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NTS Federal Government Organization Candidate List 26 & 27 Nov 2016 Check Online

Category: Results

Get NTS Federal Government Organization Candidate List 26 & 27 Nov 2016 Check Online. Few days back jobs in Federal Government Organization were announced and for this purpose NTS was authorized by the organization to collect applications and conduct recruitment test for the positions and not test dates has been announced that are starting from 26th to 27th November, 2016 and now in the following provisionally eligible list of candidates is given check it as soon as possible and prepare for the test. For more NTS related data please visit our site

Test Type: Federal Government Organization (Situation Vacant)

Tentative Test Date : Saturday, 26th & Sunday 27th, November 2016

NTS Federal Government Organization Candidate List 26 & 27 Nov 2016 Check Online


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  1. Asif Balouch says:

    sir kindly kia ap ya bata sakty hai ky jo paper GD-BPS 5 KA PAPER 27-11-2016 ko hova hai. os ka result kab ana hai. plz sir kindly tell me

    1. Mahnoor says:

      u can check from NTS Site.

  2. Muhammad ali khan says:

    sir kindly kia ap ya bata sakty hai ky jo paper GD-BPS 9 KA PAPER 27-11-2016 ko hova hai. aos ka result kb ana hai. plz sir kindly tell me

    1. Mahnoor says:

      Ap NTS Site se ye maloomat kren.

  3. farhan Ali says:

    Assalam o Alaikum my dear sir,yesterday my NTS test was in sukkur 4:30pm. But please help me about my result .result will be come to by web??

  4. BUSHRA REHMAN says:

    could u plx tell me that what sort of test we have to given in the recruitment test??????????????/

    1. Mahnoor says:

      It can be relevant to the post.

  5. asif says:

    Sir NTS paper will be makes 100 number ?we have need to pass 50 marks or ??? Please information plzz

    1. Mahnoor says:

      Listen passing marks i dnt know i think u should contact to the NTS on its given numbers.

  6. asif says:

    Sir I am buy FIA nts book for tentative test.there are all questions in Urdu language. Only few questions in English and math

    1. Mahnoor says:

      So, do ur preparation whtever is in Urdu go with Urdu and whtever is in English go with that stay relax and one more suggestion ask from a person who haas given test for such post he/she will be guide u the best too. ok

  7. asif says:

    Sir staff car driver tentative test will be in Urdu language or English

    1. Mahnoor says:

      In English as u have seen might that NTS ALways conduct test in English Language mostly.

  8. ali gul says:

    mera bhai fgo men on ka test h btao kaha se preparation krni chahye sample pepper. nave aya

  9. naeem says:

    sir please ap mjhe batae ke meri NAB Head Quartr Islamabad ki test kb h plz Ap mjhe batae Apply in post of Stenotypist bps 14 and Assistand private bps 16

    1. Mahnoor says:

      Ap NTS KI Site se maloomat krlen.

  10. Muhammad sajid says:

    Sir mera neam list main ni hai main ne b f.g.o main form jama karwaya tha ye vohi list hai jis ki last date 10 the to mera neam ku nai hai

    1. Mahnoor says:


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