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Bahria University Islamabad Campus Admission Fall 2016 For LL.M Apply Online

Category: Admissions

Today i am going to enlist a recent admission from Bahria University Islamabad Campus Admission Fall 2016 For LL.M Apply Online. The well reputed and well disciplined university named Bahria University which is the Public sector university located in Islamabad has announced the admissions for the fall 2016 year for the LL.M Program it is looking and inviting the candidates who are interested in it. This university offers Undergraduate, Graduate and Post Graduate programs in Doctoral Studies the programs are offered with respect to time. Bahria university is  having ample of programs that includes Health Sciences, Engineering Sciences, Computer Sciences, Management Sciences, Social Sciences, Law, Earth and Environmental Sciences, Psychology and Maritime Studies beside those programs. This university is the HEC recognized and General Category registered university. So, all the candidates of Islamabad who are willing to apply against this programs and meet the further needs of this programs which i will list below one can read and write all the requirements and than tap to apply for this program. Now, let’s through light on its name of program, eligibility criteria and applying method too.

Bahria University Islamabad Campus Admission Fall 2016 For LL.M Apply Online

Name of Program:

  • LL.M

Duration of Program:

As this university is recognized by HEC and Pakistan Bar Council and the duration of this program is 2 years.

Eligibility Criteria:

The eligibility criteria which is required for this program to apply includes L.B with minimum 3.0 CGPA is required for semester system or 50% for the annual system.

Scholarships & Financial Assistance:

  • The university provides the Financial Assistance/ Need Based Scholarships.
  • Merit Scholarships
  • HEC Need Based Scholarships
  • NTS Need Based Scholarships for PG Programs

How to Apply:

  • For to apply against this program the candidates need to apply online against this program from the given link below or by visiting the official site of Bahria University.
  • The already account bearing candidates needs to put their Email Address and whereas the fresh candidates needs to put the name and email address and enter the given account code.
  • For applying a simple step is followed as the candidates are required to provide Name and valid Email address for registration. The provided email address will direct;y activate the candidate’s account and further communication and the candidates will have the application form access to fill it.
  • Last date for applying is 24th August 2016.
  • The university requests to the students to share your credentials with anyone.
  • The Computer Based Test will be conducted on 28th August 2016.
  • Late received and incomplete filled form will be rejected.

Bahria University Islamabad Campus Admission Fall 2016

Bahria UniversityLast Date For Apply: 24th August 2016

Address: Bahria University (Islamabad Campus), Sector E-08, Shangrilla Road, Islamabad.

To Apply Online: Click Here

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