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Latest Sindh Jobs in Pakistan 2025
Sindh Jobs in Pakistan 2025 Upcoming Latest Mar
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Cooperative Societies Sindh Jobs 2016-2017 For BPS-11 To BPS-01 Add
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Here in the following i am going to enlist the latest job opportunity from Cooperative Societies Sindh Jobs 2016-2017 For BPS-11 To BPS-01 Add. Applications are being offered from the Cooperative Societies Govt of Sindh is the Govt body which is looking and seeking to hire the eligible, caliber, capable and well disciplined applicants are required to apply for the posts of BPS-11 To BPS-01 in number of the Districts of Sindh the following vacancies are required and available to be filled which includes (Secretary, Junior Clerk, Draftsman, Sub Inspector, Driver, Cook, Chain Man, Naib Qasid, Kotar, Chowkidar and Sweeper) are the posts which needs to be filled by the applicants. There are several districts in which the applicants will be get employed Dadu, Hyderabad, Tando Muhammad Khan, Matiari, Ghotki, Tando Allah Yar and much more districts. Attractive pacy package will be given to the applicants. For Sr No, 01 to 04 the applicants who possess the domicile of Sindh are eligible to apply whereas for Sr No, 5 to 11 relevant district domicile holders are eligible to apply. Now, let's have a look on its applying criteria below.
Cooperative Societies
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Matric, Literate |
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Sindh Benevolent Fund Karachi Jobs 2016-2017 Current Vacancies Add
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Today at this job page i am going to enlist the latest job offer from Sindh Benevolent Fund Karachi Jobs 2016-2017 Current Vacancies Add. Applications are being offered from the Sindh Benevolent Fund Board Karachi which is Govt organization is in probe of well disciplined, capable and well experienced applicants are required to apply for the post of (Consultant (Finance & Accounts) is the posts which needs to be filled by the applicants before due date, Appointment will be made on contract basis for a period of two years which can be extended further on satisfactory performance of the applicants and the contract will be liable to be terminated one month notice. Appointment will be made on fixed pay basis which will be decided after final selection. Now, i will let you know about its applying and eligibility conditions below.
Sindh Benevolent Fund Board
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: |, SAS |
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Sindh Govt Press Karachi & Khairpur Jobs 2017 For BPS-16 To BPS-02
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Today a brilliant career opportunity is being offered from Sindh Govt Press Karachi & Khairpur Jobs 2017 For BPS-16 To BPS-02. Applications are being invited from the Sindh Government Press which is working under the Govt of Sindh supervision is the department which is responsible for printing works in news media and rest of the similar works provide number of the posts for all levels and provide awesome salary package will be given to the applicants. Now, the applications are being invited from the Printing and Stationary Department in Karachi and Khairpur is seeking and looking to hire the eligible, caliber and well disciplined applicants are required to apply for such posts which includes (Assistant, Junior Clerk, Artist/Designer,Overseer, Office Machine Man, Mechanic Office Machine, Computer Operator, Calligraphist, Assistant Machine Man Office, Office-211 Operator, Operator Mono Photo Composing Machine System 272, Press Mechanic, Care Taker, Reader Grade-01, Copy Holder, Computer Grade-02, Compositor, Assistant Di Stamping Machine Man, Assistant Disk Rolling Machine Man etc) and number of the posts are lying vacant to fill these posts with overall qualification of Matric, Middle, Primary from a well recognized institute is required and the applicants should be having the relevant expertise are eligible to apply. 5% quota is reserved for Minorities and Women and 2% for Disable applicants. Now, i will tell you about its applying criteria below.
Sindh Government Press
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Matric, Middle, Primary |
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Sindh High Court Jobs 2017 NTS Online Form Download
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Today i am there to enlist the wonderful job offer from Sindh High Court Jobs 2017 NTS Online Form Download Applications are currently offered from the Sindh High Court and main and major function of this court is to solve the judicial and crime matters of the peoples and is located at provincial Karachi offers all kinds of jobs from Masters to Matric and Middle and Primary holders are required to fill the given vacancies with awesome compensation package will be given to the applicants. So, now this High Court is seeking and looking to hire the well disciplined, energetic, caliber and educated applicants are required to fill the post of (Sub Office Associate BPS-09) is the post which requires to be filled by the applicants. Applicants will be appointed in Karachi, Hyderabad, Sukkur and Larkana. Sindh domicile holders are required to apply. So, its the better opportunity for all the Sindh domicile holders are required to apply for such posts and all those applicants who are ging to avail this opportunity so don't get late and be the first one to get employed. Now, i will tell you about its eligibility criteria and applying criteria below.
Sindh High Court
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Intermediate |
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Ministry of Religious Affairs & Interfaith Harmony Sindh Rozgar Jobs 2016-2017 Latest
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Here at this well known page i am going to enlist the latest job offer from Ministry of Religious Affairs & Interfaith Harmony Sindh Rozgar Jobs 2016-2017 Latest. Applications are being offered from Ministry of Religious Affairs & Interfaith Harmony is the Federal Govt Department is under the Govt of Sindh's supervision and deals all the religious, zakat and charity matters with Hajj Policies and all offers wonderful career opportunities for Masters to Primary level and best remuneration packages will be given to the applicants. Quota's are also available to apply. Now, i will let you known regarding the advertisement as this Ministry is in need of well disciplined, caliber, experienced and those of less educated applicants are required to fill the posts of BS-14 T BS-01 Scale which are entitled as (Accountant, Junior Scale Stenographer, Accounts Clerk, Driver, Naib Qasid and Sanitary Worker) are the vacancies which requires to be filled by the applicants before due date. Quota is reserved for Women 5%, Minorities 5% and 2% for Disable applicants and those of Govt has also reserved the quota 60% for rural areas and 40% for Urban areas. Attractive salary package will be given to the applicants. Now, i will throw light on its applying as well as eligibility criteria in the upcoming headings below.
Ministry of Religious Affairs & Interfaith Harmony
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: |, Intermediate, Matric, Literate |
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Monitoring & Evaluation Cell Planning & Development Dpt Sindh Jobs 2016 PTS Form
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Here i am going to enlist the latest job offer from Monitoring & Evaluation Cell Planning & Development Dpt Sindh Jobs 2016 PTS Form. Applications are currently being offered from the Monitoring & Evaluation Cell which has established the Project in Karachi and Larkana Regional Offices have been setup to monitor the recruiting teams and to make the extension in Monitoring is the prime aim of this Program and the extension will be given in number of the sectors which includes Services and Works, Health, Agriculture, Livestock & Fisheries Department, Water Supply Drainage & Irrigation and number of the offices to perform monitoring tasks. Currently advertisement is hiring the diligent, energetic, capable and well disciplined applicants are required to be hired for the following vacancies which includes (Sector Monitoring Officer (Infrastructure), Regional Monitoring Officer, Senior Programmer, Monitoring & Evaluation Officer (Roads), Monitoring & Evaluation Officer (Buildings), Monitoring & Evaluation Officer (Irrigation), Monitoring & Evaluation Officer (Education), Monitoring & Evaluation Officer (Health), Monitoring & Evaluation Officer (Water Supply & Drainage), Monitoring & Evaluation Officer (Social Sector), Monitoring & Evaluation Officer (Livestock & Fisheries Department), Assistant Director (Continent Management), Assistant Director (HR), System Support Engineer, Admin & Accounts Officer, Data Processing Officer, Office Assistant, Dispatch Rider, Driver, Naib Qasid and Sanitary Worker) are required to apply for such posts with overall qualification of MBA, ME, B.E, BCS/BS/BE, MS.c, DAE, DVM, Graduation, Matric with relevant expertise are required to apply for such posts and the degrees of the applicants should be recognized by HEC are required to apply. Appointment will be made on contract basis for the period of 1 year which will be extended on satisfactory performance of the applicants. Now, have a look on its applying criteria below.
Monitoring & Evaluation Cell Planning & Development Department
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | MBA, ME, B.E, BCS/BS/BE, MS.c, DAE, DVM, Graduation, Matric |
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PSF Islamabad Jobs Dec 2016 Ministry of Science & Technology Online Form
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For the Govt job seekers here a well reputed job is being offered from PSF Islamabad Jobs Dec 2016 Ministry of Science & Technology Online Form. PSF stands for (Pakistan Science Foundation) which is under the control and supervision of Ministry of Science & Technology which is the Federal Body and regulates all the issues of technologies and also regulates the functions of degrees in field of Science and Technologies is the introduction about the authority but coming towards its offers so it always offers the jobs of top class Masters and Graduation level with excellent fringe benefits and growth offers along with lucrative salary package will be given to the applicants. Now, coming towards its advertisement so the applicants are required through the NUST to fill the vacancies in Pakistan Science Foundation, Pakistan Museum of Natural History and Pakistan Scientific & Technological Information Centre (PASTIC) are the department in which the different vacancies are vacant which includes (Deputy Director (Legal), Internal Audit Officer, Scientific Officer, Web Manager, Accountant,Audit and Accounts Assistant, Graphic Artist, Assistant Scientific Assistant, Assistant Private Secretary, Associate Curator, ESD, Associate Curator, ZSD, Manager (Database), Exhibit Designer, Research Associate, ESD, Research Associate BSD, Research Associate,ZSD, Accountant, Associate Artists, Taxidermist, Fossil Technician, Printing Officer, Technology Information Officer (Marketing) and Assistant Scientific Information Officer) are the posts which needs to be filled with qualification of B.A,LL.B,, MCS/BSCS,, BS.c, Ph.D, Graduation from HEC recognized university and expertise are required to apply for such posts. Now, have a look on its applying criteria below.
Pakistan Science Foundation
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | B.A,LL.B,, MCS/BSCS,, BS.c, Ph.D, Graduation |
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Engro Powergen Thar Limited Trainee Engineering Programs 2016 Apply Online
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Today i am there to flip a wonderful Trainee Program update before you from Engro Powergen Thar Limited Trainee Engineering Programs 2016 Apply Online. So, guys, as we are well known about the Engro Company which is the public limited fertilizer company which is having the affiliation with the number of the companies and is ranked up to the top most fertilizing company of our country. Along with its brief introduction i will let you know that it always offers and invites the fresh as well experienced applicants for Trainee Programs and for employment over there likewise i am going to tell you that recently the Engro Powergen well known company abbreviated as SECMC (Sindh Engro Coal Mining Company) with its partners in Thar Block-02 has kept its step forward to dig out the Engineers from Tharparkar through a program named "Thar Trainee Engineering Programs" and the prime objective of this company is to enhance the development of future by filling the Talent Pipeline for the Thar Coal and upcoming projects like this. Attractive compensation package will be given to the applicants with fringe expertise and learning area and growth offers also. Now, i will through light on its eligibility,, duration and applying criteria below.
Engro Powergen
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Matric, Graduation |
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Shaheed Benazir Bhutto Housing Cell Sindh Jobs 2016 Walk In Interview Date & Venue
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Today i am there to make you aware about the latest job offer from Shaheed Benazir Bhutto Housing Cell Sindh Jobs 2016 Walk In Interview Date & Venue. Talking about this organization/Cell named as Shaheed Benazir Bhutto Housing Cell which is established to provide aid to those who are homeless and also those who possess the houses but in deteriorate conditions so this Cell provides houses to the poor and mediocre class peoples and this beautiful and developed step is taken by the Govt of Sindh which is looked after the Chief Minister of Sindh. As, far as its jobs are concerned so these are governed by the Govt of Sindh being Govt jobs attractive salary package will be paid to the applicants with growth offers. Coming to the advertisement the vacancies are vacant t be filled in order to look after the supervision of the constructions of low cost houses in districts of the province Sindh is looking to fill out these vacancies as (Assistant Engineer, Sub Engineer, Data Processing Assistant, Site Inspector, Clerk, Driver, Naib Qasid) are needed to be filled. Appointment will be made only for the period of 12 months on fixed pay basis. Now, have a detailed look on its applying criteria and eligibility criteria against these posts.
Shaheed Benazir Bhutto Housing Cell
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | B.E, Intermediate, DAE, Literate, Middle |
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Pakistan Oilfields Karachi Jobs Dec 2016 For Distributors Latest
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Today at this leading and the most advanced job platform i am there to flip a job from Pakistan Oilfields Karachi Jobs Dec 2016 For Distributors Latest. Applications are currently invited from the Pakistan Oilfields is one of best and well known oil and gas exploration and production company which is working since 21 years by distributing its own gas as LPG named Liquified Petroleum Gas through distributors with the brand named of "POLGAS" is recently given the advertisement of the vacancy as Distributors for which dynamic, high profiled, experienced and rich minded applicants are required to apply for this post. As, the Graduate applicants and those of who are fresh and experienced one are eligible to hold this post. Attractive salary package will be given to the applicants with growth offers and rest of the benefits. All those applicants who are having the great interest so get tap tap to this page for such posts and keep your eyes sharp on this page. So, have a look on its applying criteria below.
Pakistan Oil Fields
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Graduation |
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Frontier Corps Balochistan Jobs 2016-17 Batch 61 Latest Vacancies
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Today a fantastic job offer is going to be flipped before you from Frontier Corps Balochistan Jobs 2016-17 Batch 61 Latest Vacancies is currently looking to hire the dynamic, energetic, caliber and well disciplined applicants are required to hire the applicants as Soldiers for to get recruited in the different trades and in different Provinces the applicants as Sindh, KPK, Azad Kashmir and Punjab are required to be present at the time of recruitment in different Recruitment Centres on different dates are required to apply for this post. So, the eligibility criteria are different for Balochistan, Non Local Balochistan are different which is will discuss below with each and every detail. If you are having the great interest to join this force so you must fulfill all the details and than come forward to apply for this brilliant post. So, without rushing here and there now i will flip its eligibility criteria and applying method before you in the upcoming headings.
Frontier Corps Balochistan
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Under Matric, Matric, Middle |
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SMBB Trauma Centre Karachi Jobs 2016 For Staff Nurse NTS Online Form
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Here in the following i am going to enlist the latest job offer from SMBB Trauma Centre Karachi Jobs 2016 For Staff Nurse NTS Online Form. Applications are being invited from the Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto Accident & Trauma Centre at Civil Hospital Karachi is currently looking to hire the well disciplined, caliber and capable applicants are required to apply for the post of Staff Nurse (Female) is required to apply for this post. Appointment will be done on contract basis for a priod of 1 year. As, i have revealed the post now the eligibility criteria which is required for this post includes registered nurse along with 3 years experience of working in ERI/ICU/OT at nay reputable hospital. Preference will be given to persons having the post RN Qualification holding a valid registration with PNC is required to apply for this job. Domicile holder of Sindh are required to apply. Age limit should be 35 years. Attractive market based salary package will be given to the applicants with collaborative atmosphere. Now, have a look on its applying criteria below.
Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto Accident & Trauma Centre
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | BS.c N |
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