisement of different categories of posts for which it is in probe of hiring the well disciplined, caliber and adroit applicants are required to apply for the following posts (Consultants/Specialists (Cardiologists, General Surgeon, Neurosurgeon, Gynecologist etc), Medical Officers (Cardiologists, Pathologists, Neurologist, Gynecologist etc), Nurses (ICU, NICU, General, CCU, OT & Recovery, Labor Room), Diagnostic Staff (Lab Technologists, Lab Technicians, Phlembotomist, Radiographers, Dietician) and Other Medical Related Staff (Physiotherapist, Biomedical Engineer, Statistician, Pharmacist, OT Manager etc) and rest of the posts are vacant to be filled by the applicants with overall qualification of MBBS, BS.c, Relevant Diploma, B-Pharmacy, MBA, Graduation and Matric qualification is required with PMDC recognition and relevant expertise are needed to apply for such posts. Attractive remuneration package will be paid to the applicants with brilliant atmosphere. Now, I will let you know about it's further details below.
Begum Akhtar Rukhsana Memorial Trust Hospital
Gender: | Male, Female |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Masters, Graduation |
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Police Services Hospital Peshawar Jobs 2017 NTS Form Download Online
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Tap this page for Police Services Hospital Peshawar Jobs 2017 NTS Form Download Online from Applications are invited from suitable candidates of KPK Domiciled having following qualification, age, experience as per the instructions mentioned in the following image for posts in Police and Services Hospital Peshawar which is a public sector hospital of Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Here is the list of vacant positions to be applied such as (Female Junior Clinical Technicians (FJCT), Male Junior Clinical Technicians (JCT), Electro Medical Technician, Store Keeper, Telephone Operator, Generator Operator). Only KPK Domiciled candidates should step forward to apply for these positions but they should read the eligibility criteria mentioned in the following image and according to the criteria for all these positions, Matric pass candidates with relevant diplomas and skills can apply but candidates holding FSC / Intermediate qualification will be preferred most during the selection procedure. Now, interested candidates are requested to read the following how to apply the procedure to apply at NTS testing organization.
Police and Services Hospital Peshawar
Gender: | Male, Female |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Intermediate, Matric |
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Health Department Bahawalpur Jobs 2017 Form Download
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Get Health Department Bahawalpur Jobs 2017 Form Download at this page of our site. District Health Authority Bahawalpur is looking to hire Allied Health Professional in Bahawalpur District for which it invites applications from the Bahawalpur domiciled candidates for the vacant positions such as (Junior Technician (Dental Technology)/Dental Technician, Junior Technician (MCH Technology)/Lady Health Visitor, Junior Technician (Public Health Technology)/Sanitary Inspector, Junior Technician (Pharmacy Technology)/Dispenser, Junior Technician (Pharmacy Technology)/Dresser, Junior Technician (Pathology Technology)/Laboratory Technician, Junior Technician (Surgical Technology)/Operation Theater Assistant, Junior Technician (Anesthesia Technology)/Anesthesia Assistant, Junior Technician (Pathology Technology)/Laboratory Assistant, Junior Technician (Cardiac Technology)/ECG Technician, Junior Technician (Surgical Technology)/Operation Theater Technician, Junior Technician (Radiography & Imaging Technology)/X-Ray Technician, Audio Visual Operator, Receptionist and Store Keeper). The recruitment will be on contract basis as per the recruitment policy 2004 of Government of Punjab. Department has set 15% quota for Female, 3% quota for Disabled Person, 5% quota for Minorities and eligible candidates under these quotas can apply. Candidates wanted to apply for these positions should possess FSc/Intermediate/Matric with relevant diplomas and experience as per the demand of vacant positions. So, only suitable candidates should apply as per the How to Apply procedure given below as per the rules of NTS.
District Health Authority Bahawalpur
Gender: | Male, Female |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Intermediate, Matric |
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Health Department Abbottabad Jobs 2017 For BPS-12 To BPS-06 Latest
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Here one of the latest job update is going to be flipped from Health Department Abbottabad Jobs 2017 For BPS-12 To BPS-06 Latest. Applications are being offered from Health Department District Abbottabad is seeking to hire the well disciplined, caliber and well educated applicants are required to apply for the following posts which include (Junior Clinical Technician Surgical, Junior Clinical Technician Pharmacy, Junior Clinical Technician Radiology, Junior Clinical Technician MP (For EPI), Junior Clerk, Junior Clerk/Store Keeper, Electrician, Driver) are the posts which needs to be filled with overall qualification of Intermediate and Matric is required with relevant Diploma and relevant skills and expertise are needed to apply for such posts. Age limit should be 18-30 year's for all the posts. Selection of the applicants will be done by Departmental Selection Committee. Being a Govt department it offers handsome salary packages to the applicants with fringe benefits. Quota for disable persons will be observed as well. Now, I will let you know about it's further details below.
Health Department
Gender: | Male |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Intermediate, Matric |
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PO Box 405 GPO Lahore Jobs 2017 Current Employment Opportunities
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Get PO Box 405 GPO Lahore Jobs 2017 Current Employment Opportunities at this page. A Public Sector Organization of Lahore working under Government of Punjab is in probe of eligible and suitable candidates who are brilliant, sharp minded and caliber applicants for the posts of (Sr. Program Manager (Application Development), Sr. Program Manager (Databases), Senior Program Manager (Operations & Establishment), Program Manager (Network Operations), Program Manager (Share-Point), Program Officer (Front End Development), Program Manager (UI/UX Developer), Program Manager (QA), Program Manager (Core Database), Program Manager (Operations), Program Manager Establishment), Program Manager (Monitoring & Evaluation), Program Officer (Quality Assurance), Supervisor Operations (PPMRP), Program Officer (Establishment)/(Operations), Program Officer (Monitoring & Evaluation), Help Desk Supervisor (PPMRP), Help Desk Officers (PPMRP) and Assistant Program Officer (Network/System Security)) are the current posts which need to be filled by the applicants for such posts. The quota will be observed for Women, Minorities and for Disable applicants. The overall qualification which is required for such posts includes Masters/Bachelors from the recognized institute with field expertise are required to apply for such posts. Age limit should be 35 and 40 years is required. Attractive compensation package will be given to the applicants with the brilliant atmosphere will be provided to the applicants. Now, I will let you know about its rest of the details.
Public Sector Organization
Gender: | Male, Female |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Masters, Graduation |
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TEVTA Jobs 2017 Govt College of Technology (W) Gujrat Latest
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For the residents of Gujrat, we provide here TEVTA Jobs 2017 Govt College of Technology (W) Gujrat Latest. PTEVTA Technical and Vocational Education Training Authority of Punjab is looking to recruit following staff for one of its institutes among the 380 institutes of Punjab and currently, jobs are available for Govt. College of Technology (W), Gujrat such as (Principal, Vice Principal, Chief Instructor, Sr. Instructor, Instructor, Lecturer, Lab Technician, Librarian, DPE, Officer Student Affairs, Account Officer, Office Clerk, Store Keeper, Driver, Store Attendant ad and Naib Qasid). Applicants willing to apply should compare themselves with the criteria mentioned in the following image and according to the criteria generally following degrees are required which are (M.Sc / MA / Graduation / Intermediate / DAE / Matric / Middle) with relevant experience as per the demand of vacant positions. So, these are some requirements which I provided generally but if you wanted to know more about requirements then examine following image posted below. So, now let’s jump towards how to apply procedure in the next heading.
Technical Education & Vocational Training Authority of Punjab
Gender: | Male, Female |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Masters, Intermediate, Matric, Middle: Middle |
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FGEI Jobs 2017 NTS Form Download for Elementary School Teacher (Male & Female)
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Here we’ll discuss jobs in Federal Govt Educational Institutions (Cantts / Garrisons) such as FGEI Jobs 2017 NTS Form Download for Elementary School Teacher (Male & Female). Jobs in FGEI, Ministry of Defence, Federal Government Educational Institutions Cantts Garrisons Rawalpindi are available and it is looking to recruit following Teaching and Non Teaching staff on different quotas such as Open Merit Quota, Punjab Quota, KPK Quota, Sindh R Quota, Sindh U Quota, FATA/GB Quota, Balochistan Quota, and AJK Quota. So, applications are invited for the following positions such as (Elementary School Teacher (Mae), Elementary School Teacher (Female), Library Assistant (Female), Library Assistant (Male), Assistant Librarian (Male), Assistant Librarian (Female), Bandmaster). Here in this paragraph, we have discussed positions of Teaching Staff and a further complete list of vacant positions is given below where you’ll also have a list of Non-Teaching Staff. Candidates from all over Pakistan can apply for these positions but before any of you apply for these positions let me explain eligibility criteria for these positions such as candidates having a qualification from Graduation to Matric and relevant skills as per the demand of vacant positions are eligible to apply. So, those who fulfill these requirements should apply as per the following how to apply procedure given below.
Federal Government Educational Institutions Cantts Garrisons
Gender: | Male, Female |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Graduation, Intermediate, Matric |
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