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FPSC Jobs Advertisement No 12/2016 Apply Online Latest
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Today a wonderful job opportunity is knocking the doors of individuals from FPSC Jobs Advertisement No 12/2016 Apply Online Latest Applications are being offered from the most awaiting Department/Commission that is Federal Public Service Commission which is in probe of eligible, caliber and capable applicants are required to fill the number of the posts and these posts belongs to different department and Ministries which are named as Planning, Development Reform/Economist Group, Defence Production/Institute of Optronics, Information Broadcasting & National Heritage, Overseas Pakistanis & HRD /National Industrial Relations Commission, Federal Public Service Commission, Cabinet Secretariat (Aviation Division) Airports Security Force Capital Administration and Development Division/F.G Colleges, Federal Directorate of Education, Defence/F.G Colleges Directorate of F.G Educational Institutions (Cantt/Garrison), Petroleum and Natural Resources/Geological Survey of Pakistan, Finance Division/Pakistan Mint,Lahore, Railways/Mechanical Engineering Department of Pakistan Railways (Railway Board), Federal Government Organization and much more departments are lying in which multiple vacancies are there which will be discussed below and the overall qualification which is required for all of these jobs includes Master's/BCS/BS.c, Bachelor's, MBBS, Ph.D, M.Phil, LL.B from well reputed university is required and the Engineering and Medical degrees should be registered by PMDC & PEC is required. Male and females both are eligible to apply. Lets throw light on its applying criteria below.
Federal Public Service Commission
Gender: | Male, Female |
Experience: | 0, 1 years required. |
Education: | N/A |
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NDMA Islamabad Jobs Dec 2016 Online Form Download
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Today at this job page you will be having the current job offer from NDMA Islamabad Jobs Dec 2016 Online Form Download Applications are being invited from the National Disaster Management Authority which is working under the Ministry of Climate Change is looking to recruit the eligible, caliber and well disciplined applicants are required to apply and fill the following posts as Assistant Director, Assistant Private Secretary, Assistant, Driver and Naib Qasid are the posts which requires to be filled before the due date. As, the overall qualification which is required includes Masters, Graduation, Matric, Primary with Computer Knowledge and skills are required along with relevant expertise are required to apply for these jobs. Appointment will be done on contract basis for the period of two years which can be extended further on two years. Quota for vacancy includes Sindh, Punjab, Islamabad and Rawalpindi. Age limits are different wit respect to each post. Handsome salary package will be given to the applicants. So, only suitable candidates fulfilling all requirements should apply as per the following how to apply procedure given below.
National Disaster Management Authority
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Masters, Graduation, Matric, Primary |
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HIDMC Pakistan Jobs 2016 For Company Secretary Eligibility Criteria
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Here in the following i am going to enlist the latest career opportunity from HIDMC Pakistan Jobs 2016 For Company Secretary Eligibility Criteria. Applications are being invited from the Health Infrastructure Development & Management Company is the non-profit company which is held responsible for to carry on the business of constructing and establishing hospitals, nursing homes, clinics, operation theatres, clinics all over the Pakistan is the prime responsibility of the company so currently this well known company is seeking and looking to recruit the applicants for the number of the two vacancies which includes Company Secretary and Legal Advisor are the posts which needs to be filled by the applicants with overall qualification of Masters and LL.B degree from HEC recognized university and the applicants should be having the relevant expertise of the relevant jobs are eligible to apply and beside this the applicants should be having the number of responsibilities to carry out. Attractive salary package will be given to the applicants with pleasant and comfortable atmosphere to apply. Appointment will be made on contract basis for the period of 2 years which can be extended on good conduct.So after having the glance on all these details now let’s head to discuss its applying criteria below.
Health Infrastructure Development & Management Company
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Master's, LL.B |
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LKPC Lahore Jobs Nov 2016 Current Employment Opportunities
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Today on 19th of November a brilliant job update is there from LKPC Lahore Jobs Nov 2016 Current Employment Opportunities. Applications are currently invited from Lahore Knowledge Park Company is the public sector organization which is having the registration with SECP under section 42 non-profit company through Higher Education Department and Govt of Punjab is seeking and looking to recruit the applicants for the number of the posts which are vacant as Chief Legal Officer, Deputy GM Strategic Operation (Coordination & Implementation), Manager Security, Management Trainee Officer HR, Management Associates, Deputy Manager Digital Marketing, Deputy Manager Graphic Designer, Deputy Manager Finance, Assistant Company Secretary, Graphic Designer and Assistant are required to apply with overall qualification of Masters, LL.M, ACCA/ACMA/CA, LL.B, LL.M, Graduation from the HEC recognized institute with several responsibilities, skills and expertise are required to apply for these jobs. Attractive remuneration package will be handed over to the applicants with pleasant atmosphere. Now, let's have a look on its applying method below.
Lahore Knowledge Park Company
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Masters, LL.M, ACCA/ACMA/CA, LL.B, LL.M, Graduation |
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EDF Secretariat Ministry of Commerce Jobs 2016 Latest Advertisement
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On 11th November, 2016 we provide you EDF Secretariat Ministry of Commerce Jobs 2016 Latest Advertisement. Jobs in EDF Export Development Fund Secretariat, Ministry of Commerce, Government of Pakistan are available and it is seeking for highly educated, very experienced and well disciplined candidates for the following post of Assistant Private Secretary. Appointment of above mentioned positions will be held on purely contract basis and duration of contract will be three years and it is extendable on can be permanent on satisfactory performance of individual. Candidates willing to apply should hold relevant qualification and experience as per the criteria mentioned in the following image posted below and generally candidates should hold FA with a minimum of 15 year experience as Stenographer, Assistant Private Secretary or Private Secretary preferably in government departments and candidates also have good command of English Language and Proficiency in computer especially MS Office applications. So, only suitable candidates meeting criteria should apply as per the following how to apply procedure given below.
Export Development Fund (EDF) Secretariat
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Intermediate |
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Sindh Agriculture Growth Project Jobs 2016 Latest Career Opportunities
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Here on 11th November, 2016 we provide you Sindh Agriculture Growth Project Jobs 2016 Latest Career Opportunities. Competent supporting staff are required for which applications are invited from the well educated and experienced individuals for the following positions in Project Director, Project Management Unit, Karachi such as (Database Operator / Computer Operator, Office Manager / Secretary, Receptionist / Secretary, Messenger / Guard and Driver). Positions No. 1, 2 and 3 are based at PMU office at Karachi and positions No. 4 and 5 are based at both Karachi / Hyderabad. The appointment is on contract for a period of three years or till completion of the project, renewable on year to year basis. Candidates willing to apply should Sindh Domicile with relevant qualification and experience as per the criteria mentioned in the following image such as generally candidates from Matric to Masters qualification are eligible to apply because these positions are for every level candidate but relevant experience is compulsory for all positions. Applicant should have minimum 2nd Division in all degrees, the terms and conditions will be set forth in other letter. So, for interested and eligible candidates we’ll discuss about the how to apply procedure in the next heading below.
Sindh Agriculture Growth Project
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Masters, Intermediate, Matric, Middle |
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Balochistan Residential College Zhob Jobs 2016 NTS Online Form
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On 03rd November, 2016 you’ll get Balochistan Residential College Zhob Jobs 2016 NTS Online Form The applications are being invited currently from the BRC Balochistan Residential College Zhob is seeking and is in search of well known, well disciplined, hard working and skilled applicants are needed to fill the posts scaled at BPS-16 & BPS-17 such as (Lecturer English, Lecturer Mathematics, Lecturer Chemistry, Administrative Officer, Medical Officer, Superintendent, Messing Officer, Accountant, Assistant, Assistant Private Secretary, Computer Operator, Senior Drawing Master, Director Physical Education Warden) are the posts which needs to be filled by the applicants. The eligibility criteria which is required overall for all of these posts includes Masters / Bachelors along with relevant expertise in the respective fields and the applicants should be well versed in computer operations and typing are required to apply and fill these wonderful posts. Preference will be given to the most experience candidates. Age limit should be 18 to 30 years for all the posts. Interested candidates who fulfill the criteria mentioned in the image, should submit their applications and be a part of well reputed department. It is good opportunity for all those who have higher qualifications and they wanted to work in such type of institutes, so feel free to apply for the vacant positions. Now, let's have a look on its applying criteria below.
Balochistan Residential College
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Masters, Bachelors |
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Law & Justice Commission of Pakistan Islamabad Jobs 2016 For BPS-16 to BPS-20
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Here at this job platform you will revel a fantastic job offer from Law & Justice Commission of Pakistan Islamabad Jobs 2016 For BPS-16 to BPS-20. The applications are being invited from the Law & Justice Commission of Pakistan Islamabad is recently given the advertisement of the ample of the vacancies which begins from the scale BPS-16 to BPS-20 requires the service of eligible, adroit, caliber and well disciplined applicants are required to fill the following vacancies as Joint Secretary, Deputy Secretary (Fund), Research Officer, Private Secretary to Secretary and Superintendent are the vacant situation here waiting to be filled by the applicants. Overall qualification which is required for these posts includes LLM/LLB, MBA, CPA/CA/ICMA, Graduation from the HEC recognized institute is required to apply for such posts with relevant skills and experience are required to apply and hold these posts. Age limit is different for each post. Attractive pay package will be given to the applicants. Appointment will be done on contract basis for the period of two years. If, you fulfill the said criteria so jump and hit the button to apply as soon as possible. Now, let's move on to have its applying criteria below.
Law & Justice Commission of Pakistan
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | LLM/LLB, MBA, CPA/CA/ICMA, Graduation |
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Economic Transformation Initiative Gilgit Baltistan Jobs Nov 2016 Apply Online Last Date
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Here In the following I am going to enlist the current job offer from Economic Transformation Initiative Gilgit Baltistan Jobs Nov 2016 Apply Online Last Date. The applications are currently required to apply for Economic Transformation Initiative is seven year Development Program Govt of Gilgit Baltistan which is funded by International Fund of Agriculture Development to boost the regional economic activity through agriculture value chain management and the prime aim of this program is to improve income, reducing poverty and malnutrition in rural areas of Gilgit Baltistan is seeking for the services of eligible, adroit, caliber and well disciplined applicants are required to apply for the vacant posts which includes Secretary (Assistant) to Program Coordinator/Regional Program Coordinator, Admin Officer, Monitoring & Evaluation Officer, Gender and Poverty Officer, Assistant Value Chain Fund Officer, Communication, Media and Knowledge Management Officer, Resident Engineer, Admin & Finance Assistant, M & E Assistant, Procurement Assistant and IT Administration are required to apply with the MBA/MPA,, BBA is required to apply with relevant expertise in the relevant field is required. Appointment will be done on contract basis and will leads to further extension by the authority rules and regulations. So, now let’s move on towards its applying criteria below.
Economic Transformation Initiative
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | MBA/MPA,, BBA |
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IBA Karachi Jobs 2016 Latest Advertisement Apply Online
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For all those applicants who are seeking for the institutional jobs so here a job is being offered from IBA Karachi Jobs 2016 Latest Advertisement Apply Online One of the leading and top class institute is looking and seeking for the services of eligible, adroit, caliber and well disciplined applicants are required to apply for the multiple posts which includes Head of Human Resource, Case Editor/Sub Editor, Executive Secretary to Dean & Director, Executive Inventory and Departmental Assistant are the most senior posts which needs to be filled by the applicants at the right time and before due date. Overall qualification which is required for these posts includes Masters, MBA, MPA, M.A or Bachelor's is required from the HEC recognized institutes and the applicants must possess the several years experience of work on practical level and the applicants must be responsible to deal with these jobs are welcome to apply. Attractive salary package will be provided to the applicants with sound and brilliant atmosphere. So, after having such details now let's have a look on its applying criteria below.
Institute of Business Administration
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | MBA, MPA, MA,Bachelor's |
Jobs in Pakistan FULL TIME
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Punjab Livestock & Dairy Development Board Jobs 2016 Online Form Download
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Here in the following i am going to enlist the latest job offer from Punjab Livestock & Dairy Development Board Jobs 2016 Online Form Download. The applications are being invited from the Punjab Livestock & Dairy Development Board which is the non-profit organization is currently in probe of the well disciplined, caliber, well disciplined applicants are required to apply for the post of Senior Manager Finance & Admin and Company Secretary & Senior Manager Legal are required to hold these jobs. So, the posts are before you to choose and apply now its time to have a look on the eligibility criteria of these posts as For Sr No,1 it includes CA, ACA with 5 years experience is required in the Agriculture and Livestock Department will be given preference and those who have worked with the Corporate Companies under Section 42 will be added as an advantage and for the 2nd post the applicants should be having the LL.B degree but MBA will be added as an advantage with 10-15 years expertise are required as a Company Secretary, and should be able to regularize the management of regulatory affairs and management of litigation is required. Age limit for Sr No,1 is 35 years and for 2nd post should be 55 years and age relaxation will be given to the special cases. Market based salary package will be given to the applicants. So, now, let's move on to have its applying criteria details.
Punjab Livestock & Dairy Development Department
Gender: | Male, Female |
Experience: | 0, 1 years required. |
Education: | N/A |
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KPK TEVTA Jobs 2016 for Jr Office Assistant NTS Online Form Download
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Here in the following i am going to enlist the latest job opportunity from KPK TEVTA Jobs 2016 for Jr Office Assistant NTS Online Form Download. The Technical Educational and Vocation Training Authority which is working to strengthen the youth to make them eligible and adroit in the various field is currently seeking to hire the well educated, adroit, caliber and sharp minded applicants are required to apply for the following posts which includes Assistant Director HR, Assistant Director Administrator, Assistant Director Finance & Accounts,Assistant Director Procurement, Assistant Director Curriculum & Accreditation, Assistant Director Planning & Development, Assistant Director Works, Assistant Director Monitoring & Evaluation, Assistant Director Information and Communication Technology, Assistant Director Operations, Assistant Director Audit, Assistant Director Media, Private Secretary KP-TEVTA Head Office, Junior Office Assistant KP-TEVTA Head Office and Sub Engineer Works are required to apply with overall qualification of DAE, Masters,, B.Tech, Bachelor's from the HEC recognized university and with relevant expertise are needed to apply for these posts. Appointment will be made on contract basis for the period of 3 years which can be renewed on 6th months probation which can be further extended on good performance. So, after having these details let's have a look on its applying criteria below.
Technical Educational & Vocational Training Authority
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | DAE, Masters,, B.Tech, Bachelor's |
New vacancies for Secretary jobs 2025 and Secretary openings jobs in 2026 are listed online with new Secretary jobs posted daily. Previous Secretary jobs 2024 can also be applied for online. Make money from home or the office by choosing the right Secretary job for your qualification and experience. By applying to today's jobs at Secretary Punjab, Sindh, KPK, Balochistan, Gilgit Baltistan, AJK, you join a growing team.