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Punjab University Jobs 25 June 2016 Application Form Download Online
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Here at this page we’ll discuss about Punjab University Jobs 25 June 2016 Application Form Download Online. Jobs in PU University of Punjab Lahore available and it is looking to recruit following staff members for the Department of Zoology under the Project “Capacity Building & Up-gradation of Selected Department” for which it is seeking for highly educated, very experienced, hardworking and well disciplined candidates for the following positions such as (Museum Currator, Taxidermist and Computer Operator). Appointment of these positions will be held on contract basis and duration of contract is extendable on satisfactory performance. Candidates willing to apply should possess relevant qualifications and experience as per the criteria mentioned in the following image such as for Sr. No. 1 and 2 MS / MPhil in Zoology is required and for Sr. No. 3 Intermediate with 2nd Division or equivalent with 45 words per minute typing speed and diploma in MS Office of Minimum 6 months duration. After successful selection the selected against Sr. No. 1 and 2 Rs. 50,000/- PKR salary per month will be offered and for Sr. No. 3 Rs. 20,000/- PKR will be offered. Candidates meeting criteria should apply as per the following how to apply procedure given below.
University of Punjab
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | MPhil, MS, Intermediate |
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University of Punjab Jobs June / July 2016 Online Application Form
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Today at this leading and the top mots job page you will have a job from University of Punjab Jobs June / July 2016 Online Application Form The University of Punjab is currently looking to hire the eligible, adroit and caliber applicants are required for the Department of Zoology under the ongoing Project named " Capacity Building & Up-gradation of Selected Department of University of Punjab" is looking to recruit the individuals against the following vacant situation which includes Museum Currator, Taxidermist and Computer Operator are required to apply against these posts on contractual basis. The applicants who possess the nationality of Pakistan are eligible to apply for this job. So, now the qualification fro Sr 1 & 2 is same which is M.S /M.Phil qualification with 1 year experience in each field different expertise such as for the Sr No.1 the applicants possess the assembling, preserving, cataloguing and presenting the zoology specimen where for the Sr No,2 the applicants should be well versed in preservation of animal collection, preparation of stuff mounts and skins of birds for the exhibition purpose and for the last vacancy the intermediate qualification is required with 345 wpm typing speed and Diploma in MS Office, Word, Excel within 6 months duration is required. For the 3rd vacancy the typing test qualifier will be tested for the MS Expertise Test. Age of the applicants should be 30 years and the attractive salary package will be given to the applicants. Now, let' s move towards its applying criteria below.
University of Punjab
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | M.S / M.Phil, Intermediate |
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Nishtar Institute of Dentistry Multan Jobs 2016 Employment Opportunities
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Here for the job seeking individuals of Multan a brilliant job is there from Nishtar Institute of Dentistry Multan Jobs 2016 Employment Opportunities. The Nishtar Institute of Dentistry Multan is the leading institute of dentistry which is currently given and advertisement of a job opportunity and requires the services of eligible, adroit, diligent and well educated applicants to fill the said vacancies which includes Associate Professor in Basic Subjects Oral Biology (Dental Anatomy), Associate Professor in Clinical Subjects, (Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Prosthodontics & Operative Dentistry) & Associate Professor in Clinical Subjects,(Prosthetics, Operative Dentistry, Orthhodontics, Periodontology & Anaesthesia) are the vacancies which needs to be filled by the relevant qualification in these subjects and possess the skills of such filed will be held eligible to be employed. The applicants will be hired on adhoc basis for the period of one year. Age limit should be 45 years for Sr No,1 & 2 and for Sr No,3 should not be above than 40 years. Attractive salary package will be given to the applicants with learning experiences and conducive environment for working will be provided to the applicants. So, all those applicants of Punjab who are willing to apply must go through its details over there and than apply with confidence. Now, let's tap towards its applying criteria below.
Nishtar Institute of Dentistry Multan
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Ph.D, M.Phil,Master's |
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8 DSG Company PAF Base Rafiqui Shorkot Jobs 2016 Advertisement Latest
Here at this job page you will get the recent job opportunity from 8 DSG Company PAF Base Rafiqui Shorkot Jobs 2016 Advertisement Latest. The job opportunity is there from Defence Services Guard Shorkot Cantt is looking to recruit the Primary pass applicants in this company for the post of Sanitary Worker BPS-01. So, all those applicants who possess the minimum qualification of Primary are required to apply for this post. The eligibility criteria for this post includes "A" Medical Category and the applicants should be health and fit bears the good moral character with Primary qualification and age limit of 18 to 25 years are welcome with a red carpet to come and apply for this job those specially who have got irritated from unemployment now they need not to worry about that because this page posts every sort for jobs for the higher education holder and lower education holders. Good salary package will be given to the applicants. Just you all need to visit this website daily and get all sort of jobs at once. So, stay tuned, ow, after having all these jobs details let's have a look on its applying criteria and interview date information.
8 DSG Company PAF Base
Gender: | Male, Female |
Experience: | 0, 1 years required. |
Education: | N/A |
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Irrigation Department Bahawalpur Jobs 2016 Latest Test & Interview Schedule
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Here at this page the job is being offered from Irrigation Department Bahawalpur Jobs 2016 Latest Test & Interview Schedule. The Bahawalpur's Irrigation Department career opportunities are knocking the doors of applicants to awake them come and apply and fill these vacant situations which are waiting to be filled by the eligible and suitable applicants which includes Baildar, Mali Chowkidar, Khakrob, Canal Guard, Guage Reader, Mali and Cook Chowkidar is required to apply for all of these vacancies. The appointment of the above positions will be done on contract basis for the period of three years which can be further extended upon the satisfactory performance of the applicants. The qualification which is required approximately for all situation should be literate person and should be well versed in their work will be preferred whereas for he post of Canal Guard the applicants should be Matric pass with 2nd Division and retired person from Army and paramilitary forces will be given preference to be applied for this post. For all the posts the applicants should be medically and physically fit. The positions are vacant for the Sr No 1 to 5 only for the children of retired and in service employees. Age of the applicants should be 18-30 years where for the post of Canal Guard the age should be 430 to 45 years. So, now let's have a look on its applying criteria below.
Irrigation Department
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Matric, Literate |
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Directorate Of Reclamation and Probation KPK Jobs 2016 For Naib Qasid BPS-03
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Here at this job page you will have a job from KPK by Directorate Of Reclamation and Probation KPK Jobs 2016 For Naib Qasid BPS-03. The Directorate Of Reclamation and Probation KPK is recently advertised an add of a job vacancy which needs to be filled by the minimum qualification holders is of Naib Qasid BPS-03. Its the high time on behalf of those applicants who are literate only and belongs of KPK are welcome to apply for this job to hold this. For the job the literate applicants are required and possess the age limit of 18-32 years are eligible to apply. The domicile holders of Charsada and Dir Upper are welcome with the open arms to come and apply. Sufficient amount of salary will be given to the candidates which will be enough to lead a simple life. Total 3 vacancies are availbel for this post to apply. The applicants will be appointed on temporary basis for the duration of two years whereas it can leads to further extension upon the satisfactory performance of the applicants. So guys, if you are looking for such jobs and are literate only so come forward and apply as soon as possible before the time ends. Now, let's have a look on its applying criteria below.
Directorate Of Reclamation and Probation KPK
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Literate |
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Bureau of Immigration and Overseas Employment Jobs 2016 NTS Form Download
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Here at on 22nd June, 2016 we provide you Bureau of Immigration and Overseas Employment Jobs 2016 NTS Form Download. Jobs in Federal Government Department named as Bureau of Immigration and Overseas Employment are available and it is looking to recruit following staff for its 12 Bureau Headquarters located across the Pakistan for which it invites applications from well educated, skilled, well disciplined and hardworking candidates for the following positions such as (Stenotypist, PA to Director General, Naib Qasid and Sweeper). Above mentioned positions are on different quotas such as some positions are on merit basis, some are on Punjab Quota, some are on disabled person quota, some are on Female quota of Sindh Province, some positions are on Gilgit Baltistan / FATA quota and some are on KPK quota. Appointment of these positions will be on temporary basis and it can be permanent on satisfactory performance. Candidates from all over Pakistan can apply against vacant positions but there are some requirements for all positions which are compulsory for everyone to fulfill them such as for Sr. No. 1 and 2 Intermediate with shorthand diploma is required and for all other positions Matric / Middle pass candidates can apply. So, only eligible candidates meeting criteria should apply as per the following how to apply procedure which is given as per the instructions of NTS.
Bureau of Immigration and Overseas Employment
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Intermediate, Matric, Middle, Primary |
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National Textile University Faisalabad Jobs 2016 Online Application Form
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Here at this job page you will get the recent job opportunity from National Textile University Faisalabad Jobs 2016 Online Application Form. The National Textile University of Faisalabad is the Federally Chartered Public University intends to hire the diligent, brilliant, sharp minded and adroit individuals are required to apply for the faculty as well as non-faculty posts which includes Lecturer, Deputy Director, Surveyor, Senior Technician, Technician and Lab Attendant are required to apply and fill these wonderful vacancies if they are fond of such vacancies. The disciplines in which these fields are vacant includes Polymer Engineering, NTU Project and Security are required to apply. The applicants will be hired on contract basis for the period of one year. The university is equal opportunity employer and attractive salary package will be offered to the applicants with good working environment. So, all those applicants who are willing to apply they must now below read the educational and experience criteria and than tap to apply. Now, let's throw some light on its applying criteria and educational and experience requirements that what it requires.
National Textile University Faisalabad
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Ph.D, Diploma , Matric |
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UET Lahore Jobs 2016 For Teaching Staff Application Form Download Online
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Today on 24th of June 2016 a brilliant educational institute job is there from UET Lahore Jobs 2016 For Teaching Staff Application Form Download Online. The University of Engineering & Technology Lahore is looking and intends to hire the diligent, well educated, experienced and caliber applicants in the several campuses of this university which includes Kala Shah Kaku Campus, Faisalabad Campus, Narowal Campus, Racha College of Engineering & Technology, Gujranwala (Constitute College of UET) (RCET) and Centre of Excellence & Water Resources are required to apply for the following teaching staff which includes Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor and Lecturer on BPS / TTS on contract basis for the following disciplines which includes Petroleum & Gas Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering / Mechatronics Engineering, Computer Science, Biomedical Engineering, Textile Engineering, Civil Engineering, Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering, Architecture and in many more disciplines the services of such applicants are required to apply. Attractive salary package will be offered to the applicants on contract basis so hurry up and apply if your are keen interested in teaching the individuals. So, after having all these details let's have a look on its applying criteria and further requirements.
University of Engineering & Technology
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Ph.D, MS.c |
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UOG Sialkot Campus Jobs 2016 Faculty Required Online Application Form
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Today at this job page you will get the latest job offer from UOG Sialkot Campus Jobs 2016 Faculty Required Online Application Form. The University of Gujrat is the well known university which is currently looking to hire the dynamic, energetic, and caliber applicants are required to apply for the position of Associate Professor, Assistant Professor and Lecturer are required who possess the nationality of Pakistan are welcome to apply for these posts as soon as possible before due date. The male and female both are equally liable to apply and the appointment of the above posts will be done on contract basis to apply. There are various disciplines in which these posts are vacant which includes Software Engineering, Bio Technology, Physics, Computer Science, English, Chemistry, Psychology, Commerce, Zoology, Information Technology and Management Sciences are the areas in which these posts are available to be filled.Attractive salary package will be given to the applicants and suitable working environment will be provided to the applicants. So, all those applicants who are willing to apply must read all the details and than tap to apply. Now, let's discuss its further headings ad information below.
University of Gujrat Silakot Campus
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Ph.D, M.Phil,M.S |
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Primary & Secondary Healthcare Department Punjab Jobs 2016 Walk In Interview
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Here in the following the job offer is being offered from Primary & Secondary Healthcare Department Punjab Jobs 2016 Walk In Interview. The Govt sector of Punjab named "Primary & Secondary Healthcare Department" is recently in probe of eligible, caliber, adroit and wonderful and skilled applicants to hire them in the Rural Health Centres, Basic Health Units, District and Tehsil Headquarter Hospital the service of eligible applicants are required to fill the following positions which includes Medical Officer / Women Medical Officer in Rural Health Centres and Basic Health Unit whereas for the District and Tehsil Headquarters Hospital the Specialist Doctors are required to apply for these jobs. The Govt will offer wonderful salary package along with allowances from the govt side will be entitled to the applicants. So, those applicants who are still waiting for such job opportunities to come in a dish for them now they need to wake yo from their deep slumber and look towards these jobs and apply now. Let's have a look on its applying criteria be education and expertise of these vacancies.
Primary & Secondary Healthcare Department
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | MBBS, MD, FCPS, MCPS |
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District and Session Court Karachi Central Jobs 2016 NTS Form Download Sample Paper
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Here on 23rd July, 2016 we provide you District and Session Court Karachi Central Jobs 2016 NTS Form Download Sample Paper. Jobs in District and Session Court Karachi Central are available and it is seeking for highly educated, very experienced, hardworking and well disciplined candidates for the following positions such as (Stenographer, Junior Clerk, Clerk of the Court, Driver and Baillif). Appointment of these positions will be held on temporary basis as per the rules of Session Court and court has authorized NTS to conduct recruitment test for these positions. Candidates willing to apply should have valid domicile of Karachi and they should compare themselves with the eligibilities mentioned in the following image posted below and according to the criteria candidates should have qualification from Graduatino to Matric and relevant skills as per the demand of vacant positions. So, only suitable candidates meeting criteria should apply as per the following how to apply procedure given below.
District and Session Court Karachi Central
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Graduation, Intermediate, Matric |
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