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Directorate of Nursing Sindh Admissions 2016 NTS Online Form Download
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Here at this page you will enjoy the latest admission news from Director of Nursing Sindh Admissions 2016 NTS Online Form Download. The admissions are invited from the Office of the Directorate of nursing Sindh, Karachi is currently announced the admissions for the year 2016 in the General Nursing Training Program the admission forms are invited from the male candidates. The admissions are available in Self Finance and on Stipend basis. For the all male candidates of Province Sindh who belong to any of its district need to give and submit the application. There are various institutes in which male candidates enroll themselves for to get admission to which district they belong.So, guys its the truly the golden chance to be availed at this time because once its lost can never be get again. Now, let's move onwards towards its further details to know about this below.
Directorate of Nursing
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | FS.c, Matric |
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Foundation Power Company Daharki Jobs 2016 Advertisement Latest
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Here on 29th of July 2016 i am there with a fresh job offer from Foundation Power Company Daharki Jobs 2016 Advertisement Latest. The Foundation Power Company Limited is lying in Daharki is the private sector power company which is operating the 180 cycles MW Cycle Power Plant at 8KM Dad Laghari road at Daharki is currently seeking and looking to appoint the eligible, caliber, well disciplined and intelligent applicants for the two vacancies which includes Assistant Manager E & I (at Plant Site Daharki) and Procurement Officer (at Head Office, Rawalpindi) are the current vacant places for which the services of high profiled applicants are needed to come and serve. The educational criteria for the Sr No,1 includes BS.c/B.E in Electrical/ Electronics Engineering from the HEC recognized university with 5 years practical experience of operation and maintenance of Combined Cycle Power is needed but the preference will be given to the those applicants who possess the sound knowledge of GE Frame 9E Machines. Whereas, the educational criteria for second post includes BS.c/B.E in Mechanical Engineering from HEC recognized institute along with MBA in Supply Chain Management with 3 years practical expertise in procurement engineering environment and the preferably the thermal independent power producers with excellent communication and interpersonal skills are needed to apply soon. The company will offer the handsome salary package on the basis of qualification and expertise. So, let's have a view on its applying method below.
Foundation Power Company Limited
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | BS.c/B.E |
Jobs in Pakistan FULL TIME
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Sindh Police Constable Jobs 2016 Mirpur Khas Range Application Form Download
Here i am going to throw light on a job offer from Sindh Police Constable Jobs 2016 Mirpur Khas Range Application Form Download. The Sindh Police is nowadays offering the latest and current vacancies recently today in the Mirpur Khas Range for the two areas of Mispur Khas as in Umer Kot and Tharparkar the vacancy of Constable is vacant to apply. The male and female both are eligible to apply for this post. The educational criteria is quite simple a sit needs only Matric qualification to apply for this post whereas for the the physical standard for male includes height should be "5 by 5" and the Chest Size should be 33 by 34 1/2 is required as physical requirements. The male has to cover the one mile in 7 minute. The physical standard for female includes 5 feet and the walking distance should be one mile which should be covered in 20 minutes. Age limit should be 28 years till 10th August 2016. The both applicants should be healthy and fit. So, its the wonderful opportunity to be availed at this time. Now, let's throw light on its applying criteria below.
Sindh Police
Gender: | Male, Female |
Experience: | 0, 1 years required. |
Education: | Matric |
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Thardeep NGO Jobs 2016 TMF Thardeep Microfinance Foundation Apply Online
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Here at this we’ll provide you Thardeep NGO Jobs 2016 TMF Thardeep Microfinance Foundation Apply Online. Jobs in TMF Thardeep Microfinance Foundation are available which is a non-government organization, working in Province Sindh, Pakistan and currently it is seeking for highly educated, very experienced, hardworking and well disciplined candidates for the post of (Software Engineer (Java Developer), selected candidate have to develop moderately complex software, creates and executes designs for small sets of new functionality. May perform as Lead Software Engineer for small projects or sub projects. Candidates willing to apply should be Graduate with a degree in a relevant subject such as Computer Science, Software Engineering, Physics, Mathematics or Electronics. For Graduates without computing experience or an appropriate qualification, a postgraduate IT conversion course can be useful. Two years of development experience with J2EE, Spring / Hibernate and web logic. Experience with Oracle and Version controlling will be given preferences. So, those who fulfill these requirements should apply as per the following how to apply procedure given below.
Thardeep Microfinance Foundation
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Bachelors |
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District and Session Court Karachi Jobs 2016 Current Vacancies
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Hey guys, like every shiny and sparkling morning with a new job offer so the job from District and Session Court Karachi Jobs 2016 Current Vacancies. The applications are invited from the District and Session Court Karachi Gharbi for the minimum and less educated applicants who should bears the relevant field proficiency are required over there to come and get employed and fill the vacant spaces of job offers as Driver, Naib Qasid, Farash, Chowkidar and Sanitary Worker are required to apply against these posts. The applicants who meet the all demands of the following posts will be hired only. The applicants for the Sr No,1 includes Middle qualification but know to drive well and can read and write the instruction of driving, possess the valid driving license and should bears the 2 years driving license will be eligible to apply whereas, for rest of the post the applicants should be having the Middle qualification and must be having the best expertise in the relevant field work will be given offer to be employed over there. Age limit should be 20 to 28 years. The applicants who bears the domicile of Karachi Gharbi are welcome to apply. So, let's have a look on its applying criteria after having these details.
District and Session Court
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Middle, Literate |
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Dow University of Health Sciences Karachi Jobs 2016 Online Form Download
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Today i am there in connection with you along with a recent job offer from Dow University of Health Sciences Karachi Jobs 2016 Online Form Download. The Dow University of Health Sciences Karachi is the well known institute which is currently looking for the caliber., energetic, and well disciplined applicants are required to apply for the Teaching and Non Teaching Staff positions which includes Professor (Pulmonology), Associate Professor (Pulmonolgy) and Assistant Professor (Family Medicine, Infectious, Rehumatology, Pulmonology) are the Teaching Staff positions and for the vacancy of Dow College of Biotechnology the situation which is vacant includes Senior Lecturer (DCOB) and the Non-Teaching vacancies includes Director Procurement, Deputy Director (Students Affairs, Career Counselling Laision), Procurement Officer, Postgraduate Program Officer and Assistant Procurement Deptt are required to apply for these vacancies with the overall qualification of MBBS, FCPS/MS/MD, Master's, Bachelor's and all the degrees should be recognized by the PMDC and HEC with relevant expertise of several years and the applicants should be having the Research Publications are required. Only the domicile holders of Sindh are eligible to apply. The applicants will be given pleasant atmosphere to work and the applicants will be given handsome salary package will be given to the applicants. So, let's have a look on its applying criteria below.
Dow University of Health Sciences
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | MBBS, FCPS/MS/MD, Master's, Bachelor's |
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HEC Higher Education Commission Pakistan Jobs 2016 Online Application Form Download
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Today i am infront of you with a Govt career offers which are being offered by HEC Higher Education Commission Pakistan Jobs 2016 Online Application Form Download. As we are well familiar with this Commission named "Higher Education Commission" of Pakistan is seeking for the service of eligible, adroit, caliber and well disciplined applicants to appoint them against the various job vacancies for the Project Funded Positions which includes Project Director, Programmer Coordinator (Scholarships), Project Accountant, Project Manager, Project Assistant/Project Accountant, Assistant Project Manager, Assistant Accounts Manager, Office Assistant, Computer Operator and Office Assistant are the vacancies which needs to be filled by the candidates. These posts are based on different projects and some posts are of the same project. As the positions are contract basis so the period is unknown still but it can be regularize on the mutual consent. So, afterwards the time is to throw light on the qualification of these posts which includes overall Master's, MBA,, CMA, Graduation from the HEC recognized institute and the applicants must be having the public and private sector expertise are required to hold the job. The applicants after having the complete education possess the relevant expertise will be hired . The candidates will be hired anywhere in Pakistan as Sindh, Punjab, AJK and on merit the seats are available to apply. So guys, hit the button to apply and get the Govt sector jobs which is full of fringe benefits ahead. Now, let's have a look on its applying process. in our next heading.
Higher Education Commission
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Master's, MBA,, CMA, Graduation |
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Works and Services Department Sindh Jobs 2016 Advertisement Latest Vacancies
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Here at this page you’ll have Works and Services Department Sindh Jobs 2016 Advertisement Latest Vacancies. Jobs in Works and Services Department, Government of Sindh are available and it is seeking for highly educated, very experienced, hardworking and well disciplined candidates for the following posit of Protocol Officer (BPS-17) lying vacant at Sindh House Islamabad. Appointment of this post will be held on contract basis for a period of six months or till the recommendation of Sindh Public Service Commission whichever is earlier. Candidates willing to apply should possess following qualification and experience as per the criteria mentioned in the following image such as interested candidate should possess Masters Degree in Social Sciences at least 2nd Division from a recognized University and three years experience in the relevant field in Government / Semi Government Department or Autonomous body and most of all candidate should have valid Domicile of Sindh. So, only suitable candidates meeting criteria should apply as per the following how to apply procedure given below.
Works and Services Department Sindh
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Masters |
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HEC Pakistan Jobs 2016 Latest Advertisement Apply Online Last Date
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Today at this well known job platform on this date you will have the career offer from HEC Pakistan Jobs 2016 Latest Advertisement Apply Online Last Date. The Higher Education Commission of Pakistan has advertised the job vacancies and is inviting the most educated, well disciplined, self-oriented and diligent applicants for the Project Funded positions the services of highly eligible and suitable applicants are required to fill the following vacancies which includes Project Director, Project Coordinator, Project Manager, Accounts Manager, Accounts Assistant, Office Assistant and Data Entry Operator are the vacancies which needs to be filled before the due date. Appointment of the following posts will be done on contract basis for the different projects which are having their names in the image below inserted one can views from them. Overall qualification for these jobs includes Master's Degrees with 2nd Division form a reputed university from Sr No,1 to 4 with experience of 5 years working in a Public and Private organization in the similar capacity of the designated job. For the Sr No,5 and 6 the applicants possess the MBA (Finance)/ degree from HEC recognized institute with 2 years relevant expertise in the respective field. For the Sr No, 7 and 8 the Graduation degree is required with second division but the applicants for the Sr No,7 should possess the working expertise in a public and private sector whereas for the Data Entry Operator computer literacy is must to be had. The quota is reserved for the Sindh, Punjab, FATA, Balochistan and Minorities to apply. So, after having these details its time to move on towards its further details below.
Higher Education Commission
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Master's, MBA,, CMA, Graduation |
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NAB Assistant Director Jobs 2016 NTS Application Form Download Sample Paper
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Here on 08th July, 2016 we provide you NAB Assistant Director Jobs 2016 NTS Application Form Download Sample Paper. Jobs in NAB National Accountability Bureau Islamabad are available and it is seeking for highly educated, very experienced, hardworking and well disciplined candidates for the following positions such as (Assistant Director and Deputy Assistant Director). Appointment of these positions will be on temporary basis likely to be continue on satisfactory performance. Department will recruit above mentioned positions on Merit Basis, Punjab Quota, Sindh Quota, KPK Quota, Balochistan Quota and GB / FATA Quota and for all above mentioned quotas separate positions are available. Candidates willing to apply against these positions first compare themselves with the eligibilities mentioned in the following image posted below and according to the criteria For Sr. No. 1 and 2 Masters / Bachelors degree is required and experience in the relevant field with computer proficiency is preferable. So, viewers if you possess all above mentioned qualities then you are welcome to apply on prescribed form of NTS as per the following how to apply procedure given below.
National Accountability Bureau Islamabad
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Masters, Bachelors, ACMA, Inter CA |
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SPSC Jobs 2016 Inspector Investigation Apply Online Download Test Syllabus
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For those who belong to Sindh here an exciting career opportunity is waiting for them to apply from SPSC Jobs 2016 Inspector Investigation Apply Online Download Test Syllabus. The Sindh Public Service Commission is looking to appoint the eligible, adroit, brilliant and dynamic individuals for to be there in the following department such as Health Department and in Home Department are required to fill these departments vacancies with full proficiency and education of the posts. The position which is vacant in Health Department includes Health Educator / Health Education Officers in (Rural & Urban Sindh) total 9 posts are vacant. Beside Health Department in Home Department the vacancies which are waiting to be filled includes 200 positions of Inspector (Investigation) and 170 posts of Inspector (Law) are there to apply. For both the posts the the quota is reserved in Rural and urban Sindh with different percentages as for Health Educator / Health Education Officers 1% quota is there for disable persons on merit basis where as in Home department the quota is reserved for Open merit 20 posts both male and females, Male 154 posts, female 18 posts and Minorities for both genders total 8 post are there in their quota for Inspector (Investigation) to apply by adding the numbers of post both of rural and urban Sindh. On the other hand, the quota which are available for Inspector (Law) which includes Open merit Male / female 17 posts, Male 131 posts, Female 15 posts and Minority Quota is includes 17 posts to apply. So, after having the basic details now its turn to move towards its qualification, expertise, age limit and applying criteria further.
Sindh Public Service Commission
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Master's, M.A, LL.B LL.M |
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Dow University of Health Sciences Karachi Jobs 2016 Current Vacancies
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Here in the following the job opportunities are being offered from Dow University of Health Sciences Karachi Jobs 2016 Current Vacancies. The leading and topmost university of Karachi in terms of Health Sciences named "Dow university of Health Science" is currently looking to appoint the individuals for the various programs and in various disciplines of this university for the Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff in the following programs such as Bone Marrow Transplant Program, Clinical Sciences, Basic Dentistry / Dow College of Pharmacy, Institute of Biological, Biochemical & Pharmaceutical Sciences and in ORIC the vacancies are vacant which includes Professor (Pathology / Consultant Clinical Hematologist / Bone Marrow Transplant Physician), Associate Professor (Pathology /Paediatrics), Consultant Clinical Hematologist / Bone Marrow Transplant Physician, Assistant Professor (Pathology /Paediatrics), Consultant Clinical Hematologist / Bone Marrow Transplant Physician, Senior Registrar / Attending Physician/ Attendant Paediatrician, Liasion Doctor, Clinical Pharmacist, Registrar Nurse, Medical Technologist, Scientific Officer, Regulatory Officer, Research Associate, Manager Project and Communication Officer are required to apply and for rest of the all posts are of Teaching Staff are similar. The overall qualification which is required to apply for these posts includes Ph.D, Post Ph.D, MBBS, FCPS, M.Phil, MS/MD/FCPS, BDS, D.Pharmacy, BSCn, MS.c,B.E, B.A BS are the educational qualification and all the degrees of the applicants should be recognized by HEC and registered by PMDC is mandatory along with several years expertise in each field is required to hold these jobs. Age Limits are different as 40, 45, 30 and 35 years is required to apply. So, after having these details let's have a look on its applying criteria.
Dow University of Health Sciences Karachi
Gender: | N/A |
Experience: | N/A |
Education: | Ph.D, Post Ph.D, MBBS, FCPS, M.Phil, MS/MD/FCPS, BDS, D.Pharmacy, BSCn, MS.c,B.E, B.A BS |
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