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Latest HR Officer Jobs in Pakistan 2025
HR Officer Jobs in Pakistan 2025 Upcoming Latest Mar
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Finance Department KPK Jobs 2018 Latest Vacancies |
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Apply for the Finance Department KPK Jobs 2018 Latest Vacancies | The government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa is looking to recruit the following staff for the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Fund Management working under Finance Department KPK and for this purpose, it invites applications from the female candidates who fulfill the criteria for the vacancies provided at All positions are based at Peshawar and the vacancies are (Manager Human Resource (HR), Assistant Manager Procurement, Junior Operation Officer, Junior Accounts Officer, Receptionist). All positions will be recruit on a contract basis and it is renewable on satisfactory performance of an individual. After final selection, the selected female individuals will be able to earn handsome salary package which can be examined from the following image posted below where separately Salary per month is provided. Interested individuals wanted to apply should read the criteria carefully and generally, all positions are for the Masters/Bachelors qualified and incumbent should hold at least 2 years experience in the relevant field. Now, in the following, you’ll have complete how to apply the procedure for the vacancies.
Finance Department
Gender: | Female |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Masters, Graduation |
A Quick View of Job Jobs 2018 Punjab Commission on the Status of Women
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Applications are being offered from the Jobs 2018 Punjab Commission on the Status of Women. So, all the domicile holders of Punjab a good news is there from Punjab Commission on the Status of Women is seeking to appoint the well disciplined, caliber, adroit and experienced applicants are required for a Project named “Generating Data to Advance Women's Social and Economic Wellbeing in Pakistan 2016-18” following vacancies are vacant to be filled such as (Programme Officer Research, Programme Officer Women Economic Empowerment, Junior Programme Officer, Programme Assistant, Monitoring and Evaluation Officer, Field Quality Assurance Officers) are the posts which require being filled by the applicants with overall qualification of Masters and relevant expertise are required to apply for such posts. Attractive salary package starting from Rs. 35,000 to Rs. 100,000 PKR will be given to the applicants with brilliant atmosphere and growth opportunities will be given to the applicants. A quota is reserved for 15% for Women, 5% for Minorities and 3% for Disable applicants. So guys, don’t get late and apply if you meet the said needs of above jobs and get rid of unemployment. Now, I will let you know about its further details below.
Punjab Commission on the Status of Women
Gender: | Male, Female |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Masters |
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Quaid-e-Azam Thermal Power Jobs 2017 For Admin Assistant Latest
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Applications are being offered from QATPL Quaid-e-Azam Thermal Power Jobs 2017 For Admin Assistant Latest. For all those applicants who belongs to Punjab for them it's the best opportunity to avail from Energy Department Punjab Quaid-e- Azam Thermal Power Private Limited is seeking to recruit the well disciplined, caliber and adroit applicants are required to apply for the post of (Admin Assistant and HR Assistant) are the positions which need to be filled by the applicants holding qualification of Bachelors degree in HR/Management with at least 02 years of relevant experience and must be proficient in computer skills. Female are strongly encouraged to apply against this post. Attractive remuneration package will be given to the applicants with suitable atmosphere and growth offers as well. Now, in the following, we'll discuss the complete how to apply the procedure for these positions announced in the energy department.
Quaid-e-Azam Thermal Power Private Limited
Gender: | Male, Female |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Graduation |
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GHPL Pakistan Jobs 2017 Govt Holdings Private Limited Latest Add
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Get the current opportunity from GHPL Pakistan Jobs 2017 Govt Holdings Private Limited Latest Add. Applications are being invited from Government Holding Private Limited Pakistan is seeking to hire the well educated, disciplined, caliber and adroit applicants are required to fill out the following senior posts for Finance, Internal Audit and Human Resource Department which are named as (General Manager Treasury, Deputy General Manager Finance, Manager Finance, Deputy Manager Finance, Financial Analyst, Accounts Executive, Finance & Admin Assistant, Deputy Manager (Internal Audit), Audit Seniors, Executive Manager, Executive Deputy Manager, Executive Assistant, Deputy Genera; Manager HR&A, Manager HR & OD, Deputy Manager Administration & Procurement, HR Officer, Procurement Officer, Administrative Officer, Manager Information System, IT Assistant, System Engineer & Assistant Company Secretary) are the posts which requires to be filled with overall qualification of Masters and Graduation, CA from well recognized university and relevant expertise are needed to apply for such posts. All the applicants are required to apply before due date because after due date. Now, I will let you know about its further details.
Government Holding Private Limited
Gender: | Male, Female |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Masters, Graduation |
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Multinational Company Jobs 2017 in Karachi Online Apply Latest Add
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Here in the following you will get Multinational Company Jobs 2017 in Karachi Online Apply Latest Add. Career opportunities are knocking the doors of applicants from Multinational Company of Karachi for Petroleum Sector the services of suitable, caliber and well disciplined applicants are required to apply for the following posts which are named as (General Manager, HSE Manager, Operations Manager, Shift Supervisors, Plant Operators, Maintenance Engineer, Maintenance Technicians, Customer Service Supervisor, HR Business Partner & HR & Admin Officer) are the posts which requires to be filled with overall qualification of B-Tech, MBA, BBA with relevant expertise are needed to apply for such posts. Applicants should possess the each post skill are welcome to apply. As, the jobs are vacant for Petroleum sector so the company offers handsome salary packages with fringe benefits. So, guys, stay tuned with this page and apply before due date as soon as possible. Now, I will let you know about it's further details below.
Multinational Company
Gender: | Male, Female |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Masters, Graduation |
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Primary & Secondary Healthcare Department Punjab Jobs 2017 Online Form
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Here you will get the current job offer from Primary & Secondary Healthcare Department Punjab Jobs 2017 Online Form. Applications are being offered from the Primary & Secondary Healthcare Department Punjab is seeking to hire the energetic, caliber, adroit and well disciplined applicants are required for the Project Management Unit of Primary & Secondary Healthcare Department on contract basis for the following posts which include (Chief Financial Officer, Senior Project Manager (Healthcare Quality Assurance), Project Manager (Implementation & Coordination), Project Manager (Outsourcing), Project Manager (Operations), Project Manager (Audit & Accounts), Project Manager (Human Resource), Quality Assurance Officer, Project Officer (Civil), Project Officer (Architecture), Project Officer (Electrical), Network Support Officer, Admin Officer, Logistic Officer, 3D Expert & Visualizer, Communication Strategist, Data Analyst/Case Study Writer, Web Developer/Android App Developer, Senior Software Engineer, Accountant, Sub Engineer (Civil), Sub Engineer (Electrical), Deputy HR Officer, Assistant Procurement Officer, Assistant Admin Officer/Caretaker, Assistant Planning Officer, Assistant Network Support Officer and Computer Operators) are the given posts which needs to be filled by the applicants. Quota is reserved for females 15%, 3% for Disable applicants and 5% for Minorities. Now, I will discuss about its eligibility conditions and applying criteria below.
Primary & Secondary Healthcare Department
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | CA/ACA/MBA, MBBS/MPH, BBA, BS.c, BSCS,, B.E, MS.c, MBA, BS, Relevant Diploma |
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Quaid e Azam Solar Power Company Pvt Ltd Lahore Jobs 14 Feb 2017 Latest
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Here at this page, we’ll provide you QA Solar Quaid e Azam Solar Power Company Pvt Ltd Lahore Jobs 14 Feb 2017 Latest. Jobs in QA Solar Quaid e Azam Solar Power Pvt. Ltd is available and it is seeking for Punjab Government established company is looking for Punjab Domiciled candidates who are well educated, hardworking, and well disciplined against the following position such as (Assistant Manager Human Resource). QA Solar Power will appointment this position on a contract basis and it is extendable on satisfactory performance of an individual. Candidate willing to apply should possess relevant qualification and experience as per the eligibility criteria mentioned in the following image posted below and according to the criteria, candidates should have MBA/BBA with specialization in HRM / Business Management or relevant degree with at least 2-3 years of relevant experience. For further information about responsibilities and skills please examine following image posted below. After successful selection, the selected candidates will be offered marked based salary and fringe benefits as per the policy of a company. So, viewers if you possess all above-mentioned qualities then you are welcome to apply as per the following how to apply procedure given below as per the rules of QA Solar.
Quaid e Azam Solar Power Company Pvt Ltd Lahore
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | MBA, BBA |
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Primary and Secondary Healthcare Department Punjab Jobs 2017 NTS Form
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Today at this job page you will be having the latest job opportunity from Primary and Secondary Healthcare Department Punjab Jobs 2017 NTS Form. Applications are being invited from the Primary and Secondary Healthcare Department Punjab is looking to hire the applicants for number of the posts under Management Structure of THQ Hospital Manawa & Murree in Punjab intends to appoint the candidates to fill the following positions which includes (Admin Officer, Human Resource & Legal Officer, Finance Budget & Audit Officer, Procurement Officer, IT/Statistical Officer, Quality Assurance Officer, Bio-Medical Engineer, Data Entry Operator and Driver) are the positions which needs to be filled by the applicants on contract basis for the period of one year according to the Govt of Punjab Policy 2004. Quota is admissible for 15% Women, 5% for Minorities and 3% for Disable applicants. Attractive salary package will be given to the applicants with suitable atmosphere. Now, I will tell you about its further details.
Primary and Secondary Healthcare Department
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Masters, MS.c, BS.c, LL.B |
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PCSW Punjab Jobs 2016 Punjab Commission on the Status of Women Latest
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Here on 15th of December 2016 a recent job is there from PCSW Punjab Jobs 2016 Punjab Commission on the Status of Women Latest. Applications are being offered from the Punjab Commission on the Status of Women is under the supervision of Govt of Punjab which works for the welfare of the women and status and basis rights of the Women and this commission ever provides superb job offers for the male and females and observing the rest of the quotas with attractive salary package will be given to the applicants. Currently this Commission in collaboration with UNFPA& is supported by DFID implementing a Project named "Generation Data to Advance Women Social & Economic Wellbeing in Pakistan 2016-18" to generate district level baseline representatives baseline data on account of social, economic and employment status of women in Punjab and for this Project Management Unit is established to deal with this issue and currently the vacancies which are lying vacant to be filled includes (Project Director, Senior Research Manager, Program Officer Women Economic Empowerment, Program Officer Women Social Empowerment, Advocacy and Communication Officer, Monitoring & Evaluation Officer, Finance Manager, IT Manager, Admin & Logistic Officer, HR Officer, IT Assistant, Program Assistant, Finance Operation Assistant, Receptionist, Naib Qasid, Chowkidar, Sweeper, Consultant (Technical Advisor National) are the posts. Now, i will let you know about the eligibility criteria and applying method below.
Punjab Commission on the Status of Women
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Masters, CA/CFA/ACCA/ICMA, CIMA, M.A, MS.c, M.Phil, Ph.D, Graduation, Literate |
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NLC Torkham Jobs Dec 2016 National Logistic Cell Application Form
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Here on 3rd December 2016 a wonderful career offer is there infront you from NLC Torkham Jobs Dec 2016 National Logistic Cell Application Form. Applications are currently invited from the National Logistic Cell is inviting the dynamic, energetic and well experienced applicants are required for the Project Directorate Khyber Pakhtunkhwa for Torkham Project the ample of the senior as well as junior posts are available to apply for these jobs which are vacant as Senior Project Manager, Senior Manager Contract, Senior Manager Engineer Plans, Senior Manager/Manager Marketing, Deputy Project Manager, Senior Manager Finance & Accounts, Senior Manager Procurement, Manager Procurement, Senior Mechanical Engineer, Senior Manager Finance & Accounts, Manager Contract, Manager Pre-Audit, Material Engineer, Senior Accountant/Accountant, Manager Engineer Plans, Assistant Accountant/Accountant, Software Engineer, Junior Software Engineer, Structural Engineer, House Safety Environmental Officer, HR Officer, Senior Electrical Engineer, Senior Quantity Surveyor, Junior Mechanical Engineer, Senior Surveyor, Junior Electrical Engineer, Chief Surveyor, Assistant Quantity Surveyor, Quality Surveyor, Operator AutoCAD, Surveyor, Supervisor Administration, Sub Divisional Officer/Site Engineer, Office Superintendent, Store Keeper, UDC, Nursing Assistant, Laboratory Technician/Laboratory Assistant/ Laboratory Helper, Driver and Cook are the posts which needs to be filled with overall qualification of BBA/MBA, ACCA/ACMA/CA, BS.c, B.E, Graduation, Intermediate, Matric, DAE, Literate along with the relevant expertise are required to apply for these jobs. Attractive salary package will be given with handsome fringe benefits. Now, have a look on its applying criteria below.
National Logistic Cell
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | BBA/MBA, ACCA/ACMA/CA, BS.c, B.E, Graduation, Intermediate, Matric, DAE, Literate |
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WSSP Peshawar Jobs Nov 2016 ETEA Online Form Download
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Here i am going to show a brilliant vacant situations news from WSSP Peshawar Jobs Nov 2016 ETEA Online Form Download Applications are being inviting and knocking the doors of applicants from Water & Sanitation Services Agency is required to fill the number of the vacancies which includes Assistant Manager Procurement, Assistant Manager HR & Admin (Zones), Assistant Manager-(SDS-Sewerage & Drainage System), Assistant Manager SWM (Solid Waste Management), Assistant Manager SWM (Dumping Site), HR Officer are the posts for which the services of eligible, adroit, caliber and well professional and expert applicants are needed to hold these posts. Appointment against these posts will be done on contract basis and will be extended further on 3 years on the better conduct of the applicants. For all of these posts overall qualification which is required includes MBA/MPA/MS, BS.c/MS.c, BBA from HEC recognized university along with relevant expertise are needed to get employment easily. Age limit should be upto 30 to 35 years. Applicants from all across the country are welcome to apply. There will be no relaxation given in age and qualification. So, after having these details now let's have a look on its applying criteria below.
Water & Sanitation Services Peshawar
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | MBA/MPA/MS, BS.c/MS.c, BBA |
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Pakistan Anti TB Association Lahore Jobs 2016 For M & E Officer Latest
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Today at this job platform a recent job opportunity is being offered from Pakistan Anti TB Association Lahore Jobs 2016 For M & E Officer Latest. For the domicile holders of Punjab here a well and good opportunity is waiting to hire the eligible, suitable and well disciplined applicants are required to apply for the multiple posts in Pakistan Anti TB Association is working since last 50 years which has signed the agreement with Provincial TB Control Program Punjab and SSR for the grant of the Global Fund is recently looking to recruit the applicants for the following posts which includes M & E Officer, Finance Officer,Internal Audit Officer,Admin & HR Officer and Driver are the complete posts. Eligibility criteria which is required for all of these posts includes MBBS, ACCA/CA/ACMA/, Matric and the degrees should be recognized by HEC Institute along with relevant expertise are needed to hold these jobs. Above staff posts are needed to be filled by those applicants who are having the age limit of 45 years till the project ending date till 31st December 2017 which is extendable. If anyone who wishes to know about the salary package and job description so one can demands it through email address as [email protected]. Now, let's through light on its applying criteria below.
Pakistan Anti TB Association
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | MBBS, ACCA/CA/ACMA/, Matric |
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