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Latest Sindh Jobs in Pakistan 2025
Sindh Jobs in Pakistan 2025 Upcoming Latest Mar
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Directorate General Agriculture Research Tandojam Jobs June 2016 Walk In Interview
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Here i am going to showcase a fresh job opportunity for the applicants of Sindh from Directorate General Agriculture Research Tandojam Jobs June 2016 Walk In Interview. The Directorate General Agriculture Research Sindh, Tandojam is recently looking to hire the well educated, eligible and adroit applicants for their project named "Reclamation of Saline Soil through Effective Measures" ADP#02 & "Development of Technology for Hybrid Seed Production in Sindh ADP#06 are the names of the project which needs the services of eligible and suitable applicants for the Research Fellows to carry out the research work for these ADP's 02 and 06. The prime aim of ADP#02 is to manage the salt affected soil and also conduct the research on it whereas the main reason for ADP#06 is to hybrid the seed production for Cotton, Rice and Sunflower. The project is initially going on in various district of Sindh such as Shikarpur, Khairpur, Badin and Mirpurkhas namely. The applicants will be hired on temporary basis to apply the conduct the research for a specific period. Attractive salary package will be handed over to the applicants. So, guys, who possess the domicile of Sindh tap to this job and apply as soon as possible. Now, let's have a look on its further details heading wise.
Directorate General Agriculture Research
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | MS.c, BS.c (Hons) |
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National Disability and Development Forum Nawabshah Jobs 2016 Latest Add
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Here in the following the career opportunity is being offered from National Disability and Development Forum Nawabshah Jobs 2016 Latest Add. The National Disability and Development Forum Pakistan is the organization specially established for the welfare of Disable Persons to serve and cure them and take care of their each and every basic needs and the prime aim of this organization is to make them strong and realize them that they can also do each and every thing as normal people. So, recently this organization from Nawabshah is looking to hire the most educated, well experienced and adroit candidates for their Donor Funded Project named "Empowering Women With Disabilities Through Skills Development" to apply for the following vacancies which includes Project Coordinator, Social Mobilizer, Finance Officer, Procurement Logistic Officer, Vocational Training Resource Persons, Attendant, Peons and Guard are the current vacant situations which needs to be filled by the eligible and suitable applicants with their education and relevant designation skills are required to hold these jobs in a proper way. Both male and female are eligible to apply for the selective jobs and the duration of these post are for several months to apply. So, those applicants who want to employed over there must apply. Now, after having these details let's have a look on its applying criteria and further requirements.
National Disability and Development Forum
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Master's,Intermdiate, Literate, Primary |
Jobs in Pakistan FULL TIME
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Motorway Police Jobs 2016 Junior Patrol Officer Application Form Download
Here in the following i am going to discuss about a job from Motorway Police Jobs 2016 Junior Patrol Officer Application Form Download. National Highway and Motorway Police which is working under the Ministry of Communication is recently intends to appoint the high profiled, hard working and diligent applicants to fill the vacant situation of 400 vacant posts of Junior Patrol Officer BPS-05 over there to fill them. The qualification of Intermediate, F.A & FS.c is required along with some of the physical standards as height and chest size are mentioned in the advertisement image below can view from this. The applicants must be well versed in driving of car and motorcycle will be preferred and will go through this test at the time of selection procedure. Both male and females are required to apply who possess the Pakistani nationality are welcome to hit the button to apply. The selection will be done on purely merit basis and the quota is also reserved for Women, Disable Persons and Minorities and Regional and Provincial Quota is there to allocate this job. Age of the applicants should be 18-25 years at the closing date of application. Now, let's tap towards its next heading to allocation regional and provincial wise and its applying criteria further.
National Highway & Motorway Police
Gender: | Male, Female |
Experience: | 0, 1 years required. |
Education: | N/A |
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Works & Services Department Sindh Jobs 2016 For Caretaker Latest Add
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Today at this well known job platform you will get the latest opportunity from Works & Services Department Sindh Jobs 2016 For Caretaker Latest Add. The Works & Services Department Govt of Sindh is the Govt sector invites applications against the vacant position of Caretaker who should be adroit, well educated and diligent according to all aspects of this designation are welcome to throw their applications with all credentials must apply. The job is on contract basis for the period of six months till the advice and order to Sindh Public Service Commission. The applicants will be posted in Sindh House, Islamabad to serve over there. Those applicants who belongs to Sindh so its the wonderful, opportunity on behalf of them to apply for this exciting vacancy without thinking any more if they posses the same requirements as demands by the department. Interested candidates who fulfill the criteria mentioned in the image as well as i am going to elaborate the educational requirements, should submit their applications and be a part of well reputed Department. It is good opportunity for all those who have same qualifications and they wanted to work in such type of Government Department, so feel free to apply for the vacant positions. So, now let's move towards its further details.
Works & Services Department
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Bachelor's |
Jobs in Pakistan FULL TIME
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National Highway & Motorway Police Jobs 2016 BTS Application Form
Today on 29th May 2016 a wonderful career opportunity is before you all from National Highway & Motorway Police Jobs 2016 BTS Application Form The National Highway & Motorway Police, Ministry of Communication is recently looking for the service of eligible self-motivated, energetic and adroit applicants are required to fill the 400 vacant posts of Junior Patrol Officer BPS-05 over there. The quota is vacant for Disable Persons, Minorities, Women and Regional Quota is there for Sindh, Balochistan, KPK, Punjab, GB/FATA and on open merit this wonderful vacancy is there to apply against it. So guys, as we have seen that huge number of this single vacancy is there to be filled so its requires only to fill its said demands and than you will be able to get employed on the basis you skills and amenities soon. So, there is no need to think more about it if you meet all the requirements which we will discuss on our heading below must read them first and that tap to apply for this wonderful and exciting career opportunity and get employed. So, let's look below on its further details.
National Highway & Motorway Police
Gender: | Male, Female |
Experience: | 0, 1 years required. |
Education: | N/A |
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SPSC Drug Inspector Jobs 2016 Apply Online Download Test Pattern
(Job Expired)
Here in the following i am in nexus with you with a fantastic career opportunity offered by SPSC Drug Inspector Jobs 2016 Apply Online Download Test Pattern. Once again the job opportunity is from Sindh Public Service Commission intends to recruit the most educated, experienced, talented and hard working applicants are required to fill the wonderful and exciting career opportunities in Health Department and in Home Department as well the service of such applicants are required. The opportunity is for both genders, i-e male as well as females. So the situation which is vacant in Health Department named Drug Inspector 14 posts are there which is having the its vacant situation of Rural and urban Sindh as 8 posts in rural and 6 posts in Urban Sindh are there to apply. As far as Home Department in concerned the situations which needs to be filled over there includes Deputy Superintendent of Police (Technical) are the single vacancies are there in each department to apply for them. As its the golden opportunity for those who possess the domicile of Sindh are welcome to apply if they possess the same amenities, expertise and qualification must apply and get employed in these best and reputed departments where you will find the growth offers and also the attractive remuneration packages. Age relaxation will be admissible upto 15 years in all department of Sindh from 1st July 2014 to 30th June 2016 except Police Service and those posts which are filled through Combined Competitive Examination by the SPSC. In order to get its further details let's have a look below to discuss its further details regarding education and expertise, age limit and applying criteria.
Sindh Public Service Commission
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | B.Pharmacy, Graduation, Relevant Diploma |
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Dow University of Health Sciences Karachi Jobs 2016 For Teaching Staff Latest Add
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Today at this page a wonderful opportunity as like everyday is again there from Dow University of Health Sciences Karachi Jobs 2016 For Teaching Staff Latest Add. The Dow University of Health Sciences is the popular and well know university in terms of quality education and number of the applicants are working and seeking the education here. So, recently this well leading university required the Teaching Staff in Clinical Sciences (Organ Transplant Division) following vacancies needs to be filled such as Professor (Urology, Nephrology, Hepato-BilliarySurgery & Hepatology), Associate Professor(Urology, Nephrology, Hepato-BilliarySurgery & Hepatology), Assistant Professor (Urology, Nephrology, Hepato-Billiary Surgery & Hepatology, Anaesthesia / Intensive Care)and Senior Registrar (Urology, Nephrology, Hepato-Billiary Surgery & Hepatology, Anaesthesia / Intensive Care) are the vacant situations which are in search of the well experienced and well equipped applicants to com and fill these vacancies. The job is on contract basis to apply. The applicants who are applying for these jobs must be well versed in Organ , Renal and Liver Transplant. So guys, its the wonderful and high time to jump from you your sleep and have a look to apply for these vacancies if they are interested in applying for these vacancies. So, now, let's have a look on its further upcoming headings below that what it says.
Dow University of Health Sciences
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | MBBS, MS/MD/FCPS, Ph.D |
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District & Session Court Kandhkot Jobs 2016 NTS Test & Sample Paper
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Today at this job page a new job is being showcased over there from District & Session Court Kandhkot Jobs 2016 NTS Test & Sample Paper. NTS National Testing Service is held responsible to apply for the following positions which are vacant in the District and Session Court is looking to appoint the eligible, brilliant and adroit individuals for the vacant situation of Shorthand Stenographer, Junior Clerk and Bailiff are the total 3 vacant situations which needs to be filled buy the deserving and talented applicants are required to hold these job opportunities. The job is on the way and is knocking the doors of individuals to come out and wake up from heir deep slumber to apply for these wonderful post which requires really and very minimum sort of qualification in order to be hired. So guys, who are going to apply for this post must possess the requisite education plus the required expertise according to the post will be liable to appointed for this post. For those applicants who are seeking and are in probe of such govt jobs they must have a look for this job by reading all the details and than tap to apply. The domicile holders of Larkana are eligible to apply for Sr No.1 job whereas for rest of the jobs the domicile holders of Kashmore and Kandhkot are required to apply. So, next step is to discuss its further headings.
District & Session Court
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Intermediate, Matriculation |
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SMBB Trauma Centre Civil Hospital Karachi 2016 Apply Online Last Date
(Job Expired)
Here in the following we are going to enlist a recent job opportunity from SMBB Trauma Centre Civil Hospital Karachi 2016 Apply Online Last Date. This well known Trauma Centre of Govt which is established by the name of a leading and meritorious Women leader named Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto Civil Hospital Karachi requires the services of eligible, self-motivated and dynamic individuals for the following vacant situations which includes Interventional Radiologist, Thoracic Surgeon, Cross Sectional Rdaioogist and Orthopaedic Trauma Surgeon are the current vacant situations which needs to be filled by the applicants who are having the keen interested in these fields and are looking for such jobs must jump towards these jobs if they possess the same amenities as required. The domicile holders of Sindh are eligible to apply for this post. The job is for the period of one year on contract basis to apply. So guys, who are looking to enhance their future and are currently unemployed belong to Sindh, Karachi must go through its details if they possess the requisite qualification and expertise must come ahead to apply and get employment in this Government Hospital. Now, let's have a look on its applying criteria and further upcoming heading will be displayed before all the job seekers below.
Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhuttoo Trauma Centre Civil Hospital Karachi
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | FCPS/FRCS |
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Planning & Development Department Sindh Jobs May 2016 For Consultants
(Job Expired)
Here at this job page i am in nexus with you through this job page with a recent job opportunity from Planning & Development Department Sindh Jobs May 2016 For Consultants. The job is being offered from Govt department named Planning & Development department which is looking to hire the best, well educated and experienced individuals for the post of Consultants who are having the experience of working in the Public Development Projects / Programs will be given preference to be appointed for this post if they posses all the amenities with respect to this job. the opportunity is vacant for the domicile holders of Sindh to apply and bundles of responsibilities the applicants have to tale over such as to process the ongoign development projects and their processing, to perform the duties of Additional Chief Secretary, Coordination with Additional Chief Secretary in terms of the development projects and providing the inputs are the prime responsibilities which should be hold by the eligible applicants. So, those applicants who fullfil the said requirements so they must apply for the said jobs so they must apply. Now, let's have a look on its applying criteria plus the further educational and expertise of the relevant post below.
Planning & Development Department
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Bachelor's of Engineering (B.E), Master's |
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USAID Jobs in Sindh 2016 in Municipal Services Delivery Program
(Job Expired)
Here at this page we’ll discuss about USAID Jobs in Sindh 2016 in Municipal Services Delivery Program. A USAID funded public sector project / program named as Municipal Services Delivery Program in Karachi & North Sindh requires highly motivated and efficient individuals (male / female) domiciled in Sindh for the following positions such as for Positions Based in Karachi (Director General (Works), Deputy Director (Design), Assistant Director (Procurement), Assistant Director (Design), Internal Auditor, Computer Operator, Junior Clerk, Telephone Operator, Driver, Dispatch Rider and Office Boy) and Positions based in North Sindh (Deputy Director (Execution), Sub Engineer (Civil), Computer Operator, Junior Clerk, Driver, Security Guard and Office Boy). Appointments will be on contract basis initially for a period of one year which is further extendable on satisfactory performance. Candidates willing to apply should compare themselves with the eligibilities mentioned in the following image such as above mentioned positions are for such candidates having qualification from Masters to Matriculation with relevant experience as per the demand of vacant positions. So, only eligible candidates should apply as per the following how to apply procedure given below.
P&D Department
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Masters, ACCA, CMA, Bachelors, Intermediate, Matric, Middle, Primary |
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Cadet College Larkana Jobs May 2016 For Lecturers IT Assistant Employment Offers
(Job Expired)
Today i am there like every day in connection with you with a recent job opportunity from Cadet College Larkana Jobs May 2016 For Lecturers IT Assistant Employment Offers. So guys, specially the offer is vacant for the males of the Sindh who possess the domicile of Sindh are adroit, caliber, and talented individuals are invited to apply for the following vacant situations which includes Lecturers, IT Assistant, Dispenser, Lowe Division Clerk, Peon / Naib Qasid & Mali are the vacant higher and lower positions which are vacant for the males only to come forward and apply if they possess the requisite educational and experience which we will discuss in the upcoming heading below. So, be ready for these vacant position and try to fill these vacancies with respect to time and apply in order to get employed in this brilliant college where you will find the conducive environment and growth opportunities will be also offered. So, have a look towards its whole details and tap towards these brilliant opportunities in order to get rid of unemployment. Now, let's head towards its applying criteria plus educational and experience requirements.
Cadet College
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | M.A/MS.c, Bachelor's , Intermediate |
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