Monday, 3rd March, 2025
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PEC 8th Class Result 2020 Faisalabad Board by Roll Number Check Online

Category: Results

This page is about PEC 8th Class Result 2020 Faisalabad Board by Roll Number | PEC Result 2020 8th Class PDF File Result Download Online Check by Roll Number on 31st March 2020.

Students can check their class 8th result by viewing Gazette issued by the office of EDO or now a day’s PEC has announced latest service by of which students who don’t have access to the Internet or don’t have access to Gazette, such students can check their result just by sending an SMS to (820397), all you have to do just type your roll number in the new message box and then send it to above-mentioned code, you will get your result repoort within no time you’ll have your result on your mobile device.

But if you have internet facility and you belong to Faisalabad Board then this page is specially designed for you because here at this page only such students who belong to Faisalabad district can check their result by visiting following web link is given below. Best of Luck for your Result!……

PEC 8th Class Result 2020 Announced

8th class Result Time: 10:00 AM

8th class Result Date: 31st March 2020

For Other Districts, Result Click Here

PEC Faisalabad Board 8th Class Result 2020

8th Class Result 2020 Faisalabad Board will be available soon from the Punjab Examination Commission. PEC was established by the Government of Punjab as an independent education department that its responsibility is to improve the standard of education at school level and after its establishment, we have seen major changes in the level of education that standard of education is improving day by day.

All the students of the Faisalabad district need only to keep visiting our site until final result day because soon we’ll update here an exact result of Grade 8. Students who don’t have access to the internet they can check their results through a Gazette, which will be available in all EDO (Education) offices of Punjab and in the schools. Stay in touch with us and keep visiting our site for further updates about education.

Students focus on PEC 8th Class Result 2020 Faisalabad Board | FSD 8th Class Result by Roll Number Check Online PEC Result 2020 PDF File Gazette Download from to check your result easily without surfing to other sites. All you have to do just visit the above link and check the result in a blink of an eye. So, check 8th Class Result 2020 and share this page with your classmates.

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  1. Khadija says:

    Class 8 ka faisalabad ka result 2017 bta den Roll Nomber 68407114

    1. Name: Nissa
      Father Name: Riaz Hussain
      Roll No: 68-407-114
      Marks: 379

  2. Aboubaker says:

    Show me result 5th clas 45.210.280

    1. Muhammad Abubakar
      Father Name: Muhammad Boota
      Marks: 337

  3. 18-226-300 says:


    1. Name: Kainat Ashraf
      Father Name: Muhammad Ashraf
      Roll No: 18-226-300
      Marks: 220

  4. Ahmad says:

    95-120-208 grade 5th resul bta daein

    1. Name: Muhammad Hassan Ali
      Father Name: Muhammad Younas
      Roll No: 95-120-208
      Marks: 342

  5. Umer idris says:

    95220119 Fsd board

    1. Name: Muhammad Umar Farooq
      Father Name: Muhammad Idrees
      Roll No: 95-220-119
      Marks: 253**

  6. talha javed says:

    73-150-385 fsd board

  7. jia says:

    Get your Result via SMS (800297)

    Type your Roll Number in the SMS and send it to 800297

  8. hamad ur rehman says:

    roll no 68-627-225 fsd board

  9. Qamar un nisa says:

    plz tel me

    1. Qamar un nisa says:

      8th class faisal abad bord

  10. ayesha irshad says:

    8th class fsd board

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