Tuesday, 4th March, 2025
quote Whoever does not thank people, does not thank Allah. (Sahih Bukhari, Book 73, Hadith 50)

PEC 8th Class Result 2020 Lahore Board by Roll Number Check Online

Category: Results

Get PEC 8th Class Result 2020 Lahore Board by Roll Number | PEC Result 2020 PDF File Download Online www.pec.edu.pk which is an official site of Punjab Education Commission on 31st March 2020. For all students of class 8th who have given their annual examination in the month of February 2020 and now waiting enthusiastically for class 8th results so students have to hold their patience because the Punjab Education Commission has decided to reveal the result on the prescribed date.

It is a moment of excitement or i can say its a tense situation plus full of fear, what would happen next when you folks click on the Search button for middle eight-grade output, the result would be positive or negative, our all good wishes are with you guys.

Within this news I have another, facilitating news that at our site JobsAlert.pk which is not only top in terms of jobs but also playing its role in providing educational information so recently for the students, an update that students can find their result on this page with their respective name, roll number and obtained marks.

So, on the result day, you need to stay tuned via this page, which will give you instant 8th results. Now, let’s have a look at its further headings in which we will discuss PEC information regarding board and benefits of the online system.

The Punjab Education Commission is the well-known commission of Punjab Govt which is involved in conduction of examination of Middle and Primary level but before inauguration of PEC the Primary and Middle-level examination will be conducted under (DPI) Director Public Instructions but now PEC is involved and got the command over this and besides this it performs multiple tasks in regulating all the issues regarding education and examination.

PEC 8th Class Result 2020 will be Announced on

8th class Result Time: 10:00 AM

8th class Result Date: 31st March 2020

For Other District’s Result Click Here

PEC 8th Class Result 2020 BISE Lahore Board

Functions of PEC:

  • Conduction of examination.
  • Issuing date sheets of examination for regular as well as for private students.
  • Distribution of roll number slips and date-sheets.
  • Separate centers for boys and girls during an examination.
  • The hiring of faculty members.

So, these all are the functions which are performed by this board.

Introduction To Lahore Board:

Lahore Board is one of the reputed and biggest educational board among all the boards in Punjab. It came into existence in 1947 and it is involved in the conduction of examination includes 5th, 8th, 9th, 10, 11th & 12th class. There are different districts which come under its jurisdiction which are Lahore, Sheikhupura, Okara, Nankana Sahib and Kasur. For the examination purpose there it has hired huge staff which performs their duties during issuing roll number slips, preparation of papers, examination session and after the exams for the result issuance.

Merits of Online System:

Here is a great announcement for the students that online system is playing indeed a great role in performing all the tasks similarly now through this system anyone can view it 8th class result from JobsAlert.pk page by putting roll number and school name in the search bar. Names and marks with accurate details will be in front of you. So, stay always connected with this brilliant page and get the best result.

Above we discuss PEC 8th Class Result 2020 Lahore Board by Roll Number Check Online PEC Result 2020 PDF File Gazette Download from www.JobsAlert.pk which is best result providing portal for the students of Middle Class from Lahore Division. If there is any problem regarding the result checking, then feel free to ask us in the following comment box and our team will respond to you as soon as possible. Best of Luck for your 8th Class Result 2020.

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  1. Ali says:

    Name Rimsha khan Father name Abul hassan plz check result

  2. Abdul rehman says:

    Roll Number
    77 461 346

  3. Wajahat says:

    8th class result

  4. fiza says:

    name fiza ; rol number sir nai yad a rha mgr basic roll numbr end walay 3 words yad hai 482 plz ye meharbani kr ka roll numbr niklawa dy plzz number bhi bta dayn class 8

  5. usman says:

    77516915 8th class result

  6. sidra agha says:

    sidra agha roll number 09167167

    1. Wrong Roll Number…..

  7. kalsoom hameed says:

    result bta dain plzzz
    roll no 93105135

    1. Name: Nafees Zafar
      Father Name: Rana Zafar Iqbal
      Roll No: 93-105-135
      Marks: 298

  8. muhammad asad says:

    muahammad asad
    ROLL NO 77-241-265



    1. Adnan Ali
      Father Name: Amanat Ali
      Marks: 331

  9. ahmedayaz says:


    1. Muhammad Ahmad
      Father Name: Muhammad Ayyaz
      Roll No: 77-153-201
      Marks: 347

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