Tuesday, 4th March, 2025
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Join Pakistan Army 2014 Admissions Open 34 Graduate Course

Category: Admissions

Admissions are open in Pak Army for 34th Graduate Course for Regular Commission 2014. Pak Army is looking for educated, well obedient, well mannered and well disciplined students for its newly started course by of which you can get regular commission in Pak Army. Those who are interested and willing to apply for the Graduate Course must be between 20 to 25 years of age till 1st November, candidate must be unmarried and candidate must have qualification B.A / B.Sc, B.Sc Honors, BBA with 60 % marks and along with Intermediate with 50 % marks. Candidates can registered for the entry test from 05th May to 05th June, 2014 and entry test will conduct from 10th June to 20th June, 2014. Written test will be conduct from the different subject such as English, Maths, Pak Studies, Islamiyat and General Knowledge and those candidates who will pass the written test they have to pass the physical test in which running test, pushups, sit ups, Chin ups and jumping included. After written and physically test, short listed candidates will be called for ISSB test. Those who are in abroad can also apply for the above mention course and their application forms should reach the office, before last date 10th July, 2014. For more Information and Updates about Admission please visit our website JobsAlert.pk

Registration Date: 05th May to 05th June, 2014.
1st Test Date: 10th June to 20th June, 2014.
Website: www.joinpakarmy.gov.pk
Email Address: [email protected]

Join Pakistan Army 2014 Admissions Open 34 Graduate Course

Pakistan Army

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  1. Rao Tahir Saleem says:

    If the man last year of BS IT he is applicable for Graguate course or not??

    1. No you cant apply for this.

  2. tayyeba says:

    how can we join PAK Army after matric?

    1. FURQAN says:

      Hey tayyeba tmhre BA main kya marks hain…??
      Memember me…!!
      The Talented Guy…
      One and only Mr. furqan….!! 😉

      1. Alham saba says:

        Ahem Ahem excuse me Mr furqan G … talented wo nahi hota jo kisi ko maat dede …
        Mera khayal hy Ky YeHI KAfi h ap ky lie sugestion

    2. Rao Tahir Saleem says:

      only Solder Seats are available this time

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