Friday, 28th March, 2025
quote The most beloved of actions to Allah are those that are most consistent, even if they are small. (Sahih Bukhari, Book 76, Hadith 470)
27th Roza
04:43 AM
06:37 PM

Federal Board HSSC Part 2 (2nd Year) Result 2015 FBISE

Category: Results

Federal board officially announce the date for HSSC part 2 result online and the date was 13th Aug 2015 also mentioned timing of declaration of the result which is 1:00 pm according to PST, mentioning PST (Pakistan Standard Time) because students search their result from all across the world mostly from Arab sites too.

2nd Year 12th Class Result 2013 HSSC Part 2 FBISEBISE Federal Board that was came into existence in 1975 and its conduct all the exams of Matric and Intermediate according to schedule in March or April while in this year 2014 final exams of HSSC (I, II) exams organized in May 2015 and now Federal board is going to declared the final result of intermediate part 2 on 13th August 2015. FBISE control the SSC and HSSC education for the capital city of Pakistan (Islamabad). Exams of Allama Iqbal Gold Medal Competitive and Diploma in Education are hand over Federal board. Many of the schools and colleges have got affiliated with it in Pakistan and also other countries as well. Thousands of students have to appeared in exams of matric and inter with good expectation from this educational board.

All intermediate part 2 students of Bise Federal Board can get their final exams result 2015 from here online after declared the result by Federal Board. After got your result many of the students will be get admission in different colleges or university according to their program, so may God to all students get success. If you touch with us then will be provide for you all latest information about the result here online, so please keep visit on this page to get latest updates.

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  1. Maxi Khan says:

    dear sir 2nd year ka result kab aay gay ma bohat parshan hu (pindi board).

  2. Maxi Khan says:

    dear sir 2nd year ka result kab aay gay ma bohat parshan hu (pindi board).

  3. Maxi Khan says:

    dear sir 2nd year ka result kab aay gay ma bohat parshan hu (pindi board).

  4. Maxi Khan says:

    dear sir 2nd year ka result kab aay gay ma bohat parshan hu (pindi board).

  5. Maxi Khan says:

    dear sir 2nd year ka result kab aay gay ma bohat parshan hu (pindi board).

  6. Maxi Khan says:

    dear sir 2nd year ka result kab aay gay ma bohat parshan hu (pindi board).

  7. Maxi Khan says:

    dear sir 2nd year ka result kab aay gay ma bohat parshan hu (pindi board).

  8. Maxi Khan says:

    dear sir 2nd year ka result kab aay gay ma bohat parshan hu (pindi board).

  9. Maxi Khan says:

    dear sir 2nd year ka result kab aay gay ma bohat parshan hu (pindi board).

  10. Maxi Khan says:

    dear sir 2nd year ka result kab aay gay ma bohat parshan hu (pindi board).

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