Tuesday, 4th March, 2025
quote The one who shows you your faults, he is your friend. (Sahih Muslim, Book 1, Hadith 58)

Punjab University (PU) BA, BSC Supplementary Result 2014

Category: Results

Here you can get Punjab University (PU) Supplementary Result 2014 – 2013 of BA, BSC and B.Com. Punjab University is going to announced Supplementary result 2014 on 3rd February. JobsAlert.pk will provide you the result on Monday 3rd Feb 2014 at 10:00 am. Please stay with us to get the result.

Punjab University (PU) Supplementary Result 2014

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Punjab University announced the annual results of BA and BSC with success ratio of 45.57 per cent overall. According to varsity’s press release, at least 11,000 students have cleared the results out of 24,137 candidates appeared in the annual examination.

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  1. sidra says:

    decmbr k end ka suna tha lakn abe tk to date b show ni hue

    1. Adeel says:

      U wanna do job?

  2. Muhammad fayaz says:

    salam friends, result will be announced in this week or at the end of December.

  3. Sehrish Jawad says:

    Plz let me knw when the result of pu (supplymentry)wl cm out

  4. sidra says:

    b.a suuplimentry result kb aye ga???

  5. muskan says:

    plzz tell me result kb aye ga bsc pu ka

  6. aqsa says:

    Itni late result ae ga kia? 3rd feb ko ae ga ya uc se phle confirm.bta den

    1. Sehrish Jawad says:

      Plz let me know when supplymentry result WL cm out of pu

    2. SIDRA says:

      NHA G 3RD FB 2014 MAI AYA THA

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