Thursday, 13th March, 2025
quote A Muslim is the one from whose tongue and hand other Muslims are safe. (Sahih Bukhari, Book 2, Hadith 11)
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06:33 PM

Free Online Degree Courses / Programs with Certificates In Pakistan 2021

Category: Education

Today at this page we’ll discuss about Free Online Degree Courses / Programs with Certificates In Pakistan 2021. Education is the process of learning step by step learning it involves for a human being. It’s the basic right of every person and it’s the light for life. It’s a continuous and life long process. It’s the crucial thing in the development of human being. As the educational system of our beloved country Pakistan has become better than before and is providing quality education in all cities and towns but still in villages and small towns the sector status is down extremely and the ministry of education department are making efforts for the improvement of education that each and every child of this country should be literate and civilized. But as it’s a known fact that the right amount which is kept for education is not surfed on this department and every year most of the students dream broke like the piece of glass get broken. So for students now online courses are launched along with certificates in Pakistan which are extremely full of new knowledge and they have become good source of earning for individuals now.

Free Online Degree Courses/Programs with Certificates In Pakistan 2021

Free Online Degree Courses with Certificates In Pakistan

Merits Of Online Learning: As day by day new innovations and technologies are upcoming and we all are relying on them and using them continuously so online courses are launched in our country in order to make learning convenient for individuals. Here I am going to discuss merits of this online learning.

  1. Number of the free and affordable cost courses are available.
  2. Comfortable and separate environment is provided.
  3. No cramming and cheating system is there.
  4. Easy to register to desired courses.
  5. Test services weekly.
  6. On completion certificate are given to individuals.
  7. Bring confidence during conference.

So these are the major merits and benefits of online learning.

Names Of Courses And Affiliated Departments:

Here I am going to give you the names of some courses which are home based courses online.

University/Organization Names Courses Names
Pakistan Institute Of Computer Sciences. Computer Operator, Web designing, Computer Technician, Database, Networking, Programming, Animation courses with certificates along with fee etc.
Abaseen Institute Of Medical& Modern Sciences Diploma industrial psychology, In Abnormal psychology, alternative medicine, child health, clinical assistant, dental technician and more fields of medical as well as other fields are also available along with fees.
Virtual University Of Pakistan Courses of Computer science, General science, Humanities, Management and Mathematics are available of different kinds of each courses with certificates along with fees.
Sab’s Salon Free Online Beautician Training courses with one time registration.

Jobs After Applying For These Online Programs:

As we have glance on above mentioned courses so there are ample of courses of all categories in which one can apply according to its skills. As computer courses beautician courses, medical courses, and several diploma courses are available so jobs in institutes of computer and networking are possible and in parlours as beautician course is mentioned above in hospitals jobs possibilities are there. And after getting the certificate from these universities online jobs are also possible in such sectors also. These additional courses increases the degree level and enhances the chances for employment in different sectors.

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Roles: Admin Moderator Guest

    I want to join free coures

  2. Mah e urooj says:

    Assalam u alaikum,
    Can I please know about Computer operator course? Is it free? How to apply?
    Thank you!

  3. Jasim Pervaiz says:

    How to apply

  4. Fiza malik says:

    How to apply for computer aperater

    1. Muhammad Anas says:

      Computer operator

  5. Iram Aftab says:

    How i can apply for computer operator

    1. Saba says:

      How I can apply for computer operator

  6. Shafqat Hussain says:


  7. Bagan Khan Abdul Jabbar says:

    How can I apply online courses?

  8. almas shaukat says:

    How i can apply for online course ???

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