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Latest Coordinator Jobs in Pakistan 2025
Coordinator Jobs in Pakistan 2025 Upcoming Latest Mar
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Cattle Market Management Company Sahiwal Jobs 2016 Sep Add
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Today at this job platform you will have the current job offer from Cattle Market Management Company Sahiwal Jobs 2016 Sep Add. The well known Govt company which looks after all the cattle’s and handle its management is currently seeking and looking to hire the unemployed persons, skillful, diligent and sharp minded plus experienced applicants are needed this time for to fill the following vacant situations which includes Assistant Manager, Supervisor, Office Coordinator, Admin/Finance Assistant, Receptionist cum Office Secretary, Office Boy, Cook, Worker (Daily Wages) and Security Guard are required to apply and fill these awesome vacancies. Overall educational requirements for all of these posts includes BS.c,, D.E, Graduation, FS.c, ICA,, Middle, Literate with relevant filed touch work expertise are needed to apply against these marvelous posts. Appointment will be done on contract basis and can be extended on need cum performance basis. Age limit is 35 to 36 years but for the last post 45 years age limit is needed. Highly attractive remuneration packages will be offered to the applicants. Now, let’s have a look on its applying criteria below.
Cattle Market Management Company
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | BS.c,, D.E, Graduation, FS.c, ICA,, Middle, Literate |
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Youth for Peace Initiative Project Punjab Jobs Sep 2016 Apply Online Last Date
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Today at this page you will get the latest job offer from Youth for Peace Initiative Project Punjab Jobs Sep 2016 Apply Online Last Date. The applications are invited from the hard working, talented, caliber and well disciplined applicants are invited from the Youth for Peace Initiative Project which is having the Gender Equality and diversity is seeking for the services of such diligent applicants to apply and fill the following posts which includes Senior Project Manager, Senior Monitoring & Reporting Officer, University Coordinator, Communication Officer, Admin & HR Officer and Accounts Officer are required to apply and fill these wonderful posts. The positions are listed and vacant in the South Punjab to apply. For all of these posts the applicants should be having the Masters and Bachelors degree with 5 to 8 years expertise are required to apply for these wonderful jobs. The applicants must be having the Higher Education Sector related program will be given the preference. On the other hand the applicants should be Consultancy Assignment are also offered in the two programs which includes Consultant for Development/ Review of Training Manual with 7 years of training manual along with experience of peace building, social harmony and tolerance is needed whereas for the next assignment the trainer have to train the youth in the above programs with 5 years expertise are required in the relevant field. The first assignment is overall for the Pakistan and second one is lying in South Punjab. Now, let's have look on its applying criteria below.
Youth for Peace Initiative Program
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Master's, Bachelor's |
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Provincial Disaster Management Authority PDMA Balochistan Jobs 2016 Latest Career Offers
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Today at this page you will have the recent job offer from Provincial Disaster Management Authority PDMA Balochistan Jobs 2016 Latest Career Offers. This well known department named Provincial Disaster Management Authority is responsible for to look after all the issues regarding the natural disasters on provincial level whenever any hectic and deteriorate situation and calamity happens so this department make good arrangements to safe the lives of peoples and looks after the infrastructure is currently announced the list of vacant situations in this department and is looking to hire the eligible and well disciplined applicants for the several posts which includes Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist, GIS Specialist Media Coordinator, IT Specialist, CBDRM Masters Specialist, Emergency Response Coordinator, Research Officer, Emergency Relief and Admin Officer, Logistic Officer, Gender Specialist (For Female), Environment Officer, Technical Mobile Support Unit Officer, Drone Operator, Team Leader Rescue, Response Officer (Earthquake)Rescue and Emergency Medical Technician Rescue are the vacant situations over there which requires the overall qualification of BA/BS.c for all posts except for the last post the Matric/D-Pharm/Diploma in Medical Technician are required to apply but the applicants should be well versed in the relevant field work will be preferred the mots and hired. Handsome salary package will be given to the applicants. So, after discussing its all details now i will let you know about its applying method below.
Provincial Disaster Management Authority
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | BA/BS.c, Matric |
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International Project Jobs 2016 Rawalpindi For Lab Technician Eligibility Criteria
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For the natives of Rawalpindi here i am going to enlist the job offer from International Project Jobs 2016 Rawalpindi For Lab Technician Eligibility Criteria. The applications are invited from the International Project which is being carried out in the Rawalpindi is currently seeking and is searching for the services of eligible, adroit, caliber and well disciplined and well mannered applicants are required to apply against the following ample of jobs which includes Surveillance Officer, Pathologist, Microbiologist, Public Health Emergency Management Specialist, Veterinary Epidemiologist, Entomologist, Medical Technologist, IT Support Person, Lab Technician, Lab Assistant and Office Support Staff are required to apply against these posts. The eligibility criteria and degrees overall which is required for each of the posts includes MBBS, M.Phil/FCPS/Ph.D, MS.c, BS.c, DVM, BS, Matric, FS.c. All the doctorate degrees must be recognized by the PMDC and the applicants should be having 5-10 years experience also wheres for rest of the post the minim 2-3 years expertise in the each field is required to apply. Appointment will be done on contract basis for the duration of one year. Age limit should be 30-35 and 45 years respectively. So, all these applicants who are willing and are looking to apply against these posts must apply for these jobs as soon as possible. Now, let's have a look on its applying method below.
International Project Rawalpindi
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | MBBS, M.Phil/FCPS/Ph.D, MS.c, BS.c, DVM, BS, Matric, FS.c |
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Health Department KPK Jobs 2016 Social Health Protection Initiative Phase-II NTS Form
(Job Expired)
Here on 12th August, 2016 we provide you Health Department KPK Jobs 2016 Social Health Protection Initiative Phase-II NTS Form. Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Health Department is looking to recruit following staff for one of its project named as “Social Health Protection for Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Phase-II” for which it invites applications from the highly educated, experienced, skilled and hardworking individuals for the following positions such as (Coordinator, Account Officer, MIS Officer, Account Assistant and Computer Operator). The competent authority reserves the right to increase / decrease the number of positions and suspend the whole process of recruitment without any notification. After final selection the selected candidates shall offer contract base job which is extendable on satisfactory performance of individual and also handsome salary package which can examined from the following image posted below where separately salary is mentioned for every position. So, viewers if you wanted to apply then first of all you have to read the eligibility criteria and if you found yourself capable for these jobs then you should apply and if we talk generally then in required qualification Masters / Graduation with relevant experience exist. So, now let’s jump towards how to apply procedure for these positions.
Health Department KPK
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | MBBS, BDS, MBA, M.Com, MSC, MCS, BBA, BSC, B.Com, BCS |
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PRCS Islamabad Jobs August 2016 Pakistan Red Crescent Society Apply Online
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For the applicants of Islamabad its the highly god news about a job from PRCS Islamabad Jobs August 2016 Pakistan Red Crescent Society Apply Online. The Pakistan Red Crescent Society Islamabad is the wonderful organization which works for the welfare of humanity in terms of health and provide them aid in the emergency situations has announced the various vacancies for the senior and junior scale posts which includes Deputy Director Youth & Volunteer, Deputy Director Administration, Deputy Director HR, Deputy Director Watsan/Shelter/Construction, Deputy Director Training, Internal Auditor, Donor Program Coordinator, Clinical Tutor National Ambulance College Service, Assistant Director Youth & Volunteer, Assistant Director Logistics, Assistant Director IT, Assistant Director Blood Donor Centre, Assistant Director Health, Cash Transfer Program Focal Person, Store Keeper, Driver and Vehicle Mechanic are required to apply for these jobs. The educational criteria is not mentioned but for these jobs the applicants must be having the Masters, Graduation, intermediate, Matric and Literate persons are required to apply with 7-10 years for Deputy Director and 5-7 years for Assistant Director is needed to apply. The organization offers the high salary packages and comfortable packages to the applicants. So, if you are looking for such jobs in the same organization must come forward to apply. Now, let's have a look on its applying criteria below.
Pakistan Red Crescent Society
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Master's, Graduation, Intermediate, Matric |
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Higher Education Commission Jobs August 2016 For Project Director Eligibility Criteria
(Job Expired)
Here i am going to enlist the job opportunity from Higher Education Commission Jobs August 2016 For Project Director Eligibility Criteria. The Higher Education Commission of Pakistan is currently looking to hire the eligible, adroit, well disciplined and caliber applicants are required currently for the fresh and newly launched project which includes : Establishment of Technology Fund for HEC Scholar returning after completion of Ph.D to introduce new technologies of Pakistan" for the following vacancies the services of candidates are required such as Project Director, Technology Interface Manager, Project/ Field Coordinator, Match Making Manager, Animation/Media Promotional Manager, IT/ Admin Support Staff and Peon/Driver are required to apply against these posts. The appointment will be done on contract basis against these posts. The eligibility criteria overall for these posts includes Master's, BCS/B.E,, Middle. All the higher degrees of the candidates should be recognized by the HEC and the candidates must be having the relevant expertise in the similar capacity will be preferred. Attractive salary packages are there for each post to apply with pleasant environment to work. So guys, don't get late and apply as soon as possible for such amazing offers. Now, let's have a look on its applying criteria below.
Higher Education Commission
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Master's, BCS/B.E,, Middle |
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Public Sector Organization Jobs 2016 Current Vacancies in Quetta Balochistan
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Here on 06th August, 2016 we provide you Public Sector Organization Jobs 2016 Current Vacancies in Quetta Balochistan. A well reputed organization working for the Social Development of Balochistan is looking for qualified and experience individuals for one of its project running in district Quetta and the vacant positions are (Project Coordinator, Admin & Finance Officer, Trainer (Embroidery, Tailoring, Stitching), Social Mobilizers and Support Assistants). Appointments are on contract basis and it is extendable on satisfactory performance of individual or mutual consent. Candidates willing to apply should possess relevant qualification and experience mentioned in the following image posted below and according to the criteria for Project Coordinator post Masters Degree in Social Sciences with 7 years relevant experience is required, for Admin & Finance Officer MBA Finance with at least 3 years experience is required, for Trainer Masters degree with diploma in relevant field with 05 years experience is required and for Social Mobilizer Masters degree with 3 years experience is required. So, if you fulfill all above mentioned requirements then you should apply as per the following how to apply procedure given below.
Public Sector Organization
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Masters |
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Primary and Secondary Healthcare Department Punjab Jobs 2016 NTS Form Download
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Here on 06th August, 2016 we provide you Primary and Secondary Healthcare Department Punjab Jobs 2016 NTS Form Download. P&SHD Primary and Secondary Healthcare Department invites applications from qualified individuals domiciled in the Punjab for its Transition Support Unit (TSU) against the vacant post of Support Coordinator. No. of posts may be increased or decreased at any stage by the Competent Authority. Candidates from all over Punjab are welcome to apply but they should possess valid Domicile and in qualification they should possess MA / M.Sc / BS (Hons) (2nd Division) from HEC recognized University / Institution with 2 years experience in the relevant field. Only the candidates with a degree from an HEC recognized University / College / Institute or a reputed foreign University will be considered. Age of candidate should be between 22 to 30 years and age relaxation is available as per government policy. Candidates not meeting the minimum requirement of age and qualification may not apply and those who are fulfilling the criteria may apply as per the following how to apply procedure and get chance to earn Lump Sum Rs. 60,000/- salary per month.
Primary and Secondary Healthcare Department Punjab
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | MA, MSC, BS |
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OPF Jobs July/August 2016 PTS Online Application Form
(Job Expired)
Here at this job page you will have the wonderful job offer from OPF Jobs July/August 2016 PTS Online Application Form The Overseas Pakistani Foundation of Pakistan is looking to recruit the most eligible, adroit, well disciplined and most caliber and able candidates to hire them for the various vacancies in different institutes of OPF in Islamabad, Rawalpindi and Shiekhupura which includes OPF Girls College Islamabad, OPF Boys College,OPF Public Schools, OPF Girls Higher Secondary School Rawalpindi and OPF Girls Higher Secondary School Sheikhupura. So, here mashup of vacancies i am going to through which includes Vice Principal, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, Coordinator, Accounts Officer, Senior Lecturer, Lecturer, Librarian, Accountant/Bursur, Hostel Warden, Physical Education Instructor, Admin Assistant,Computer Operator, Junior Clerk, Nurse, Driver, Security Guard, Mali, Sanitary Worker, Aya, Plumber and Masalchi are the vacancies of the Islamabad's Girls School whereas for rest of the vacancies let's have a look below but before it the candidates must possess the overall qualification which includes MA/MS.c, BA. BS.c. B.ed, M.ed,Master's, Graduation, Intermediate, Matric, Relevant Diploma,Middle, Primary. The higher degrees must be recognized by the HEC recognized institutes and the candidates should possess the sound knowledge regarding each field will be preferred. Attractive salary package will be given to the candidates with collaborative working atmosphere. Let's throw light on its vacancies and applying criteria further.
Overseas Pakistani Foundation
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | MA/MS.c, B.A, BS.c,B.ed, M.ed, Master's, Graduation, Intermediate, Matric, Relevant Diploma,Middle, Primary |
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HEC Higher Education Commission Pakistan Jobs 2016 Online Application Form Download
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Today i am infront of you with a Govt career offers which are being offered by HEC Higher Education Commission Pakistan Jobs 2016 Online Application Form Download. As we are well familiar with this Commission named "Higher Education Commission" of Pakistan is seeking for the service of eligible, adroit, caliber and well disciplined applicants to appoint them against the various job vacancies for the Project Funded Positions which includes Project Director, Programmer Coordinator (Scholarships), Project Accountant, Project Manager, Project Assistant/Project Accountant, Assistant Project Manager, Assistant Accounts Manager, Office Assistant, Computer Operator and Office Assistant are the vacancies which needs to be filled by the candidates. These posts are based on different projects and some posts are of the same project. As the positions are contract basis so the period is unknown still but it can be regularize on the mutual consent. So, afterwards the time is to throw light on the qualification of these posts which includes overall Master's, MBA,, CMA, Graduation from the HEC recognized institute and the applicants must be having the public and private sector expertise are required to hold the job. The applicants after having the complete education possess the relevant expertise will be hired . The candidates will be hired anywhere in Pakistan as Sindh, Punjab, AJK and on merit the seats are available to apply. So guys, hit the button to apply and get the Govt sector jobs which is full of fringe benefits ahead. Now, let's have a look on its applying process. in our next heading.
Higher Education Commission
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Master's, MBA,, CMA, Graduation |
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Medical Emergency Resilience Foundation MERF Peshawar Jobs 2016 Staff Required
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Today at this job page you will have the wonderful career offer from Medical Emergency Resilience Foundation MERF Peshawar Jobs 2016 Staff Required. The Medical Emergency Resilience Foundation is the non-profit and humanitarian organization which is providing the medical facilities to the applicants is currently running the project in association with Malteser International working on the project named" (ECHO) European Community Humanitarian Organization" in Peshawar and Bannu for the following vacant situations which includes Nutritionist, Behaviour Change Communication Training Coordinator, Medical Officer (female), Senior Pharmacist Officer, Dispenser, Vaccinator, Nutrition Assistant, IYCF Counselor (Infant young child feeding), HIS/NIS (Health Information System) Officer, Community Outreach Worker are required for the Peshawar project whereas the vacancies for the Bannu includes similar but some different vacancies as IYCF Supervisor (Infants Young Child Feeding), LHVS (PHC -12, BEmOC-08), Nutrition Assistant, MIS (Management Information System) are required to apply with Master's, MBBS, Graduation, intermediate and Matric qualification is required. Attractive salary package will be given to the applicants. Fresh applicants can also apply but they must be able to have the knowledge regarding the field work. So, after having these all details let's move on towards its applying criteria below.
Medical Emergency Resilience Foundation
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Master's Graduation, Intermediate,Matric |
New vacancies for Coordinator jobs 2025 and Coordinator openings jobs in 2026 are listed online with new Coordinator jobs posted daily. Previous Coordinator jobs 2024 can also be applied for online. Make money from home or the office by choosing the right Coordinator job for your qualification and experience. By applying to today's jobs at Coordinator Punjab, Sindh, KPK, Balochistan, Gilgit Baltistan, AJK, you join a growing team.